Genexus Encrypt64 TwoFish implementation - genexus

I am working on an environment that is in c# (not Genexus) and I need to encrypt data using the same implementatio of the TwoFish algorithm used by Genexus Encrypt64 method.
I have the encryption key and examples for some inputs (unencrypted) and the outputs (encrypted) that I should generate.
I have prioblems because I got some implementations of the TwoFish algorithm from the web but none of them appear to be the same as thge one used in Genexus.
Also, I tried some online tools and none of them worked.
Has anyone faced this problem before?
Is there any other operation that I should be doing other than the TwoFish encryption?
What mode does Genexus use for the TwoFish encryption?}
Thanks in advance!

I found this info about twofish and GeneXus:,Encrypt64%20Function
And this is the algorithm:
If this do not help. Please elaborate your problem, for instance which
input do you have and what is the expected output. And compare with the expected output.
And of course what version of GeneXus you have to exchange data with.



Is any alternatives of MySQL RANDOM_BYTES(len) or MSSQL CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(len) available in MariaDB?
I read through their documentation, but I only found is rand(len), which is not cryptographically secure in generating random bytes.
Currently released version of MariaDB (10.3) does not support RANDOM_BYTES(len) according to this documentation
If possible, keep the code within the MariaDB, and I don't want to rely on PHP or any other external functions for security reasons.
It seems RANDOM_BYTES(length) is available since 10.10.0 (preview release) Check the documentation.
Unfortunately from talking to MariaDB support there is currently no RANDOM_BYTES equivalent in MariaDB. See for a semi-related ticket which has to do with generating random passwords for users.
To get around this, what you can do is create a custom UDF (user-defined function) in C which utilizes a cryptographically secure library to generate a random series of bytes for whatever use case you have. This technically keeps the code 'within MariaDB' though you need to write your own function to call. See for more info.

OnChange on a table is available in golang driver - rethinkDB?

I am working on RethinkDB and Golang and completely new to these two Technologies/Database.
GOLang driver - I am using this driver for connecting rethinkDB.
There is no onChange on a table functionality in this driver.
Note - OnChange functionality is available in rethinkDB.
Any suggestion of golang driver which supports rethinkDB onChange.
Thanks in advance
Sorry for the delayed reply I dont check StackOverflow as often as I should.
GoRethink actually does offer support for Changefeeds. Unfortunately the documentation is currently a bit lacking and I hope to work soon, until then I recommend having a look at the tests. Hopefully that should give you an idea on how to use them.
If you have any further questions regarding change feeds or any other issues with the driver let me know.
That Go driver is provided by a third party and as you note they do not seem to have yet added support for changefeeds. It is hosted on GitHub, so you could file an enhancement request. There is recent activity in their repository, so there is hope that they will add it.

How to use GTFS-realtime in OpenTripPlanner standalone?

I developed a tool to convert german transit data into GTFS and GTFS-realtime.
Now I've got the task to test these files in OTP and I installed this standalone Version:
Everything works fine with my GTFS Data, but now I'm totally lost when it comes to using my GTFS-realtime Data. How can I include them? Is it even possible in the standalone Version?
Sorry if these are totally stupid questions but I'm a rookie in OTP and I appreciate any help or hint :)
Here is a Java demo that consume a GTFS-realtime data.
Take a look at "digging into the code" section.
All the mentioned entities such as FeedMessage, Vehicle, ..., etc. is generated from GTFS-realtime.proto via
protoc GTFS-realtime.proto --java_out=
You will need to download, make install the Protocol buffer tool(protoc)

Ruby Torrent Library

Is there any good library for Ruby to work with BitTorrent trackers? To download or seed files. There's a rubytorrent library on rubyforge, but it was last updated in 2005 and doesn't seem like working anymore.
see lib-torrent ruby...
I'm not sure if this is what you want.
Also see this post which contains some potentially useful comments as well, including a Ruby wrapper for the Transmission API using RPCs.
My experience with libtorrent derived clients has been very positive, I would like to see something new here. (I prefer the high density interface & advanced features of qbittorrent to the sparse UI of Transmission.)
A torrent client that exchanges DHT buckets to crawl the public DHT... ?
(No web searching required.)

What to use Windows CardSpace for?

I'm doing some funky authentication work (and yes, I know, open-id is awesome, but then again my open-id doesn't work right at this moment!).
Stumbling across Windows CardSpace I was wondering if anyone has used this in a real product-system. If you have used it, what were the pros and cons for you? And how can i use it in my open-id?
Umm no you don't; you can accept information cards on a web site using a cheap and cheerful certificate (but not self signed) or no certificate at all.
And yes, I've used it as part of a production system which grew out of a proof of concept I did at Microsoft.
Cons: If you don't have an EV SSL certificate you get warnings. The code for parsing a card is incomplete at best (you have to hack it around for no-SSL), you have to explain to users what one is.
Pros: Well that's more interesting; I was using managed cards and issuing them and then having 3rd parties use those to check claims; but for self issued cards; well, it's stronger than username password and doesn't have the same vulnerabilities OpenID has.
