Incentives for rating in Google play - google-play

I just wanted to put a rate game pop up in my game in Google play. Is giving incentives for rating game in Google play illegal?
Thanks in advance

The should be absolutely nothing wrong with that, except for the chance that users are getting annoyed by it and give the app a worse rating ;)


iOS gamekit, card game players, & GKVoiceChatService

I'm working on a card game for iOS. I'm thinking game center integration is something I want to be leaning towards, but in terms of a card game, I'm not exactly sure what that would entail for the individual players. From the Apple class reference, it seems thatGKPlayer is what I want to be working with, but I also have my own player class that I think I'm going to need just to deal with card hands. I'm wonderring if my Player class should have a GKPlayer object in it or if that would be the wrong way to be going about it.
I'm also wonderring about the game center voice chat (I know this sounds completely unrelated to card games, but bear with me). I've not seen it implemented, so I'm not entirely sure how it works. Basically what I would need would be for it to be able to connect 4-10 players and to just be a voice chat sort of thing. It seems like the sort of thing that would need to display something on screen which I want to avoid. How would that work?
First Question's Answer :
Q: Player class should have a GKPlayer?
A: Well, that would be considered to be a good design. Because, a GKPlayer object will let you know the details of connected player who are currently participating in a game. However, It would be better if you can use the subclass of GKPlayer named GKLocalPlayer. So in that way you maintain an authenticity, one player with one device.
For more information on multiplayer game : Click here!
It seems like we can only have peer to peer voice chat. (But wait for an experts, to share more details with their own hacks!) method taking time

We are developing a XNA game with high interactivity. The game includes some background music.
We are trying to play the background music through the method. But this seems to block the smooth gameplay for a while. How can this be overcome?
Had tried using the soundeffect instance for this initially and it worked fine. But that approach doesn't seem to go well with the certification requirements. Pls help
Thank You
I think this is normal for large music files. You could however try to put
IsFixedTimeStep = false;
TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(???);
I have found that that makes a smoother gamepay. At least back in 7.0 - but I still use it.
I of course assume that you use elapsed time for all animations.

d3.js and dashcode: anyone tried and won?

I'd like to build OSX widgets to rapidly prototype streaming-data-based viz dashboard components. I'd like to use d3.js to do that displaying, but the most basic things I try get stuck with errors I have no ability / patience to parse.
Before I start wasting time on this, I was wondering if anyone's already trod this ground and won or lost? If you won, how did you do it? If you lost, did you understand why?
OK so it turns out the answer to this question is that it's totally possible and quite rewarding! Just be sure to turn on the "this widget can access the internet" option to avoid really confusing errors.

Making A Gameshow like application?

my friend is holding a charity quiz night and I was wondering if there was any software that would be good to create an application where the user can choose from two categories and then see a question from that category, then move on to the next two categories and so on.
I thought of Powerpoint or Keynotes for this but they have a very linear slideshow structure is it possible to link to different slideshow from buttons maybe like macros?
Or is there any better software out there that would be a better tool for the job? Bearing in mind it needs to be able to be shown on a projector and without internet access.
Any help would be really great as Im not sure whats the best way to go about this?
You could use a series of powerpoint slides with buttons for each option. You can splice in a little bit of VBScript to have to buttons keep track of the choises a user made, so that you can present the results in the end.
However with only a trivial bit of searching you could find out that there are dozens of quiz maker applications. I'm not sure which ones are good or bad. But try this query string. To find apps like "Multiple Choise" which looks pretty much like what you are looking for.

Animation tools

I realize this is not strictly programming related, but hopefully you will let me get away with it.
My group is trying to put together a very short (2 minutes or so) "film" about a new feature to our product. The feature is trying to solve a particular problem a lot of our customers have. We do not want to go with live action for displaying the description of the problem we are trying to solve because we feel that the production value of anything we could come up with would be incredibly low and turn off our viewers. So we would like to make an animation (basically floating clip-art that is animated moving from place to place) while we have someone narrate the problem description.
While flash seems to be a good solution I have some problems with it:
I need to capture this in a movie format like avi
It needs to be captured in 1080p, 720p and regular TV def.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that can get me where I need to go?
Free is good, but I think I could get my boss to lay down some scratch for this.
For just some basic here-is-the-screen-this-is-a-slide kinda thing you could use Windows MovieMaker, free and standard.
And here you have some tips on how to create your own screen-captured-AVI file for input.
