Error running Pax Web Jetty - osgi

I'm running Pax-Web in equinox (org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.0 bundle).
I'm running pax-web-jetty-bundle_3.0.2 bundle
When starting this jetty bundle (pax web jetty) the folling error arises:
The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.wiring; version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)"
I can't find which bundle provides (export) the package org.osgi.framework.wiring.
org.eclipse.osgi is not.

That package is available since OSGi 4.3 (as much as I remember) in OSGi core. You use too old version of equinox that does not support this version of OSGi spec. Use equinox 3.7.1 or newer and the package will be there for sure.


What maven plugin should be used for generating karaf features.xml?

google tells me about a couple of different plugins. features-maven-plugin, karaf-maven-plugin. I am not sure which of these should be used and what versions. Is this dependent on the karaf version ?
features-maven-plugin is deprecated in version >= 3.X as you can see in several Karaf documentation Karaf Doc 3.X and Karaf Doc 4.X .
So if you used a Karaf >= 3.X you must used karaf-maven-plugin .

IS Maven needed to use spring tool suite

Can any one please tell me is it necessar to have maven installed before using Spring tool Suite(mine is version 3.4) I think its not if version is 3.2 or below
Eclipse/STS comes with an internal maven implementation. So you do not need to have an external maven installation.

Updating Camel from 2.10.4 to 2.11.1 in ServiceMix 4.5.1

Recently I found article on same topic, but described solution doesn't works for me (with newest components).
Errors from ServiceMix (Karaf) console:
> feature:install camel-core/2.11.1
Error executing command: Can not resolve feature:
Unsatisfied requirement(s):
Thanks for any help.
camel-karaf-commands depends on a version of the OSGI framework not packaged with Servicemix 4.5.1 . You can attempt to install the required package from an org.osgi.core JAR but your mileage may vary.
Karaf 2.3 and 3.0 comes with the required package, but Servicemix 4.5 still uses Karaf 2.2

Problems installing the heroku eclipse plugin

I get this error
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: Heroku Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0 ( 1.0.0) Missing requirement: Heroku Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0 ( 1.0.0) requires ' 1.0.100' but it could not be found
I have eclipse Juno.
Let me know if I can support you with any other info to help resolve this issue.
I have Ubuntu 12.04LTS
I got this same error message. Disabling my McAfee and then restarting fixed the problem for me. I'm thinking it was a firewall issue.
I had the similar problem. Please check your eclipse version. Heroku says it needs,
Eclipse v 3.7 or higher (Java or Java EE edition)
The following version works for me, Indigo (v 3.7)
This ( 1.0.100) is referring to a plugin that is missing - the Maven Integration for Eclipse. Search the Eclipse Marketplace for that plugin. Once it's installed, try installing the Heroku plugin again. This worked for me on Indigo. It's weird that this isn't listed as a requirement.

Felix 'pref' bundle requires 'log version >=1.3', but D/L 'log' bundle version = 1.0

the Felix download page shows
Log bundle version 1.0.0
Preferences bundle version 1.0.2
But preferences requires log-bundle version >= 1.3
It just want to get an idea of how 'preferences' works,
so any log compatible bundle is welcome :)
I think you are confusing the Felix log bundle version (1.0.0) with the required version of the OSGi log service (1.3). This is similar to the difference between the Tomcat version and the version of the Servlet API that it supports.
Felix Log 1.0.0 provides org.osgi.service.log;version=1.3 so you should be fine.
In general, the version of a bundle is not relevant as OSGi bundles do not depend on other bundles directly, but on the package versions they provide.
(I need to check, but you may also need the OSGi service compendium JAR file which defines the log interface, Felix Log is just one possible implementation of that service).
