No iOS Development certificate was found. - xcode

I used xcode in 2010, I have removed every certificate that I can find on and from in keychain so I can have a fresh start.
When I click on provisioning refresh button I get the error message:
No iOS Development certificate was found. However, there is already a certificate request pending. An Agent or Admin must approve this request before you can download your certificate.
I have logged in and out, started and restarted Xcode.
I am the sole developer, so am the admin who would approve certificates, there are none. None at all.
None listed under All / Pending / Development / Distribution.
Will Apple not let me start anew?

I had same problem you had.
I removed all certificates from and from my keychain
When i went to
I was always creating only the Adhoc certificate, I was missing the
"iOS App Development Certificate".
As soon as I created the "iOS App Development Certificate", xcode stopped with this error message.

Contact Apple Developer Program support, they will walk your through the process of fixing it. See my answer over here.


Xcode 13 - Cannot Submit Archive - Errors occurred while locating signing assets

This issue only started after updating to Xcode 13. Never had it under 12.x and no other changes. I am tying to send an Archive to Appstore Connect for a client. I have the "App Manager" role which has always been enough for this activity. However, when trying to send or even validate in Xcode, I receive an error related to "locating signing assets" with the log indicating the following:
2021-10-02 18:18:38 +0000 [MT] Failed to locate signing assets with
errors: (
"Error Domain=DeveloperAPIServiceErrorDomain Code=5 "Communication with Apple failed."
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You are not allowed to perform this
operation. Please check with one of your Team Admins, or, if you need
further assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support.,
NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed.}",
"Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 "No profiles for '' were found"
UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No
profiles for '' were found,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store
provisioning profiles matching ''.}" )
I have tried to remove my account from Xcode and re-add, but to no effect. Again, I have had the App Manager role forever and never had a problem until upgrading to Xcode 13. I was thinking of having him elevate me to "Administrator" but that really should not be necessary. I also created a new distribution cert through Xcode (no errors there) but that didn't help either.
As an update. I went the manual route and created a profile and chose to select it manually rather than having Xcode handle it automatically. That worked. However, of course it should not have to work that way and I still don't understand why the automatic method is failing.
Anything else I can try?
It seems an Apple issue with the automatic sign-in process with Xcode 13. But maybe it's a wanted behavior for Xcode 13 using cloud base certs instead of the local ones.
Here's my story looking for a solutions for this.
I can confirm that downgrade back to Xcode 12 or switch to the manual signing way all works fine
Someone says that doing that:
Switch "automatically manage signing" in the project or re-select
Team. Make sure the changes appear in the project file:
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development"; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
May solve the issue, but it didn't work for me.
It seems that Xcode 13
In Xcode 13 or later, Xcode will cloud sign any apps or software for
distribution when you’re using the Xcode Organizer archive and
distribution workflow. Additional permissions are available in App
Store Connect to enable Admins and Developers to sign apps and
software with these certificates.
So I ended up enabling Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate in App Store Connect -> Users and Access for my account, as Jane Doe said in this thread.
And that did solve the issue.
Here are all my references:

Missing iOS Distribution signing identity

I deleted all my provisioning profiles from my Mac by mistake (Library/Mobile Device/Provisioning Profiles). Now, no matter what I do, Xcode gives me this error:
Missing iOS Distribution signing identity
How can I fix this?
This is the same exact error for an expired Apple cert - though I know it's not your issue, you're the #1 answer on Bing at the moment.
According to the Apple Developer Forums, the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate Expiration expired 2/14/2016.
... This issue stems from having a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate certificate in both your System and Login keychains. To resolve the issue, you should first download and install the new WWDR intermediate certificate (by double-clicking on the file). Next, in the Keychain Access application, select the System keychain. Make sure to select “Show Expired Certificates” in the View menu and then delete the expired version of the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority Intermediate certificate (expired on February 14, 2016). Your certificates should now appear as valid in Keychain Access and be available to Xcode for submissions to the App Store.
You can get a new cert (which expires February 7, 2023). The AppleWWDRCA.cer is available on the explanation page:
BTW: it appears this new cert is installed with Xcode 7.2.1
Check here:
Download and double-click to install to Keychain.
Select "View" -> "Show Expired Certificates" in Keychain app.
Remove Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificates from "login" tab and "System" tab in Keychain app.
Apparently, I was having the same issue as this question, the answer there solved my problem too!! Even though I had my WWDR certificate, re adding to the keychain solved my problem!
EDIT: Before doing this, here is what I did:
Exit xCode
Go to Keychain Access. Delete every certificate which has iOS in it's name. Do the same for keys as well.
Open up finder, press Go and press ALT, this will bring up the option to go to your Library. Click on that, find Mobile Devices -> Provisioning Profiles -> and delete everything from there.
Go to Member Center and revoke every certificate you have, delete all existing provisioning profiles.
Open xCode, open your project and in General select your team, under it you will get a warning and a button which says fix issue, click on that. After it is done, build your app to a real device(not simulator) and exit xCode.
Go to Member Center and go to Certificates, you will see that xCode has created a new one. Download that, and add it to your Keychain Access.
Add WWDR to Keychain Access.
Try archiving, it should work now!
Note: In Build Settings set code signing to automatic.
It says very clearly. I just had to delete expired certificate as described below and download new one from this link. It is all described on this page.
What should I do if Xcode doesn’t recognize my distribution
certificate? If you have a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate
certificate in both your System and Login keychains within the
Keychain Access application, your certificates may appear as invalid
and not be recognized by Xcode. To resolve the issue, you should first
download and install the renewed certificate. Next, in the Keychain
Access application, select the System keychain. Select 'Show Expired
Certificates' in the View menu and then delete the expired version of
the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority
Intermediate certificate. Your certificates should now appear as valid
in Keychain Access and be available to Xcode.
This worked for me:
Keychain Access -> View -> Show Expired Certificates
Keychain Access -> System tab
Locate the EXPIRED "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority" certificate and delete it.
From Apple -
Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the community and
apologies for the issues you’ve been having. This issue stems from
having a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate certificate in both
your System and Login keychains. To resolve the issue, you should
first download and install the new WWDR intermediate certificate (by
double-clicking on the file). Next, in the Keychain Access
application, select the System keychain. Make sure to select “Show
Expired Certificates” in the View menu and then delete the expired
version of the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate
Authority Intermediate certificate (expired on February 14, 2016).
Your certificates should now appear as valid in Keychain Access and be
available to Xcode for submissions to the App Store.
Also answered at
First: down and install WWDR in here
Then: In Keychain Access click View and select show expired Certificates and delete them on login and System tab
Finally: Clear and Build project on Xcode
I uesed above ways to create ipa file. Hope help you.

XCode is unable to create a distribution signing identity

I am trying to submit my app to iTunes Connect. I have submitted it before(TestFlight) but at some point my certificates have stopped working. I have tried to renew them with 2 different approaches without any success.
Approach 1: In XCode I get the error that says that the developer profile already has a distribution certificate and suggest me resetting it. Resetting results in the same pop up window so this goes into a loop and does not work.
Approach 2: If I create the certificates and profiles manually in developer portal the archiving process only works if I select the correct identities in the build settings, otherwise the build fails and XCode says that it can not find code signing identities. But I cannot submit the archive because the following error occurs:
I have also tried exporting the .ipa from the archive(to upload it with Application loader) but this does not find the signing identities as well with the same error:
So now I am trying to go the suggested route where XCode is supposed to do all the work for me.( For a clean slate I have deleted all certificates, key-pairs and provisioning profiles from my mac and developer center.
I have removed all relevant keypairs and certificates from keychain. I have deleted all the provisioning profiles from my mac. I have also deleted all certificates and profiles from the developer site. I have also deleted and re-added the developer account in XCode settings.
I set the project's build settings:
I also set the team in general tab.
Now I guess XCode is supposed to fix my signing issues but after I press fix issues below the team option in general tab
I still go to the reset development/distribution certificate loop.
One thing I notice is that XCode does generate a key-pair to the keychain but not the certificate.
How can I upload my app to iTunes Connect with or without these problems?
Im using XCode 7.2 and this is a Unity3D app.
I have removed all relevant keypairs and certificates from keychain
Okay, but that is what Xcode is complaining about (each time it says "but it is not installed locally" in all the messages you have displayed). You need the private/public certificate pairs in your keychain. If you deleted the private half of the certificates, that is a huge mistake, because you can never restore it (Apple does not have it — it is private). You now will probably have to start all over again by throwing away absolutely everything — all certificates, all provisioning — both locally and at the member center, and beginning from scratch.
This can be done, but it is not trivial, because if you launch Xcode while any remnant remains, Xcode will try to install the certificate back into your keychain. To do it, you would need to delete everything from the keychain, mobile provisions folder, and member center, with Xcode not running.
I managed to upload the package by extracting the .ipa from the archive with
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath {path-to-xcarchive} -exportProvisioningProfile {“profile name”} -exportPath ~/Desktop/MyApp.ipa
and then uploading it with Application Loader.

Xcode iOS Development signing identity

I have a problem getting a iOS Development signing identity into Xcode. I have tried loads of things to get it working but I keep failing.
I have went the automatic way and let Xcode do it all but I kept going in circles where Xcode kept saying:
No signing identity found. Xcode can request a new iOS Development
signing identity for you.
Followed by:
Your account already has a valid certificate. If you have your signing
identity on another Mac, you can import a developer profile. You can
also revoke the current certificate and request one again.
I have done many steps:
Removing my account from within Xcode's preferences.
removing everything from the key chain app.
clearing everything from within the developer member center (apple developer website)
removing all provisioning profiles
removed my device
revoked all all my certificates
restarted Xcode to perform a 'Clean' project from the Product menu.
even went into my project.pbxproj file to clear anything related to PROVISIONING_PROFILE
removed all provisioning profiles from my device.
After this I went back into Xcode:
added my account into the preferences section
clicked View Details
did a refresh
Xcode automatically creates two certificates
Xcode automatically creates provisioning profiles
Xcode only creates a single Signing Identity: only for iOS Distribution.
This is my problem: I can not get an iOS Development signing identity.
After not getting it to work I went the old fashion manual way:
first clearing everything like the above
created new certificates manually, downloaded them and added them to the key chain app.
created new provisioning profiles manually, downloaded them and dropped them onto the xcode app icon.
At the end the result is the same; When I am in Xcode > preferences > accounts > view details:
I do have a distribution signing identity
I do NOT have a development signing identity
When I click the + button under the Signing Identities and choose 'iOS Development' nothing happens..
I have found lots of posts here on StackOverflow, I tried their suggestions but it won't work for me. Examples of other posts:
here, here and here
I am working with the latest version of Xcode: 6.2.
I am working on an app which is already in the App store.
I have also changed the code signing build settings of my project and target into Don't code sign and put it back to iOS Distribution for ad-hoc and iOS Development for Debug.
Together with a very helpful person on the Apple Developer forums we have tried to figure this out.
I was so blinded by it not working, it never came to mind to try out and build another project and to see if that would work. I was completely focused on my certificates and profiles within the member center and my account details within xcode.
When I did try to build another (random) project, it worked in one go. This told us it must had something to do with the Build Settings of that one specific project which xcode could not code sign.
At the end, in xcode I went to the Build Settings of my Target. Within the Code Signing section I changed the values of Any iOS SDK to point to a specific Identity in my Keychain instead of having them on automatic (iOS Developer / iOS Distribution).
This fixed my issue and I was able to build/deploy to my device and I was able to upload a new build to iTunes Connect.
It takes a long time, and we did all the above solutions and they didn't work at all so our team decided to remove Pod files and run pod install again. finally, our OTA uploaded ipa installed on the user's device.
best Solution
clean project menu > Product > Clean Build Folder and /Users/{you user name}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
go to your project directory and remove Podfile.lock ,Pods
run pod install again
Brabbeldas, did those build setting changes end up getting the iOS Developer certificate showing in the Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > (your account) > View Details > Signing Identities pane?
There was a transient certificate generation issue resolved yesterday (March 26) at around 2:30PM PDT which restored missing Organization Unit fields to iOS developer certificates that also exhibited this symptom (missing developer certificate in the accounts > view details > signing identities pane).
If it's still missing you are probably still affected by this problem. To confirm, double click your iPhone Developer certificate in Keychain Access. The issue is still present if the certificate is missing its Organization Unit field. If your Organization Unit field is present, you're fine. The Organization Unit should be set to the value of your Team ID.
The full symptoms of this problem are:
iOS Developer certificate either shows as Revoked, or doesn't show at all in the Preferences > Accounts > (your account) > View Details > Signing Identities pane.
frameworks signed with the certificate fail to load with dyld: Library not loaded: [your_signed_framework]
Since the certificate server issue is now fixed, resolve the problem with:
revoke affected developer certificate on the website
click the "⟳" button in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > (your account) > View Details
regenerate any custom developer profiles on the website, download and install those into Xcode
As an additional way to diagnose the problem with signed frameworks, use codesign -dvvv your_signing_framework.dylib. The TeamIdentifier field will be not set for affected certificates instead of your Team ID.

Provisioning Profile 'Valid signing identity not found' error

I have an app that is ready for testing on my iPad, and I've created a development provisioning profile, matched up the bundleID and lowered the iOS deployment target.
However when I downloaded the profile and dragged it into the organizer, it says 'Valid signing identity not found'. I'm pretty sure this has got to do with the certificates in the keychain and private keys (???) however I have no idea how to fix this problem.
Can someone please point me to a tutorial or give me some advice on adding certificates into the keychain without using Xcode; stuff like the 'use for development' button isn't working for me!
The only valid Provisioning Profiles are distribution.
When I try to click 'Renew' Xcode says 'No value was provided for the parameter 'CertificateIDs'. I hope this helps!
The .p12 file associated with your provisioning profile is not found in your system keychain.
Check the below few things!
Make sure you have enabled the correct certificate while generating the provisioning profile in the apple developer site.
Check if you have any duplicates of the your certificate & private key more than once in your keychain access.
If you do not have the .p12 corresponding to the provisioning profile, Get it exported from the mac system on which it was created & install it in your mac system.
Check your code signing identity set your profile there.
and your Provisioning profile bundle id is same as your app bundle identifier.
To do a valid code-signing - without using XCode - you need a valid certificate and key, corresponding to the provisioning profile :
check with Keychain Access that you indeed have a 'iPhone distribution' certificate, with its own private key.
Make sure this is the same certificate that was used on 'provisioning portal' to create you developement / distribution profile. If not, create a new one, or import the certificate from the other Mac you used when you created the provisioning
Download the provisioning profile, and just double-click it.
Posting this here because none of the other answers really went into enough detail to help me and I still had to figure it out on my own.
On the apple developer website, log in and under certificates click 'All'. The certificate needs to be generated on YOUR machine and with YOUR account or things do not build. This is what confused me... You can click the + icon and make a new certificate (development, or distribution). If it does not let you select for example Distribution, it's because there are already too many certificates in the account. So first, you have to delete an older certificate.
1) Delete the oldest certificate in the portal
2) Click the + and create a new certificate -- this will guide you through opening Keychain Access on your machine and requesting a certificate from apple, and you will have to save a file and upload it to the developer portal to create the certificate.
3) Download the new certificate and it will add to Keychain access
4) Go back to provisioning profiles on dev portal, click EDIT on the one you are trying to use and change it to use the newly generated certificate.
5) Download and click the provisioning profile
6) Everything works great.
This process actually was not that difficult, but for some reason I could not find the correct explanation anywhere. I hope this will help someone.
I had the same issue. I did have all the private keys and everything was correct, but xcode refused to build and kept saying that I didn't have a valid provisioning profile and organiser showed 'valid signing identity not found'.
The solution involved:
revoking my developer certificate and development provisioning profiles from the ios provisioning portal
deleting those certificates from keychain
try building again and tell xcode to 'fix issue'
This lets XCode manage the certificates, and it magically worked.
However on another project I still had the problem, and it was solved by this answer:
