CKEDITOR rich text area is not visible in IE10 - ckeditor

I am using ckediotr rich text area, it is working fine in chrome whereas on IE 10 the rich text area is not visible.What can be the issue ??
CKEDITOR.replace('TextArea', { removeButtons: 'Strike,Subscript,Superscript,Anchor,Styles,Specialchar' });


How do I get positions of all visible text on screen?

In windows, say I have windows open with title bars, menus, buttons, text fields and a browser open with HTML displayed,
Is there a way to get the bounding boxes if all text on screen? I could probably access the positions of the open window gui elements, would I also be able to get the bounding box of html text on open webpages in the same way? How about pdf pages?
The reason i want to do this is to take a screenshot of the screen and compare it with the actual text to train a neural network to learn text recognition from screenshots.

SVG clipping in D3 brush doesn't work in Firefox

Using M. Bostock's example of focus + context, I'm trying to implement date selection via brushing: It's working fine in Chrome and IE, but in Firefox the path overflows the chart during brushing.
See here --> Insane CSS Clip Path Bug on Firefox
Basically, firefox thinks any clip-path style you set in a css file with a url#id is referring to an #id within that css stylesheet, rather than within your html document
If you add it as an inline style or attribute direct to the element it works.

Kendo UI + inherit font

I'm using Kendo ui dataviz components (pie and line charts). I need to make the font inherited from the main div.
Is there any attributes to set the font as "inherit" for kendo UI as in css?
Kendo UI DataViz uses SVG for charts in newer browsers and VML for old IE (7 and 8). You can use CSS to change the text font, but the VML part wouldn't be affected. Additionally CSS changes are not expected and the label sizing would probably break.
You're better off using the provided configuration options by the Chart to change the font - check the documentation and use "font" filter.

Issue with black line through images in IE9 (own website)

I am having issues with weird black lines being displayed through a website I work on in IE 9. I have tried turning off compression but I am at a loss as to what to do about this. Has anyone seen this or can you give me some suggestions?
Web page:
IE9 Screenshot:
Those "weird black lines" are coming from the A links in your menu.
You have hidden the actual text in the menu by using "" with "visibility: hidden", but the actual A links themselves are still visible (hence the visible lines).
If you add "visibility: hidden" or "text-decoration: none" to your "a.nav_button" and "a.nav_buttons" CSS rules, then the underlines will disappear.

Highcharts Internet Explorer 8.0.6 Issues

I am using Highcharts Master-Details chart, it is hiding Title and sub title text on IE 8.0.6 and on zooming it hides axes labels. Example from highcharts Master-Details Chart has output:
**For IE 8.0.7(not support HTML5) and Firefox, Chrome & other HTML 5 supported Browsers **
and on zooming:
**For IE 8.0.6 **
Not showing the title and sub title text:
on zooming, Hides the axes labels of Detail chart:
Any suggestions?
