Install cocoapods before CI integration - xcode

Trying to run a bot on my Xcode Server. The project uses cocoapods, however they are ignored via git.
So I am trying to 'pod install' for the bot integration via a script.
That looks like this:
However when I run the bot / integration I get this error:
Trigger Error Trigger exited with non-zero status 127
How can I properly run pod install for my bot?

Better if edit your .gitignore and commit Pods folder.


CircleCI Lint Test fails after I lint code locally

I am new to CircleCI and working on a project that runs CirclCI on GitHub whenever code is pushed to the remote repo.
Before pushing, I run yarn lint and I still get a failing test from CircleCI.
Also, just to be clear, when I run yarn lint there are no changes that are shown in my git locally. It is green displaying no changes were made by the linting.
CircleCI HomePage:
Additional Context:
I am running a Mac and CI is running Linux.
Run yarn prettier --check . to solve this problem.

Pushing my Python Discord Bot onto Heroku

I wrote a program in VS Code for a Discord bot, and I am trying to run it in Heroku. I was using the Heroku CLI and navigated to the folder with the code in my Command Prompt (I'm on Windows). I tried to add and push my main code, but I got the error in the picture below.
How can I resolve this issue? I am using Windows and my code is in VS Code.
The error states that heroku is unable to determine the language of your project.
You should add a requirements.txt file with the python package names used in your project to allow heroku to detect it as a python project.
Other options include using a file or Pipfile.
You can also manually set the buildpack using
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
in the heroku CLI
For more information check the documentation

Heroku Deployment Error *heroku open* command Clojure app

Hi i am trying to deploy my project i develop in Clojure to heroku. it created and build too but
when i write heroku open it gives error and logs saying missing build
You are using heroky "autodetect" and it's detecting your npm file and trying to start it as a npm project.
You need to specify to use clojure buildpack in somewhere inside heroku settings.
I recommend you to move into "docker mode" in heroku, that will give you more control about how to build/run your project.

graphcool-framework deploy error 'ECONNREFUSED'

I am getting an error in the GraphCool 5 minute tutorial
graphcool-framework deploy
Please choose the cluster you want to deploy to: shared-ap-northeast-1
Please choose the target name prod
Creating service server in cluster shared-ap-northeast-1... !
▸ 'ECONNREFUSED': request to failed,
▸ reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
A search didn't turn up much on the graphCool forums or here at stack overflow
After taking some time away from the problem I realized I had installed graphcool locally first. When I got an error I then used npm to install graphcool globally.
Tonight I used npm to uninstall the local version. The error went away!
I should have followed the tut exactly. Instead I tried to install dependencies locally because I read somewhere that installing them globally is not the preferred method anymore.

Unable to build Xcode project on circleCi

I'm using cocoapods v1.0.1. My build is successful in Xcode 7.2.1 but when I push the changes to git it fails on
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.
I have tried every possible ways using this link and similar links but no success at all.
Already tried this link: Error:"The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock..." after installing RestKit with cocoapods
Try to add the following into your circle.yml file:
- pod install
