when using seaborn.regplot, the xlabel and ylabel and yticklabels are actually cut off, i.e., not visible. Normall, I'd do
fig = plt.gcf()
to fix this. However, this doesn't seem to have any impact on the figure.
What am I doing wrong?
This is a bug, unfortunately. It's going to be fixed in 0.3, but there's no easy way to fix it with the current version (subplots_adjust and tight_layout don't work because they underlying axes aren't on a subplot grid). You could grab the axes objects from fig.axes and move them with ax.set_position(), but it won't be pretty.
For a similar plot that should be better behaved, you could use seaborn.lmplot, if you don't need the marginal histograms.
Edit to say I wrote up a more complete solution here.
sns.regplot(x, y, xlabel="x", ylabel="y")
axj, axx, axy = plt.gcf().axes
axj.set_position([.12, .12, .7, .7])
axx.set_position([.12, .85, .7, .13])
axy.set_position([.85, .12, .13, .7])
I am plotting some data in Scilab as 3d-Scatter plot (Scilab 6).
With the datatip toggle it is able to show some information about each data point: x,y,z value.
I am actually plotting node-values, x,y are the coordinates, z is the damage.
Is it possible to change the output of the datatip? I would like to display a node-label instead of the coordinates using the datatip-function!
Thank you!
Use datatipSetDisplay (cf. examples in help page)
You can set a custom diplay function per "PolyLine" object in your plot, e.g.
function s=mydatatip(h),s="DATATIP",end
Please note, here gca().children(1).children(1) is a handle to the "PolyLine" object of the plot.
After several months of casual research on three.js as I work on a model in Blender 2.7 I have yet to locate a method for exporting the blender particle system hair? By chance would anyone have any ideas how would I go about achieving this feat, would I need to perhaps export to OBJ or some other format? I have yet to see any three.js imported particle systems from any 3d system?..Any ideas would greatly appreciated !!
The method I use is make your particle hair. Then, under the modifiers tab, select "convert" to convert it into a mesh.
Next add the "screw" modifier. Set the objects center accordingly to get the best "screw" results. Use X, Y, or Z axis, and change to 2 degrees. Change the number of sections to 2 as well.
This will make a mesh like hair.
This solution is a visualized version stated by beiller.
Step by Step
Go to Modifiers.
Click Convert.
Now the hair become like this.
Add Screw modifier to the hair and so change the Angle to 2.
Click Apply.
Export your model to what file format you need.
I am trying to plot a time series (a seismograph) with a corresponding spectrogram in R.
Since I would like to compare the time series with the spectrogram, the X axis labels on the time series need to line up with the X axis labels on the spectrogram. However, I'm having a lot of trouble with this. The best I've been able to do so far is use
and try to manually force the spectrogram labels to line up with the time series labels by tweaking the spectrogram margin. Of course this is only approximate and they still do not line up perfectly. Is there a way to make the axes generated by the code below match up with each other?
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10))
Thanks in advance!
This seems to work:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l", xaxs="i")
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram")
Just drop the xlim= arguments and use xaxs="i" in the plot() function to match the default for image().
You can either add xaxs='i' to the call to plot (this removes the extra padding so it lines up with the image plot), or you could use par('usr') after the 1st plot to see what the x limits are and use those values in the xlim call in image.
It turns out that this is way easier than it looked initially. The secret is to make a "dummy plot" and then add the image to the plot. So here's how the new, working code looks:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01),
type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series")
plot(c(0,10), c(0,10), type="n") #Dummy plot with axis limits for our spectrogram
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram",add=TRUE)
Similar, but conversely, to Greg Snow's answer, you could add xaxs='r' to the call to image as follows:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10), xaxs="r")
Don't forget to save your par() setting first.
(maybe I should have put that above)
How do you make Mathematica export a Row of graphics. I do not like how GraphicsRow handles the graphics, all the aspect ratios and paddings in the figures get messed up. What I like to do is work with each individual figure and then use a simple Row,Column or Grid to combine my figures. Take the following for instance:
g1 = Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi},
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"x", "y"}, ImageSize -> 2.6*72
This creates the Sin plot. What I want to do now is create the following Figure:
Fig = Row[{g1, g1, g1}]
Then you can use Export
Export["TestFig.pdf", Fig]
This is the pdf I obtain in MMA8:
I just tried this code in MMA7 and it works fine. It had been a while since I wanted to create this type of figures and I never bothered to check if it worked in MMA8. Does any one have a fix for this in MMA8?
The desired output is the one I obtained in MMA7:
It is worth bearing in mind that GraphicsGrid assumes equal-width columns so using Grid is sometimes more useful. The same syntax as in belisarius' answer applies. It might be worth exploring the ImageSize option to Export (see documentation and tutorial).
Also, note the exporting in PDF format uses the PrintingStyleEnvironment, which is not how things look on screen. You might get better results if you change your page setup in Printing Settings.
Export["c:\\TestFig.pdf", GraphicsGrid[{{g1, g1, g1}}]]
I am making a GUI for a program I have created, where I need to be able to change the position of a load along a beam. I have set up the axes and the slider properly, but I am unsure how to get the axes to update, as I can't find any examples that show how to do this on the internet.
At present, as I move the load, the position updates properly, but the old position stays on screen as well, which is quite annoying.
Can anyone recommend any good examples that show how to do this, or does anyone have a suggestion of how to go about refreshing the axes?
Here is the slider callback (I haven't included the create_fcn function). Also, theres a lot of comments in the code, as I used the Guide function to make the GUI.
Please note that the input to slider is a proportion of the overall beam length (as a decimal).
function PointLoadxx1posslider_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to PointLoadxx1posslider (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider
% get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider
PLxx1pos = get(handles.PointLoadxx1posslider,'value');
set(handles.PLxx1posedit, 'String', num2str(PLxx1pos));
l = 3000; % This is the Length of the beam
zpl1 = get(handles.PointLoadxx1posslider,'value')*l;
% Multiplies the position decimal by the overall length
LoadPlotter(hObject,zpl1,handles) % Sends the command to the plot plot function
function LoadPlotter(hObject,zpl1,handles)
% The following draws the beam supports as lines
SH = l/20; %Height of supports
line([0 l], [SH/2 SH/2])
line([-SH/2 SH/2], [0 0])
line([-SH/2 0], [0 SH/2])
line([0 SH/2], [SH/2 0])
line([l-SH/2 l+SH/2], [0 0])
line([l-SH/2 l], [0 SH/2])
line([l l+SH/2], [SH/2 0])
xlim([ -100 l+200])
ylim([-l/2 l/2])
%Draw Load position
% zpl1 = get(handles.PointLoadxx1posslider,'value')*l;
% zpl1 = 0.5*l;
zpl2 = 0.2*l;
PL1 = 50;
%This is the value of the point load applied to the beam, which will
be an input from another slider
PL1Draw = line([zpl1 zpl1],[SH/2 PL1*10]);
% refresh(handles.axes1);
Obviously, I would like to keep the other lines drawn, but change PL1Draw as the slider is moved. Please can you explain what I am supposed to tag to do this?
Many thanks in advance.
I assume that you have plotted a beam, which is supposed to bend as you change the slider value. Since you are able to plot the new position into the axes, I assume that you know how to write callbacks. I further assume that there are parts of the plot that should stay the same, and parts that should change.
To change the parts that need changing, the easiest method is just to delete them and then to redraw. In order to delete specific items from a plot, it's best to tag them. Thus, your plotting would go like this
%# remove the old position
%# find the handle to the old position by searching among all the handles of
%# the graphics objects that have been plotted into the axes
oldPosHandle = findall(handles.axes1,'Tag','position');
%# plot new position
PL1Draw = line([zpl1 zpl1],[SH/2 PL1*10]);
%# add the tag so that you can find it if you want to delete it
Note 1
To make the GUI respond faster (if needed), do not delete and re-plot, but change the 'XData' and 'YData' property of the old position object.
Note 2
If you aren't already doing so, put the plotting function (the one that updates everything in the plot, not just the position of the load) in a separate function, not into the callback of the slider, and have instead the slider callback call the plot function. This way, you can call the same plotting function from several buttons and sliders, which makes the code a lot easier to maintain.
I have updated the commands. Note that there is no special 'tagging' function. 'Tag' is a property of every graphics object, like 'Units', or 'Color'. It simply helps you to label the graphics objects so that you don't need to remember the handles.
Unrelated to the actual question, but related to the project:
This book is still available used on Amazon, it might save you a lot of the coding of the Mechanics of Materials stuff. I wrote this about 12 years ago as an undergrad, but I think the MATLAB code should still be functional.