I'm developing a genetic algorithm to find the optimal connections between points (minimizing distance).
Let's assume we have two lists of points:
sources = {s1, s2, s3}
targets = {t1, t2, t3, t4}
I decided to represent the genome as a 2D binary array, where:
rows represent source points
columns represent target points
1s represent the connection between source and target
This representation implies that each column and each row in the matrix can have at most one 1s.
Now I'm struggling to find a crossover operator which preserves the integrity of the solution.
parent1 :
parent2 :
offspring : ???
Any suggestions?
Keeping your representation and assuming that there are more targets than sources, you could use a row-swapping crossover operator with a built-in repair algorithm.
Randomly select a row (i)
Swap parents' i-th row
Repair children (if required) moving the conflicting 1 to a free (random or near) column
Row 0 randomly selected
ROW 0 [0][1][0][0] <-crossover-> [0][0][1][0]
ROW 1 [0][0][1][0] [1][0][0][0]
ROW 2 [1][0][0][0] [0][0][0][1]
Offspring before repair
[0][0][1][0] [0][1][0][0]
[0][0][1][0] and [1][0][0][0]
[1][0][0][0] [0][0][0][1]
CHILD2 is ok (for a column-swapping operator this doesn't happen); CHILD1 needs the repair operator
Keep the swapped row (row 0) and change the other conflicting row (row 1). Move the 1 to a free column (column 1 or 3)
[0][0][1][0] [0][1][0][0]
[0][1][0][0] and [1][0][0][0]
[1][0][0][0] [0][0][0][1]
You can generalize BFS to this situation. (if I correctly understand task)
In simple graph traversing task you need to find shortest path from start node to finish node, so you need to store for every node distance from start node and predecessor for this node (from what cell you came). Before BFS iterative algorithm you need to add start node to queue. Take one item in each iteration, check if this node is finish node and add neighbors nodes for this node to queue, etc. So, how we can generalize this algorithm to several start and finish nodes. Very simple.
You need to add to queue all start nodes.
You need to compare every node that you take from queue with every finish nodes. You can use hashset to O(1) lookup.
Time complexity of this generalization doesn't depend on count of start and finish nodes and the same as simple BFS algorithm: O(V+E)
So how would you print all paths in a tree. Here the condition is that we don't only want paths starting from the root or paths in the sub-tree.
For example:
/ \
8 10
/\ /
5 6 11
So the program should return:
and so on...
One approach is to find the LCA between every distinct pair of nodes and then print the path from the LCA to both nodes (reverse in the left subtree and in order in the right subtree). But the complexity here would be O(n^3). Is there a more efficient solution ?
If you are only interested in the result, not in the algoritm, create the nodes and relations in neo4j with
merge (n2:node{n:2})-[:down]->(n8:node{n:8})-[:down]->(:node{n:5})
merge (n2)-[:down]->(:node{n:10})-[:down]->(:node{n:11})
merge (n8)-[:down]->(:node{n:6})
then query
match p=(a)-[r:down *]-(b) return nodes(p)
Assuming you tree has distinct nodes, you can:
Create a map having key as int and value as vector. The key stands for each node you encounter and vector is for storing all the nodes that you will traverse under the node.
Pass this map by value to each node. You can have a function like:
void printAllPaths(node *proot, map<int, vector<int> > m)
Whenever you encounter a new node n, do the following
a) For each k from set of keys
b) Add n to the value vector of k.
c) Print all keys followed by their value vectors.
d) Also insert new key as n into the map with empty vector as value.
Note: If your tree has duplicate nodes you a multimap will help you keep track. c++ STL will serve you well in this case.
I'm working around the Euler Path issue and found a problem:How to define or store a Euler graph struct?
An usual way is using an "Adjoint Matrix",C[i][j] is defined to store the edge between i-j.It's concise and effective! But this kind of matrix is limited by the situation that the edge between 2 nodes is unique (figure 1).
class EulerPath
int[][] c;//adjoint matrix,c[i][j] means the edge between i and j
What if there are several edges (figure 2)?My solution might be using customized class ,like "Graph","Node","Edge" to store a graph,but dividing the graph into some discrete structs ,which means we have to take more class details into consideration,may hurt the efficiency and concision. So I'm very eager to hear your advice!Thanks a lot!
class EulerPath
class Graph
Node[] Nodes;
Edge[] Edges;
class Node{...}
class Edge{...}
You can use an adjacency matrix to store graphs with multi-edges. You just let the value of c[i][j] be the number of times that vertex i is adjacent to vertex j. In your first case, it's 1, in your second case, it's 3. See also Wikipedia -- adjacency matrices aren't defined as being composed of only 1 and 0, that's just the special case of an adjacency matrix for a simple graph.
EDIT: You can represent your second graph in an adjacency matrix like this:
1 2 3 4
1 0 3 1 1
2 3 0 1 1
3 1 1 0 0
4 1 1 0 0
You can do this in at least three ways:
Adjacency list
Meaning that you have a 2D array called al[N][N]
al[N][N] This N is the node index
al[N][N] This N is the neighbor node index
Example, a graph with this input:
0 => 1
1 => 2
2 => 3
3 => 1
The adjacency list will look like this:
0 [1]
1 [2,3]
2 [1,3]
3 [1,2]
PS: Since this is a 2D array, and not all horizontal cells are going to be used, you need to keep track of the number of connected neighbours for each graph index because some programming languages initialise array values with a zero which is a node index in the graph. This can be done easily by creating another array that will count the number of neighbours for each graph index. Example of this case: numLinks: [1,2,2,2]
With a matrix, you create an N x N 2D array, and you put a 1 value in the intersection of row col neighobor nodes:
Example with the same input above:
0 1 2 3
0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
2 0 1 0 1
3 0 1 1 0
Class Node
The last method is creating a class called Node that contain a dynamic array of type Node. And you can store in this array the other nodes connected
Consider using a vector of linked list. Add a class that will have a field for a Vertex as well as the Weight (let's name it Entry). Your weights should be preferably another vector or linked list (preferably ll) which will contain all possible weights to the according Vertex. Your main class will have a vector of vectors, or a vector of linked lists (I'd prefer linked lists since you will most likely not need random access, being forced to iterate through every Entry when performing any operation). You main class will have one more vector containing all vertices. In C++ this would look like this:
class Graph{
std::vector<std::forward_list<Entry>> adj_list;
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
Where the Vertex that corresponds to vertices[i] has the corresponding list in adj_list[i]. Since every Entry contains the info regarding the Vertex to which you are connected and the according weights, you will have your graph represented by this class.
Efficiency for what type of operation?
If you want to find a route between two IP addresses on the internet, then your adjacency matrix might be a million nodes squared, ie a gigabyte of entries. And as finding all the nodes connected to a given node goes up as n, you could be looking at a million lookups per node just to find the nodes connected to that node. Horribly inefficient.
If your problem only involves a few nodes and is run infrequently, then adjacency matrices are simple and intuitive.
For most problems which involve traversing graphs, a better solution could be to create a class called node, which has a property a collection (say a List) of all the nodes it is connected to. For most real world applications, the list of connected nodes is much less than the total number of all nodes, so this works out as more compact. Plus it is highly efficient in finding edges - you can get a list of all connected nodes in fixed time per node.
If you use this structure, where you have a node class which contains as a property a collection of all the nodes it is connected to, then when you create a new edge (say between node A and node B) then you add B to the collection of nodes to which A is connected, and A to the collection of nodes to which B is connected. Excuse my Java/C#, something like
class Node{
Arraylist<Node> connectedNodes;
public Node() // initializer
connectedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>;
// and somewhere else you have this definition:
public addEdgeBetween(Node firstNode, Node secondNode) {
And similarly to delete an edge, remove the reference in A to B's collection and vice versa. There is no need to define a separate edge class, edges are implicit in the structure which cross-links the two nodes.
And that's about all you have to do to implement this structure, which is (for most real world problems) uses far less memory than an adjacency matrix, is much faster for large numbers of nodes for most problems, and is ultimately far more flexible.
Defining a node class also opens up a logical place to add enhancements of many sorts. For example, you might decide to generate for each node a list of all the nodes which are two steps away, because this improves path finding. You can easily add this in as another collection within the node class; this would be a pretty messy thing to do with adjacency matrices. You can obviously squeeze a lot more functionality into a class than a into a matrix of ints.
Your question concerning multiple links is unclear to me. If you want multiple edges between the same two points, then this can be accommodated in both ways of doing it. In adjacency matrices, simply have a number at that row and column which indicates the number of links. If you use a node class, just add each edge separately. Similarly directional graphs; an edge pointing from A to B has a reference to B in A's list of connected nodes, but B doesn't have A in its list.
Imagine it's given a set of trees ST and each vertex of every tree is labeled. Also another tree T is given (also with labels vertices). The question is how can I find which trees of the ST can span over the tree T starting from the root of T in such a way that the labels of the vertices of the spanning tree T' coincide with those labels of T 's vertices. Note that the children of every vertex of T should be either completely covered or not covered at all - partial covering of children is not allowed. Stated in other words: Given a tree and the following procedure: pick a vertex and remove all vertices and edges below this vertex (except the vertex itself). Find those trees of ST such that each tree is generated with a series of procedures applied to T.
For example given the tree T
the trees
cover T and the tree
does not because this tree has children 3, 5 unlike T which has 2, 3 as children. The best thing I was able to think of was either to brute force it or to find the set of tree every one of which has the same root label as T and then to search for the answer among those trees but I guess neither of those two approaches is the optimal one. I was thinking of somehow hashing the trees but nothing came out. Any thoughts?
The trees are not necessarily binary
A tree T can cover another tree T' if they share a root
The tree is ordered meaning that you cannot swap the position of any two children.
TL; DR Find a efficient algorithm which on query with given tree T the algorithm finds all trees from a given(fixed/static) set ST which are able to cover T.
I'll sketch an answer and then provide some working source code.
First off, you need an algorithm to hash a tree. We can assume, without loss of generality, that the children of each of your tree's nodes are ordered from least to greatest (or vice versa).
Run this algorithm on every member of ST and save the hashes.
Now, take your test tree T and generate all of its subtrees TP that retain the original root. You can do this (perhaps inefficiently) by:
Making a set S of its nodes
Generating the power set P of S
Generating the subtrees by removing the nodes present in each member of P from copies of T
Adding those subtrees which retain the original root to TP.
Now generate a set of all of the hashes of TP.
Now check each of your ST hashes for membership in TP.
ST hash storage requires O(n) space in ST, and possibly the space to hold the trees.
You can optimize the membership code so that it requires no storage space (I have not done this in my test code). The code will require approximately 2N checks, where N is the number of nodes in **T.
So the algorithm runs in O(H 2**N), where H is the size of ST and N is the number of nodes in T. The best way of speeding this up is to find an improved algorithm for generating the subtrees of T.
The following Python code accomplishes this:
import itertools
import treelib
import Crypto.Hash.SHA
import copy
#Generate a hash of a tree by recursively hashing children
def HashTree(tree):
children.sort(key=lambda x: tree.get_node(x).tag, cmp=lambda x,y:x-y)
if children:
for child in children:
hash = "1"+digester.hexdigest()
hash = "0"+digester.hexdigest()
return hash
#Generate a power set of a set
def powerset(iterable):
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
#Generate all the subsets of a tree which still share the original root
#by using a power set of all the tree's nodes to remove nodes from the tree
def TreePowerSet(tree):
nodes=[x.identifier for x in tree.nodes.values()]
for s in powerset(nodes):
for n in s:
if len([x.identifier for x in culled_tree.nodes.values()])>0:
return ret
def main():
#Generate a member of ST
treeA = treelib.Tree()
#Generate a member of ST
treeB = treelib.Tree()
#Generate hashes for members of ST
hashes=[(HashTree(tree), tree) for tree in ST]
print hashes
#Generate a test tree
#Generate all the subtrees of this tree which still retain the original root
#Hash all of the subtrees
Thashes=set([HashTree(x) for x in Tsets])
#For each member of ST, check to see if that member is present in the test
for hash in hashes:
if hash[0] in Thashes:
print [x for x in hash[1].expand_tree()]
To verify that one tree covers another, one must look at all vertices of the first tree at least once. It is trivial to verify that a tree covers another by looking at all vertices of the first tree exactly once. Thus the simplest possible algorithm is already optimal, if it's only needed to check one tree.
Everything below are untested fruits of my sick imagination.
If there are many possible T that must be checked against the same ST, then it's possible to store trees of ST as sets of facts like these
root = 1
children of node 1 = (2, 3)
children of node 2 = ()
children of node 3 = ()
These facts can be stored in a standard relational DB in two tables, "roots" (fields "tree" and rootnode") and "branches" (fields "tree", "node" and "children"). then an SQL query or a series of queries can be built to find matching trees quickly. My SQL-fu is rudimentary so I could not manage it in a single query, but I'm believe it should be possible.
Need to define a seek(u,v) function, where u is the new node within the tree (the node where I want to start searching), and v is the number of descendants below the new node, and this function would return index of highest key value. The tree doesn't have a be a BST, there can be nodes with many many children. Example:
5 // tree with 5 nodes
1 3 5 2 7 // the nodes' keys
1 2 // 1 and 2 are linked
2 3 // 2 and 3 are linked
1 4 // 1 and 4 are linked
3 5 // 3 and 5 are linked
4 // # of seek() requests
2 3 // index 2 of tree, which would be key 5, 3 descendants from index 3
4 1 // index 4 of tree, but only return highest from index 4 to 4 (it would
// return itself)
3 2 // index 3, next 2 descendants
3 2 // same
5 // Returned index 5 because the 7 is the highest key from array[3 'til 5]
4 // Returned index 4 because the range is one, plus 4's children are null
5 // Returned index 5 because the 7 is the highest key from array[4 'til 5]
5 // Same as prior line
I was thinking about putting the new root into a new Red Black Tree, but can't find a way to efficiently save successor or predecessor information for each node. Also thinking about putting into an array, but due to the nature of an unbalanced and unsorted tree, it doesn't guarantee that my tree would be sorted, plus because it's not a BST i can't perform an inorder tree walk. Any suggestions as to how I can get the highest key from a specific range?
I dont understand very well what you mean by : "the number of descendants below the new node". The way you say it, it implies there is a some sort of imposed tree walk, or at least an order in which you have to visit the nodes. In that case it would be best to explain more thoroughly what you mean.
In the rest of the answer I assume you mean distance from u.
From a pure algorithmic point of view, since you cannot assume anything about your tree, you have to visit all concerned vertices of the graph (i.e vertices at a distance <= v from u) to get your result. It means any partial tree traversal (such as depth-first or breadth-First) should be enough and necessary (since you have to visit all concerned nodes below u), since the order in which we visit the nodes doesn't matter.
If you can, it's simpler to use a recursive function seek'(u,v) which return a couple (index, key) defined as follows :
if v > 1, you define seek'(u,v) as the couple which maximizes its second component among the couples (u, key(u)) and seek(w,v-1) for w son of u.
else (v = 1) you define seek'(u,v) as (u, key(u))
You then have seek(u,v) = first(seek'(u,v)).
All of what I said presumes you have built a tree from the input, or that you can easily get the key of a node and its sons from its index.
I have a set of students (referred to as items in the title for generality). Amongst these students, some have a reputation for being rambunctious. We are told about a set of hate relationships of the form 'i hates j'. 'i hates j' does not imply 'j hates i'. We are supposed to arrange the students in rows (front most row numbered 1) in a way such that if 'i hates j' then i should be put in a row that is strictly lesser numbered than that of j (in other words: in some row that is in front of j's row) so that i doesn't throw anything at j (Turning back is not allowed). What would be an efficient algorithm to find the minimum number of rows needed (each row need not have the same number of students)?
We will make the following assumptions:
1) If we model this as a directed graph, there are no cycles in the graph. The most basic cycle would be: if 'i hates j' is true, 'j hates i' is false. Because otherwise, I think the ordering would become impossible.
2) Every student in the group is at least hated by one other student OR at least hates one other student. Of course, there would be students who are both hated by some and who in turn hate other students. This means that there are no stray students who don't form part of the graph.
Update: I have already thought of constructing a directed graph with i --> j if 'i hates j and doing topological sorting. However, since the general topological sort would suit better if I had to line all the students in a single line. Since there is a variation of the rows here, I am trying to figure out how to factor in the change into topological sort so it gives me what I want.
When you answer, please state the complexity of your solution. If anybody is giving code and you don't mind the language, then I'd prefer Java but of course any other language is just as fine.
JFYI This is not for any kind of homework (I am not a student btw :)).
It sounds to me that you need to investigate topological sorting.
This problem is basically another way to put the longest path in a directed graph problem. The number of rows is actually number of nodes in path (number of edges + 1).
Assuming the graph is acyclic, the solution is topological sort.
Acyclic is a bit stronger the your assumption 1. Not only A -> B and B -> A is invalid. Also A -> B, B -> C, C -> A and any cycle of any length.
HINT: the question is how many rows are needed, not which student in which row. The answer to the question is the length of the longest path.
It's from a project management theory (or scheduling theory, I don't know the exact term). There the task is about sorting jobs (vertex is a job, arc is a job order relationship).
Obviously we have some connected oriented graph without loops. There is an arc from vertex a to vertex b if and only if a hates b. Let's assume there is a source (without incoming arcs) and destination (without outgoing arcs) vertex. If that is not the case, just add imaginary ones. Now we want to find length of a longest path from source to destination (it will be number of rows - 1, but mind the imaginary verteces).
We will define vertex rank (r[v]) as number of arcs in a longest path between source and this vertex v. Obviously we want to know r[destination]. Algorithm for finding rank:
0) r_0[v] := 0 for all verteces v
t) r_t[end(j)] := max( r_{t-1}[end(j)], r_{t-1}[start(j)] + 1 ) for all arcs j
until for all arcs j r_{t+1}[end(j)] = r_t[end(j)] // i.e. no changes on this iteration
On each step at least one vertex increases its rank. Therefore in this form complexity is O(n^3).
By the way, this algorithm also gives you student distribution among rows. Just group students by their respective ranks.
Edit: Another code with the same idea. Possibly it is better understandable.
# Python
# V is a list of vertex indices, let it be something like V = range(N)
# source has index 0, destination has index N-1
# E is a list of edges, i.e. tuples of the form (start vertex, end vertex)
R = [0] * len(V)
changes = False
for e in E:
if R[e[1]] < R[e[0]] + 1:
changes = True
R[e[1]] = R[e[0]] + 1
while changes
# The answer is derived from value of R[N-1]
Of course this is the simplest implementation. It can be optimized, and time estimate can be better.
Edit2: obvious optimization - update only verteces adjacent to those that were updated on the previous step. I.e. introduce a queue with verteces whose rank was updated. Also for edge storing one should use adjacency lists. With such optimization complexity would be O(N^2). Indeed, each vertex may appear in the queue at most rank times. But vertex rank never exceeds N - number of verteces. Therefore total number of algorithm steps will not exceed O(N^2).
Essentailly the important thing in assumption #1 is that there must not be any cycles in this graph. If there are any cycles you can't solve this problem.
I would start by seating all of the students that do not hate any other students in the back row. Then you can seat the students who hate these students in the next row and etc.
The number of rows is the length of the longest path in the directed graph, plus one. As a limit case, if there is no hate relationship everyone can fit on the same row.
To allocate the rows, put everyone who is not hated by anyone else on the row one. These are the "roots" of your graph. Everyone else is put on row N + 1 if N is the length of the longest path from any of the roots to that person (this path is of length one at least).
A simple O(N^3) algorithm is the following:
S = set of students
for s in S: s.row = -1 # initialize row field
rownum = 0 # start from first row below
flag = true # when to finish
while (flag):
rownum = rownum + 1 # proceed to next row
flag = false
for s in S:
if (s.row != -1) continue # already allocated
ok = true
foreach q in S:
# Check if there is student q who will sit
# on this or later row who hates s
if ((q.row == -1 or q.row = rownum)
and s hated by q) ok = false; break
if (ok): # can put s here
s.row = rownum
flag = true
Simple answer = 1 row.
Put all students in the same row.
Actually that might not solve the question as stated - lesser row, rather than equal row...
Put all students in row 1
For each hate relation, put the not-hating student in a row behind the hating student
Iterate till you have no activity, or iterate Num(relation) times.
But I'm sure there are better algorithms - look at acyclic graphs.
Construct a relationship graph where i hates j will have a directed edge from i to j. So end result is a directed graph. It should be a DAG otherwise no solutions as it's not possible to resolve circular hate relations ship.
Now simply do a DFS search and during the post node callbacks, means the once the DFS of all the children are done and before returning from the DFS call to this node, simply check the row number of all the children and assign the row number of this node as row max row of the child + 1. Incase if there is some one who doesn't hate anyone basically node with no adjacency list simply assign him row 0.
Once all the nodes are processed reverse the row numbers. This should be easy as this is just about finding the max and assigning the row numbers as max-already assigned row numbers.
Here is the sample code.
postNodeCb( graph g, int node )
if ( /* No adj list */ )
row[ node ] = 0;
row[ node ] = max( row number of all children ) + 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_VER; i++ )
if ( !visited[ i ] )
graphTraverseDfs( g, i );`enter code here`