I want to migrate one of our java projects from ant to gradle. This project has got a lot of source code wrote by few programmers. The problem is that some of files are encoded in ANSi and some in UTF-8 (this generates compile errors). I know that I can set encoding using compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8' but this will not work (not all files are encoded in UTF-8). Is it possible to disable encoding checking (I don't want to change encoding of all files)?
This is not an issue with Gradle but with javac. However, you can solve this issue running a one-time groovy script in your gradle build as described below.
Normally you'd only need to add following line to your build.gradle file:
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
However, some text editors when saving files to UTF-8 will generate a byte order mark (BOM) header at the beginning of the text files.
And javac does not understand the BOM, not even when you compile with encoding="UTF-8" option so you're probably getting an error such as this:
> javac -encoding UTF8 Test.java
Test.java:1: error: illegal character: \65279
?class Test {
You need to strip the BOM from your source files or convert your source file to another encoding. Notepad++ for example can convert the file encoding from one to another.
For lots of source files you can easily write a simple task in Groovy/Gradle to open your source text files and convert the UTF-8 removing the BOM prefix from the first line if found.
Add this to your build.gradle and run gradle convertSource
task convertSource << {
// convert sources files in source set to normalized text format
sourceSets.main.java.each { file ->
// read first "raw" line via BufferedReader
def r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))
String s = r.readLine()
// get entire file normalized
String text = file.text
// get first "normalized" line
String normalizedLine = new StringReader(text).readLine()
if (s != normalizedLine) {
println "rename: $file"
File target = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + '.bak')
if (!target.exists()) {
if (file.renameTo(target))
println "failed to rename or target already exists"
} // end task
The convertSource task will simply enumerate all of the source files, read first "raw" line from each source file then read the normalized text lines and compare first lines. If the first line is different then it would output a new target file with the normalized text and save backup of the original source. Only need to run convertSource task one-time after which you can remove original source files and the compile should work without getting encoding errors.
Is there a Gradle pattern for retrieving the list of files in a folder or set of folders that contain a given string, set of strings, or pattern?
My project produces RPMs and is using the Nebula RPM type (great package!). There are a couple of different kinds of sets of files that need post-processing. I am trying to generate the list of files that contain the strings that are the indicators for post-processing. For example, files that contain "#doc" need to be processed by the doc generator script. Files that contain "#HOSTNAME#" and "#HOSTFQDN#" need to be processed by sed to replace the strings with the actual host name or host fqdn.
The search root in the package will be src\main\resources. With the result the build script sets up the post-install script commands - something like:
postInstall('/opt/product/bin/postprocess.sh ' + join(filesContainingDocs, " "))
postInstall('/bin/sed -i -e "s/#HOSTNAME#/$(hostname -s)/" -e s/#HOSTFQDN#/$(hostname)/" ' + join(filesContainingHostname, " ")
I can figure out the postinstall syntax. I'm having difficulty finding the filter for any of the regular Gradle 'things' (i.e., FileTree) that operate on contents of files rather than names of files. How would I populate filesContainingDocs and filesContainingHostname - something along the lines of:
filesContainingDocs = FileTree('src/main/resources', { contents.matches('#doc') }
filesContainingHostname = FileTree('src/main/resources', { contents.matches('#(HOSTNAME|HOSTFQDN)#') }
While the post-process script could simply do the grep, the several RPMs in our product overlay each other and each RPM should only post-process the files it provides, so a general grep over the final installed folder is not workable - it would catch files provided by other RPMs. It seems to me that I ought to be able to, at build time, produce the correct static list of files from the bigger set of source files that comprise the given RPM's project.
It doesn't have to be FileTree - running a command like findstr /s /m /c:"#doc" src\main\resources\*.conf (alas, the build platform is Windows) produces the answer in stdout but I'm not sure how to get that result into an object Gradle can use to expand the result. (I also suspect there is a 'more Gradle way' to do this.)
The set of files, and the contents of those files, is generally fairly small.
I'm having difficulty finding the filter for any of the regular Gradle 'things' (i.e., FileTree) that operate on contents of files rather than names of files.
You can apply any filter you can imagine on a Gradle file tree, in the end it is just Groovy (or Kotlin) code running in the JVM. Each Gradle FileTree is nothing more than a (lazily evaluated) collection of Java File objects. To filter those File objects, you can read their content, e.g. in the same way you would read them in Java. Groovy even provides a JDK enhancement for the Java class File that includes the simple method getText() for this purpose. Now you can easily filter for files that contain a certain string:
filesContainingDocs = fileTree('src/main/resources').filter { file ->
Using Groovy, you can call getters like .getText() in the same way as accessing fields (.text in this case).
If a simple contains check is not enough, the Groovy JDK enhancements even provide the method matches(Pattern pattern) on CharSequence/string instances to perform a regular extension check:
filesContainingDocs = fileTree('src/main/resources').filter { file ->
file.text.replace('\r\n','\n').matches('.*some regex.*') }
Is it possible to get proto files from generated pb2.py with protoc? Will be the same reverse engineering possible for gRPC?
The format of the _pb2.py file varies between protobuf-python versions, but most of them have a field called serialized_pb inside them. This contains the whole structure of the .proto file in the FileDescriptorProto format:
This can be passed to the protoc compiler to generate headers for other languages. However, it has to be first put inside a FileDescriptorSet to match the format correctly. This can be done using Python:
import google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2
fds = google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorSet()
fds.file[0].ParseFromString(b'\n\x0c... serialized_pb data ....')
open('myproto.txt', 'w').write(str(fds))
open('myproto.pb', 'wb').write(fds.SerializeToString())
The snippet above saves a human-readable version to myproto.txt and a format that is nominally compatible with protoc to myproto.pb. The text representation looks like this:
file {
name: "XYZ.proto"
dependency: "dependencyXYZ.proto"
message_type {
name: "MyMessage"
field {
name: "myfield"
number: 1
type: TYPE_INT32
For example C++ headers could now be generated using:
protoc --cpp_out=. --descriptor_set_in=myproto.pb XYZ.proto
Note that the XYZ.proto must match the name of the file in the descriptor set, which you can check in myproto.txt. However this method quickly gets difficult if the file has dependencies, as all of those dependencies have to be collected in the same descriptor set. In some cases it may be easier to just use the textual representation to rewrite the .proto file by hand.
My build.gradle file generates UNIX and Windows launcher scripts for my Java project from templates.
Templates are UTF-8 encoded and the generated scripts are UTF-8 too. It's not a problem on Linux where UTF-8 support is ubiquitous, but Windows has some issues displaying non Latin-1 characters in cmd.exe terminal window. After reading Using UTF-8 Encoding (CHCP 65001) in Command Prompt / Windows Powershell (Windows 10) I come to a conclusion that converting the generated UTF-8 script to cp1250 (in my case) would save me lots of trouble when displaying hungarian text. However I couldn't figure out how to convert a UTF-8 file to other code page (looked at copy, but didn't find a way to specify output encoding.)
Simply use FileUtils from Apache Commons IO in your build file.
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
And then, in the relevant part of the script, where launcher scripts are generated :
File f = file('/path/to/windows-launcher')
// Reading the content as UTF-8
String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(f, 'UTF-8')
// Rewriting the file as cp1250
FileUtils.write(f, content, "cp1250")
My Qt4-based application (http://qcomicbook.linux-projects.net) has a problem with opening files located in directories with invalid encoding (most likely koi-8 encoding, or some other Asian encoding). The problem occurs in the following piece of code:
QDir dir(path);
const QStringList files = dir.entryList();
foreach (QString f, files) {
If path includes dirs/files with invalid encoding, then dir.entryList() just filters them out. The problem is also indicated by QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory dialog which displays "invalid encoding" warning along file dir names.
Is there any workaround for this, ideally transparent to the end user?
Build Rules are documented in the Xcode Build System Guide
They are well adapted to the common case where one input file is transformed into a fixed number (usually one) of output files.
The output files must be described in the "Output Files" area of the build rule definition; one line per output file. Typically the output files have the same name as the input file but have different extensions.
In my case, one single input file is transformed into a variable number of files with the same extensions. The number and the names of the output files depend on the content of the input file and are not known in advance.
The output files will have to be further processed later on (they are in this case C files to be compiled).
How can I set up a build rule for such a case?
Any suggestions welcome.
(I asked the same question on the Apple developer forum, but I figured it'd be a good idea to ask here too).
I dealt with this by, instead of generating multiple C files, just concatenating them all together into one file (e.g. "AUTOGENERATED.c"), and specifying that as the output file.
So long as your output files don't contain anything that will conflict (static functions with the same name, conflicting #defines etc.) this works well.
See this article on Cocoa With Love:
This has an example of generating custom C code and using that as input to the normal build process. He's using ${} variable syntax in the output
The best way I found to add any number of files to my xcode project (and make some processing) is to write a little php script. The script can simply copy files into the bundle. The tricky part is the integration with xcode. It took me some time to find a clean way. (You can use the script language you like with this method).
First, use "Add Run Script" instead of "Add Copy File"
Shell parameter:
Command parameter:
exit $?
(screenshot in xcode)
${SRCROOT} is your project directory.
${CONFIGURATION(...) is the bundle directory. Exactly what you need :)
This way, your script return code can stop xcode build (use die(0) for success and die(1) for failures) and the output of script will be visible in xcode's build log.
Your script will look like that: (don't forget chmod +x on it)
$options = getopt("s:o:");
$src_dir = $options["s"]."/";
$output_dir = $options["o"]."/";
// process_files (...)
BONUS: here my 'add_file' function.
Note the special treatment for PNG (use apple's png compression)
Note the filemtime/touch usage to prevent copy files each times.
define("COPY_PNG", "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/copypng -compress");
function add_file_to_bundle($output_dir, $filepath) {
// split path
$path_info = pathinfo($filepath);
$output_filepath = $output_dir.$path_info['basename'];
// get file's dates of input and output
$input_date = filemtime($filepath);
$output_date = #filemtime($output_filepath);
if ($input_date === FALSE) { echo "can't get input file's modification date"; die(1); }
// skip unchanged files
if ($output_date === $input_date) {
//message("skip ".$path_info['basename']);
return 0;
// special copy for png with apple's png compression tool
if (strcasecmp($path_info['extension'], "png") == 0) {
//message($path_info['basename']." is a png");
passthru(COPY_PNG." ".escapeshellarg($filepath)." ".escapeshellarg($output_filepath), $return_var);
if ($return_var != 0) die($return_var);
// classic copy
else {
//message("copy ".$path_info['basename']);
passthru("cp ".escapeshellarg($filepath)." ".escapeshellarg($output_filepath), $return_var);
if ($return_var != 0) die($return_var);
// important: set output file date with input file date
touch($output_filepath, $input_date, $input_date);
return 1;