cannot assign to X because it is a 'method group' - linq

I was trying to practice select function in linq.
The Code describes Pair object that hold 2 numbers. The Main is creating a list with 2 pair and I want to select the one in which the first number (n1) equals to 1 but I get the above error.
The "pair.getN1" has a compilation error.
public class Pair
private int n1;
private int n2;
public Pair(int n1, int n2)
this.n1 = n1;
this.n2 = n2;
public int getN1()
return this.n1;
public static void main(String[] args)
Pair pair1 = new Pair(1, 2);
Pair pair2 = new Pair(3, 4);
List<Pair> pairList = new List<Pair>();
var chosen = from pair in pairList
where pair.getN1 = 1
select pair;

I guess you came from VB.NET. You don't want = in C# but ==:
var chosen = from pair in pairList
where pair.getN1() == 1
select pair;
In VB.NET = can mean assignement but also comparison, in C# = only means assignment.
Another thing to fix is, since getN1 is not a field or property but a method you need (), in Vb.NET these are optional if there is no parameter.


Paper cut algorithm

I want to create a function to determine the most number of pieces of paper on a parent paper size
The formula above is still not optimal. If using the above formula will only produce at most 32 cut/sheet.
I want it like below.
This seems to be a very difficult problem to solve optimally. See for a discussion of a 2008 paper claiming that the problem is believed (but not proven) to be NP-hard. The researchers found some approximation algorithms and implemented them on that website.
The following solution uses Top-Down Dynamic Programming to find optimal solutions to this problem. I am providing this solution in C#, which shouldn't be too hard to convert into the language of your choice (or whatever style of pseudocode you prefer). I have tested this solution on your specific example and it completes in less than a second (I'm not sure how much less than a second).
It should be noted that this solution assumes that only guillotine cuts are allowed. This is a common restriction for real-world 2D Stock-Cutting applications and it greatly simplifies the solution complexity. However, CS, Math and other programming problems often allow all types of cutting, so in that case this solution would not necessarily find the optimal solution (but it would still provide a better heuristic answer than your current formula).
First, we need a value-structure to represent the size of the starting stock, the desired rectangle(s) and of the pieces cut from the stock (this needs to be a value-type because it will be used as the key to our memoization cache and other collections, and we need to to compare the actual values rather than an object reference address):
public struct Vector2D
public int X;
public int Y;
public Vector2D(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
Here is the main method to be called. Note that all values need to be in integers, for the specific case above this just means multiplying everything by 100. These methods here require integers, but are otherwise are scale-invariant so multiplying by 100 or 1000 or whatever won't affect performance (just make sure that the values don't overflow an int).
public int SolveMaxCount1R(Vector2D Parent, Vector2D Item)
// make a list to hold both the item size and its rotation
List<Vector2D> itemSizes = new List<Vector2D>();
if (Item.X != Item.Y)
itemSizes.Add(new Vector2D(Item.Y, Item.X));
int solution = SolveGeneralMaxCount(Parent, itemSizes.ToArray());
return solution;
Here is an example of how you would call this method with your parameter values. In this case I have assumed that all of the solution methods are part of a class called SolverClass:
SolverClass solver = new SolverClass();
int count = solver.SolveMaxCount1R(new Vector2D(2500, 3800), new Vector2D(425, 550));
//(all units are in tenths of a millimeter to make everything integers)
The main method calls a general solver method for this type of problem (that is not restricted to just one size rectangle and its rotation):
public int SolveGeneralMaxCount(Vector2D Parent, Vector2D[] ItemSizes)
// determine the maximum x and y scaling factors using GCDs (Greastest
// Common Divisor)
List<int> xValues = new List<int>();
List<int> yValues = new List<int>();
foreach (Vector2D size in ItemSizes)
int xScale = NaturalNumbers.GCD(xValues);
int yScale = NaturalNumbers.GCD(yValues);
// rescale our parameters
Vector2D parent = new Vector2D(Parent.X / xScale, Parent.Y / yScale);
var baseShapes = new Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D>();
foreach (var size in ItemSizes)
var reducedSize = new Vector2D(size.X / xScale, size.Y / yScale);
baseShapes.Add(reducedSize, reducedSize);
//determine the minimum values that an allowed item shape can fit into
_xMin = int.MaxValue;
_yMin = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var size in baseShapes.Keys)
if (size.X < _xMin) _xMin = size.X;
if (size.Y < _yMin) _yMin = size.Y;
// create the memoization cache for shapes
Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount> shapesCache = new Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount>();
// find the solution pattern with the most finished items
int best = solveGMC(shapesCache, baseShapes, parent);
return best;
private int _xMin;
private int _yMin;
The general solution method calls a recursive worker method that does most of the actual work.
private int solveGMC(
Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount> shapeCache,
Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D> baseShapes,
Vector2D sheet )
// have we already solved this size?
if (shapeCache.ContainsKey(sheet)) return shapeCache[sheet].ItemCount;
SizeCount item = new SizeCount(sheet, 0);
if ((sheet.X < _xMin) || (sheet.Y < _yMin))
// if it's too small in either dimension then this is a scrap piece
item.ItemCount = 0;
else // try every way of cutting this sheet (guillotine cuts only)
int child0;
int child1;
// try every size of horizontal guillotine cut
for (int c = sheet.X / 2; c > 0; c--)
child0 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(c, sheet.Y));
child1 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X - c, sheet.Y));
if (child0 + child1 > item.ItemCount)
item.ItemCount = child0 + child1;
// try every size of vertical guillotine cut
for (int c = sheet.Y / 2; c > 0; c--)
child0 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X, c));
child1 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X, sheet.Y - c));
if (child0 + child1 > item.ItemCount)
item.ItemCount = child0 + child1;
// if no children returned finished items, then the sheet is
// either scrap or a finished item itself
if (item.ItemCount == 0)
if (baseShapes.ContainsKey(item.Size))
item.ItemCount = 1;
item.ItemCount = 0;
// add the item to the cache before we return it
shapeCache.Add(item.Size, item);
return item.ItemCount;
Finally, the general solution method uses a GCD function to rescale the dimensions to achieve scale-invariance. This is implemented in a static class called NaturalNumbers. I have included the rlevant parts of this class below:
static class NaturalNumbers
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of two natural numbers.
/// Returns Zero if either number is Zero,
/// Returns One if either number is One and both numbers are >Zero
/// </summary>
public static int GCD(int a, int b)
if ((a == 0) || (b == 0)) return 0;
if (a >= b)
return gcd_(a, b);
return gcd_(b, a);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of a list of natural numbers.
/// (Note: will run fastest if the list is in ascending order)
/// </summary>
public static int GCD(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
// parameter checks
if (numbers == null || numbers.Count() == 0) return 0;
int first = numbers.First();
if (first <= 1) return 0;
int g = (int)first;
if (g <= 1) return g;
int i = 0;
foreach (int n in numbers)
if (i == 0)
g = n;
g = GCD(n, g);
if (g <= 1) return g;
return g;
// Euclidian method with Euclidian Division,
// From:
private static int gcd_(int a, int b)
while (b != 0)
int t = b;
b = (a % b);
a = t;
return a;
Please let me know of any problems or questions you might have with this solution.
Oops, forgot that I was also using this class:
public class SizeCount
public Vector2D Size;
public int ItemCount;
public SizeCount(Vector2D itemSize, int itemCount)
Size = itemSize;
ItemCount = itemCount;
As I mentioned in the comments, it would actually be pretty easy to factor this class out of the code, but it's still in there right now.

how to find the most letter(s) with the same frequency

I just started using java, I'm trying to create a nested for-loop (without using arrays) that gives me how many letters (from alphabet) have a frequency of zero in a string. So if my string is "test", then it should display "23 letters" as an answer because only 3 out of 26 letters are in the string. However, my program is missing information. I'm trying to make sure my program can target the specific frequency I'm looking for ie. 0.
Here is my program so far:
public class FindMaxandMinofString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char charToLookFor;
String s = "test";
int count = 0;
for (charToLookFor = 'a'; charToLookFor = 'z' ;charToLookFor++)
for(int l = 0; l < s.length(); l++) {
if(s.charAt(l) == charToLookFor)
Instead of counting of a count of 0, start from a count of 26 and subtract from it whenever you find a new letter. It is import to break from the loop when you find one otherwise you may count each letter more than once.
public class FindMaxandMinofString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char charToLookFor;
String s = "test";
int count = 26;
for (charToLookFor = 'a'; charToLookFor <= 'z' ;charToLookFor++)
for(int l = 0; l < s.length(); l++)
if(s.charAt(l) == charToLookFor)
System.out.print(count + " letters");
You can accomplish this task by using a hash set - when you find a character, add it to the hash set. Your answer will be 26 minus the size of the final hash set after you're done iterating through the entire string.

Algorithm ABBA(SRM 663, DIV 2, 500)

I am doing a problem from this blog
One day, Jamie noticed that many English words only use the letters A and B. Examples of such words include "AB" (short for abdominal), "BAA" (the noise a sheep makes), "AA" (a type of lava), and "ABBA" (a Swedish pop sensation).
Inspired by this observation, Jamie created a simple game. You are given two Strings: initial and target. The goal of the game is to find a sequence of valid moves that will change initial into target. There are two types of valid moves:
Add the letter A to the end of the string.
Reverse the string and then add the letter B to the end of the string.
Return "Possible" (quotes for clarity) if there is a sequence of valid moves that will change initial into target. Otherwise, return "Impossible".
My Questions:
My solution follows example steps: Firstly, reverse and append 'B', then append 'A'. I have no idea whether I need to use another order of the step(firstly, append 'A', then reverse and append 'B') at same time.
I got "ABBA" which should return "Possible", but "Impossible" was returned.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public static String canContain(String Initial, String Target){
char[] target = new char[1000];
char[] initial1 = new char[1000];
int flag = 0;
boolean possible = false;
int InitialLength = Initial.length();
int TargetLength = Target.length();
int countInitial = -1;
for(char x : Initial.toCharArray()){
System.out.print(x+"->"+initial1[countInitial]+" ");
int countTarget = -1;
for(char y : Target.toCharArray()){
System.out.print(y+"->"+target[countTarget]+" ");
//Check Initial char[]
for(int t1 = 0; t1 <= countInitial; t1++){
for(int t3 = 0; t3 <= countTarget; t3++){
while(countInitial != countTarget){
if(flag == 0 && Initial != Target){
System.out.println("countInitial = "+countInitial);
initial1[countInitial] = 'A';
for(int t1 = 0; t1 <= countInitial; t1++){
flag = 1;
}else if(flag == 1 && Initial != Target){
int ct = 0;
char[] temp = new char[1000];
for(int i = countInitial; i >= 0; i--){
System.out.println("countInitial = "+countInitial);
temp[ct] = initial1[i];
System.out.println("ct = "+ct);
initial1 = temp;
initial1[countInitial] = 'B';
for(int t1 = 0; t1 < countInitial; t1++){
flag = 0;
return "Possible";
return "Impossible";
Your immediate problem is that you apply rules in the particular order. However it is not forbidden to use the same rule multiple times in a row. So to get the target string from the initial you need to inspect all possible sequences of rule applications. This is known as combinatorial explosion.
Problems like this is usually easier to solve working backwards. If the target string is xyzA it may only be obtained by rule 1 from xyz. If the target string is xyzB it may only be obtained by rule 2 from zyx. So in pseudocode,
while length(target) > length(initial)
remove the last letter from target
if removed letter is "B"
reverse target
if target == initial
print "Possible"
print "Impossible"
Of course, reversal doesn't have to be explicit.
Here's a solution which will run for a linear time O(n). The idea is that you start from the target string and try to revert the operations until you reach a string with the same length as the initial string. Then you compare these 2 strings. Here's the solution:
private static final char A = 'A';
private static final String POSSIBLE = "Possible";
private static final String IMPOSSIBLE = "Impossible";
public String canObtain(String initial, String target) {
if (initial == null ||
initial.trim().length() < 1 ||
initial.trim().length() > 999) {
if (target == null ||
target.trim().length() < 2 ||
target.trim().length() > 1000) {
return isPossible(initial, target) ? POSSIBLE : IMPOSSIBLE;
private boolean isPossible(String initial, String target) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(target);
while (initial.length() != sb.length()) {
char targetLastChar = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1);
if (targetLastChar == A) {
} else {
return initial.equals(sb.toString());
private void unApplyA(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
private void unApplyRevB(StringBuilder sb) {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
A little late to the party but this is a concise solution in Python that runs in linear time:
class ABBA:
def canObtain(self, initial, target):
if initial == target:
return 'Possible'
if len(initial) == len(target):
return 'Impossible'
if target[-1] == 'A':
return self.canObtain(initial, target[:-1])
if target[-1] == 'B':
return self.canObtain(initial, target[:-1][::-1])

Efficient tuple search algorithm

Given a store of 3-tuples where:
All elements are numeric ex :( 1, 3, 4) (1300, 3, 15) (1300, 3, 15) …
Tuples are removed and added frequently
At any time the store is typically under 100,000 elements
All Tuples are available in memory
The application is interactive requiring 100s of searches per second.
What are the most efficient algorithms/data structures to perform wild card (*) searches such as:
(1, *, 6) (3601, *, *) (*, 1935, *)
The aim is to have a Linda like tuple space but on an application level
Well, there are only 8 possible arrangements of wildcards, so you can easily construct 6 multi-maps and a set to serve as indices: one for each arrangement of wildcards in the query. You don't need an 8th index because the query (*,*,*) trivially returns all tuples. The set is for tuples with no wildcards; only a membership test is needed in this case.
A multimap takes a key to a set. In your example, e.g., the query (1,*,6) would consult the multimap for queries of the form (X,*,Y), which takes key <X,Y> to the set of all tuples with X in the first position and Y in third. In this case, X=1 and Y=6.
With any reasonable hash-based multimap implementation, lookups ought to be very fast. Several hundred a second ought to be easy, and several thousand per second doable (with e.g a contemporary x86 CPU).
Insertions and deletions require updating the maps and set. Again this ought to be reasonably fast, though not as fast as lookups of course. Again several hundred per second ought to be doable.
With only ~10^5 tuples, this approach ought to be fine for memory as well. You can save a bit of space with tricks, e.g. keeping a single copy of each tuple in an array and storing indices in the map/set to represent both key and value. Manage array slots with a free list.
To make this concrete, here is pseudocode. I'm going to use angle brackets <a,b,c> for tuples to avoid too many parens:
# Definitions
For a query Q <k2,k1,k0> where each of k_i is either * or an integer,
Let I(Q) be a 3-digit binary number b2|b1|b0 where
b_i=0 if k_i is * and 1 if k_i is an integer.
Let N(i) be the number of 1's in the binary representation of i
Let M(i) be a multimap taking a tuple with N(i) elements to a set
of tuples with 3 elements.
Let t be a 3 element tuple. Then T(t,i) returns a new tuple with
only the elements of t in positions where i has a 1. For example
T(<1,2,3>,0) = <> and T(<1,2,3>,6) = <2,3>
Note that function T works fine on query tuples with wildcards.
# Algorithm to insert tuple T into the database:
fun insert(t)
for i = 0 to 7
add the entry T(t,i)->t to M(i)
# Algorithm to delete tuple T from the database:
fun delete(t)
for i = 0 to 7
delete the entry T(t,i)->t from M(i)
# Query algorithm
fun query(Q)
let i = I(Q)
return M(i).lookup(T(Q, i)) # lookup failure returns empty set
Note that for simplicity, I've not shown the "optimizations" for M(0) and M(7). For M(0), the algorithm above would create a multimap taking the empty tuple to the set of all 3-tuples in the database. You can avoid this merely by treating i=0 as a special case. Similarly M(7) would take each tuple to a set containing only itself.
An "optimized" version:
fun insert(t)
for i = 1 to 6
add the entry T(t,i)->t to M(i)
add t to set S
fun delete(t)
for i = 1 to 6
delete the entry T(t,i)->t from M(i)
remove t from set S
fun query(Q)
let i = I(Q)
if i = 0, return S
elsif i = 7 return if Q\in S { Q } else {}
else return M(i).lookup(T(Q, i))
For fun, a Java implementation:
package hacking;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class Hacking {
public static void main(String [] args) {
TupleDatabase db = new TupleDatabase();
int n = 200000;
long start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
long stop = System.nanoTime();
double elapsedSec = (stop - start) * 1e-9;
System.out.println("Inserted " + n + " tuples in " + elapsedSec
+ " seconds (" + (elapsedSec / n * 1000.0) + "ms per insert).");
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
for (;;) {
System.out.print("Query: ");
int a = in.nextInt();
int b = in.nextInt();
int c = in.nextInt();
System.out.println(db.query(new Tuple(a, b, c)));
class Tuple {
static final int [] N_ONES = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
static final int STAR = -1;
final int [] vals;
Tuple(int a, int b, int c) {
vals = new int[] { a, b, c };
Tuple(Tuple t, int code) {
vals = new int[N_ONES[code]];
int m = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
if (((1 << k) & code) > 0) {
vals[m++] = t.vals[k];
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof Tuple) {
Tuple triple = (Tuple) other;
return Arrays.equals(this.vals, triple.vals);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(this.vals);
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(vals);
int code() {
int c = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if (vals[k] != STAR) {
c |= (1 << k);
return c;
Set<Tuple> setOf() {
Set<Tuple> s = new HashSet<>();
return s;
class Multimap extends HashMap<Tuple, Set<Tuple>> {
public Set<Tuple> get(Object key) {
Set<Tuple> r = super.get(key);
return r == null ? Collections.<Tuple>emptySet() : r;
void put(Tuple key, Tuple value) {
if (containsKey(key)) {
} else {
super.put(key, value.setOf());
void remove(Tuple key, Tuple value) {
Set<Tuple> set = super.get(key);
if (set.isEmpty()) {
class TupleDatabase {
final Set<Tuple> set;
final Multimap [] maps;
TupleDatabase() {
set = new HashSet<>();
maps = new Multimap[7];
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i] = new Multimap();
void insert(Tuple t) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i].put(new Tuple(t, i), t);
void delete(Tuple t) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
maps[i].remove(new Tuple(t, i), t);
Set<Tuple> query(Tuple q) {
int c = q.code();
switch (c) {
case 0: return set;
case 7: return set.contains(q) ? q.setOf() : Collections.<Tuple>emptySet();
default: return maps[c].get(new Tuple(q, c));
Random gen = new Random();
int randPositive() {
return gen.nextInt(1000);
Tuple randomTriple() {
return new Tuple(randPositive(), randPositive(), randPositive());
Some output:
Inserted 200000 tuples in 2.981607358 seconds (0.014908036790000002ms per insert).
Query: -1 -1 -1
[[504, 296, 987], [500, 446, 184], [499, 482, 16], [488, 823, 40], ...
Query: 500 446 -1
[[500, 446, 184], [500, 446, 762]]
Query: -1 -1 500
[[297, 56, 500], [848, 185, 500], [556, 351, 500], [779, 986, 500], [935, 279, 500], ...
If you think of the tuples like a ip address, then a radix tree (trie) type structure might work. Radix tree is used for IP discovery.
Another way maybe to calculate use bit operations and calculate a bit hash for the tuple and in your search do bit (or, and) for quick discovery.

What algorithm can I use to produce 'Random' value?

Say I have 4 possible results and the probabilities of each result appearing are
1 = 10%
2 = 20%
3 = 30%
4 = 40%
I'd like to write a method like GetRandomValue which if called 1000 times would return
1 x 100 times
2 x 200 times
3 x 300 times
4 x 400 times
Whats the name of an algorithm which would produce such results?
in your case you can generate a random number (int) within 1..10 and if it's 1 then select 1, if it's between 2-3 select 2 and if it's between 4..6 select 3 and if is between 7..10 select 4.
In all if you have some probabilities which sum to 1, you can have a random number within (0,1) distribute your generated result to related value (I simplified in your case within 1..10).
To get a random number you would use the Random class of .Net.
Something like the following would accomplish what you requested:
public class MyRandom
private Random m_rand = new Random();
public int GetNextValue()
// Gets a random value between 0-9 with equal probability
// and converts it to a number between 1-4 with the probablities requested.
switch (m_rand.Next(0, 9))
case 0:
return 1;
case 1: case 2:
return 2;
case 3: case 4: case 5:
return 3;
return 4;
If you just want those probabilities in the long run, you can just get values by randomly selecting one element from the array {1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4}.
If you however need to retrieve exactly 1000 elements, in those specific quantities, you can try something like this (not C#, but shouldn't be a problem):
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;
class Thing{
Random r = new Random();
ArrayList<Integer> numbers=new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> counts=new ArrayList<Integer>();
int totalCount;
public void set(int i, int count){
public int getValue(){
if (totalCount==0)
throw new IllegalStateException();
double pos = r.nextDouble();
double z = 0;
int index = 0;
//we select elements using their remaining counts for probabilities
for (; index<counts.size(); index++){
z += counts.get(index) / ((double)totalCount);
if (pos<z)
int result = numbers.get(index);
counts.set( index , counts.get(index)-1);
if (counts.get(index)==0){
return result;
class Test{
public static void main(String []args){
Thing t = new Thing(){{
int[]hist=new int[4];
for (int i=0;i<1000;i++){
int value = t.getValue();
double sum=0;
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) sum+=hist[i];
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
System.out.printf("%d: %d values, %f%%\n",i+1,hist[i], (100*hist[i]/sum));
