I am using manage guardians of classroom api and I am getting error : AttributeError: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'userProfiles'
invitations = self.service.userProfiles().guardianInvitations().list(studentId='esha.dammalapati#somedomain.com').execute()
Just to close this issue. Make sure you're using a valid e-mail address because that's where userProfile refers to.
You can check if you're using a valid email address in userProfiles.get Try-it.
How i can check Email address is inside or outside organization in outlook add-ins is there any build in function for that?
I tried to use domain check but what if the organization have multi emails?
You can try this API to know the recipient type. The recipient type would be of ExternalUser if the email id is not present on the exchange server.
Let's say I have a content type named Order with the following fields:
and the public has permission to post new entries for this type.
How can I send an email confirming the order when ever a new post request ( new entry ) is made by the public ?
You can do it using webhooks on entry.create event, integrating it with some worker or email API.
On this example, we can see a cloudflare worker for email sending:
Here the Strapi documentation about how to deal with webhooks:
What I need:
Get access to the Internet Message Id for an email related incident via the Microsoft Graph Security API
My problem:
I used Outlook's reporting module and marked an email that was in my inbox as Phishing. This then created an event in https://security.microsoft.com. See the below image. Incident ID 16.
I put together a webhook that is able to pull alerts via the Microsoft Graph Security API. From this call I managed to retrieve the alert's ID. I then used that ID to get more information about the alert by using this call: (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/alerts/{alert_id})
In the JSON body of the response there's a property called messageSecurityStates that is always empty. I found this link to Javadoc.io where the object's properties are described and it looks like this property should contain the Internet Message Id. But when querying the Microsoft Graph Security API, the object is always empty.
What do I need to do to ensure that my email related alerts that are queried via the MS Graph Security API have email related information such as Internet Message Id?
Per this announcement - https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/03/threading-changes-in-gmail-conversation-view.html -- an email with the exact same from/to and subject will no longer thread in Gmail if the emails are system generated unless we somehow reference the original message information in the subsequent system generated emails.
Does anyone have ideas for how we would do this in CDO mail using ASP / VBScript? Am guessing we would have to call a Google API to get the message ID after it created the message as well.
Google was not able to provide any help over and above the language used in this blog article which was as below:
Additional details
If you are managing a system that sends email notifications to users
and want your emails to be threaded in Gmail conversation view, then
you have to ensure that your notifications:
1) Have the same subject
2) Have reference headers that reference IDs seen earlier in the
thread, or have references headers that consistently refer to the same
message ID
Ideas are appreciated.
I'm not sure why you're looking for any sort of Google API, this sounds to be the standard "References" and "In-Reply-To" headers that any email reply should have. Refer to section 3.6.4 "Identification Fields" in RFC 5322. To create this you'd need to read the Message-ID header of the email being replied to and use it in the References header.
Just read the Message-ID of the email you're replying to like any other header:
Dim OriginalMessageId as String
OriginalMessageId = originalEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:message-id")
And use it to create the References headers in your new email:
replyEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:references") = OriginalMessageId
replyEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:in-reply-to") = OriginalMessageId
If you need more of a pointer of how this would work, you might need to include more of the code of how you're reading a message and how you're replying to it.
i have no idea of how to access the contact list of the windows mobile programmatically to use the email addresses.
i want to show the the email of contact list only and when user selects one of them email value is retrieved in a string .
please help me.
From the windows mobile SDK, you can reference in:
Then in your code, add in
using Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook;
Then you can use that to get contacts using ContactCollection