Joomla Microdata doesn't show headline and image - joomla

With the Google Structured Data Testing Tool, I analyzed an article made with Joomla 3.4 and T3 framework and despite that imposed the image and show the title tells me always:
headline: Missing
image: missing
What options do I need to enable to show these microdata based on

My solutions is to manually add a microdata code into php template for article. This work's!


AMP: How can I create sitemap

My site based on AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages ); How can I create sitemap files if I have pages used ONLY AMP. Thanks.
Sitemaps can point to any content, it is only by convention that they normally point to webpages, they can point to PDF files, Word Documents, html pages running AMP, etc!
Create your sitemap as normal and it will get picked up and indexed.
As abielita mentioned, if you also have standard HTML pages the preferred way is to have them in a sitemap and then use the rel="amphtml" link.
You can check on this tutorial. Be noted that AMP does not need a sitemap (HTML or XML) if the content is marked up correctly: engines know where AMP content is by this piece of code present in your regular pages: <link rel="amphtml" href="">. You can also check this link for more information and explanation. The sitemap is added to your website by simply using the customizable shortcode. [amp-sitemap append='amp' heading='AMP Sitemap' max='5']

Use for Article without image property?

I have implemented in my project, I have added Article section but we did not have image so it shows an error
A value for the image field is required.
How can I fix this error and is there any solution for using Article without image section?
If you don’t have an image, you can’t (and you are not supposed to) fix it.
This is not an error with your use of It just means that you don’t get Google’s Article search feature, which needs an image:
The representative image of the article. Only a marked-up image that directly belongs to the article should be specified.
Ideally Google would mark it as info/warning instead of error in their SDTT.

Octopress archives as dropdown categories aside alike Google Blogging

I have had gone through plugins which could do a cloud based categories tag asides: refer: and also the good known working Top Categories: refer: but both of these do not serve my purpose.
My purpose would be to use the categories aside like the default way which Google Blogger ships, how do I achieve this and customize this to the requirements?
A screenshot of concept (like year-wise with drop down):

Adobe CQ5.6 timing chart url for performance monitoring not shown

I have read in developer guide (Adobe CQ 5.6) that to monitior the performance of the page created, you should open the page in author instance and right-click to see the HTML source. There at the end you will see URL 'Timing chart URL'.
But I am not able to see this URL. Any body have idea what can be wrong on my end? I am using Adobe CQ 5.6
For Coding in CQ:
Answer for your query: Refer correct documents, Please visit & also share the link where you read the following?

Sitefinity 4.3 A/B Testing

I am using Sitefinity 4.3 for my organisation's site.
We have a home page and on it we are showing our Portfolio slider and it has Image, Text and Description.
The portfolio details are in the database. How should I go about doing A/B testing for this section as if we create another page the source will also be in the database.
Please guide how to approach A/B testing in this situation.
Google Experiments are an easy way to do this. There is a blog post on Telerik's site that highlights it (although, the blog is using 5.x)
