retrieve transaction customer's transaction history to put on website - braintree

I am currently developing an application similar to that of Uber. I wonder if there is somewhere that I can learn about how to show users' transaction history the way that Uber does on their website. How can we retrieve that information from Braintree?


Google Analytics Report Integration with java application

I have a java application where users with different roles logged in and perform various activities. I am tracking each user with their useid and Roles and creating custom reports in Google analytics through GTM. In reports i am displaying which user with what roles logged in how many times which date visited etc.I GA i created custom reports which gives charts and table.Charts which GA is giving is as below.
In my java spring application in admin section i want to display the above graph. Please suggest me the steps and action i need to follow to integrate GA reports graph to my java application.
Prabhash Mishra
GA4 has a reporting API You can use that to pull the data. It may be quite uncomfortable to pull the data via it, so there's another option. You can seamlessly export your data to BQ then ETL it from there using some public libraries for working with BQ.
Going the BQ route will result in way easier debugging since you'd see how the data really looks like directly in BQ.

Google Play Console API

Issue: My clients need to access app information, such as installs, uninstalls, and respond app user comments.
They access the Google Play Console to manage the information above, but are computer laymen, and with access to the Google Play Console they can run undesirable settings or even remove the app from the Google Play Console.
Solution: Create a web portal for them to view only specific information (Installations, Uninstallations and responding to end user comments from the app).
Doubt: What API will the portal that I'm going to develop need to consume to display the information (Installs, Uninstallations and answer End User Comments)?
Annex draft of the project.
Why don't you just use user permissions in the Play console to prevent them from doing anything undesirable? You can give users read only access, and even per-app access.
Then you don't have to write any code at all.
As i understand it, your portal will mainly need two things :
The reviews sent by users via Google Play Store
The Google Play Console reports
Then, you will have to do the job yourself, create some kind of blog where end-users can posts reviews, and other users can comment it. You will also need to retrieve the reviews posted via Google Play Store, and use this data to automatically post a new review on your portal. The Reply to Reviews API can help you to retrieve such reviews, in a formated output (Json).
The install and uninstall are available thanks to Google Play Console reports, stored in a private Google Cloud Storage bucket. There are a few ways to download these reports, but i guess you want get them programmatically in order to automate the process. You will need gsutil to achieve this task. I understood gsutil gives you CSV files, witch can be parsed pretty easily, in order to isolate ans send the informations you need to your portal.

Google Tag manager is not recordingTransactions for enhanced Ecommerce

I already searched a lot and saw this link.
I setup my google analytics with configuring magento native Google API by using account type the Google tag manager. I am able to see page views, All sessions and sessions with product views. however, the rest are 0. please take a look at the following image:
I debugged the google tag manager with debug tool and I can see that purchase tracking with purchase event is being fired, however, I do not see it in google analytics.
I already setup what the this link provided,
Also I see that data layer has the purchase information id,revenue,tax,etc.
I am wondering what needs to be done so that sessions with transactions will get recorded?
here is the configuration that I have for the tag:
I'm not sure what's wrong?
If those are the exact tags that you are using, then there looks to be a typo in your Purchase trigger. You've got Event equals puchase (typo for "purchase"). You don't need to define this value again, and it would be sufficient to just have Event name of purchase (ie. you don't need the This trigger fires on).

Updating Database after Google Checkout Payment

I am trying to implement Google Checkout in my website.
I have the PHP code sample named "checkout-php-1.3.2" from
I have followed the instructions and am able to send contents to Google Cart successfully.
The problem is i do not know how to update my website's database after the payment has been made.
I looked a little in the demo code and there is a page responsehandlerdemo.php and there i can see a lot of notification cases namely
If anybody can provide any help regarding which callback to use and how to parse the xml.
It will be very helpful.
Sourav Mukherjee
With the exception of merchant-calculation-callback (ref), all the other notifications mean something to your order processing (everything that has to do after successful checkout).
new-order-notification - is what it says it is, data representing a new order
order-state-change - orders move into different states (status), so this notification notifies you of them
You should go over the Developer docs particularly the Notification API for details.
I'm not a PHP developer (.Net) but I've seen the sample code and it already includes XML parsing for the notifications you receive. Once you get to know the API, you'll know when/where in the flow you need to add your business code (i.e. database storage, etc.).

Is the WebOS calendar api really as limited as it sounds?

A recent Ars Technica article rekindled my interest in WebOS so I was looking at the Services API (because I'm interested in building a replacement calendar app). I discovered the following text at the top of the calendar services API documentation:
Note: To prevent unauthorized use of
private user data, this API provides
access only to records created by your
application; that is, you cannot
access records owned by another
What is the point of even having an API if you can't access data created by other applications? At that point there would be no reason for me to use their API rather than building the data storage myself. Am I missing something? Can any WebOS developers weigh in on this?
P.S. If they named their os "WebOS" you would think they'd know something about sane URLs. Check out that ridiculous calendar api doc url!!
The reason for the limited access is because of security, but not just that. Some services have agreements that limit how their data can be used. For example, having an API that would let a random webOS app access your Facebook calendar data would be working around the FaceBook terms of service that control how that data can be used. The same applies to LinkedIn, Google Calendar, and any other service from which the system is pulling information.
If you just need to post an occasional event, there's a better API to use that lets you cross-launch the calendar app with data that the user can accept into their own calendar. That way, you don't create your own bucket, but the user has to manually accept the event.
The reason to use the calendar APIs is to expose your own data to the user of the device. FlightView, for example, uses it to publish a calendar to the user of upcoming flights that he or she is interested in, and if those get rescheduled, it can automatically change them. The Fandango app uses this to push movie times for theaters the user likes into their calendar view. There's lots of possibilities.
