Is it possible to somehow pass a set of files through each map function. The requirement will be to process each file in parallel for different-2 operations. I am completely new to map reduce and i am using JAVA as my programming language.
If you want to get the same file as input to all mappers, for read only access, yes. You can add your files from your main (Driver) class to what is called Distributed Cache. More details can be found here.
I have a simple text file which contains list of folders on some FTP servers. Each line is a separate folder. Each folder contains couple of thousand images. I want to connect to each folder, store all files inside that foder in a SequenceFile and then remove that folder from FTP server. I have written a simple pig UDF for this. Here it is:
dirs = LOAD '/var/location.txt' USING PigStorage();
results = FOREACH dirs GENERATE download_whole_folder_into_single_sequence_file($0);
/* I don't need results bag. It is just a dummy bag */
The problem is I'm not sure if each line of input is processed in separate mapper. The input file is not a huge file just couple of hundred lines. If it were pure Map/Reduce then I would use NLineInputFormat and process each line in a separate Mapper. How can I achieve the same thing in pig?
Pig lets you write your own load functions, which let you specify which InputFormat you'll be using. So you could write your own.
That said, the job you described sounds like it would only involve a single map-reduce step. Since using Pig wouldn't reduce complexity in this case, and you'd have to write custom code just to use Pig, I'd suggest just doing it in vanilla map-reduce. If the total file size is Gigabytes or less, I'd just do it all directly on a single host. It's simpler not to use map reduce if you don't have to.
I typically use map-reduce to first load data into HDFS, and then Pig for all data processing. Pig doesn't really add any benefits over vanilla hadoop for loading data IMO, it's just a wrapper around InputFormat/RecordReader with additional methods you need to implement. Plus it's technically possible with Pig that your loader will be called multiple times. That's a gotcha you don't need to worry about using Hadoop map-reduce directly.
I have a use case wherein i need to process huge set of files stored in HDFS. Those files are non-splittable and they need to be processed single map process. I wish to schedule the map process in task tracker where data is already available. How can I do it? Currently, I have a file that contains list of filenames. Each map get one line of it via NLineInputFormat. The map process then access the file via FSDataInputStream and work with it. Is there a way to ensure this map process is running on the node where the file is available?. I would like to avoid WholeFileINputFormat as I read it would load the values of the file and feed to the mapper.
So I'm writing a MR job to read hundreds of files from an input folder. Since all the files are compressed, so instead of using the default TextInputFormat, I was using the WholeFileReadFormat from an online code source.
So my question is that does the Mapper process multiple input files in sequence? I mean, if I have three files A B C, and since I'm reading the whole file content as the map input value, will mapreduce process the files in the order of, say, A->B->C, which means, only after doing with A, Mapper will start to process B?
Actually, I'm kind of confused on the concept of Map job and Map task. In my understanding the Map job is just the same thing as Mapper. And a mapper job contains several map tasks, in my case, each map task will read in a single file. But what I don't understand is that I think map tasks are executed in parallel, so I think all the input files should be processed in parallel, which turns out to be a paradox....
Can any one please explain it to me?
I'm writing a mapreduce job, and I have the input that I want to pass to the mappers in the memory.
The usual method to pass input to the mappers is via the Hdfs - sequencefileinputformat or Textfileinputformat. These inputformats need to have files in the fdfs which will be loaded and splitted to the mappers
I cant find a simple method to pass, lets say List of elemnts to the mappers.
I find myself having to wrtite these elements to disk and then use fileinputformat.
any solution?
I'm writing the code in java offcourse.
Input format is not have to load data from the disk or file system.
There are also input formats reading data from other systems like HBase or ( where data is not implied to sit on the disk. It only is implied to be available via some API on all nodes of the cluster.
So you need to implement input format which splits data in your own logic (as soon as there is no files it is your own task) and to chop the data into records .
Please note that your in memory data source should be distributed and run on all nodes of the cluster. You will also need some efficient IPC mechanism to pass data from your process to the Mapper process.
I would be glad also to know what is your case which leads to this unusual requirement.
I am working on mapreduce that is generating CSV file out of some data that is read from HBase. Is there a way to write to single file from mappers without reduce phase (or to merge multiple files generated by mappers at the end of job)? I know that I can set output format to write in file on Job level, is it possible to do similar thing for mappers?
It is possible (and not uncommon) to have a Map/Reduce-Job without a reduce phase (example). For that you just use job.setNumReduceTasks(0).
However I am not sure how Job-Output is handled in this case. Ususally you get one result file per reducer. Without reducers I could imagine that you either get one file per mapper or that you cannot produce job output. You will have to try/research that.
If the above does not work for you, you could still use the default Reducer implementation, that just forwards the mapper output (identity function).
Seriously, this is not how MapReduce works.
Why do you even need a Job for that? Write a simple Java application that does the same for you. There are also command line utils that does the same for you.