Set up Google Analytics Goal for Magento newsletter - magento

I'm looking to set up a Google Analytics Goal for newsletter subscriptions on a Magento (1.7) website. The form is pointing to 'newsletter/subscriber/new/'. A) will this url work as a Goal URL in Google Analytics? B) where can I find this folder in the Magento structure?
I'm wondering whether I can check whether GA code has been added to whatever page in this newsletter/subscriber/new/ folder it's pointing to so it will be tracked?

Take a look # _trackPageview(opt_pageURL)
Then in your newsletter template you could do something like this
<script type="text/javascript">
var newsletterSubscriberFormDetail = new VarienForm('newsletter-validate-detail');
newsletterSubscriberFormDetail.submit = function(button, url) {
if (this.validator.validate()) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/newsletter/subscriber/successful']);
var form = this.form;
var oldUrl = form.action;
if (url) {
form.action = url;
var e = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
this.form.action = oldUrl;
if (e) {
throw e;
Then create you goal url as '/newsletter/subscriber/successful';
You could also just add this line to the button onclick/submit event but it wouldn't be accurate because it before the data is validated
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/newsletter/subscriber/successful']);

The answer for B is, that there is no specific folder for this:
the URL newsletter/subscriber/new/ references to the method newAction(), which you can find by examining the URL: the first element newsletter refers to the newsletter modul (Mage/Newsletter), the second element subscriber refers to the controller in this modul Mage/Newsletter/controllers/SubscriberController.php), third element refers to the action newAction() in this controller.
Inside the newAction() method is a redirect defined: $this->_redirectReferer();
This method _redirectReferer() is inherited from the class Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action:
protected function _redirectReferer($defaultUrl=null)
$refererUrl = $this->_getRefererUrl();
if (empty($refererUrl)) {
$refererUrl = empty($defaultUrl) ? Mage::getBaseUrl() : $defaultUrl;
return $this;
So, by subscribing to the newsletter, the method newAction() gets called, which in the end redirects to the page given in the referer, it is the same page you started the subscription. Given a basic Magento Installation, the frontend template for the newsletter subscription block is app/design/frontend/base/default/newsletter/subscription.phtml.
I don't know how Google Analytic Goals are set up, but this might help you as a starting point.


Want a button that add the product in cart and redirect to checkout page instead of view cart page:Magento

I am working with Magento. all I want just a button that add a product to cart and then go to check out page not to view cart. means I want direct order for the registered users. and I am working in PORTO Magento theme
I have tried it by creating copy of function addAction of cartController.php(app/code/core/checkout/controllers/) to myaddAction().
added below JS to end view.phtml(app/design/frontend/your package/your template/template/catalog/product/view.phtml)
productAddToCartForm.submitmy = function(button, url){
replaceURL = url.replace("add/","myadd/");
if(this.validator) {
var nv = Validation.methods;
delete Validation.methods['required-entry'];
delete Validation.methods['validate-one-required'];
delete Validation.methods['validate-one-required-by-name'];
// Remove custom datetime validators
for (var methodName in Validation.methods) {
if (methodName.match(/^validate-datetime-.*/i)) {
delete Validation.methods[methodName];
if (this.validator.validate()) {
if (url) {
this.form.action = replaceURL;
Object.extend(Validation.methods, nv);
and changed addaction to myaddAction in cart controller and also changed
But I am getting an error undefined funtion,
please hope someone help.
I would create an observer on add_to_cart_after and then set a redirect here. Something as simple as:
$response = $observer->getResponse();
$url = Mage::helper('checkout/url')->getCheckoutUrl();

Laravel render for differend controller method

I'm struggling with the render() method in Laravel 5.
When $whatever->render() is runned, it takes the controller method name as the route by default.
When i run this command in DelasController#updateFilter, the pagination route is set to, which does not make a sense to me.
I want to keep the route as simple as
Can anybody gives me a hint on how to solve this?
Thank you for your time and a discussion.
Looking forward for a reply.
I have an application in which various paginated lists are displayed in "windows" on the page and are updated via AJAX calls to the server. Here's how I did it:
Set up a route to render the whole page, something like this:
Route::get('/marketplace', function ($arguments) {
Set up a route which will return the current page of the list. For example, it might be something like this:
Route::get('/marketplace/updateFiler', function ($arguments) {
In your Javascript code for the page, you need to change the pagination links so that, instead of loading the new page with the URL for the link, it makes the AJAX request to the second route. The Javascript could look something like this:
$('ul.pagination a').on('click', function (event) {
// stop the default action
// get the URL from the link
var url = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
// get the page number from the URL
var page = getURLParameterByName(url, 'page');
$.get('marketplace/updateFiler', { page: page }, function (data){
// do something with the response from the server
The getURLParameterByName function is simply a helper that extracts the named parameter from a URL:
var getURLParameterByName = function (url, name, defaultValue) {
// is defaultValue undefined? if so, set it to false
if (typeof defaultValue === "undefined") {
defaultValue = false;
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
return results === null ?
defaultValue :
decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
I adapted this code from an answer I found here on Stack Overflow:

redirect to another page after ajax function

Can anyone help me with, I am trying to create a download counter to my website.
I have a ajax script that counts up by 1 when the users clicks the download link, the issue I am having is on some browsers it goes to the download link before completing the ajax count script.
Is there a way that I can redirect to the download file once the script has completed. At the moment I have as follows
This is the link :-
<a href='downloads/".$downfile."' onclick=\"Counter('$referid');\"'>Download File</a>
This is the counter script:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function Counter(id)
return false;
This is the php script (clickcounter.php)
$referid = $_GET['id'];
$q = "SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE downid =".$referid;
$r = mysql_query($q);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
$click = stripslashes(trim($row['downcount']));
$download = $row['downfile'];
$countup = $click + 1;
$qUpdate = "UPDATE downloads
SET downcount=$countup
WHERE downid=$referid";
$rUpdate = mysql_query($qUpdate);
A few relatively small modifications should solve the problem. First, change the onclick to the following:
onclick=\"Counter('$referid', this); return false;\"
What we have done is to send in this as the second argument to the Counter function so we have a reference to the clicked link. Secondly, we have added return false, which blocks the browser from navigating to the url specified in the href.
The modified counter function looks like this:
function Counter(id, link) {
$.get("clickcounter.php?id=" + id, function() {
location.href = $(link).attr("href");
We now have a reference to the clicked link. A function has now been specified as the second argument to $.get(). This is the success-function, which is called when the ajax call has been successfully called. Inside that function we now redirect to the url specified in the href attribute on the clicked link.
I feel I should point out that the recommended way is to bind the onclick using jQuery separate from the html. The referid can be stored in a data attribute (which I chose to call data-rid):
<a href='downloads/".$downfile."' class='dl' data-rid='$referid'>Download File</a>
Then you bind the onclick for all download links (a elements with a "dl" class):
$(function() {
$("a.dl").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("data-rid");
var href = $(this).attr("href");
$.get("clickcounter.php?id=" + id, function() {
location.href = href;
return false;
(I feel I should point out that the code has not been tested, so it's possible that a typo has snuck in somewhere)

Ajax requests are not made on page load when using KnockoutJS

I am new to the whole front-end client scripting scene and have encountered a few difficulties when working on my most recent project. I have looked around the website and could not find anything that answered my question. There may be something here and I have just not found it because of my inexperience and if there is it would be nice if you can provide a link to those resources.
I am currently working on building a client that makes ajax calls to a cross-domain web api that I have built. I know that the web api works as it has been tested in fiddler. I have also managed to successfully make calls on a click event.
The problem is that I cannot seem to get this working on page load and with knockoutjs. I have tried to do a simple list that is populated with data when the page loads but when I load the page and check fiddler I can see that the ajax calls are not being made. This possibly explains why when I load the page the content isn't there. I have tried inserting some static data to view model and the binding worked so it seems it may be the case that there is something blocking the ajax calls.
I have looked at examples and have knocked up some code. I cannot see any problems with the code but as I am inexperienced there is certainly a possibility that I am missing something. There may also be more efficient ways to do model binding, if so, I would appreciate any advice from someone more experienced.
The code is:
ViewBag.Title = "KnockoutTesting";
<!-- MAIN -->
<div id="main">
<!-- wrapper-main -->
<div class="wrapper">
<ul data-bind="foreach: places">
<span data-bind="text: title"></span>
#section scripts {
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/knockout-2.1.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function PlacesViewModel() {
var self = this;
function Place(root, id, title, description, url, pub) {
var self = this; = id;
self.title = ko.observable(title);
self.description = ko.observable(description);
self.url = ko.observable(url); = ko.observable(pub);
self.remove = function () {
self.update = function (title, description, url, pub) {
self.places = ko.observableArray();
self.add = function (id, title, description, url, pub) {
self.places.push(new Place(self, id, title, description, url, pub));
self.remove = function (id) {
self.places.remove(function (place) { return === id; });
self.update = function (id, title, description, url, pub) {
var oldItem = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.places(), function (i) { return === id; });
if (oldItem) {
oldItem.update(title, description, url, pub);
self.sendDelete = function (place) {
url: "http://localhost:1357/api/places" +,
type: "DELETE"
$(function () {
var viewModel = new PlacesViewModel();
$ = true;
$.get("http://localhost:1357/api/places", function (places) {
$.each(places, function (idx, place) {
viewModel.add(place.PlaceID, place.Title, place.Description, place.URL, place.Public);
}, "json");
It has been simplified for the sake of getting it to work before I add more functionality.
Thanks for your time.
I believe your problem may lie in your Web API implementation. Both the client and the server must support CORS. According to Carlos' post, Web API does not natively support CORS. His post includes a code sample.

How do I repopulate form fields after validation errors with express-form?

Using node.js and express (2.5.9) with express-form.
How should I repopulate form fields with the submitted values?
I have a get and a post route. If there are validation errors when the form is posted, I redirect the user back to the get, the problem is that the repopulated locals don't show up (I do have autoLocals: true, so I assume it's because I am redirecting and res is reset.)
So how do you guys repopulate and what's your application flow, do you res.send instead of res.redirect and set up the whole thing again? That seems repetitive.
Here's an example of my post route:
, form(field("title").required("title", "Title is required)
, function (req, res){
if (!req.form.isValid){
// save to db
I am working with expressjs4.0 to repopulate the forms fields after validation you do:
.get(function(req, res) {
res.render('posts/new', new Post({}));
The second argument in res.render below will set some variables in the view.
res.render('posts/new', new Post({}));
In my view I then set my form fields as follows:
<input type="text" name="title" value="<%- post.title %>">
<textarea name="article"><%- post.article %></textarea>
When you submit this form, it should be caught by your router like so:
.post(function(req, res) {
var post = new Post(req.body) {
if (err) {
res.locals.errors = err.errors; = post;
return res.render('posts/new');
return res.redirect('/posts');
This line of code, resets the form fields in your view = post;
I hope someone finds this useful ;)
Not sure if it's best practice, but when I have validation failure, I don't redirect I just re-render the view (often by passing control to the 'get' callback). Somethign like this:
function loadProject(req,res, id){ /* fetch or create logic, storing as req.model or req.project */}
function editProject(req,res){ /* render logic */ }
function saveProject(req,res){
app.param('id', loadProject);
app.get('/projects/:id/edit', editProject);'/projects/:id', saveProject);
I had to work on similar problem recently and used two node modules: validator and flashify.
In the form view I configured my form fields as follows:
label.control-label Description
textarea(name='eventForm[desc]', id='desc', rows='3').input-xxlarge= eventForm.desc
label.control-label Tag
select(id='tag', name='eventForm[tag]')
tags = ['Medjugorje', 'Kibeho', 'Lourdes', 'Fatima']
for tag in tags
option(selected=eventForm.tag == tag)= tag
Notice the naming convention of the form fields. Then in my config file I set one global variable, which is really just a placeholder for when the form first loads:
app.locals.eventForm = []; // placeholder for event form repopulation
The validation logic is in my router file and looks like this:'/posts', function(req, res){
var formData = req.body.eventForm;
var Post =;
var post = new Post();
post.text = formData.desc;
post.tag = formData.tag;
// run validations before saving
var v = new Validator();
var isPostValid = true;
// custom error catcher for validator, which uses flashify
v.error = function(msg) {
res.flash('error', msg);
isPostValid = false;
v.check(post.text, "Description field cannot be empty").notEmpty();
v.check(post.tag, "Tag field cannot be empty").notEmpty();
Then I check to see there are errors, and if so, pass the form data back to the view:
// reject it
res.render('Event.jade', {page:, eventForm: formData});
Notice this evenForm data gets passed back to the view, which repopulates the default values.
The final step is to include the flashify component in your form view.
div(style='margin-top: 60px').container-fluid
include flashify
The code for the flashify view looks like this:
if (flash.error != undefined)
b Oops!
button(type='button', data-dismiss='alert').close ×
each error in flash.error
li= error
if (flash.success != undefined)
b Success!
button(type='button', data-dismiss='alert').close ×
each success in flash.success
li= success
