Kylo service startup fails - hadoop

I try to install Kylo on my existing HDP 2.6.2 Hadoop cluster. I follow Kylo Document but when I try to start Kylo, it says starting, but start fails a few seconds later and status turns stopped.
[root#<KYLO_EDGE_NODE> ~]# service kylo-services start
Starting kylo-services ...
using NiFi profile: nifi-v1.2
[root#<KYLO_EDGE_NODE> ~]# service kylo-services status
Running. Here are the related processes:
29294 java
[root#<KYLO_EDGE_NODE> ~]# service kylo-services status
Running. Here are the related processes:
29294 java
[root#<KYLO_EDGE_NODE> ~]# service kylo-services status
I share important part of Kylo service logs due to restriction.
2017-10-23 17:34:58 INFO main:KyloVersionUtil:100 - finding version information from /opt/kylo/kylo-services/conf/version.txt
2017-10-23 17:34:58 INFO main:KyloVersionUtil:108 - loaded Kylo version file: build Time: 2017-10-16 16:17
2017-10-23 17:35:00 ERROR main:ConnectionPool:182 - Unable to create initial connections of pool.
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'kylo'#'<KYLO_EDGE_NODE>' (using password: YES)
2017-10-23 17:35:01 ERROR main:ConnectionPool:182 - Unable to create initial connections of pool.
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'kylo'#'<KYLO_EDGE_NODE>' (using password: YES)
2017-10-23 17:35:16 ERROR localhost-startStop-1:TomcatStarter:63 - Error starting Tomcat context: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException
on mysql instance, kylo database:
didn't work.
I can reach mysql instance with:mysql -u kylo -p

It appears that the MySQL user you've configured in Kylo does not exist in the MySQL server. Please ensure that you've created a user in MySQL with the same username as Kylo's spring.datasource.username, same password as spring.datasource.password, and the same host as <KYLO_EDGE_NODE>.
You can verify the MySQL user is created properly by running MySQL from the command-line on the Kylo server:
mysql -u kylo -p <MYSQL_INSTANCE_NODE> kylo
Additionally, you can download the MySQL JDBC driver and install the jar file to /opt/kylo/kylo-services/lib/ then delete the /opt/kylo/kylo-services/lib/mariadb-java-client-1.5.7.jar file from Kylo.

I have found fundamental solution. I removed kylo and activemq, then freshly installed again with rpm. I don't know what I have done different? But, now It works, I can login and kylo-services starts and doesn't stop.

Try the below one, It worked for me
The above syntax is incorrect
drop the created user, then run below query
And restart the mysql server
then start the kylo-service


Adding user to ActiveMQ Artemis fails on Windows

I'm trying to add a user to ActiveMQ Artemis on Windows. I have created an instance and started it. Then I run command:
artemis user add --user admin --password admin --user-command-user another_admin --user-command-password another_admin --role admin --url tcp://localhost:61616
The command fails with message:
The system cannot find the path specified.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Connection brokerURL = tcp://localhost:61616
Failed to add user another_admin. Reason: AMQ229220: Failed to load user file: /C:/Program%20Files/apache-artemis-2.26.0-instance1/etc/
How to fix?
There is a bug related to how the broker deals with spaces in the path to the user/role files. I've sent a PR to resolve the problem. The fix should be in 2.27.0.
In the mean-time you can work-around the issue by putting the broker instance on a path which has no spaces.

Problem connecting to my Database when setting up my first node

When I try to execute this command:
cd ~/.chainlink-kovan && docker run -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-kovan:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink: local n
(I entered ut with my version of course)
I get this error:
The node and the database are both hosted on AWS.
This is my environment:
the issue is related to the configuration of your postgresql server.
To connect to the database you need a specially created USER with a PASSWORD, which then locks this database by starting the Chainlink node. The default postgres USER and DATABASE will not work because it is used for administrative purposes. These credentials are then added to the environmental variable where you have the correct syntax:
You can follow those steps to create the USER with credentials:
access the postgresql server/ host via psql command line interface:
psql --port=5432
Create the USER and grant all privileges:
CREATE USER youruser WITH PASSWORD 'yourpass';
Now you just need to change the DATABASE_URL configuration in your environmenal file (.env) and kill & restart the Chainlink node
In addition and in order to access the postgresql server hosted on AWS, you can have a look at the official documentation:

Ping-Connection-Pool throws Access Denied to DB although user exist and credentials are OK

I'm trying to create a jdbc-connection-pool using payara on the console. Using ./asadmin on Payara_Server/bin/
It is Running on Linux and the credentials for the database are user=jc and password=hola123 (dummies), It is for sure this credentials work. I tried them on Mariadb.
I create a connection pool using ./asadmin on Payara, it looks like this:
./asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
--restype javax.sql.DataSource --property user=jc:password=hola123:DatabaseName=​cinev2:ServerName=localhost:port=3306 cinePool
Now, when I try:
./asadmin ping-connection-pool
I get an error like this:
remote failure: Ping Connection Pool failed for cinePool.
Connection could not be allocated because:
Access denied for user 'jc'#'localhost' to database '​cinev2' Please check the server.log for more details.
Command ping-connection-pool failed.
What would be the causes of this Issue other than Credentials? I have checked if the credentials are right and they are, So I've no clue on the issue.
Since it works when locally connecting to the DB it probably really is an access issue.
Please check if you did all steps outlined here: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) after new installation on Ubuntu

greenplum initialization failed

When I tried to initialize Greenplum I got the following error
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Starting gpstop with args:
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment...
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[ERROR]:-gpstop error: file does not exist. is Greenplum instance already stopped?
also when i tried to check gpstate command i got the following error
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Starting gpstate with args:
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-local Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) 5.7.0 build f7c6eb5-oss'
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[CRITICAL]:-gpstate failed. (Reason='could not connect to server: Connection refused
I also did the configuration an add a permission on PostgreSQL.conf, but the same issue
You have pasted the output of gpstop.
gpstop error: file does not exist. is Greenplum
instance already stopped?
Which means that the database is not running.

oracle listener supports no service

I am having trouble with my Oracle instance.
I get the following error when I run lsnrctl stat in command prompt. I even confirmed Oracle services running.
The listener supports no services.
I assume the platform is Windows and the Oracle version is 11g.
When an Oracle database instance starts, it tries to register itself to the default listener or to the listener registered in the init parameters as the local_listener. What you can do is
make sure that your local_listener parameter points to your listener
make sure that your listener runs on localhost port 1521 (using the listener.ora file)
This is when the database is using a dynamic listener. You could also make the listener a static one by entering the instance details in the listener.ora file. Docu about the listener.ora is found here Oracle Net Listener Parameters (listener.ora)
when the listener is created after creation of database,we need to explicitly register our instance.
starting database by doing startup and check the listerner status by lsnrctl status and it your instance is running it means pmon has done registering your instance with the listener itself.
A solution is very simple for this error, first, let's understand why this error occurs. It basically has two reasons which are:
1) Your database and service name is not properly set in Oracle environment it should be same everywhere check below parameter values
-ORACLE_SID in oracle environment.
-Check Database Instance name.
-SID_NAME in tnsnames.ora file.
-SERVICE_NAME in listener.ora file.
2) Host name/IP address is missing, not correct or spelling mistake, so please check the below.
-Check the IP ADDRESS in /etc/hosts file.
-It should be same in listener.ora and tnsnames.ora file
-And it should be able to ping from the local and remote server.
Now see I've also faced the same problem and resolved:
please visit this StackOverflow link:
I hope it will help, thanks!
In my case it was easy - for some reason, after restarting my laptop, services stopped working.
So, Run > services > start OracleService helped to start the listener
I had this problem with the latest Oracle 19c version with CentOS 8 installation.
So there is a bug with this Oracle DB instance.
What happens: When you install the ORACLE DB, it automatically creates the listener with an instance. The problem exist in the Hierarchy File System of Linux and how the permission is distributed between the Sudo User group and the non-oracle User.
What you have to do :
Okay to solve this, you have to open your bash profile
***nano ~/.bash_profile***
this is equivalent to environment variables in Windows.
write text in editor: export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/{oracle-version}/dbhome_1
Save & Exit
Execute: export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/{oracle-version}/dbhome_1
test the environment variable :
Echo $ORACLE_HOME -- should display result
execute chmod 777 /home
execute chown -R oracle /home
open terminal su oracle && cd /u01/app/oracle/product/{oracle-version}/dbhome_1/bin
with oracle account execute ./lsnrctl start -- it should run with no services still
execute: su {root account} && sudo ./dbstart
it should run run with 1 or 2 error.. its fine as long as it doesn't say "ORACLE_HOME is not set"
go back to execute: su oracle && ./lsnrctl status with non root account
That's it.. it should now connect with your service and handler, should give the instance of your db name to connect with. You can use the sys as sysdba and password during installation to log into the database.
After starting the listener service I had to wait 60 seconds before the services would show up as running. So if you enter "lsnrctl stop" followed by "lsnrctl start" you might have to wait a minute before "lsnrctl status" will show your listener services.
I did check all the things but could not find the cause. So I re-installed the Oracle and using that now.
