Relation extraction using StanfordNLP - stanford-nlp

As part of a Question Answering System I am trying to do relation extraction using StanfordNLP via the Java API. I can assume that I get input sentences of the form and I want to return the relation as a String. So far I have been trying to do the following:
- I have used "openie" with mixed results.
- I have been trying to use the class RelationExtractorAnnotator directly. It contains a main but it's execution doesn't terminate. If a construct my own main and use the class inside of it it doesn't terminate either.
Are there other options I should consider to solve this problem? Why does RelationExtractorAnnotator not terminate?


It's correct to make a run method inside the class to start the flow of the 'program'?

I wrote this scraper script to extract the job list from a website. And then to in order to practice I decide to try to transform this script into a class object.
The correct approach is to just call the methods you need as it is below.
teste =
but I want to know if is ok to have a run method inside of my class and use self. to make the flow of the scrape program.
def run
If you're asking "should I create an abstraction layer around the numerous steps required to perform the operation so that the caller doesn't need to care about the particulars" then the answer is that's fine.
I'd prefer to write code that says than five lines of confusing boilerplate which doesn't afford me any more control than the equivalent run method does.

Google Test: variable number of parameters for tests in the same test case

I have just started studying a code base which uses Google Test as testing framework (which I am not familiar with). Parameterized tests are extensively used more or less in what I believe is the usual way:
class TestCaseName: public ::testing::TestWithParam<Params> {
// fairly complex setup
TEST_P(TestCaseName, TestName) {...}
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(UniqueName, TestCaseName, CombinedInput);
The problem is that often tests need some specific additional input.
It could be possible to create different versions of TestCaseName with different values of Params, but that would duplicate a fair amount of code.
Otherwise, it could be possible to add a single parameter to Params, corresponding to a custom AdditionalInput class which contains fields for all possible additional input. Extending TestCaseName as needed, the setup could be specialized.
Are there better approaches to solve this problem?

Implementing Front Controller pattern

I've been trying to implement a Front Controller on a VBScript (ASP Classic) based system for a couple of days. I come from a ASP.NET MVC and Java background, where MVC implementations are kind common and mostly done by existing frameworks. On VBScript, however, there's almost nothing done in this area, so it is the reason why I'm trying to do it by myself. I used this and this article as a guide on how to implement it.
I believed at first that I'd need to define some constant parameters for each request, so I created 3:
class_command 'which command responsible to execute the correct class handler
action 'which method of the class handler to execute
action_params 'which parameters the action will need
Next, I defined a generic controller handler for treating the request:
Public Function Controller_Handler(action_params)
Its task is to extract the constant parameters (class_command, action, action_params) and treat any errors (I'll add later a filter to process it) that might come like absence of the constant parameters or authentication problems.
But soon I realized a problem: how will the handler know which command to call, since the request is a string? I can't simply converting it to class using reflection, because VBScript (I think) doesn't have a reflection library or built-in feature.
So I thought I could create a Switch Case like this:
Select action_Params.Item("action_params")
Case "command_A"
' Call Command A
Case "command_B"
' Call Command_B
Case "Command_X"
' And so on
End Select
But that would kinda procedural way to do it. Next I thought of creating a XML file which would map all the commands and other stuff.
So my question is: is this a good way of implementing a Front Controlller pattern, considering VBScript limitations? If not, could you provide a guidance (hopefully with some example, even a simple one) on how can I do it?
Moving from classic to .net/mvc I can share what I did in classic asp to try to emulate this behavior as closely as possible without making it too much of a maintenance issue.
Using URL Rewrite in IIS are my routes. I usually just make one route and direct/rewrite all inbound requests to one controller.asp page to simplify things and not have a bunch of rules and controller redirects directly in my URL Rewrite settings for maintaining it easier (for me).
Using Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X-ORIGINAL-URL") in controllers.asp you can grab the actual URL that was entered, which return something like.. /real/url
In controllers.asp programatically call the view based on the entered url using Server.Execute("view1.asp")
I have one class file called routes.asp that is included in each model/class file, and helps me gather the URL properties oRoute.GetPath_FirstDirectory() and so on. The model/class file then uses this data to create its property values that can be consumed by the view. Using CLASS_INITIALIZE in each model/class to populate itself from the route/url, or it could also be done directly in the view.
In the respective view I include my class/model file (if even needed) using <!--#include file="class.asp"--> then simply open Set Model = new cModelClass to initialize and start using it in the view. I don't include the class in the controllers.asp because the view will not inherit any of the variables from controllers.asp when using Server.Execute() to the view. So I include it directly in the view.
Error handling can be at multiple levels here, but ideally its in the controllers.asp. Specific error handling is usually at the actual model/class CLASS_INITIALIZE to avoid redundant use of the class in the controller, since it's already going to be initialized in the view.
Now this is not exactly what goes in in .Net mvc, but it's the best way I've come up with, and easiest to maintain for me. Maybe others have other implementations, but this is mine and solely based on my experience. And so far, it's been working out pretty well.

statsmodels - create model from params

I am trying to create an empty model from params saved from a previously trained model, but the constructor stubbornly wants me to provide both endogenous and exogenous variables, which I don't have. Is there any way to get around this?
For example, I only want to do:
logit = sm.Logit()
pred = logit.predict(params, X)
But the first line won't work.
No, this is not supported in statsmodels. Models are always associated with data.
However, for the usecase of prediction, it is possible to pickle the model and optionally delete all full length arrays including the data from the model instance and from the results instance before pickling. This doesn't work with formulas.
On the other hand, since this is Python, there might be several ways how to cheat, at your own risk.
It would be helpful if you open a issue on github with a description of your usecase, and it might be possible to get the relevant features into a future version.

CodeIgniter: Decision making for creating of library & helper in CodeIgniter

After developing in CodeIgniter for awhile, I find it difficult to make decisions when to create a custom library and when to create a custom helper.
I do understand that both allow having business logic in it and are reusable across the framework (calling from different controller etc.)
But I strongly believe that the fact that CI core developers are separating libraries from helpers, there has to be a reason behind it and I guess, this is the reason waiting for me to discover and get enlightened.
CI developers out there, pls advise.
i think it's better to include an example.
I could have a
class notification_lib {
function set_message() { /*...*/}
function get_message() {/*...*/}
function update_message() {/*...*/}
Alternatively, i could also include all the functions into a helper.
In a notification_helper.php file, i will include set_message(), get_message(), update_message()..
Where either way, it still can be reused. So this got me thinking about the decision making point about when exactly do we create a library and a helper particularly in CI.
In a normal (framework-less) php app, the choice is clear as there is no helper, you will just need to create a library in order to reuse codes. But here, in CI, I would like to understand the core developers seperation of libraries and helpers
Well the choice comes down to set of functions or class. The choice is almost the same as a instance class verses a static class.
If you have just a simply group of functions then you only need to make a group of functions. If these group of functions share a lot of data, then you need to make a class that has an instance to store this data in between the method (class function) calls.
Do you have many public or private properties to store relating to your notification messages?
If you use a class, you could set multiple messages through the system then get_messages() could return a private array of messages. That would make it perfect for being a library.
There is a question I ask myself when deciding this that I think will help you as well. The question is: Am I providing a feature to my framework or am I consolidating?
If you have a feature that you are adding to your framework, then you'll want to create a library for that. Form validation, for example, is a feature that you are adding to a framework. Even though you can do form validation without this library, you're creating a standard system for validation which is a feature.
However, there is also a form helper which helps you create the HTML of forms. The big difference from the form validation library is that the form helper isn't creating a new feature, its just a set of related functions that help you write the HTML of forms properly.
Hopefully this differentiation will help you as it has me.
First of all, you should be sure that you understand the difference between CI library and helper class. Helper class is anything that helps any pre-made thing such as array, string, uri, etc; they are there and PHP already provides functions for them but you still create a helper to add more functionality to them.
On the other hand, library can be anything like something you are creating for the first time, any solution which might not be necessarily already out there.
Once you understand this difference fully, taking decision must not be that difficult.
Helper contains a group of functions to help you do a particular task.
Available helpers in CI
Libraries usually contain non-CI specific functionality. Like an image library. Something which is portable between applications.
Available libraries in CI
Source link
If someone ask me what the way you follow when time comes to create Helpers or Libraries.
I think these differences:
Class : In a nutshell, a Class is a blueprint for an object. And an object encapsulates conceptually related State and Responsibility of something in your Application and usually offers an programming interface with which to interact with these. This fosters code reuse and improves maintainability.
Functions : A function is a piece of code which takes one more input in the form of parameter and does some processing and returns a value. You already have seen many functions like fopen() and fread() etc. They are built-in functions but PHP gives you option to create your own functions as well.
So go for Class i.e. libraries if any one point matches
global variable need to use in two or more functions or even one, I hate using Global keyword
default initialization as per each time call or load
some tasks are private to entity not publicly open, think of functions never have public modifiers why?
function to function dependencies i.e. tasks are separated but two or more tasks needs it. Think of validate_email check only for email sending script for to,cc,bcc,etc. all of these needs validate_email.
And Lastly not least all related tasks i.e. functions should be placed in single object or file, it's easier for reference and remembrance.
For Helpers : any point which not matches with libraries
Personally I use libraries for big things, say an FTP-library I built that is a lot faster than CodeIgniters shipped library. This is a class with a lot of methods that share data with each other.
I use helpers for smaller tasks that are not related to a lot of other functionality. Small functions like decorating strings might be an example. Or copying a directory recursively to another location.
