I need to join different datasources in runtime using linq to objects, but my datasources types are unknown. So, I canĀ“t use Join directly.
I have a Dictionary containing my datasources, and that is how far I got:
public virtual IEnumerable DataSource { get; set; }
public virtual void MergeDataSources()
var outerType = System.Type.GetType(DataSources.Keys.First());
DataSource = Cast(DataSources[DataSources.Keys.First()], outerType);
foreach (var typeName in DataSources.Keys.Skip(1))
outerType = Join(outerType, System.Type.GetType(typeName), new[] { "CodigoCliente" }, new[] { "CodigoCliente" });
private IEnumerable Cast(IEnumerable datasource, Type type)
return typeof(Enumerable)
.Invoke(null, new object[] { datasource }) as IEnumerable;
private Type Join(Type outerType, Type innerType, string[] outerKey, string[] innerKey)
var outerKeySelector = GetKeySelector(outerType, outerKey);
var innerKeySelector = GetKeySelector(innerType, innerKey);
var resultSelector = Expression.Lambda(
null, // <<<<<<------- MISSING!!!
DataSource = typeof(Enumerable)
.MakeGenericMethod(outerType, innerType, typeof(string), typeof(IEnumerable))
.Invoke(null, new object[] { DataSource, DataSources[innerType.AssemblyQualifiedName], outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector }) as IEnumerable;
return null; // <<<<<<------- MISSING!!!
The last thing that I need is: each type joined must be a property of resulting object. Example: new { Type1 = some_Obj_Of_Type1, Type2 = some_Obj_Of_Type2 }
I added a DataSource property, that represents my merged collection
You could use Reflection.Emit to create the return type dynamically, take a look here - How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it.
To match your example:
private Type Join(Type outerType, Type innerType, string[] outerKey, string[] innerKey)
var outerKeySelector = GetKeySelector(outerType, outerKey);
var innerKeySelector = GetKeySelector(innerType, innerKey);
Dictionary<string, Type> dynamicFields = new Dictionary<string, Type>
{ outerType.Name, outerType },
{ innerType.Name, innerType }
Dictionary<string, ParameterExpression> parameters = new Dictionary<string, ParameterExpression>
{ outerType.Name, Expression.Parameter(outerType) },
{ innerType.Name, Expression.Parameter(innerType) }
Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(dynamicFields);
var resultSelector = Expression.Lambda(
dynamicType.GetFields().Select(f => Expression.Bind(f, parameters[f.Name]))),
DataSource = typeof(Enumerable)
.GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name == "Join" && m.GetParameters().Length == 5).First()
.MakeGenericMethod(outerType, innerType, typeof(string), typeof(object))
.Invoke(null, new object[] { DataSource, DataSources[innerType.AssemblyQualifiedName], outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector }) as IEnumerable;
return dynamicType;
I have found ExecuteDeleteAsync and ExecuteUpdateAsync in EF Core 7 with great enthusiasm. They help to make my code much simpler and faster. There is no need to use self-made procedures for batch delete or update of 1-2 fields.
Anyway I have situations when the exact table and field of database for update should be selected in run time.
I can use the database table:
public static IQueryable<object> Set(this DbContext context, Type entity) =>
I have the method to make expression to filter rows:
public static IQueryable Where(this IQueryable source, string equalProperty, object value, [NotNull] Type EntityType)
PropertyInfo? property = EntityType.GetProperty(equalProperty);
if (property == null)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {EntityType.Name} does not contain property {equalProperty}");
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(EntityType, "r");
MemberExpression member = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
LambdaExpression whereExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Equal(member, Expression.Constant(value, property.PropertyType)), parameter);
MethodCallExpression resultExpression = WhereCall(source, whereExpression);
return source.Provider.CreateQuery(resultExpression);
So I can find the rows to make update using
IQueryable Source = db.Set(EntityType).Where(FieldName, FieldValue, EntityType);
I should make expression to update IQueryable ExecuteUpdateQuery = Source.ExecuteUpdateAsync(EntityType, FieldName, FieldValue);
What is the way to access to expression for SetProperty?
Try the following extensions. I have also corrected method signature:
var affected = anyQuery.ExecuteUpdate(FieldName, FieldValue);
var affected = await anyQuery.ExecuteUpdateAsync(FieldName, FieldValue, cancellationToken);
And implementation:
public static class DynamicRelationalExtensions
static MethodInfo UpdateMethodInfo =
static MethodInfo UpdateAsyncMethodInfo =
public static int ExecuteUpdate(this IQueryable query, string fieldName, object? fieldValue)
var updateBody = BuildUpdateBody(query.ElementType, fieldName, fieldValue);
return (int)UpdateMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType).Invoke(null, new object?[] { query, updateBody });
public static Task<int> ExecuteUpdateAsync(this IQueryable query, string fieldName, object? fieldValue, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var updateBody = BuildUpdateBody(query.ElementType, fieldName, fieldValue);
return (Task<int>)UpdateAsyncMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType).Invoke(null, new object?[] { query, updateBody, cancellationToken })!;
static LambdaExpression BuildUpdateBody(Type entityType, string fieldName, object? fieldValue)
var setParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SetPropertyCalls<>).MakeGenericType(entityType), "s");
var objParam = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "e");
var propExpression = Expression.PropertyOrField(objParam, fieldName);
var valueExpression = ValueForType(propExpression.Type, fieldValue);
// s.SetProperty(e => e.SomeField, value)
var setBody = Expression.Call(setParam, nameof(SetPropertyCalls<object>.SetProperty),
new[] { propExpression.Type }, Expression.Lambda(propExpression, objParam), valueExpression);
// s => s.SetProperty(e => e.SomeField, value)
var updateBody = Expression.Lambda(setBody, setParam);
return updateBody;
static Expression ValueForType(Type desiredType, object? value)
if (value == null)
return Expression.Default(desiredType);
if (value.GetType() != desiredType)
value = Convert.ChangeType(value, desiredType);
return Expression.Constant(value);
I want to validate rule against input array data with runtime indexer not with some fixed zero index value.
It works if i insert data one by one in session.Insert()
It does't work if i use sesion.InsertAll() with array data
I tried providing Expression.Constant value to indexer but no action triggers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// RuleTestWithInsertDataAll();
public static void RuleTestWithSingleInsertData()
CustomRuleRepository repository = new CustomRuleRepository();
List<RuleEngineEntity> rules = new List<RuleEngineEntity>();
rules.Add(new RuleEngineEntity { FieldName = "Age", Name = "CustomerCheck", Value = 25 });
//Compile rules
var factory = repository.Compile();
//Create a working session
var session = factory.CreateSession();
RuleEngineRequestModel ruleEngineRequestModel = new RuleEngineRequestModel
ruleList = rules,
customerData = new List<Customer>() { new Customer { Name = "A", Age = 19 },
new Customer { Name = "B", Age = 26 } }.ToArray()
var IspassedorNot = session.Fire();
catch (Exception e)
public static void RuleTestWithInsertDataAll()
CustomRuleRepository repository = new CustomRuleRepository();
List<RuleEngineEntity> rules = new List<RuleEngineEntity>();
rules.Add(new RuleEngineEntity { FieldName = "Age", Name = "CustomerCheck", Value = 25 });
//Compile rules
var factory = repository.Compile();
//Create a working session
var session = factory.CreateSession();
RuleEngineRequestModel ruleEngineRequestModel = new RuleEngineRequestModel
ruleList = rules,
customerData = new List<Customer>() { new Customer { Name = "A", Age = 28 },
new Customer { Name = "B", Age = 26 } }.ToArray()
var IspassedorNot = session.Fire();
catch (Exception e)
public class RuleEngineRequestModel
public List<RuleEngineEntity> ruleList { get; set; }
public Customer[] customerData { get; set; }
public List<Customer> customerDataList { get; set; }
public class RuleEngineEntity
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
public string Operator { get; set; }
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public bool SendEmail { get; set; }
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public class CustomRuleRepository : IRuleRepository
private readonly IRuleSet _ruleSet = new RuleSet("customerRule");
public IEnumerable<IRuleSet> GetRuleSets()
return new[] { _ruleSet };
public void LoadRuleForTest1(RuleEngineEntity rule)
public void LoadRuleForTest2(RuleEngineEntity rule)
public List<IRuleDefinition> BuildRuleForTest1(RuleEngineEntity rule)
return Test1(rule);
public List<IRuleDefinition> BuildRuleForTest2(RuleEngineEntity rule)
return Test2(rule);
public List<IRuleDefinition> Test1(RuleEngineEntity rule)
RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
var modelPattern = builder.LeftHandSide().Pattern(typeof(Customer), "CustomerCheck");
var modelParameter = modelPattern.Declaration.ToParameterExpression();
var expres = Expression.Property(modelParameter, rule.FieldName);
var binaryExpression = Expression.GreaterThan(expres, Expression.Constant(rule.Value));
LambdaExpression expressionCondition = Expression.Lambda(binaryExpression,
Expression<Action<IContext, Customer, RuleEngineEntity>> action =
(ctx, CustomerCheck, rules) => FireActionAsync(ctx, CustomerCheck, rules);
catch (Exception e)
// throw new Exception(e.Message);
var buildRule = builder.Build();
return new List<IRuleDefinition> { buildRule };
public List<IRuleDefinition> Test2(RuleEngineEntity rule)
RuleBuilder builder = new RuleBuilder();
var modelPattern = builder.LeftHandSide().Pattern(typeof(RuleEngineRequestModel), "CustomerCheck");
var modelParameter = modelPattern.Declaration.ToParameterExpression();
var customerDataInArray = Expression.Property(modelParameter, nameof(RuleEngineRequestModel.customerData));
var indx = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "index");
var customerData = Expression.ArrayIndex(customerDataInArray, indx);
var expres = Expression.Property(customerData, rule.FieldName);
var binaryExpression = Expression.GreaterThan(expres, Expression.Constant(rule.Value));
LambdaExpression expressionCondition = Expression.Lambda(binaryExpression,
Expression<Action<IContext, Customer>> action =
(ctx, CustomerCheck) => FireActionAsync(ctx, CustomerCheck, null);
catch (Exception e)
// throw new Exception(e.Message);
var buildRule = builder.Build();
return new List<IRuleDefinition> { buildRule };
public void FireActionAsync(IContext ctx, Customer customer, RuleEngineEntity rule=null)
Console.WriteLine($"{rule.Name} Triggered");
Error: variable 'index' of type 'System.Int32' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined
Expected: want to validate rule against array data with dynamic indexer.
At a quick glance, it appears that you are passing in an array of Customers when inserting the facts into the session, but the rule is looking for the RuleEngineRequestModel.
Also, side note - why are you initialising an array as a List, then converting to an array, rather than just initialising as an array? i.e.
var ruleEngineRequestModel = new RuleEngineRequestModel
ruleList = rules,
customerData = {
new Customer { Name = "A", Age = 28 },
new Customer { Name = "B", Age = 26 }
Finally, why are you inserting the rules at the same time as the data? That seems like it would cause more headaches than benefits, especially seeing as your runtime rule builder ignores them entirely.
EDIT: Having had a chance to see the updated code, this confirms my suspicions - if you use Rule 1 for both tests, it should work (rather, it will fire for each individual customer). The reason why Rule 2 never works is because it's expecting a RuleEngineRequestModel, but you are passing the IEnumerable in directly. Either pass in the request model directly and continue to use Rule 2, or scrap Rule 2 entirely.
I need to be able to mock IDocumentQuery, to be able to test piece of code, that queries document collection and might use predicate to filter them:
IQueryable<T> documentQuery = client
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(collectionUri, options);
if (predicate != null)
documentQuery = documentQuery.Where(predicate);
var list = documentQuery.AsDocumentQuery();
var documents = new List<T>();
while (list.HasMoreResults)
documents.AddRange(await list.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
I've used answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/49911733/212121 to write following method:
public static IDocumentClient Create<T>(params T[] collectionDocuments)
var query = Substitute.For<IFakeDocumentQuery<T>>();
var provider = Substitute.For<IQueryProvider>();
.Returns(x => query);
query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>().Returns(x => new FeedResponse<T>(collectionDocuments));
query.HasMoreResults.Returns(true, false);
var client = Substitute.For<IDocumentClient>();
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(Arg.Any<Uri>(), Arg.Any<FeedOptions>())
return client;
Which works fine as long as there's no filtering using IQueryable.Where.
My question:
Is there any way to capture predicate, that was used to create documentQuery and apply that predicate on collectionDocuments parameter?
Access the expression from the query provider so that it will be passed on to the backing collection to apply the desired filter.
Review the following
public static IDocumentClient Create<T>(params T[] collectionDocuments) {
var query = Substitute.For<IFakeDocumentQuery<T>>();
var queryable = collectionDocuments.AsQueryable();
var provider = Substitute.For<IQueryProvider>();
.Returns(x => {
var expression = x.Arg<Expression>();
if (expression != null) {
queryable = queryable.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(expression);
return query;
query.Provider.Returns(_ => provider);
query.ElementType.Returns(_ => queryable.ElementType);
query.Expression.Returns(_ => queryable.Expression);
query.GetEnumerator().Returns(_ => queryable.GetEnumerator());
query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>().Returns(x => new FeedResponse<T>(query));
query.HasMoreResults.Returns(true, true, false);
var client = Substitute.For<IDocumentClient>();
.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(Arg.Any<Uri>(), Arg.Any<FeedOptions>())
return client;
The important part is where the expression passed to the query is used to create another query on the backing data source (the array).
Using the following example subject under test for demonstration purposes.
public class SubjectUnderTest {
private readonly IDocumentClient client;
public SubjectUnderTest(IDocumentClient client) {
this.client = client;
public async Task<List<T>> Query<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = null) {
FeedOptions options = null; //for dummy purposes only
Uri collectionUri = null; //for dummy purposes only
IQueryable<T> documentQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(collectionUri, options);
if (predicate != null) {
documentQuery = documentQuery.Where(predicate);
var list = documentQuery.AsDocumentQuery();
var documents = new List<T>();
while (list.HasMoreResults) {
documents.AddRange(await list.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
return documents;
The following sample tests when an expression is passed to the query
public async Task Should_Filter_DocumentQuery() {
var dataSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3)
.Select(_ => new Document() { Key = _ }).ToArray();
var client = Create(dataSource);
var subject = new SubjectUnderTest(client);
Expression<Func<Document, bool>> predicate = _ => _.Key == 1;
var expected = dataSource.Where(predicate.Compile());
var actual = await subject.Query<Document>(predicate);
public class Document {
public int Key { get; set; }
Here is the enum extension method to get its description attribute.
public static string GetDescription(this Enum enumeration)
if (enumeration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var value = enumeration.ToString();
var type = enumeration.GetType();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute[]) type.GetField(value).GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false);
return descriptionAttribute.Length > 0 ? descriptionAttribute[0].Description : value;
Here is the source object:
public class Account {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public int AccountStatusId {get;set;}
Here is the enum:
public enum AccountStatus {
[Description("BAD CREDIT")
Here is the destination object:
public class GetAccountResponse {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public string Status {get;set;}
Here is my attempt to map (using the latest non-static automapper version). Remember this is during an EF queryable projection.
_config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Account, GetAccountsResponse>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Status,
opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ((AccountStatus) src.AccountStatusId).GetDescription())));
Here is the projection where query is an IQueryable<Account>:
This is the exception I get:
Can't resolve this to Queryable Expression
If you check out the signature of the MapFrom method, you'll notice that one of the overloads takes a parameter of type Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>>.
This suggests that you could write a method which builds an expression tree from ternary expressions that can convert any possible value of your enum to its appropriate string. AutoMapper would then convert this into the appropriate SQL expression via LINQ.
Here's an example which just uses the Enum names themselves: you should be able to adapt it straightforwardly to use your Descriptions:
public static class EnumerableExpressionHelper
public static Expression<Func<TSource, String>> CreateEnumToStringExpression<TSource, TMember>(
Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>> memberAccess, string defaultValue = "")
var type = typeof(TMember);
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new InvalidOperationException("TMember must be an Enum type");
var enumNames = Enum.GetNames(type);
var enumValues = (TMember[])Enum.GetValues(type);
var inner = (Expression)Expression.Constant(defaultValue);
var parameter = memberAccess.Parameters[0];
for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
inner = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Equal(memberAccess.Body, Expression.Constant(enumValues[i])),
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource,String>>(inner, parameter);
return expression;
You would use it as follows:
CreateMap<Entry, EntryListItem>()
.ForMember(e => e.ReviewStatus,
c => c.MapFrom(EnumerableExpressionHelper.CreateEnumToStringExpression((Entry e) => e.ReviewStatus)))
I have the following table structure
ID firstName LastName zip Address
1 test1 test2 NULL NULL
2 test1 test2 12345 MI
I need to merge 2 accounts (primary & secondary) depending on IDs provided. For example, if I am given the values 1 (as primary) and 2 (as secondary) to merge.
The primary account (1) has NULL zip and Address so i need to copy those from secondary account (2) and update. The final result should be
ID firstName LastName zip Address
1 test1 test2 12345 MI
Is there any way to do using Linq or can another approach be recommended?
Though there is no native merge operator in LINQ you have a few options.
First, create your own merge!
public Account Merge(Account one, Account two) {
ret = new Account(){
Field = one.Field??two.Field
//Repeat for all fields
Then use (handwritten code, don't mind syntax errors)
var mergedResults = (from primary in primaryAccounts
join secondary in secondaryAccounts
on primary.Id equals secondary.Id
select new {Primary=primary, Secondary secondary})
Second, do merge in the LINQ
Not differs much
var mergedResults = (from primary in primaryAccounts
join secondary in secondaryAccounts
on primary.Id equals secondary.Id
select new Account { Field = primary.Field??secondary.Field}; //Repeat for all fields
Mabe with my extension
public interface IMerge<out T>
IEnumerable<IMergeMatched<T>> Matched();
IEnumerable<IMergeMatched<T>> Matched(Func<T, T, bool> predicate);
IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedBySource();
IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedBySource(Func<T, bool> predicate);
IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedByTarget();
IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedByTarget(Func<T, bool> predicate);
public interface IMergeMatched<out T>
T Source { get; }
T Target { get; }
public static class Enumerable
public static IMerge<TSource> Merge<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, IEnumerable<TSource> target,
Func<TSource, TSource, bool> predicate)
return new Merge<TSource>(source, target, predicate);
public class Merge<T> : IMerge<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, bool> _predicate;
private readonly IEnumerable<T> _source;
private readonly IEnumerable<T> _target;
private IEnumerable<IMergeMatched<T>> _matcheds;
private IEnumerable<T> _notMatchedBySource;
private IEnumerable<T> _notMatchedByTarget;
public Merge(IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> taget, Func<T, T, bool> predicate)
_source = source;
_target = taget;
_predicate = predicate;
public IEnumerable<IMergeMatched<T>> Matched()
if (_matcheds == null)
return _matcheds;
public IEnumerable<IMergeMatched<T>> Matched(Func<T, T, bool> predicate)
return Matched()
.Where(t => predicate.Invoke(t.Source, t.Target))
public IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedBySource()
if (_notMatchedBySource == null)
return _notMatchedBySource;
public IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedBySource(Func<T, bool> predicate)
return NotMatchedBySource()
public IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedByTarget()
if (_notMatchedByTarget == null)
return _notMatchedByTarget;
public IEnumerable<T> NotMatchedByTarget(Func<T, bool> predicate)
return NotMatchedByTarget()
private void Analize()
var macheds = new List<MergeMached<T>>();
var notMachedBySource = new List<T>(_source);
var notMachedByTarget = new List<T>(_target);
foreach (var source in _source)
foreach (var target in _target)
var macth = _predicate.Invoke(source, target);
if (!macth) continue;
macheds.Add(new MergeMached<T>(source, target));
_matcheds = macheds.ToArray();
_notMatchedBySource = notMachedBySource.ToArray();
_notMatchedByTarget = notMachedByTarget.ToArray();
public class MergeMached<T> : IMergeMatched<T>
public MergeMached(T source, T target)
Source = source;
Target = target;
public T Source { get; private set; }
public T Target { get; private set; }
How to use?
public void TestMerge()
var source = new List<MediaFolder>
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id1",
Name = "Name1",
Path = "Path1"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id2",
Name = "Name2",
Path = "Path2"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id3",
Name = "Name3",
Path = "Path3"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id4",
Name = "Name4",
Path = "Path4"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id5",
Name = "Name5",
Path = "Path5"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id6",
Name = "Name6",
Path = "Path6"
var target = new List<MediaFolder>
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id1",
Name = "Actualizado en el objeto",
Path = "Path1"
//Id2 eliminado
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id3",
Name = "Name3",
Path = "Actualizado tambien"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id4",
Name = "Name4",
Path = "Path4"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id5",
Name = "Name5",
Path = "Path5"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id6",
Name = "Name6",
Path = "Path6"
new MediaFolder
Id = "Id7",
Name = "Nuevo Item 7",
Path = "Nuevo Item 7"
var merge = source.Merge(target, (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);
var toUpdate = merge.Matched((x, y) => x.Name != y.Name | x.Path != y.Path)
var toDelete = merge.NotMatchedBySource();
var toInsert = merge.NotMatchedByTarget();
Assert.AreEqual(2, toUpdate.Count());
Assert.IsTrue(toUpdate.Count(x => x.Source.Id == "Id1" & x.Target.Id == "Id1") > 0);
Assert.IsTrue(toUpdate.Count(x => x.Source.Id == "Id3" & x.Target.Id == "Id3") > 0);
Assert.AreEqual("Id7", toInsert.First().Id);
Assert.AreEqual("Id2", toDelete.First().Id);
public void TestMerge2()
var source = new List<CustomObject>
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 6,
Value = 2
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 7,
Value = 5
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 10,
Value = 3
var target = new List<CustomObject>
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 7,
Value = 2
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 8,
Value = 1
new CustomObject
Year = 2010,
Month = 10,
Value = 2
var merge = source.Merge(target, (x, y) => x.Year == y.Year && x.Month == y.Month);
var toUpdate = merge.Matched((x, y) => x.Value != y.Value)
var inSourceButNotInTarget = merge.NotMatchedBySource();
var inTargetButNotInSource = merge.NotMatchedByTarget();
Console.WriteLine("Objects to Update");
foreach (var mergeMatched in toUpdate)
Console.WriteLine("{0} -{1} - {2} - {3}",
Console.WriteLine("In source but not in target");
foreach (var customObject in inSourceButNotInTarget)
Console.WriteLine("{0} -{1} - {2} - 0",
Console.WriteLine("In target but not in source");
foreach (var customObject in inTargetButNotInSource)
Console.WriteLine("{0} -{1} - 0 - {2}",