Appcelerator Platform Application Environments - appcelerator

Appcelerator Platform Dashboard lists Environments -> Development & Production for each app.
What are these environments and how to set each apps environment while building from Appcelerator Studio?

By default:
Simulator: Development
Device: Test
Ad Hoc / Enterprise / App Store / Google Play: Production
But you can override:!/guide/Titanium_Command-Line_Interface_Reference


Deploy NativeScript Project to Web Browser?

Is it possible to deploy a NativeScript project to run inside a web browser? and upload to a public server.
For example -
tns run web
<Platform> is the target mobile platform for which you want to run your project. You can set the following target platforms:
* android - Run your project on all Android devices and emulators.
* ios - Run your project on all iOS devices and simulators.
I found ng serve but looks to be NativeScript Angular based.
I am developing for {N} Javascript Core (not TypeScript or Angular).
From what I have found as of - "June 2019" it is not supported. Please post any findings and I'll accept your answer.

Cannot test Xamarin ios App on device

I have just created an xamarin ios app 'TestApp' for testing on iphone device. The same app created on xcode and deployed succuessfully on both iphone and simulator.
I have created an Apple Id using this .Below image shows the the provisioning profile and signing identity i have created.
Bundle identifier of both mac and windows project are same also. i have followed this link for free provisioning. Appie Id is added to the visualstudio project using fastlane. But when i run this app on visualstudio2017, it just builds successfully; neither deploying to the iphone nor simulator; just builds and run button enables again .no more. How can i deploy the app on device?
Now its working...Tools -> Extensions and Updates-> 'Mono Debugging For Visual Studio' was disabled. I Enabled it and program now deploys to the device ..

How can I test Existing app on Phone

I already have installed app on device, how can I use XAMARIN UI TEST for test it ? I don't need to reinstall or install apk on my Android.
For testing with Xamarin.UITest, iOS requires that you link in either the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent for Xamarin.iOS application projects or linking in the Calabash agent in your ObjC/Swift Xcode project for "native" applications.
Non-Xamarin.iOS apps are also supported by Xamarin.UITest, but instead of the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent require linking Calabash.
So for existing iOS application that are not linked to the Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent or the Calabash framework, Xamarin.UITest` can not be used.
Testing frameworks like Appium can be used on existing native, hybrid and mobile web app iOS applications as it uses Apples' UI Automation framework (which Xamarin.UITest does not use).

Build process for Xamarin.iOS when in Windows

I am doing a project in Xamarin for cross platforms, I am doing this on my Windows machine. What would be the best way for me to get the project to an iOS development in the future? Do i just open the project in an iOS environment then compile & deploy it?
Yes, you need and iOS environment for you to build and compile the iOS project. If for deployment of the app itself to the appstore, you can check how to deploy to appstore since Apple has different set of rules when deploying, but if it's just for build/test yes, you can just use an iOS environment to deploy/test your app, just make sure that your VS on windows or Xcode/vs on mac is compatible. You just need to connect your windows Xamarin Agent to your Mac device IP address in order for them to communicate
You can check this link for iOS deployment
Yes,your ios app compile/debug/run on ios simulator must use mac.You only need to configure the connection with MAC on visual studio.

Xamarin app, multiple icons depending on environment

I am developing cross plateform mobile app using Xamarin,
We have Prod, Test and Dev source control environment,
Is it possible to have all 3 environment apps installed on a single device?
So I that I can see 3 apps on my device and run it?
