I have previously install elasticsearch 5.3.1 on my Mac using homebrew. The latest elasticsearch on homebrew is now 5.5.0, so any new team members running the brew install would pick up that version.
I noticed I have some index migration issue from elasticsearch 5.3.1 to 5.5.0, see
Delete all elasticsearch indices directly without curl
Since we will be using Amazon elasticsearch service with is on 5.3, can we lock onto a specific version of elasticsearch (say 5.3.1) when we homebrew install?
I don't see the older version (except for 2.4) when I do a brew search
$ brew search elasticsearch
elasticsearch ✔ elasticsearch#2.4
List your previous installed version of elasticsearch with:
ls /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/
Then switch to the desired version:
brew switch elasticsearch 5.3.1
I followed the elastic search doc for rolling upgrade in mac osx, Link
After taking snapshot and disabling the services, on upgrade using brew
I am getting: Warning: elasticsearch 6.8.7 already installed when doing brew upgrade elasticsearch.
brew tap elastic/tap and. brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full is showing
elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full because conflicting formulae are installed.
Is brew unlink elasticsearch a safe practice to do?
Manual Download: I downloaded the elasticsearch 7.6 as tar file.
$ brew info elasticsearch
Data: /usr/local/var/lib/elasticsearch/
Logs: /usr/local/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_user.log
Plugins: /usr/local/var/elasticsearch/plugins/
Config: /usr/local/etc/elasticsearch/
where should I install the downloaded elasticsearch tar file and how can I restore my previous data?
Took snapshot,
I've used Installing from the RPM repository to install Elasticsearch. The last version of Elasticsearch has been installed by the yum install elasticsearch command.
What should I have to do if I want to install another minor version of Elasticsearch? (For example installing 7.3.0 instead of 7.3.1)
# yum install <package name>-<version info>
But you need to know the release version as well.
So for example, if the ES package is elasticsearch-7.6.2-1.rpm,the command will be:
# yum install elasticsearch-7.6.2-1
You can find the release version by invoking:
$ yum info <package-name>
I want to install solr 6.6.1 and solr 6.4.1 with homebrew on my Mac.
With brew install solr, by default version 8 is installed.
With brew search solr i can only find solr versions 7.7 & 8. How do i install older versions?
I would like to be able to switch between which version of the service is running with homebrew.
It looks to me that Homebrew only keeps the last two versions. With Homebrew 1.9.2 I see Solr 6 and 5 whereas with Homebrew 2.1.1 I see Solr 7 and 8:
$ brew --version
Homebrew 1.9.2
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision b7182; last commit 2019-01-22)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 44e62; last commit 2019-01-22)
$ brew search solr
==> Formulae
$ brew update
# (ton's of information here)
$ brew --version
Homebrew 2.1.1
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision c116f; last commit 2019-04-24)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision efc7e; last commit 2019-04-24)
$ brew search solr
==> Formulae
I am not sure if there is a way to fetch older versions. I realize this does not fully answer the question but it was too long for a comment.
One can Install Solr#6.6 from here:
brew tap-new $USER/solr
brew extract --version=6.6 solr $USER/solr
brew search /solr/
brew install <user local formula path>
May I ask how to install elasticsearch version 1.3.3 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux? I tried out to install the RPM version of elasticsearch 2.3.5 but couldn't find RPM for version 1.3.3.
Or how to package elasticsearch 1.3.3 to RPM so that I could install, not sure if I am right to package it to RPM.
I need a off-line RPM.
My elasticsearch version is 2.4
now I want the latest version of elasticsearch.
any one who elaborate me step by step updating elasticsearch.
I am not worry about data or index.
If you are using brew:
brew services stop elasticsearch
brew upgrade elasticsearch
brew services start elasticsearch