I'm trying to pass text variables as parameters using htmldb_Get. Unfortunately when I'm updating or inserting rows whitch contains accented characters like é the result in the database will be Ê. I'm only developing this application for the firm so any solution altering the installed database or APEX properties won't help.
JS code:
var ajaxRq = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=updateCategory',0);
ajaxRes = ajaxRq.get();
I have an interactive report and the goal is to let the user export the data but without 1 column.
What I tried for the column in question:
1) Server-side condition - Request is NOT contained in value; Value - CSV, HTML
2) NVL(:REQUEST,'EMPTY') not in ('CSV','HTMLD')
The column I am trying to not export is a link with an icon. I tried changing it to 'Plain text' but to no avail.
Oracle Apex version 21.2.0
I managed to accomplish it using this:
instr(nvl(:REQUEST,'~'),'HTML') = 0 and instr(nvl(:REQUEST,'~'),'CSV') = 0
The approach described earlier worked for me with APEX 21.x.
However in APEX 22.1 the CSV download seems to be different; is this correct? For me the values are no longer evaluated again during download and thus I can not control this (we have a server side condition for that that accesses a page Item which we fill with a logic evaluating :REQUEST).
I am trying to set selected records in apex Interactive Grid following documentation
API documentation but it does not work.
I have an array of records and when I am trying to set selected records using
apex.region("grid").widget().interactiveGrid("setSelectedRecords", records);
when I check it via console the output is like below but the rows are not selected (selection is empty as I would pass the empty array.
console output image
I am using APEX 19.2, anyone faced a similar issue? Any suggestions?
Try this:
apex.region("gridId").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").setSelectedRecords(records, true);
Perhaps must be the record between '[]' example:
var record = apex.region("gridId").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid").model.getRecord("4551");
apex.region("gridId").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid").setSelectedRecords([record],true);
i m trying to insert to a collection data with hebrew characters
is it possible to work with LiteDb in hebrew? if yes, how?
All strings in LiteDB are stored in UTF8. You shouldn't have any problem to store in any language.
In v5 you database are created using current culture info and you can change it by Rebuild your database
I am running a query that populates a TComboBox to let users filter results displayed in a ListView. One of the query results has an E with an accute accent character. The word is CIGRÉ. It shows up in my ComboBox as CIGR..., as shown below.
I have been scrubbing the data to replace the É with an E. Is there a way to modify the query so it retains the original É?
Below is my query code, it returns unique committee names from a big list of meetings (mtgs).
Form1->FDConnection1->Params->Values["ColumnMetadataSupported"] = "False";
Form1->FDConnection1->Params->Values["Database"] = System::Ioutils::TPath::Combine(System::Ioutils::TPath::GetDocumentsPath(), "local.db"); // i'm using ifdefs to set this properly for platform (not shown)
query->SQL->Text = "SELECT DISTINCT committee FROM mtgs ORDER BY committee";
while (!query->Eof) {
Form1->cmbBoxFilters->Items->Add("Show " + query->FieldByName("committee")->AsString);
p.s. I'm building in C++Builder 10.2 Version 25.0.29899.2631 and the app is for Win32, iOS, and Android. I'm using FireDAC to access the db. The committee field is type TEXT. The TFDConnection setting for Driver is SQLite. The db file is SQLite version 3 (SQLite3).
UPDATE 1: I have been using SQLiteManager to import CSV data into my db. I've set it to UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 and all give the same result. The CIGRÉ gets converted to CIGR... by SQLiteManager. This is clearly not a problem with my code. I apologize for wasting folks time.
I have an NCLOB field in the database, which I use to save data created using the fck editor.
Certain Turkish characters are displayed as numerical codes after doing an Oracle select from this NCLOB field . For example: the Ç character becomes Ç.
How can I solve this without having to use text replacement?
Who will use the data that is retrieved from the database after the select? If it will be displayed using the FCK editor, there should be no problem.
Otherwise, you need to use a different encoding (I don't know about FCK editor so I don't know if this is possible).
Or, you need to use a different editor (other than FCK) that will read/write in the proper encoding.
Therefore, decide who will be using the data; that is, what software will they be using to display the data coming from the NCLOB field (for example, Microsoft Word, Notepad, or some other application).
Using that application, create a file that contains Turkish characters.
Write that file into a NCLOB field.
Retrieve the file back and try to display it using the same application.
Make sure the characters are the same and that Oracle has not transformed the Turkish characters.
If all works well, use that application to store data into NCLOB fields.