I'm trying to install a benchmark in Linux. Running the make command I have some errors. In the MakeFile it is written This Makefile requires GNU make. what does it mean? How should I run GNU make?
$>sudo apt-get install gmake
if you have it already installed
run from the shell
I'm using windows sub-system for linux, installed ubuntu, and bash is running smoothly.
I'm trying to use make, and it seems that bash doesn't recognize gcc. Tried adding it to PATH, but nothing changed. The weird thing is - cmd does recognize gcc.
Do I need to install it again?
Have you tried to install gcc to the Ubuntu Sybsystem for Windows?
sudo apt install gcc
I'm trying to build grpc from source on Windows 2012 Server edition. I downloaded and installed Python 3.5 from the Python website and installed the entire MinGW package as well as git along with git bash. Following the instructions for building from source:
$ git clone https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
$ [sudo] make install
I get the aforementioned error after executing make. Here's the shell output for your perusal.
PS C:\Users\thunderboltsid\grpc> make
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc.pc
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc
[MAKE] Generating cache.mk
[C] Compiling third_party/zlib/adler32.c
make.exe": no_c_compiler: Command not found
make.exe": *** [/c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/objs/opt/third_party/zlib/adler32.o] Error 127
I really can't understand what is this error supposed to be. Tried googling but that didn't help. Any input will be appreciated.
you may need run apt-get install which
install build-base in your system, example:
apt-get install build-base
You may simply have no C compiler installed, not even gcc. If that's the reason then installing gcc resolves the issue:
apt get install gcc
I want to build configuration files using ./configure which is missing in downloaded software project(here: xerces-c-3.1.1-x86_64-linux-gcc-3.4).
Hence I want to use autogen(On cygwin terminal should I use autogen.sh or autogen.exe). What is the correct path of autogen.sh that is used to generate ./configure. When I give command autogen.sh this shows output...
bash: autogen.sh: command not found
Am I missing something?
I'm trying to compile the nDPI library in using Cygwin on Windows. When I try to run autogen.sh file I get the following error
./autogen.sh: line 5: autoreconf: command not found
I've been looking around now for four days to compile this nDPI library on Windows, and I DO NEED to compile it on Windows.
How do I compile this library on Windows?, OR
Is there a link that actually works and I can follow their steps to compile this library?
Here is the autogen.sh
/bin/rm -f configure config.h config.h.in src/lib/Makefile.in
autoreconf -ivf
Try install autoconf, automake and libtool. It's under Devel of the Cygwin setup program.
To build MSYS tools, you should use the autotools provided in the MSYS System Builder package:
Unpack them to the same location you extracted msys package.
I think you have to first solve the errors, since they indicate that you are lacking of some of the essential libraries. For example, the autoconf library...
If you are using Cygwin, you can get apt-cyg by:
lynx -source rawgit.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
After that, you can use apt-cyg install xxx to install the lacking libraries.
When I'm trying to build Apache Thrift source in cygwin, I'm getting error saying "Couldn't find libtoolize!". How can I install libtoolize in cygwin?
You will need GNU M4 1.4.6 or later to install LibTool (which includes libtoolize).
Good news is that you can easily do it if you run the Cygwin installer (no worries, it will keep your Cygwin installation and add new packages if you select them). So all you need to do is to click on the following buttons:
GNU M4 installation
LibTool installation
'libtoolize' is a part of libtool. You can dowload latest version of libtool from http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libtool/, extract it, then run ./configure and make install from cygwin terminal.
Use this:
python -mpip get-install libtoolize