Remove AllUsers from ACL policy in bash - bash

I have a response from aws like this
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "xxxxxxxx"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "yyyyyyyyyy"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
"Grantee": {
"URI": ""
"Permission": "READ"
I am looking to update the files so AllUsers is removed (get-object-acl should look like the below)
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "xxxxxxxx"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "yyyyyyyyyy"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
How would I do this, not knowing what other grantees are available? I am specifically looking to remove a grantee when I see
I am currently using aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket mhe-deployments-prod --key $keyFile | jq '.' to locate the policies

Here is a jq filter which will remove all the .Grants array elements for which .Grantee.URI is "":
.Grants |= map( select(.Grantee.URI != "") )
Output: as requested

You can do using the built in --query option in the AWS CLI. The benefit being you don't need any external tools:
aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $BUCKET --key $KEY \
--query "{Owner: Owners, \
Grants: Grants[?Grantee.URI != '']}"

Probably not the best but, this worked
# aws ~/.aws/credentials and s3cmd must be configured first with proper creds
for key in $(aws s3 ls s3://$target --recursive |awk '{print$4}') ; do
[ "${key: -1}" == "/" ] || {
award=$(aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $target --key $key |jq '.Grants[].Grantee | .URI' |grep -v 'null' |grep AllUsers)
[ ! -z "${award}" ] && {
policy=$(aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $target --key $key)
echo "$target: $key\n$policy\n\n" >> /tmp/policy-backup.json
echo -e "Working on: $key"
s3cmd setacl s3://$target/$key --acl-private ## s3cmd must be comfigured to your env

In this problem the specified grant can also be removed directly with del. e.g
| select(.Grantee.URI == "")


az cli select first value of an object

The az webapp identity show command:
Will return the following result:
"principalId": null,
"tenantId": null,
"type": "UserAssigned",
"userAssignedIdentities": {
"/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"clientId": "xxx",
"principalId": "xxx"
Now I am only intrested in returning the /subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx value. How can I filter this value using --query option? I have tried
--query userAssignedIdentities
"/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"clientId": "xxx",
"principalId": "xxx"
But there is something more required to get the first key here. What?
Use the below Azure CLI cmdlet
az webapp identity show -name <WebAppName> -g <ResoureGroupName> --query "keys(userAssignedIdentities)" -o tsv
Alternatively, you can use the below PowerShell cmdlet to pull the resourceId of the userAssignedIdentities that is assigned to Azure web app.
$identity=Get-AzWebApp -Name <WebAppName> -ResourceGroupName "<ResourceGroupName>" | select -ExpandProperty Identity

Bash getting escaped variable key value with script

I want to use jq to get value's out of a the Traefik API service. The output of the service looks like this:
"loadBalancer": {
"servers": [
"url": ""
"url": ""
"url": ""
"healthCheck": {
"path": "/health",
"interval": "10s",
"timeout": "10s",
"followRedirects": true
"passHostHeader": true
"status": "enabled",
"serverStatus": {
"": "UP",
"": "UP",
"": "DOWN"
"provider": "docker",
"type": "loadbalancer"
I want to get the value of the serverStatus dynamically. First assigning a variable with the correct IP address from docker inspect. I'm using curl with jq to check if the container is being serviced.
The problem is when getting it with a variable I cannot seem to escape the special characters in the url key. Nothing is returned.
This is the command I use is:
TRAEFIK_URL="'Authorization: Basic hashkey"
NEW_IPADDRESS=$(docker container inspect some_container_name | jq -r .[].NetworkSettings.Networks.proxy.IPAddress)
curl --location --request GET "$TRAEFIK_URL" --header "$TRAEFIK_AUTH_HEADER" | jq -r '.serverStatus["${NEW_ENV_URL}"]'
I've tried using this command and some other obvious options but all didn't work.
jq -r .serverStatus[$NEW_ENV_URL]
I do get the correct value when I'm not using a variable to get the status using:
jq -r '.serverStatus[""]'
Any help is welcome.
Use the option --arg to pass arguments to jq.
jq --arg url -r '.serverStatus[$url]'
Always use this option to avoid security problems by injections.
One of the preferred ways to pass specific environment variables into jq is using the --arg command-line option; in your case:
jq -r --arg url "${NEW_ENV_URL}" '.serverStatus[$url]'

JMESPath query on combining search with ? and contains keyword in azure cloudshell bash cli

I am trying to write an azure cli JMESPath query to output all names which contain the word db and is of osType windows.
For this I have written the following query which works by calling the external bash utility called grep.
But I am unable to get it done with filtering in JMESPath language built in function contains.
Here is a query that works
az vm list --query "[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows'].[name]" -o tsv | grep db
Here is a query that I tried and fails to get results:
az vm list --query "[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows'].[?contains(name,'db')]" -o tsv
You just have to use an and expression:
Given the query:
[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows' && contains(name,'db')].name
On the JSON
"name": "db-of-windows-application",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Windows"
"name": "db-of-linux-application",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Linux"
"name": "I-am-not-the-database-you-are-looking-for",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Windows"
This would give:

Unknown options when parsing to DDB

I'm trying to put an item to DynamoDB using CLI, but I'm getting an error: Unknown options: {, "S":, "do_something", },, "CreatedOn":, {, "N":, "201412250053", }, }, "TestRunId":
ENTRY='{ "TestRunId": { "S": "do_something" }, "CreatedOn": {"N": "201412250053"} }'
JSON=$(echo ${ENTRY} | jq .)
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestResultsDDBTable --item ${JSON} --region ${REGION}
If you run it in windows cmd, try this:
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestResultsDDBTable --item "{
\"TestRunId\": { \"S\": \"do_something\" }, \"CreatedOn\": {\"N\":
\"201412250053\"} }" --region ${REGION}
I was bothered by this question for one afternoon, :)
and I finally found a solution in here:

Get AWS EMR Cluster ID from Name

AWS CLI command aws emr list-clusters returns the following json. Is there a way through bash or groovy that I can use the Name to get the Id? I can't just use the Id becauseI am deleting clusters and rebuilding them with only the same name. So I know the name of the cluster is "my-cluster" and I would like to use it somehow to get the Id of the cluster. End case is I actually want the Master public DNS of the cluster.
"Clusters": [
"Status": {
"Timeline": {
"ReadyDateTime": 1433200405.353,
"CreationDateTime": 1433199926.596
"State": "WAITING",
"StateChangeReason": {
"Message": "Waiting after step completed"
"NormalizedInstanceHours": 6,
"Id": "j-3SD91U2E1L2QX",
"Name": "my-cluster"
"Status": {
"Timeline": {
"ReadyDateTime": 1433200405.353,
"CreationDateTime": 1433199926.596
"State": "WAITING",
"StateChangeReason": {
"Message": "Waiting after step completed"
"NormalizedInstanceHours": 6,
"Id": "j-3S281UEK8L2LW",
"Name": "my-cluster2"
You can use the query parameter to achieve what you are trying. The command will look like below:
aws emr list-clusters --query 'Clusters[?Name==`my-cluster`].Id' --output text
You can find the complete documentation for the query parameter here.
To answer the complete question, one could put the above approach into a long one-liner over several lines.
aws emr describe-cluster \
--output text \
--cluster-id $(aws emr list-clusters \
--active \
--query 'Clusters[?Name==`my-cluster`].Id' \
--output text) \
--query Cluster.MasterPublicDnsName
You can get the ID using jq bash command as follows
aws emr list-clusters --active | jq '.["Clusters"][0]["Id"]'
It will return the first active cluster Id as output
