Genexus GAM Messages - genexus

Does anyone know how I can change GAM messages? I'm getting strange characters.

You may be running GeneXus v15 Upgrade 6 or lower.
This issue has been fixed in v15 Upgrade 7.


Show documentation window crashes XCode 12

Just showing the Documentation Window crashes XCode 12 (cmd-shit-0) - anytime I do it.
Does anybody have the same problem, an explanation or a work around ?
Update: There's now a new version (12.0.1) in the App Store that fixes this issue.
I'm experiencing the same when using the version from the App Store. People in this Apple Forums thread are reporting that it doesn't occur with the GM download from Apple's developer resources, despite the build identifiers being exactly the same.
Anecdotally, I can confirm that I was able to use documentation in the GM version before I deleted it in favor of the App Store version. So this may in fact be a viable workaround until the App Store version is fixed.
The Xcode on the app store is some sort of unknown version, (Since there it release even before the GM version available). So get rid of it and Download The Xcode From The or click the proper version below. Then it. will work like a charm.
This needs you. to login to your account
Don't forget to remove the appstore version downloaded Xcode
Direct Download
Xcode 12
Xcode 12.2 Beta
I use xcode 12 beta 5 works well can open document window, when I upgrade to GM seed, it can not open document window any more. When I fallback to xcode 12 beta ,open document it crash every time. All these happened on mbp13 pro, but my another mbp 15 with the same macos version works very well.
I guess it have something with macOS system, not xcode version.
Now I upgrade xcode by AppStore ,crash all the same.

Appcelerator Arrow App - limitation on publishing max 10 versions?

When trying to publish a new version of the Appcelerator Arrow application, I get the following error
ERROR | App {MyArrowApp} has been published 10 (maximum) versions.
There is no documentation on Appcelerator about such a restriction anywhere, so I'm stumped! That said, how do I delete the old versions to get around this problem - I don't care for prior versions to be maintained except for the active one?
Please note that I have a paid subscription to the Appcelerator Arrow platform, so this is even more surprising.
As per Appcelerator Support (refreshingly helpful):
Please read the following sections:

Does Apple reject apps build with Xcode 5? (13.10.2014)

I have to update an app build with Xcode 5 for iOS 7.
Unfortunately, there's not enough time and money to migrate it to iOS 8 by now.
Will Apple reject the app, when i'm trying to publish it to the AppStore?
Thank you!
If you mean Xcode 5.1.1, no they will not reject those apps. You can submit using Xcode 5.1.1 or higher. It says that in the binary section of iTunes Connect. I have used Xcode 5.1.1 to submit multiple apps. I archived in Xcode 6 then validated and submitted with Xcode 5.1.1 since validation/submission has been very buggy for me in Xcode 6.
In answer to your question, we submitted an application update built with xCode 5 recently, and it went through just fine.
Apple have previously sent an announcement to developers giving advance notice of any change in the minimum required xCode version.
On 13th Jan 2014, they announced that apps had to be built with xCode 5 and iOS 7 ready as of 1st Feb 2014. We can assume that they will follow a similar schedule for iOS 8 - if they actually fix all the bugs in it...

IOS 8 with IBM Worklight

I am using IBM worklight 6.0 for building a hybrid application. My application is running perfectly on IOS 7. When I migrated the same code to Xcode 6 beta for IOS 8 build, only the splashscreen with loader came up and the app hangs. From the logs I saw that the application goes to skinLoader.html. None of the events are called.
To my curiosity I created a dummy worklight iphone environment and ran it on IOS8 and again the app got stuck on the splash itself.
I had a deviceready event on the html which was not called. So I am curious to know if there are other issues other than the userAgent issues with the worklight for IOS8.
It is a known bug in iOS 8 beta 1 in Cordova applications and it is expected to be fixed in upcoming releases.
Applications that use Apache Cordova/PhoneGap are broken due to a bug that causes the window.navigator.userAgent object to become undefined when window.navigator is replaced by a pure JavaScript wrapper object.
and it is already answered in this forum.
A fix for the stuck-at-splash is provided in an iFix release from September 18th via IBM Fix Central.
For more information please see this question: Worklight 6.1 and iOS 8
If a user has already upgraded to iOS8 and the application got stuck on the splash screen, AFAIK the way to handle it is to either:
Uninstall/re-install the application from the App Store.
Install a newer app version (see below) from the App Store.
If a user did not yet upgrade to iOS8, it is best to use the fixed Worklight Studio to generate an updated app, increment its version and re-publish it. Then, Remote Disable the existing version and direct users to install the fixed version from the App Store; the fixed version should then continue to work after upgrading to iOS8.

Xamarin.iOS crash on 6.1 simulator

i recently received my Macbook and wanted to start developing iOS apps with it.
I Created a default Master-Detail App using the Templates in Xamarin.Studio and everything worked.
Now today i wanted to actually do something in the app, but didn't change a single line of code, still the app doesn't show up anymore in the simulator as long as i want it to use the 6.1 sdk for ios. if i use any other (6.0 etc) it works fine.
I already tried clearing my Cache in /Users/MYNAME/Library/Xamarin/ but this didn't change anything.
What would you suggest me to do now? can i simply reinstall the 6.1 sdk?if so, how would i do this?
Thanks for your help
I had a similar problem where the environment hang when I was trying to debug in the simulator (just showing the spinning ball). I found out that it only occured if I had my phone connected to the computer. Perhaps not valid in your case, but it might be a lead in your problem solving.
I'm using the latest version of everything. :)
From within Xamarin Studio (or MonoDevelop):
Project -> Your.Application.Name Options
Build -> iOS Build (iPhone Build in MonoDevelop)
SDK version: -> 6.1 (it's probably still on 6.0)
This fixed it for me. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make sure the target build in info.plist is set to 6.1.
Delete this folder:
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
And if your Library folder is hidden:
sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/
I have experienced this problem several times again and my previous answer doesn't solve it. Ya know what does? Rebooting the computer. Works every time. shrug
You need to fill the Application name, Identifier, Version # in the project setting.
I had the same problem and got it solved that way.
