I just recently began programming in VB6 as apart of my highschool curriculum. My main problem has to do with Line Input when trying to save to text files.
Say I have the variables x,y and I print them onto a text file like so:
Print #1, x, y
If I try to access them through using line input like:
Line Input #1, SavedX, SavedY
I get an Error.
But If i print them like this:
Print #1, x
Print #1, y
and then try to access them like this:
Line Input #1, SavedX
x = SavedX
Line Input #1, Savedy
y = SavedY
I don't come across any error.
Is it possible to hold both x and y values in the same line using Line Input? or am i forced to use the method i just mentioned?
Sorry if my explanation sucked but it was the best way I thought I explained it.
When you do Print #1, x, y, the values of x and y will be written to a single line in the text file separated by a TAB character. Doing two separate Print statements will write each variable to a new line. As stated in the comments Line Input will read a whole line into a single string. This is why your final example works as each Line Input gets a new line to read. If you want it all on one line then write it out with Print #1, x, y and then read it with something like:
Dim s as String
Dim values() as string
Line Input #1, s
values = Split(s, vbTab)
x = values(0)
y = values(1)
For this sort of thing you might be better looking at Write and Input which cater better for multiple variables on a line. Sample taken from link below
Dim MyString, MyNumber
Open "TESTFILE" For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.
Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
Input #1, MyString, MyNumber ' Read data into two variables.
Debug.Print MyString, MyNumber ' Print data to the Immediate window.
Close #1 ' Close file.
Sorry I don't have access to a VB6 environment at the moment to give fuller examples.
I have a multiple sequence alignment file in which the lines from the different sequences are interspersed, as in the format outputed by clustal and other popular multiple sequence alignment tools. It looks like this:
TGFb3_human_used_for_docking LRSADTTHST-
Each line begins with a sequence identifier, and then a sequence of characters (in this case describing the amino acid sequence of a protein). Each sequence is split into several lines, so you see that the first sequence (with ID TGFb3_human_used_for_docking) has two lines. I want to convert this to a format in which each sequence has a single line, like this:
(In this particular examples the sequences are almost identical, but in general they aren't!)
How can I convert from multi-line multiple sequence alignment format to single-line?
Looks like you need to write a script of some sort to achieve this. Here's a quick example I wrote in Python. It won't line the white-space up prettily like in your example (if you care about that, you'll have to mess around with formatting), but it gets the rest of the job done
#Create a dictionary to accumulate full sequences
full_sequences = {}
#Loop through original file (replace test.txt with your file name)
#and add each line to the appropriate dictionary entry
with open("test.txt") as infile:
for line in infile:
line = [element.strip() for element in line.split()]
if len(line) < 2:
full_sequences[line[0]] = full_sequences.get(line[0], "") + line[1]
#Now loop through the dictionary and write each entry as a single line
outstr = ""
with open("test.txt", "w") as outfile:
for seq in full_sequences:
outstr += seq + "\t\t" + full_sequences[seq] + "\n"
what is the simplest way of reading a random block of characters from a text file using bash?
A block is a set of characters which begin with X and end with X, where X is a character sequence, usually it will be "\n\n"
We can assume that file has short lines, less than 200 characters each.
Blocks don't have more than 20 lines.
I have seen threads like get random line, get text from between two tokens, but it's not exacly what I need.
I can write a simple program in C that will read how many blocks are in file, get a random number from a given range and then search for a block with this ID, but there must be an easier way.
X = "\n\n"
File: (the .'s are not in the file, I used them to make "empty" line at the begginning and end of code)
first line
second line and some other text
fourth line
sixth line
seventh line, more textęęę
Running the script for first time, output:
fourth line
Running the script for the second time, output:
first line
second line and some other text
Yours faithfully,
To get a uniformly random block from a file of blank-line-separated blocks in one pass,
awk -v RS='\n\n' '
BEGIN { srand(); }
rand() < 1.0/NR { s=$0; }
END { print s; }
' file
This is a simple case of Reservoir Sampling.
I am trying to split a tab delemeted file into pieces with similar header. I have my logic in place. However, I am trying to read input file line by line and writing it to another file. When I open the outptut file it doesn't contain any data. Here is my code.
Can some one help me whats going wrong here?
Note: The below code doesn't contain actual logic of splitting the file
Wscript.Echo "Begin"
InputFile = "test.txt"
Set InputFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set InputFileObject = InputFSO.OpenTextFile(InputFile)
HeaderLine = InputFileObject.ReadLine
Do While InputFileObject.AtEndOfStream <> True
strTemp = InputFileObject.SkipLine
TotalLines = InputFileObject.Line-1
Set OutputFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutputFileObject = OutputFSO.CreateTextFile("out.txt")
#Code for reading line by line and writing it to another file
Do While not InputFileObject.AtEndOfStream
line = InputFileObject.Readline
Set InputFileObject = Nothing
Set OutputFileObject = Nothing
Wscript.Echo "Completed"
You're looping through the entire input file in the first Do loop when you are trying to get the line count. So the InputFileObject is already "AtEndOfStream" when you hit the second Do loop. Therefore, none of the code inside the second loop is executing.
Consider eliminating the first Do loop and count the lines in the file at the end of the other loop (unless in your real program the logic in the first loop is required?).
The alternative is to close the input file and reopen it. The problem in this case is that you'll wind up reading the file twice.
'Close and reopen the file from the top...
Set InputFileObject = InputFSO.OpenTextFile(InputFile)
I am in a problem while reading a text file with readline and trying to compare first line with a string. I want to compare the first line of the text file with a string and then will go for next process. But I can't do that. Here is my code:
doc = File.open("example.txt", "r")
line1 = doc.readline
if line1 == "sukanta"
line2 = doc.readline
line3 = doc.readline
line4 = doc.readline
My example.txt file contains:
Software engineer
Please give me solution. While I am trying to get string length with line1.length it's not showing the exact number.
i got the answer. Its silly mistake .. i should use "sukanta\n" to compare
When i am using readline to read each line then i have to set each line in their place sequentially. i cant break the order. Whil i am using loop like
doc = File.open("example.txt", "r")
doc.each_line do |lines|
puts lines
getting the whole text as a line. cant separate each line from others. i need to break the order. How to do that?
I suspect you are not taking into account that a line ends with $/ ("\n" on UNIX). So you probably intended
line1 == "sukanta\n"
line1.chomp == "sukanta"
and you are not including $/ when you count the length (which is one or two characters less than the correct length depending on the OS).
Hi I have a text file that I would like to assign to an array and then assign each item in the array to a custom defined variable. When I open the file in notepad, it seems as if the data is on one line and there's about 10 tabs worth of space until the next piece of information.
I use the following code to successfully view the information in a msgbox as MyArray(i).
In my code example, all the information is listed in MyArray(0) and MyArray(1) gives me an error of subscript out of range. The information in the text file seems to appear as if it were delimited by vbCrLf but that does not work either...
Is there a way to trim the spaces from MyArray(0) and then re-assign the individual data to a new array? Here's what the first two pieces of information look like from my file:
Public Function ReadTextFile()
Dim TextFileData As String, myArray() As String, i As Long
Dim strCustomVariable1 As String
Dim strCustomVariable2 As String
'~~> Open file as binary
Open "C:\textfile\DATA-SND" For Binary As #1
'~~> Read entire file's data in one go
TextFileData = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , TextFileData
'~~> Close File
Close #1
'~~> Split the data in seperate lines
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbCrLf)
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray())
MsgBox myArray(i)
End Function
Under normal circumstances, I'd suggest that you use Line Input instead:
Open "C:\textfile\DATA-SND" For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1)
Redim Preserve myArray(i)
Line Input #1, myArray(i)
i = i + 1&
Close #1
However, you're likely dealing with different end-line characters. You can use your existing code and just change it to use vbCr or vbLf instead of vbCrLf. My method assumes that your end-line characters are vbCrLf.
So for UNIX files:
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbLf)
And for old Mac files:
myArray() = Split(TextFileData, vbCr)