Can't create Developer ID Application code signing identity in Xcode - xcode

I can't create a signing identity from Xcode for Developer ID Application.
Xcodeshows the Reset button and clicking that Reset button simply opens
I have tried creating a new Developer ID Application certificate from the website and installed it in Keychain Access but Xcode still shows the Reset button. I've tried removing all the previous Developer ID certificates and public and private keys from Keychain Access but the button still says Reset instead of Create.
I've tried installing Xcode on another Mac and when clicking the Create button for Developer ID Application I get a popup saying:
Your account already has a valid Developer ID Application certificate
but it is not installed locally
and then Xcode crashes.
Therefore I ended up with multiple Developer ID Application certificates created in my account but I can't use any of them.
Is there any way to remove those Developer ID application certificates from my developer account and start fresh?
Hopefully this will make Xcode show the "Create" button instead of "Reset" on my Mac.
This is Xcode 7.1.1 on OSX 10.11.1
Any help is highly appreciated.

I had the same problem. And never resolved the fact that the date on the new certificate ending in 2019 and the one that kept showing up, and I kept deleting had 2017. Finally, With Developer ID chosen I switched from my team name to "none." a dialogue came up asking me to ID myself. So I chose my team name in the dialogue. Then everything worked!

If you want to delete them you can do that by clicking on whichever certificate you want to delete and then clicking revoke. At that point if you still have any certificates in your keychain access, delete those as well. From there create a new certificate try downloading it and opening it to add it to your keychain and then seeing if it works in Xcode.

The Private Key for a Developer ID Certificate Is Missing
Optionally, contact Apple at if you need to revoke Developer ID certificates. Alternatively, you can continue to develop and distribute apps by creating additional Developer ID certificates, as described in Creating Additional Developer ID Certificates.


How do I resolve problems with my Signing Certificates in Xcode

System Preferences / Manage Certificates
The above is a picture of the System Preferences/Manage Certificates area of Xcode (rev 11).
I know this is quite messy, but I'd like to ask the community for help in cleaning up my signing certificates for Xcode.
I am to the point where I cannot Archive any app in Xcode, even a "Hello World" app, due to the state of my signing certificates. I am a paid up developer on Apple Developer.
Below is a picture of the Key Chain Access of my system.
Thanks in advance.
[Key Chain Access Image][1]
I am a little the wiser now.
In order to submit to the Apple App Store, you need a Distribution Certificate and an IOS Distribution Certificate. Both must have the Public and Private key.
The Private Key refers to the computer from which the app will be submitted. The Private Key is password to the Mac that will archive the app and submit.
To start, you need to go onto your distribution Mac and open the Keychain Access app (Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access). Once in, at the top of the screen, go to Keychain Access/Certificate Assistant/Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
Note 1The Request requires a user email address. Use the email address that you use to log into the Apple Developer Site. You do not need a common name. Select Request is Saved to Disk and Continue. You will be allowed to pick the name and Save Folder for the Certificate. Click Save.
You can create All of your Certificates from this one Certificate Signing Request.
Go into the Apple Developer Website and sign in (you need to be paid up to do this). Use the Apple ID that you used to save the Certificate.
Go to Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles.
Click Certificates in the left column. Click the + next to Certificates to add a new Certificate.
You will be asked to what kind of Certificate to Create.
You need to select Apple Development to develop an app on your mac. You may need an iOS App Development to develop iOS apps, but I haven't found this necessary
To Upload and Distribute your app, you need Apple Distribution and iOS Distribution.
Whichever one you pick, click Continue and you will be asked to Upload a Signing Certificate Request. Here you browse to the Certificate Signing Request that you saved (Note 1 above). Click Generate and the Certificate will be created. Click Download and the Certificate will be downloaded to the Downloads folder on your Mac.
You can create several different kind of certificates and you do NOT need to re-create the CSR -- use the same one over and over.
On your Mac, you can just double click the Certificates downloaded and they will be added to your Keychain.
In XCode, select the App root of the App Folder Tree and open "Signing and Capabilities". Select the Team that you have in the Apple Developer Site from the drop down list. Also select Automatically manage signings.
Also in XCode, you go to XCode/Preferences/Accounts. You should selected the Apple ID on the left which is the same as you log into the Apple Developer Account. On the right, you can select the Team which will do the Uploading and click Manage Certificates. You need valid iOS Development, Apple Development and Apple Distribution Certificates.
Note 2 If there are any Certificates that are missing the Private Key, this is because either the CSR was generated on a different PC to your current PC or that you were not logged in as the same developer on the Apple Developer Site. This happened to me, and it was because I wasn't logged into the Developer Site the same as I have logged on my PC in System Preferences.
If you Archive, and you have missing Private Keys, the Archive will ask you to log into Keychain using the password which unlocks the PC for EACH and every missing key. Once done, the archive will be created.
Note 3Make any mistake on this, and you will generate a failed archive with a non-zero exit code. Apple provide no clue as to how to solve this.
My current situation is that I have valid Apple Development, iOS Development and Apple Distribution Certificates and I can archive. In addition to the valid Apple Distribution Certificate, I have two Apple Distribution Certificates which are missing private keys. But, I can archive the app.
Be kind and be safe all.

Xcode -How to add a private key to Development Certificate if it's created using the Revoke button

By mistake I pressed the Revoke button.:
I went to > Certificates I downloaded the new Development Certificate that was created from pressing the Revoke button. Afterwards one of the errors I got is
The second part of the error says the certificate needs a private key (in orange).
In Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > App ID > Team > plus sign it says the expiration of that Development Certificate is 10/30/20, 12:04 AM:
When I look in keychain the certificate with that expiration date is there but there isn't an arrow on the left of it to toggle the nested private key:
How do add a private key to the Development Certificate that was created using the Revoke button?
Btw the Distribution Certificate that was created after pressing the Revoke button did have a private key attached to it.
When you press the Revoke button you get issued a new iPhone Distribution certificate and a new iPhone Developer certificate. You can view these certificates inside the developer portal at > certificates. Those certificates will also be inside your keychain. You use the certificate expiration dates to see which certificates correspond to what.
The problem with pressing the Revoke button is you will get a iPhone Distribution certificate with a private key but as far as the iPhone Developer certificate it won't have a private key.
If you look into your keychain you will see this pic below. Notice the iPhone Distribution certificate has a gray arrow next to it but the iPhone Developer certificate doesn't:
That will cause the following 2 errors:
It causes a cycle where you press the Revoke button again and you wind up with the same 2 errors. I'm not sure why Apple did it this way but someone definitely made a mistake.
When you go to Keychain > login > My Certificates you will only see certificates that have a private key (the gray arrow indicates that). Since the iPhone Developer certificate from pressing the Revoke button doesn't have a key it won't be in there. According to this you need that key otherwise you'll get the errors:
If your iOS developer and distribution certificates do not appear in
"My Certificates", then they are not correctly configured for use on
your Mac. Please note that "Certificates" is a repository of all
certificates your Mac holds, whereas "My Certificates" is the subset
of certificates valid for your Mac to actually use - a certificate
appearing in "Certificates" only is not enough.
If the certificate is not in My Certificates then this is most likely
because you do not have the correct key for that certificate also on
that Mac. You will need to locate the private key made for that
certificate (i.e., from the original Mac which requested the
certificate or a backup server).
As long as they do appear in My Certificates, then they key is there.
Since the iPhone Developer certificate won't appear in My Certificates the fix is after you press the Revoke button, delete the iPhone Developer certificate that it generates from BOTH the developer portal at > certificates AND keychain. It's VERY important you delete it from keychain! Use the expiration date to locate it. Please keep the iPhone Distribution Certificate because that should work fine and have a key (indicated by the gray arrow).
After it's deletes from both BOTH places you can manually generate a developer certificate yourself following these directions:
Generate a Code Signing Certificate manually
1- Open your Keychain Access.
2- In the upper left hand corner next to the Apple sign select Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority...
3- Fill in User Email Address(just use yours) and the Common Name (just use your name) and select Saved to Disk. I selected Let me specify key pair information (maybe it's not necessary) but on the next screen just use the Key Size: 2048 bits and algorithm: RSA. Click on Continue and save the generated certSigningRequest file to your desktop.
4- Go to and log in to your account.
5- Select Certificates, IDs & Profiles from the left sidebar.
6- Go to Certificates and click on the + button on the top right corner.
7- Select iOS App Development and click Continue.
8- On the next page you see the instructions for creating the certSigningRequest file. Click continue.
9- Upload the created certSigningRequest (from the 3rd step, the one saved to your desktop) to the form and click continue. It will generate your code signing certificate for you.
10- Download the certificate and double click to install it. Once installed it will be added to your Keychain Access app. Assuming it saves to your download folder you can just go in there and double click it.
Once you do those steps both errors should go away.
If you continue to have errors look at the certificates in both the portal at > certificates and keychain > My Certificates. If anything is in the portal but isn't in My Certificates then you need to find it keychain access (look in keychain > Certificates), delete it, and delete it from the portal.
It took me a while to figure this out but the expiration date is the key to locating messed up certificates.
Unfortunately there is no way to make it working. I am on Mojave so:
I Installed Big Sur on external hard drive and booted it from there.
Installex Xcode 12.
Created empty project
I am member also in paid team but this is unnecessary.
Signing and creating certificate went smoothly without errors
I selected keychain access in system preferences in iCloud.
I exported my certificates and keys to external drive partition that is visible from Mojave.
restart and boot mojave
Imported certificates
and THIS IS NOT WORKING neither for paid account nor not-paid one. My certificates are marked as not trusted and Xcode 11.2 still has problems with repair and fix things. I got 8 emails that my certificates are revoked in the process.
So this probably is a Mojave think as Apple think system is not secure. Which is funny because yesterday I installed latest security update for Mojave (after which I lost my Mac Mini built-in speakers :( )
This looks like serious bug on Apple side I reported it through Feedback assistant but I doubt they will ever fix it so for now I have to say good bye to coding for Apple platforms.

How do I fix "Missing Private Key" for xcode apple provisioning?

On a new mac, I installed xcode and needed to set up provisioning for a hello-world project to deploy to my iPad.
NOTE: I am using the new FREE provisioning (do not have a paid Apple account)
I went to Preferences/Account signed in to my Apple account
In the project, General tab, Team is set to my (free) Apple Dev account. (all seemed well, it recognized this as valid)
I tried to deploy to the iPad and I got a build error "codesign failed with exit code 1"
Supposedly this is to do with certificates. I went to Keychain Access and found "iPhone Developer: (...)" in there, which was added when I signed in via my Apple Account.
I DELETED this key (thinking I would simply re-add my Apple Account and thus this key)
I then removed and re-added my Apple account from xcode preferences
I can sign-in, I can see it adds keys, and Keychain Access Get Info on the keys indicates no issues (valid, etc)
In xcode Preferences, when I click Manage Certificates, it shows "David's MacBook Pro (2)" and a bunch of "Untitled" keys ALL of which have a status of "Missing Private Key".
xcode/General/Status section says "The username or passphrase you entered is not correct" even though my "Team" is signed in and valid
Clicking "Try Again" shows "Waiting to repair", followed by "revoking...", followed by "Generating certificates" - which sounds promising, like it's doing exactly what I need, but then fails, private keys still missing, and back to step 9 here in a loop of hell.
ok? How do I get this resolved without flattening my OS back to factory and starting completely over?
Note: there are resolutions on SO that talk about Revoking the keys and generating new private keys from the Dev Console, like this one:
How can I add private key to the distribution certificate?
HOWEVER, on a "free" account I have NO access to the Certificates section! I can't manage anything from the Dev portal online. I do, however, see xcode specifically set up to handle certs (see step 9-10 above) but it is not working. I really don't know where to go from here. I'm new to all things Mac and iOS and xcode. Frustrated. Thanks Apple, so much for a simple on-boarding experience on a simple hello-world app.
After two bounties for this question which gave no results, I managed to find a solution to this problem.
Apparently, it was some keychain related problem.
To fix it:
Open Keychain Access on your Mac.
Right click on the "login" keychain in the left side of the window.
Press Lock keychain "login".
Then do the same to Unlock it.
Go back to Xcode and try to set your app to run with your personal account.
Solution was found using the first comment here:
I had this error and it occurred because I had moved to a new Macbook. Although there was a provisioning profile on our Apple account and it was not expired, the private key was on the old Macbook. So downloading and installing the profile did not help, as it was the private key that was missing. I revoked the provisioning profile and created a new one. I had the same issue for the distribution certificate.
If you are concerned whether revoking and creating new certificates/profiles will affect existing deployed applications, take a look at this question and the answers. The bottom line is, for applications on the app store it will have no affect, but for Enterprise Distributions, deployed applications will stop working if you revoke the provisioning profile. So if the application is on an Enterprise Account, then it is best to try find the private key in the keychain of the Macbook where it was created.

Your account already has a valid Developer ID Application certificate

The last couple of days I've struggled with code signing my cocoa app in Xcode. I've read through all similar topic that looked to be related, but nothing has helped.
Whenever I try to export my archive I get this error message:
I've tried to delete everything in my keychain and all profiles/certificates that I'm allowed to delete/revoke in the member center. However, I still get the same error with no "Fix" or "Reset" button. How should I proceed in order to get my application signed for distribution outside of store?
Go to Preferences -> Accounts, choose your account, click "View Details" in the bottom right corner and in the dialog click Download all in the bottom left corner.
Also, take a look at It is a great set of tools, which is, among other things, capable of dealing with code signing issues. Calling cert and sigh is sometimes enough to deal with many code signing-related problems.
I had installed my Developer ID Application Certificate on a different Mac and was getting the same error as in the question when I tried to use that certificate on a "new" Mac.
This fixed it for me:
I still have the other Mac so I exported the Developer Accounts from that one again:
Go to XCode | Preferences | Accounts
Click the "cog" in the bottom-left-hand-corner next the the plus and minus signs
Click "Export Developer Accounts"
Save the exported file somewhere accessible to your other Mac
Then, on my "new" Mac:
Go to XCode | Preferences | Accounts
Select the Apple ID that represents my dev certs
Click the minus sign in the bottom left hand corner to delete that account
Quit XCode
Open Key Chain Access
Delete all Developer Certificates
Close Keychain Access
Go to XCode | Preferences | Accounts
Click the "cog" in the bottom-left-hand-corner next the the plus and minus signs
Click "Import Developer Accounts"
Select the file exported on the "old" Mac above and import
I'm hitting this same issue.
The error appears to be telling you that valid Developer ID Certs have been created under your developer account, but they are not currently on your Mac, so they cannot be used.
The solution would be to download the Developer ID Cert(s) from the web. However, you likely do not have the Private Key used to sign these certs. So at this point they are rather useless.
In my case, the further problem is that I already have 5 Developer ID Certificates in my account. I'm not quite sure where these came from. They were created years ago, perhaps when I was attempting to create Mac App Store certs? Or perhaps by clicking that damn Fix Issue button...
There appears to be a limit of 5 Developer ID Certificates per developer account, by default.
Developer ID Certificates are created, now, through Xcode rather than via the Members Center:
However, in Xcode, there is no longer a button to "Create" a new cert. The only button is "Reset". This button simply links me back to the Members Center in my web browser, so is completely useless...
Via the Members Center, Developer ID Certificates cannot be revoked, as you would an iOS or Mac App Store certificate. The "Revoke" button is Grayed out.
You can’t revoke Developer ID or Pass Type ID certificates using Member Center. Instead, send a request to Apple at to revoke these types of certificates.
Apple will only revoke these certificates in cases of security, to disable installation of the app on all client machines. I've tried emailing the above address, and they told me they could not revoke the cert.
The solution, then, is to have additional Developer ID Certificate slots added to your account, past the limit of 5.
Product Security told me, rather than revoking the certs,
We encourage you to contact Apple Developer Connection at to resolve the issue you’re experiencing.
I've now contacted developer support. I recommend calling. They are currently, hopefully, setting up new Developer ID slots on my dev account.
When you create a new Developer ID Certificate that you will actually use, be sure to back up the Certificate and Private Key so that you do not hit this issue in the future.
I waited for over a month, I believe, with no response. I happened to have a ticket to an Apple TV Tech Talk and talked to an Apple representative at their lab. He was able to reset my Developer ID Certificate limit in about 5 minutes. So this is possible, but to expedite the process I would attempt to talk with a Developer Evangelist at Apple either in person or over the phone.
One issue could be the private key is missing for your developer cert. With Keychain Access find your developer cert and verify it has a little triangle beside it. Click on the triangle to reveal the private key.
If it's not there you'll need to restore this private key from the Mac you created your certificate.
Otherwise, delete the cert from the Apple Developer website and then create a new one.
Same issue here but i was using "automatically manage settings" on Xcode 8. And for a particular reason there were two distribution certificates in my developer account.
Xcode seems to choose the most recent automatically and I didn't have it installed on my mac. So I switch to the old way by creating manually my app ID and my provisioning profile (which use the appropriate certificate) and it works :)
I had similar issue. I've discovered that my provisioning profile was invalid since I've updated iOS Developer certificate. After PP regeneration everything works as expected.
I ran into this same issue, and I fixed it at last. There are some tips:
in Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts, click button View Details, then
click button Download All Profiles
in Keychain Access, check if the certificate exists. if not, choose
File->Import items, then choose the .cer file you download
from developer website
Hope it helps.
On Xcode Version 8.3.3 go to Preferences ->Accounts -> Manage Certificates -> then click (+) ->on dropdown menu click iOS Development. Do the same for iOS App Store -> Done -> Download All Profiles.
If you have changed the machine Exporting the developer account from old mac and then importing into new mac solves the problem

MAS: Code Signing Identity Private Key

I've removed all development and installer certificates from the development portal, created a new CSR and generated new Application and Installer certificates.
Now I'm about to distribute the App to the MAS and am constantly presented with this error:
"Name" is a valid identity. However, the private key for the associated package
identity "Name" is not installed on this Mac.
Developer Profiles from a different Mac can be imported.
This puzzles me, since the private key is on the System, how else could I've generated the certificates without them?
Double check you have removed all old certs, there is a menu item in the KeyChain app to show all expired certs. I threw away all expired certs and things started working.
Got it working:
Created a new user account on my Mac
Cloned the repo there
Removed all Provisioning Profiles and Certificates from the Dev Portal
Let Xcode generate all the Certificates for you
Upload works!
The problem is Mac Installer Distribution certificate.
The easiest way to have everything fixed and loose all the troubles just go to Xcode->Window->Organizer->Devices and then on the lower right corner press on Refresh and log in with your account... xcode will generate and download all the certificates and provisioning profiles needed.
I followed the instructions and deleted all expired certificates from the keychain and refreshed the profiles list within the organizer. How ever the error only vanished after I restarted Xcode.
