How to spawn n-k light-process in erlang or elixir? - go

In Go I can create goroutines like this (EDITED as reported by kelu-thatsall's answer):
// test.go
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
k, ok := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
if ok != nil {
wg.Add(k * 1000)
for z := 0; z < k*1000; z++ {
go func(x int) {
defer wg.Done()
if z%k == k-1 {
// #mattn: avoid busy loop, so Go can start processing like BEAM do
The result in Go 1.8.0 (64-bit):
# shell
$ go build test.go ; for k in 5 50 500 5000 50000 500000; do echo -n $k; time ./test $k > /dev/null; done
CPU: 0.00s Real: 0.00s RAM: 2080KB
CPU: 0.06s Real: 0.01s RAM: 3048KB
CPU: 0.61s Real: 0.12s RAM: 7760KB
CPU: 6.02s Real: 1.23s RAM: 17712KB # 17 MB
CPU: 62.30s Real: 12.53s RAM: 207720KB # 207 MB
CPU: 649.47s Real: 131.53s RAM: 3008180KB # 3 GB
What's the equivalent code in Erlang or Elixir? (EDITED as reported by patrick-oscity's comment)
What I've tried so far is the following:
# test.exs
defmodule Recursion do
def print_multiple_times(n) when n <= 1 do
spawn fn -> IO.puts n end
def print_multiple_times(n) do
spawn fn -> IO.puts n end
print_multiple_times(n - 1)
The result in elixir 1.4.2 (erts-8.2.2):
# shell
$ for k in 5 50 500 5000 50000 ; do echo -n $k; time elixir --erl "+P 90000000" test.exs $k > /dev/null; done
CPU: 0.53s Real: 0.50s RAM: 842384KB # 842 MB
CPU: 1.50s Real: 0.62s RAM: 934276KB # 934 MB
CPU: 11.92s Real: 2.53s RAM: 1675872KB # 1.6 GB
CPU: 122.65s Real: 20.20s RAM: 4336116KB # 4.3 GB
CPU: 1288.65s Real: 209.66s RAM: 6573560KB # 6.5 GB
But I'm not sure if the two are equivalent. Are they ?
EDIT Shortened version as mudasobwa's comment does not give correct output
# test2.exs
1..k |> Enum.each(fn n -> spawn fn -> IO.puts n end end)
The result for k in 5 50 500 5000 50000 ; do echo -n $k; time elixir --erl "+P 90000000" test.exs $k | wc -l ; done:
CPU: 0.35s Real: 0.41s RAM: 1623344KB # 1.6 GB
2826 # does not complete, this should be 5000
CPU: 1.08s Real: 0.53s RAM: 1691060KB # 1.6 GB
CPU: 8.69s Real: 1.70s RAM: 2340200KB # 2.3 GB
CPU: 109.95s Real: 18.49s RAM: 4980500KB # 4.9 GB
erl_child_setup closed
Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...Command terminated by signal 9
CPU: 891.35s Real: 157.52s RAM: 24361288KB # 24.3 GB
Not testing 500m for elixir because it took too long and +P 500000000 argument is bad number of processes

I'm sorry guys but I'm not convinced that this code in Go is really working as expected. I'm not an expert, so please correct me if I'm wrong. First of all it prints z which it seems is a current value of it in global scope (usually k*1000)
// test.go
package main
import (
func main() {
for z:=0; z<1000; z++ {
go func(x int) { // I'm passing z to the function with current value now
time.Sleep(1 * time.Nanosecond)
And also if I comment out Sleep the program will exit before even starting any goroutines (at least it doesn't print out the results). I would be happy to know if I'm doing something wrong, but from this simple example it seems the problem is not with Elixir, but Go code provided. Some Go gurus out there?
I've also run some test on my local machine:
go run test.go 500 | wc -l
72442 # expected 500000
go run test.go 5000 | wc -l
76274 # expected 5000000


icinga2 disk space check or with three arguments

I am trying to configure icinga2 to monitor my linux server disk space using check_nrpe. my configuraiton is given below
command[check_root]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p $ARG3$
icinga configuration
object CheckCommand "nrpe-check-2arg" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [PluginDir + "/check_nrpe" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = "$host_name$"
"-c" = "$check$"
"-a" = "$loads$"
object Service "testing-haproxy-master: / disk space" {
import "generic-service"
host_name = ""
check_command = "nrpe-check-2arg"
vars.address = ""
vars.check = "check_root"
vars.loads = "80%!90%!/"
Now the out put i am getting is
root#icinga:/etc/icinga2/hosts# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H -c check_root -a '80%C!90%!/'
DISK OK - free space: /sys/fs/cgroup 0 MB (100% inode=99%); /dev 1457 MB (99%
inode=99%); /run 293 MB (99% inode=99%); /run/lock 5 MB (100% inode=99%);
/run/shm 1468 MB (100% inode=99%); /run/user 100 MB (100% inode=99%);|
/sys/fs/cgroup=0MB;0;0;0;0 /dev=0MB;291;145;0;1457 /run=0MB;58;29;0;293
/run/lock=0MB;0;0;0;5 /run/shm=0MB;293;146;0;1468 /run/user=0MB;19;9;0;100
The expecting output when I execute from my remote Linux machine is
root#tmahaprx01:~# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 80% -c 90% -p /
DISK OK - free space: / 43144 MB (96% inode=97%);| /=1743MB;9462;4731;0;47314
Could you please guide me how i can pass the third argument (/) ?
The problem with NRPE is that you're writing a command that executes another command. Assuming that the nrpe.cfg includes something like this:
command[check_disk]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p $ARG3$
you know that the path must be the 3rd argument:
object CheckCommand "nrpe-disk" {
import "nrpe"
vars.nrpe_arguments = [ "$disk_wfree$%", "$disk_cfree$%", "$disk_partition$" ]
vars.nrpe_command = "check_disk"
//variables should be propagated from host/group definition
vars.disk_wfree = 20
vars.disk_cfree = 10
vars.disk_partition = "/"
variable names might be dependent on Icinga version, check the original nrpe command definition on your system, it might be located in:

Sphinx: Permission denied/Broken pipe on deltas merge

When i launch this batch command for create and merge deltas:
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf idx_product_delta --rotate
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf --merge idx_product_main idx_product_delta --rotate
In searchd.log found this error and deltas are not merged into main
[Fri Sep 25 15:34:42.549 2015] [ 2312] WARNING: rotating index 'idx_product_main': cur to old rename failed: rename D:\Sphinx\project\data\ to D:\Sphinx\project\data\ failed: Broken pipe
Console output is:
using config file 'D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf'...
merging index 'idx_product_delta' into index 'idx_product_main'...
read 7.2 of 7.2 MB, 100.0% done
merged 11.5 Kwords
merged in 0.127 sec
ERROR: index 'idx_product_main': failed to delete 'D:\Sphinx\project\data\': Permission deniedtotal 671 reads, 0.006 sec, 15.3 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg total 36 writes, 0.004 sec, 277.8 kb/call avg, 0.1 msec/call avg
My product.conf is:
source src_product_main
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass =
sql_db = database
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO sphinx_index_meta(index_name, last_update) \
VALUES('idx_prodotti_main', current_timestamp())
sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id),MAX(id) \
FROM product \
WHERE deleted = 0 AND visible= 1
sql_range_step = 1000
sql_query = SELECT id, text, last_update \
FROM product \
WHERE id>=$start AND id<=$end AND deleted = 0 AND visible = 1
sql_attr_timestamp = last_update
index idx_product_main
source = src_product_main
path = D:\Sphinx\project\data\product
ondisk_attrs = 1
stopwords = D:\Sphinx\project\stopwords.txt
min_word_len = 2
min_prefix_len = 0
min_infix_len = 3
ngram_len = 1
source src_product_delta : src_product_main
sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id),MAX(id) \
FROM product \
WHERE deleted = 0 AND visible= 1
sql_range_step = 1000
sql_query = SELECT id, text, last_update \
FROM product \
WHERE id>=$start AND id<=$end AND deleted = 0 AND visible = 1
index idx_product_delta : idx_product_main
source = src_product_delta
path = D:\Sphinx\project\delta\product
ondisk_attrs = 1
stopwords = D:\Sphinx\project\stopwords.txt
min_word_len = 2
min_prefix_len = 0
min_infix_len = 3
ngram_len = 1
mem_limit = 128M
max_iosize = 1M
listen = 9312
listen = 9306:mysql41
log = D:\Sphinx\project\log\searchd.log
query_log = D:\Sphinx\project\log\query.log
read_timeout = 5
client_timeout = 300
max_children = 30
pid_file = D:\Sphinx\project\log\
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 0
unlink_old = 1
workers = threads # for RT to work
binlog_path = D:\Sphinx\project\data
I have also tried on Windows 7 and Windows 8, with both stable 2.2.10 and beta
2.3.1-id64-beta (r4926) with same error.
indexer running with a cron (windows scheduler) as SYSTEM user
searchd service running as SYSTEM user
D:\Sphinx\project\data\ folder permission has full control for SYSTEM
How can I solve this issue
UPDATE for Eugene Soldatov answer
I have also tried (first command less --rotate)
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf idx_product_delta
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf --merge idx_product_main idx_product_delta --rotate
but in console output found this error
Sphinx 2.2.10-id64-release (2c212e0)
Copyright (c) 2001-2015, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Sphinx Technologies Inc (
using config file 'D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf'...
indexing index 'idx_prodotti_delta'...
FATAL: failed to lock D:\Sphinx\project\delta\prodotti.spl: No error, will not index. Try --rotate option.
Sphinx 2.2.10-id64-release (2c212e0)
Copyright (c) 2001-2015, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Sphinx Technologies Inc (
using config file 'D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf'...
merging index 'idx_prodotti_delta' into index 'idx_prodotti_main'...
read 7.2 of 7.2 MB, 100.0% done
merged 11.5 Kwords
merged in 0.214 sec
ERROR: index 'idx_prodotti_main': failed to delete 'D:\Sphinx\project\data\': Permission deniedtotal 20136 reads, 0.071 sec, 30.9 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
total 36 writes, 0.012 sec, 283.3 kb/call avg, 0.3 msec/call avg
In searchd.log found this error
[Wed Sep 30 09:09:29.371 2015] [ 4244] rotating index 'idx_prodotti_main': started
[Wed Sep 30 09:09:29.381 2015] [ 4244] WARNING: rotating index 'idx_prodotti_main': cur to old rename failed: rename D:\Sphinx\project\data\ to D:\Sphinx\project\data\ failed: Broken pipe
[Wed Sep 30 09:09:29.381 2015] [ 4244] rotating index: all indexes done
Also try to insert sleep between two commands
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf idx_product_delta --rotate
timeout /t 60
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf --merge idx_product_main idx_product_delta --rotate
Console output:
ERROR: index 'idx_prodotti_main': failed to delete 'D:\Sphinx\project\data\': Permission deniedtotal 20137 reads, 0.072 sec, 30.9 kb/c
UPDATE 3: Issue solved
Issue solved by sphinx guys here
The reason of such behavior is that --rotate command is asynchronous, so when you run second command:
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf --merge idx_product_main idx_product_delta --rotate
first may continue to work with index idx_product_delta:
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf idx_product_delta --rotate
, so it's locked.
If it's possible, remove --rotate option on first command.
Seems that you need --rotate option in first command. So you could measure average time that need to make it done and insert sleep between two commands. For example, for 30 seconds:
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf idx_product_delta --rotate
timeout /t 30
D:\Sphinx\bin\indexer.exe --config D:\Sphinx\project\product.conf --merge idx_product_main idx_product_delta --rotate

Mac OS X: GNU parallel can't find the number of cores on a remote server

I used homebrew to install GNU parallel on my mac so I can run some tests remotely on my University's servers. I was quickly running through the tutorials, but when I ran
parallel -S <username>#$SERVER1 echo running on ::: <username>#$SERVER1
I got the message
parallel: Warning: Could not figure out number of cpus on <username#server> (). Using 1.
Possibly related, I never added parallel to my path and got the warning that "parallel" wasn't a recognized command, but parallel ran anyways and still echo'd correctly. This particular server has 16 cores, how can I get parallel to recognize them?
GNU Parallel is less tested on OS X as I do not have access to an OS X installation, so you have likely found a bug.
GNU Parallel has since 20120322 used these to find the number of CPUs:
sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu
sysctl -a hw 2>/dev/null | grep [^a-z]physicalcpu[^a-z] | awk '{ print \$2 }'
And the number of cores:
sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu
sysctl -a hw 2>/dev/null | grep [^a-z]logicalcpu[^a-z] | awk '{ print \$2 }'
Can you test what output you get from those?
Which version of GNU Parallel are you using?
As a work around you can force GNU Parallel to detect 16 cores:
parallel -S 16/<username>#$SERVER1 echo running on ::: <username>#$SERVER1
Since version 20140422 you have been able to export your path to the remote server:
parallel --env PATH -S 16/<username>#$SERVER1 echo running on ::: <username>#$SERVER1
That way you just need to add the dir where parallel lives on the server to your path on local machine. E.g. parallel on the remote server is in /home/u/user/bin/parallel:
PATH=$PATH:/home/u/user/bin parallel --env PATH -S <username>#$SERVER1 echo running on ::: <username>#$SERVER1
Information for Ole
My iMac (OSX MAvericks on Intel core i7) gives the following, which all looks correct:
sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu
sysctl -a hw
hw.ncpu: 8
hw.byteorder: 1234
hw.memsize: 17179869184
hw.activecpu: 8
hw.physicalcpu: 4
hw.physicalcpu_max: 4
hw.logicalcpu: 8
hw.logicalcpu_max: 8
hw.cputype: 7
hw.cpusubtype: 4
hw.cpu64bit_capable: 1
hw.cpufamily: 1418770316
hw.cacheconfig: 8 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
hw.cachesize: 17179869184 32768 262144 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0
hw.pagesize: 4096
hw.busfrequency: 100000000
hw.busfrequency_min: 100000000
hw.busfrequency_max: 100000000
hw.cpufrequency: 3400000000
hw.cpufrequency_min: 3400000000
hw.cpufrequency_max: 3400000000
hw.cachelinesize: 64
hw.l1icachesize: 32768
hw.l1dcachesize: 32768
hw.l2cachesize: 262144
hw.l3cachesize: 8388608
hw.tbfrequency: 1000000000
hw.packages: 1
hw.optional.floatingpoint: 1
hw.optional.mmx: 1
hw.optional.sse: 1
hw.optional.sse2: 1
hw.optional.sse3: 1
hw.optional.supplementalsse3: 1
hw.optional.sse4_1: 1
hw.optional.sse4_2: 1
hw.optional.x86_64: 1
hw.optional.aes: 1
hw.optional.avx1_0: 1
hw.optional.rdrand: 0
hw.optional.f16c: 0
hw.optional.enfstrg: 0
hw.optional.fma: 0
hw.optional.avx2_0: 0
hw.optional.bmi1: 0
hw.optional.bmi2: 0
hw.optional.rtm: 0
hw.optional.hle: 0
hw.cputhreadtype: 1
hw.machine = x86_64
hw.model = iMac12,2
hw.ncpu = 8
hw.byteorder = 1234
hw.physmem = 2147483648
hw.usermem = 521064448
hw.pagesize = 4096
hw.epoch = 0
hw.vectorunit = 1
hw.busfrequency = 100000000
hw.cpufrequency = 3400000000
hw.cachelinesize = 64
hw.l1icachesize = 32768
hw.l1dcachesize = 32768
hw.l2settings = 1
hw.l2cachesize = 262144
hw.l3settings = 1
hw.l3cachesize = 8388608
hw.tbfrequency = 1000000000
hw.memsize = 17179869184
hw.availcpu = 8
sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu

Run no more than 4 processes at a time in parallel in shell

Currently I'm stuck at running time consuming simulations efficiently. The intention is to run 4 simulations in parallel, because it's a single thread application and a quad core system. I have to variations of shell script:
./sim -r 1 &
./sim -r 2 &
./sim -r 3 &
./sim -r 4 &
./sim -r 5 &
./sim -r 6 &
./sim -r 7 &
./sim -r 8 &
... (another 112 jobs)
with this code there is a wait again and again. I also tried to split the tasks into four scripts and run each, result is that one script is finished while the other has about 30% of remaining jobs. I can't predict how long a simulation will take.
Any suggestion to have 4 simulations running at any time?
Install the moreutils package in Ubuntu, then use the parallel utility:
parallel -j 4 ./sim -r -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...
If you don't want to install the parallel utility (which looks neat assuming it works as indicated), then you could adapt this Perl script (basically, changing the command that is executed), and probably reducing the monitoring:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant MAX_KIDS => 4;
$| = 1;
my %pids;
my $kids = 0; # Number of kids
for my $i (1..20)
my $pid;
if (($pid = fork()) == 0)
my $tm = int(rand() * (10 - 2) + 2);
print "sleep $tm\n";
# Using exec in a block on its own is the documented way to
# avoid the warning:
# Statement unlikely to be reached at line NN.
# (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)
# Yes, I know the print and exit statements should never be
# reached, but, dammit, sometimes things go wrong!
{ exec "sleep", $tm; }
print STDERR "Oops: couldn't sleep $tm!\n";
exit 1;
$pids{$pid} = 1;
my $time = time;
print "PID: $pid; Kids: $kids; Time: $time\n";
if ($kids >= MAX_KIDS)
my $kid = waitpid(-1, 0);
print "Kid: $kid ($?)\n";
if ($kid != -1)
delete $pids{$kid};
while ((my $kid = waitpid(-1, 0)) > 0)
my $time = time;
print "Kid: $kid (Status: $?); Time: $time\n";
delete $pids{$kid};
# This should not do anything - and doesn't (any more!).
foreach my $pid (keys %pids)
printf "Undead: $pid\n";
Example output:
PID: 20152; Kids: 1; Time: 1383436882
PID: 20153; Kids: 2; Time: 1383436882
sleep 5
PID: 20154; Kids: 3; Time: 1383436882
sleep 7
sleep 9
PID: 20155; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436882
sleep 4
Kid: 20155 (0)
PID: 20156; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436886
sleep 4
Kid: 20152 (0)
PID: 20157; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436887
sleep 2
Kid: 20153 (0)
PID: 20158; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436889
sleep 9
Kid: 20157 (0)
PID: 20159; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436889
sleep 6
Kid: 20156 (0)
PID: 20160; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436890
sleep 6
Kid: 20154 (0)
PID: 20161; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436891
sleep 9
Kid: 20159 (0)
PID: 20162; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436895
sleep 7
Kid: 20160 (0)
PID: 20163; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436896
sleep 9
Kid: 20158 (0)
PID: 20164; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436898
sleep 6
Kid: 20161 (0)
PID: 20165; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436900
sleep 9
Kid: 20162 (0)
PID: 20166; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436902
sleep 9
Kid: 20164 (0)
PID: 20167; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436904
sleep 2
Kid: 20163 (0)
PID: 20168; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436905
sleep 6
Kid: 20167 (0)
PID: 20169; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436906
sleep 9
Kid: 20165 (0)
PID: 20170; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436909
sleep 4
Kid: 20168 (0)
PID: 20171; Kids: 4; Time: 1383436911
Kid: 20166 (0)
sleep 9
Kid: 20170 (Status: 0); Time: 1383436913
Kid: 20169 (Status: 0); Time: 1383436915
Kid: 20171 (Status: 0); Time: 1383436920
seq 1 "$NUMJOBS" | for p in $(seq 1 $NUMPOOLS); do
while read x; do ./sim -r "$x"; done &
The for loop creates a pool of background processes which reads from the shared standard input to start a simulation. Each background process "blocks" while its simulation is running, then reads the next job number from the seq command.
Without the for loop, it might be a little easier to follow:
seq 1 "$NUMJOBS" | {
while read x; do ./sim -r "$x"; done &
while read x; do ./sim -r "$x"; done &
while read x; do ./sim -r "$x"; done &
while read x; do ./sim -r "$x"; done &
Assuming sim takes a non-trivial amount of time to run, the first while will read 1 from its standard input, the 2nd 2, etc. Whichever sim finishes first, that while loop will read 5 from standard input; the next to finish will read 6, and so on. Once the last simulation is started, each read will fail, causing the loop to exit.

Determine values of several system variables in the terminal in a Mac

I'm on a Mac. In the terminal, how would you figure out each of the following values?
Word size (64 bit vs. 32 bit)
L1/L2 cache size
Determine how much memory is being used (like df, but for RAM)
Thanks! I know you can find these in Activity Monitor, System Profiler etc. but I am trying to boost my knowledge of the terminal, and UNIX.
System Profiler is a GUI wrapper around /usr/sbin/system_profiler.
mress:10008 Z$ system_profiler -listDataTypes
Available Datatypes:
mress:10009 Z$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac10,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 3.33 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 16 GB
Bus Speed: 1.33 GHz
Boot ROM Version: IM101.00CC.B00
SMC Version (system): 1.52f9
Serial Number (system): QP0241DXB9S
Hardware UUID: 01C6B9E9-B0CB-5249-8AC7-069A3E44A188
You can also get some useful information from /usr/sbin/sysctl (try sysctl -a).
mress:10014 Z$ sudo sysctl -a | grep cache
hw.cachelinesize = 64
hw.l1icachesize = 32768
hw.l1dcachesize = 32768
hw.l2cachesize = 6291456
kern.flush_cache_on_write: 0
vfs.generic.nfs.client.access_cache_timeout: 60
vfs.generic.nfs.server.reqcache_size: 64
net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache: 128
net.inet6.ip6.rtmaxcache: 128
hw.cacheconfig: 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
hw.cachesize: 17179869184 32768 6291456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
hw.cachelinesize: 64
hw.l1icachesize: 32768
hw.l1dcachesize: 32768
hw.l2cachesize: 6291456
machdep.cpu.cache.linesize: 64
machdep.cpu.cache.L2_associativity: 8
machdep.cpu.cache.size: 6144
