Whatever i do doesn't make the Laravel 4 authentication work. Here is my code in the routes.php file.
Route::post('check', function() {
$check = Hash::check(Input::get('password'), Hash::make('titanic1'));
$auth = Auth::attempt(array('email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Input::get('password')));
As you can see the Hash::check returns true but the Auth::attempt returns false. FYI, I've stored the hashed password in the db using Hash::make(Input::get('password')). Also, I've confirmed that the field length for storing the password is 60 characters. And, I'm implementing the UserInterface and its methods.
I'm using Ardent library for input validation. Here is my User Model.
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
use LaravelBook\Ardent\Ardent;
use Zizaco\Entrust\HasRole;
class User extends Ardent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
use HasRole;
protected $table = 'users';
protected $fillable = array('email','username','password','password_confirmation');
protected $guarded = array('id');
protected $hidden = array('password');
public $autoHydrateEntityFromInput = true;
public $autoPurgeRedundantAttributes = true;
public static $passwordAttributes = array('password');
public $autoHashPasswordAttributes = true;
public static $rules = array(
'email' => 'required|email|unique:users',
'username' => 'required|alpha_dash|unique:users',
'password' => 'required|alpha_num|min:8|confirmed',
'password_confirmation' => 'required|alpha_num|min:8'
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->password;
public function getReminderEmail()
return $this->email;
public function beforeSave()
if ($this->isDirty('password')){
$this->password = Hash::make($this->password);
return true;
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
I'm working on a questionnaire project and I ran into an error saying:
Undefined index: exams
This happened when I was trying to store responses to my database.
Here is my controller code:
public function store(Math $math)
$data = request()->validate([
'responses.*.answer_id' => 'required',
'responses.*.question_id' => 'required'
$exam = $math->exams()->create($data['exams']);
return 'Thank You';
Here is my exam model:
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = ['exam'];
public function math()
return $this->belongsTo(Math::class);
public function examanswers()
return $this->hasMany(ExamAnswer::class);
question model:
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = ['question'];
public function math()
return $this->belongsTo(Math::class);
public function answers()
return $this->hasMany(Answer::class);
Math model:
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = [
'user_id', 'title', 'purpose', 'exam'
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function questions()
return $this->hasMany(Question::class);
public function exams()
return $this->hasMany(Exam::class);
Please help me look into it.
request()->validate(RULES) will return an array with all the existing rules' indexes. It will not return all data present, just what it is in the rules and present.
Read how $request->validate() works.
For example:
If you send home = 'Address', name = 'John' and email = 123, but your rules are:
$data = $request->validate([
'home' => 'required',
'name' => 'required',
Then, if you want to use $data you would have (dd($data)):
$data['home']: Address
$data['name']: John
But email = 123 would not be present in $data.
I am trying to update the database record but Laravel update() function is not working. I have fillable array in the model. but still, it is not working.
The Property Model:
class Property extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'properties';
protected $primaryKey = 'proID';
public $timestamps = false;
protected $fillable = [ 'proID', 'ProStatus', 'ProPurpose', 'ProType', 'SubType', 'basePrice', 'unitPrice', 'Width', 'Length', 'LandArea','PropertyNumber', 'water', 'electricity', 'gas', 'severage', 'fk_Street', 'createdBy', 'delete'];
public function streets(){
return $this->belongsTo(Street::class,'fk_Street');
public function hasInstallments(){
return $this->hasMany(Installments::class,'proID');
The PropertyController:
public function destroy($id)
$property = Property::find($id);
$property->delete = true;
return response()->json(['success'=>true]);
the $property->update() always returns true but record does not update in database.
The method update() is for mass update wich require an array of attributes and bypass mutators.
public function destroy($id)
$property = Property::find($id);
$property->update(['delete' => 1]);
You might want to use save() instead
public function destroy($id)
$property = Property::find($id);
$property->delete = 1;
Both will update the record, you'll need to implement your method's return logic on top of this code but as for updating the record, I think you get the idea.
Your property table primary key is "proID"
public function destroy($id)
$property = Property::where('proID', $id)->first();
if($property->update(['delete' => 1])) {
return response()->json(['success' => true]);
Recently I was working on a project where the requirement was that I have to use all table names along with columns in uppercase. I can authenticate with uppercase columns and lowercase table name(auths), no problem. When I use "AUTHS" it does not seem to work. I can not find any references that match my requirements. If anyone can help me, it will be appreciated. Thank you.
laravel version - 6.20.19
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
protected $table = 'AUTHS';
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->PASSWORD;
public function postLogin(LoginRequest $request)
$email = $request->input('email');
$password = $request->input('password');
$user = \App\Models\Auth::where(['EMAIL' => $email])->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('USER_TYPE', 0);
$credentials = $request->only('EMAIL', 'password');
if ($this->hasExist($user)) {
$remember_me = ( !empty( $request->remember_me ) ) ? true : false;
if ($this->auth->attempt(['EMAIL' => $email, 'password' => $password], $remember_me))
return redirect('dashboard');
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors([
'EMAIL' => 'The credentials you entered did not match our records. Try again?',
I'm not sure what you meant by use "AUTHS" but if you are accessing the tables through Models, you can overwrite the default table names like so:
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Flight extends Model
* The table associated with the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'my_flights';
Source: https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#table-names
I've found my problem. I did not declare my custom primary key.
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
protected $table = 'AUTHS';
protected $primaryKey = 'PK_NO';
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->PASSWORD;
I have this code in my controller:
public function store(StoreRequest $request)
$user = Auth::user();
$creado_por = Auth::user()->id;
'creado_por' => 'string'
return ComprasNotificacionCancelacion::create([
'nombre' => request('nombre'),
'correo' => request('correo')
This is the model:
protected $table = 'compras_notificacion_cancelacions';
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
protected $guarded = ['id'];
protected $fillable = [
protected $dates = [
Could you help me, please?
Your question is not clear, but what you are trying to do is add logged in user as the creado_por here is how you can achieve that.
public function store(StoreRequest $request)
'creado_por' => 'string'
//here you can use either Auth()->user()->id or $request->user()->id
return ComprasNotificacionCancelacion::create([
'nombre' => $request->nombre,
'correo' => $request->correo,
'creado_por' => $request->user()->id
additionally here are somethings you could improve. You can access same Auth()->user() from $request like $request->user().
You don't need the below codes.
$user = Auth::user();
$creado_por = Auth::user()->id;
and if using id as id no need to mention it
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
The way I store the author of an entry is that I have a created_by column in the database and I make sure that contains the right ID inside the model. Here's a trait I use, that I call CreatedByTrait.php and use it on the models that need it:
<?php namespace App\Models\Traits;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
trait CreatedByTrait {
* Stores the user id at each create & update.
public function save(array $options = [])
if (\Auth::check())
if (!isset($this->created_by) || $this->created_by=='') {
$this->created_by = \Auth::user()->id;
public function creator()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'created_by');
Error Message: http://puu.sh/d4l0F/5b0ac07e68.png
I've even saved the $transportation object before trying to create associations. I've verified that both $transporation, $from and $to are all their respective objects and they are.
I'm sure I'm missing something stupid here but I'm out of ideas.
My code:
class RideBuilder implements RideBuilderInterface
public function create(Advance $advance)
$ride = new Ride;
if($ride->validate(Input::all())) {
$to = Location::find(Input::get('dropoffLocation'));
$from = Location::find(Input::get('pickupLocation'));
$transportation = new Transportation;
$event = new Event;
$event->start = Input::get('ridePickUpTime');
return $ride;
Location Model:
class Location extends Elegant
protected $table = 'locations';
public $rules = array(
'label' => 'required|min:2',
'street' => 'required',
'city' => 'required',
'state' => 'required',
'type' => 'required',
public function advance()
return $this->belongsTo('Booksmart\Booking\Advance\Model\Advance');
public function locationable()
return $this->morphTo();
Transportation Model:
class Transportation extends Elegant
protected $table = 'transportations';
public function event()
public function start_location()
$this->belongsTo('Booksmart\Component\Location\Model\Location', 'start_location');
public function end_location()
$this->belongsTo('Booksmart\Component\Location\Model\Location', 'end_location');
I had a similar issue. I made the stupid mistake of not adding the "return" in the relationship method!
Make sure you return the relationship... Obviously this will not work:
public function medicineType()
$this->belongsTo('MedicineType', 'id');
This is the correct way:
public function medicineType()
return $this->belongsTo('MedicineType', 'id');
Easy to miss, hard to debug...