How can I replace newline character in a string with a space?
I tried this:
&myVar = &myVar.Replace(NewLine(),' ')
But it doesn't work.
I found myself the solution:
&myVar = &myVar.Replace(Chr(10),' ')
I want to write a regex in Ruby that will add a backslash prior to any open square brackets.
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
out = str.gsub(/\[/,"\\[")
# desired out = "\[0].hello.line\[2]"
I've tried multiple combinations of backslashes in the substitution string and can't get it to leave a single backslash.
You don't need a regular expression here.
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
puts str.gsub('[', '\[')
I tried your code and it worked correct:
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
out = str.gsub(/\[/,"\\[")
puts out\[0].hello.line\[2]
If you replace putswith p you get the inspect-version of the string:
p out #"\\[0].hello.line\\[2]"
Please see the " and the masked \. Maybe you saw this result.
As Daniel already answered: You can also define the string with ' and don't need to mask the values.
I'm trying to reformat German dates (e.g. 13.03.2011 to 2011-03-13).
This is my code:
str = "13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nHannover Scorpions\n\nDEG Metro Stars\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nThomas Sabo Ice Tigers\n\nKrefeld Pinguine\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n"
str = str.gsub("/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/", "/$3-$2-$1/")
I get the same output like input. I also tried my code with and without leading and ending slashes, but I don't see a difference. Any hints?
I tried to store my regex'es in variables like find = /(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/ and replace = /$3-$2-$1/, so my code looked like this:
str = "13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nHannover Scorpions\n\nDEG Metro Stars\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nThomas Sabo Ice Tigers\n\nKrefeld Pinguine\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n"
find = /(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/
replace = /$3-$2-$1/
str = str.gsub(find, replace)
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Regexp into String
from (irb):4:in `gsub'
Any suggestions for this problem?
First mistake is the regex delimiter. You do not need place the regex as string. Just place it inside a delimiter like //
Second mistake, you are using captured groups as $1. Replace those as \\1
str = str.gsub(/(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})/, "\\3-\\2-\\1")
Also, notice I have escaped the . character with \., because in regex . means any character except \n
I'm struggling a bit with replacing some spaces with HTML nbsp; characters.
I'm trying to replace each space with a nbsp; character (not replace all of them with one nbsp;).
Here's what I'm trying at the moment:
"My String: ".gsub(/(?<=:).*\s/, ' ')
=>"My String: "
but this is about as close that I can get (I can kinda see why it's not working, but I'm unable to take it to that next step - if there is one?)...
Any Regex gods out there that can help?
If you are happy with your regexp you could just go:
p "My String: ".gsub(/(?<=:).*\s/){|x| ' '*x.size }
#=> "My String: "
If you instead want to make a new regexp:
# Any single space character that must be followed by 0+ spaces and then end of string.
string.gsub(/\s(?=\s*\Z)/,' ')
How do i remove empty lines from a string?
I have tried
some_string = some_string.gsub(/^$/, "");
and much more, but nothing works.
Remove blank lines:
str.gsub /^$\n/, ''
Note: unlike some of the other solutions, this one actually removes blank lines and not line breaks :)
>> a = "a\n\nb\n"
=> "a\n\nb\n"
>> a.gsub /^$\n/, ''
=> "a\nb\n"
Explanation: matches the start ^ and end $ of a line with nothing in between, followed by a line break.
Alternative, more explicit (though less elegant) solution:
str.each_line.reject{|x| x.strip == ""}.join
squeeze (or squeeze!) does just that - without a regex.
Replace multiple newlines with a single one:
fixedstr = str.gsub(/\n\n+/, "\n")
str.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "\n")
You could try to replace all occurrences of 2 or more line breaks with just one:
my_string.gsub(/\n{2,}/, '\n')
some_string = some_string.gsub(/\n/,'')
some_string = some_string.gsub(/^$\n/,'')
I'm trying to remove non-letters from a string. Would this do it:
c = o.replace(o.gsub!(/\W+/, ''))
Just gsub! is sufficient:
o.gsub!(/\W+/, '')
Note that gsub! modifies the original o object. Also, if the o does not contain any non-word characters, the result will be nil, so using the return value as the modified string is unreliable.
You probably want this instead:
c = o.gsub(/\W+/, '')
Remove anything that is not a letter:
> " sd 190i.2912390123.aaabbcd".gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/, '')
EDIT: as ikegami points out, this doesn't take into account accented characters, umlauts, and other similar characters. The solution to this problem will depend on what exactly you are referring to as "not a letter". Also, what your input will be.
Keep in mind that ruby considers the underscore _ to be a word character. So if you want to keep underscores as well, this should do it
string.gsub!(/\W+/, '')
Otherwise, you need to do this:
string.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z]/, '')
That will work most of the cases, except when o initially does not contain any non-letter, in which case gsub! will return nil.
If you just want a replaced string, it can be simpler:
c = o.gsub(/\W+/, '')
Using \W or \w to select or delete only characters won't work. \w means A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and "_":
irb(main):002:0> characters = (' ' .. "\x7e").to_a.join('')
=> " !\"\#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
irb(main):003:0> characters.gsub(/\W+/, '')
=> "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
So, stripping using \W preserves digits and underscores.
If you want to match characters use /[A-Za-z]+/, or the POSIX character class [:alpha:], i.e. /[[:alpha:]]+/, or /\p{ALPHA}/.
The final format is the Unicode property for 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z' in ASCII, and gets extended when dealing with Unicode, so if you have multibyte characters you should probably use that.
use Regexp#union to create a big matching object
allowed = Regexp.union(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/, " ", "-", ":", ")", "(", ".")
cleanstring = {|c| c =~ allowed}.join("")
I don't see what that o.replace is in there for if you have a string:
string = 't = 4 6 ^'
And you do:
string.gsub!(/\W+/, '')
You get:
If you want to get rid of the number characters too, you can do:
string.gsub!(/\W+|\d+/, '')
And you get: