Magento Import cause Image missing - image

We simply export and amend several "item description" , import csv back
all Base/ thumbnail / small image linking are gone
in item page all photos still exist but the"key picture" show nothing
tried force save CSV on excel to UTF8 format, not a solution.

Most likely, you need to reindex and clean the cache.
Go to System -> Cache management, flush the image cache and Magento cache. Refresh all caches. Then reindex in System -> Index Management.

We have had a lot of success with Magmi: in terms of first time importing and updating product images.


prevent magento from importing images that already exist in var/import/images folder

I am using admin csv import feature
In my csv file I have base, small and thumbnail image columns
When I do an import, all image come in fine and can be seen as expected
However, when I do a subsequent import, if the image columns are in that csv doc then I am seeing multiple images in the PDP page
Is there a way to prevent this other than not having the columns in the import file, obviously
No, this is not possible. For that you need to do custom code.

magmi do not import first media_gallery image

I'm using magmi 0.7.22 in a magento
I need to import several images, and replace all the current images by the new ones.
I'm trying first with on single product and I see that it is working fine, except that the first media_gallery image is not imported.
The test csv is the following:
The import finishes without any error, but the image S1712400-5-10.jpg is not showing anywhere, though the other 2 following images are in it's place.
I checked that the image name is correct, and that it is in the same place as the other ones, but still the same result.
I cleared all the magento's caches, including the "catalog images cache" but see no change.
The same happens to all the products, the first image of the media_gallery is completely ignored.
I finally found the answer in this question:
It seems there is some problem with Image attributes processor v1.0.33a image renaming.
To solve this go to itemprocessors and in the Image attributes processor v1.0.33a select configuration. Then empty the Image renaming and save.
This solved my problem.

Why can't I clear my image cache?

For some reason I cannot clear the images for this product. or any other product on my website.
The cache shows the old image - yet I cant delete it as it just coems straight back, my external images url points at the correct image.
I have also tried to delete the images in magento which also doesn't work.
I have cleared all caches and re-indexed and nothing seems to work?
We use toybananas External URL extension which points at the correct images.
Please help!
Most probably you use Flat product index and the index is not up to date. In the flat tables the old image is referred.
Rebuild your index (while you are at it, you can rebuild all the indexes) and clear the image cache after the indexes are rebuilt.

Delete all Magento Images and Replace

I have a magento Installation which has had several image imports done by the client and its got wrong images in the wrong products, toasters with fridge freezers as the initial import had the wrong img names. After a further import via CSV it seems to have appended the images rather than change them.
I need to delete all product images on the site, then re-do the CORRECT import so all the images are correct.
Is there a quick way to delete all images then do a fresh import via Dataflow Profiles and re-map the correct fields?
Any help would be awesome!
Thanks in advance.
How to delete all your image associations:
Go to your database and run the following:
DELETE FROM `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery`;
(Note this won't delete the actual files on the server. For this, you will also need to go to /media and run rm -rf catalog/product/)
Then you can re-run your import.
When completed, you will need to go to System > Cache Management and flush Catalog Images cache
DELETE * FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id IN (x, y, z)
x = image
y = small_image
z = thumbnail
(you can find them in eav_attribute table)
Truncate these 2 tables:
Delete all photos in: '/media/catalog/product'
Clear cache.
Upload your fresh photos.

Magento - update product image paths on multiple products through a csv file

I am trying to add products by duplicating them in a CSV file. It seems to work fine but when I update the product image path with the same path to multiple products it doesn't seem to update. When I export again and look at the data it has reverted to it original state. What is the problem here...?
Please review the following:
Typical Problems:
Name of File (Name does not match file name. ie: Name.jpg vs /name.jpg)
Image file does not exist on server for processing. (file is not at store/media/upload/file.jpg)
Permissions (store/media/* store/media/upload not accessible)
Reminder: When dealing with Image Modification/Upload etc, please flush (disable during trouble shooting) the cache, then re-enable after.
Uploading via Dataflow:
Assuming you have the correct basic required fields, there are two main behaviors.
If the SKU is unique, the product ID will be created in the system.
If the SKU exists, information will be replaced/updated or Appended in the system.
When you copy and paste, you will want to make sure each SKU is unique, and that there will be a correlating image that will 'live' on the server during the upload dataflow process.
In the case of Images, the Path is going to be looking for yourstoreroot/media/import/ for the images you reference in your image / small / thumbnail, if the image doesn't exist with the path described, or doesn't match exactly the name, then the data will not be added/appended in the cart as it is invalid to the import files and would not show on new exports.
To solve this problem I learned how to create an attribute, an attribute set, then a configurable product. With the configurable product I can apply the image once. Each product listing with a different size or color is listed as an associated product with all duplicate content but is not visible individually.
Here is a tutorial that got me started:
Found this question via Google looking for something similar and thought I'd chime in.
The most common problem I've encountered (and its poorly documented) is that when importing using the built-in import tool, the "image" path must be relative to /media/import/. Note that by default there is no 'import' folder in /media, you'll need to make it.
That means that in your CSV under the "images" column, you should have '/somepicture.jpg', this corresponds to /media/import/somepicture.jpg during the actual import. If this is incorrect, while the import is going on you'll see a bunch of "image not found" errors scroll by, and the existing image data will not be updated.
Unfortunately it does not look like there is a way to simply update the stored image path (such as pointing a bunch of products to the same image) using the built-in importer, as it expects to be importing new images, and will dupe them up just like editing images manually does.
