issue executing shell script - bash

I'm having a strange issue when I try and execute a shell script.
when I try to execute the script with ./ it just immediately returns to the prompt. The script has the correct permissions set. If I copy the script to another server it executes no problem at all.
I can execute other sh scripts on the server in question with no problem.
is there a way of troubleshooting this as I am at a loss?
Thanks in advance.

Best way to check the syntax errors, you can do the below.
sh -n script_name
If you wanted to execute the script and see the flow you can use the below
sh -x script_name
Hope it helps


I do not want by Bash script to stop if a Hive command fails

I have a bash script sending a lot of HiveQL commands to hive. The problem is that I do not want it to stop if one of these commands fails. I tried the usual Bash command:
set +e
but it does not work (the script stops running if one of the Hive command fails). Do you know where is the problem ? An option in my hive config or something :-) ?
Thank you !
EDIT: I use the Hiveshell, doing something like this:
#Send my command to hive ...
hive -S -e "\"$MyCommand\""
#... but I want my script continue running if the command fails :-).

Jenkins Pipeline cannot execute SH command file in a Windows slave

I'm executing this code:
node('my_windows_slave') {
sh 'ls'
In my Windows slave I can properly execute sh command:
But the pipeline script can't run the .sh file:
[Pipeline] sh
[D:\workspace\sandbox_pipeline] Running shell script
sh: D:\workspace\sandbox_pipeline#tmp\durable-2d7dd2f8\ command not found
What I could notice is that this .sh file is not even created, once I tried with bat and worked fined.
Any clue what could be the problem?
Jenkins somehow can't create the SH temporary file. Already checked the log, permissions, everything that came to my mind.
I will leave my workaround as an answer for while before approve it once I'm still not 100% sure about the root cause and might someone else show up with a elegant solution...
def shell(command) {
return bat(returnStdout: true, script: "sh -x -c \"${command}\"").trim()
You still executing SH commands in a CMD, it means some %d for example can break your SH command.
Use the bat step instead of sh.
From Jenkins docs:
Windows-based systems should use the bat step for executing batch commands.

Invoking a process whenever someone logins through SSH

I'm trying to invoke a ruby script whenever anyone tries to SSH into the server(say Ubuntu 14.04).
Like for example someone is trying to login with ssh root#serverip and my ruby script should be called upon and the login process should continue only if the script returns true and if returns false the connection should be closed.
How can I achieve this?
To fulfill your requirements, you should also work with $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable, if you use ForceCommand option:
ForceCommand /path/to/script && $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND
This will run your script and based on the exit status of the /path/to/script, it will run the user command or exit session.
You can try using the ForceCommand parameter in the sshd_config file of your server. it's fairly straightforward and well documented online :)
You enter at the bottom of the config file:
ForceCommand /path/to/script
Not so sure if you can check for certain conditions and terminate the connection, however this might guide you.
As mentioned by a friend in an answer, exit code based execution didn't work for me.
Here's a workaround :-
As mentioned by some folks, I used this in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ForceCommand /path/to/script
Then in the script I opened the bash if they satisfied certain conditions. For example in bash
if [ condition ]
bash #This will open bash if condition is satisfied.
Thanks everyone!

Bash script doesn't get all parameters that i've given

I've a simple bash script to run the parameter as a command on the server, the necessity for this i am creating the required command as a string on the other server and trying to execute it remotely.
source $PROFILE
the parameter i am sending to script :
/coremedia/pic-cms-tools/bin/cm publish -u admin -p admin -t "/Config/Static Texts/PDF Texts/pdf.eudatasheet.ocEnergyConsConvAlone" "/Config/Static Texts/PDF Texts/pdf.eudatasheet.ocEnergyConsForcedAlone"
But it couldn't find the necessary command it is stopped when we reached :
I've tried many configurations on my side to handle the string but i've still couldn't reach a solution, obviously i am missing a small critical thing...
Any help would be appreciated, many thanks in advance!
Replace eval $1 with eval "$#" to evaluate all the parameters, not just the first one.

how to write a sqoop job using shell script and run them sequentially?

I need to run a set of sqoop jobs one after another inside a shell script. How can I achieve it? By default, it runs all the job in parallel which results in performance taking a hit. should i remove the "-m" parameter and run ?
-m parameter is used to run multiple map-only jobs for each sqoop command but not for all the commands that you issue.
so removing -m parameter will not help you to solve the problem.
first you need to write a shell script file with your sqoop commands
save the above command with some name like
then issue permissions to run on the shell file
chmod 777
now you can run/execute your shell file by issuing the following command within your terminal
I hope this will help
