I am trying to access android's R object in NativeScript with Angular but I haven't had any success. The instructions here say to do it like this:
But when I try to import the android variable from the application module or the tns-core-modules/platform module I get an error that the R property on the android object is undefined. How do I get access to R?
you don't need to import android variable from application module. it is automatically available by default at runtime. to remove compile time error property doesn't exists just declare the variable named android to any.
for example.
declare var android:any;
export class AppComponent{
let holoPurple=android.R.color.holo_purple;
Couldn't get existing answers to work in latest nativescript / angular. I resolved it with the following:
Created a file App_Resources/Android/values/keys.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="key_name">xxxxxx</string>
Import these
import * as app from 'tns-core-modules/application';
import * as utils from 'tns-core-modules/utils/utils';
then to grab the string
const context = app.android.context;
const res = context.getResources().getString(utils.ad.resources.getStringId('key_name'));
The android here is the main namespace for the Android SDK and not the android property from the application module.
See this StackOverflow answer for instruction on how to access the native SDK via TypeScript or use the instruction from the related documentation article
I'm developing an app using Xamarin's HCE feature.
The project structure is as follows.
I am implementing hce simulation code called hceService in hceSample, not hceSample.Android.
A function called Enable_Card exists in the hce service, and you want to use the NfcFCardEmulation.EnableService function in that function.
Activity and ComponentName are requested as parameters of the function.
The ComponentName area was handled easily, but I don't know how to get the Activity. Please advise.
This is the contents of enable_Card function of hceService.
private Activity activity = null;
private bool enable_Card(cardModel card)
sid = card.cardSN;
tag = "Felica";
emulation.EnableService(, componentName); //<- How to get Activity??
emulation.SetNfcid2ForService(componentName, sid);
return true;
return false;
This is my first time asking a question on Stackoverflow.
I would appreciate it if you could point out any missing or incorrect parts.
I trying this
activity = Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.CurrentActivity; //<- this function is not found!
Added missing information!
The namespace of the Enable_Card function is located in hceSample.Service.
Are you using the NfcFCardEmulation.EnableService(Activity, ComponentName) Method, right?
The method is an android api from android sdk,you cannot use it directly in xamarin.form(yours is hceSample) project.
If you want to call the function in xamarin form project(hceSample) from native platform(hceSample.Android, or hceSample.iOS),you can use Xamarin.Forms DependencyService to achieve this.
The DependencyService class is a service locator that enables Xamarin.Forms applications to invoke native platform functionality from shared code.
For more information about DependencyService, you can check document Xamarin.Forms DependencyService. And there is a sample included in above document,which is helpful for you to understand DependencyService.
We recognize that hardware service is the right and ideal way to
implement in each OS project. However, I'm curious if there is a way
to code Android and iOS at the same time
Since the api you used is from android sdk, you can call it in native android or use DependencyService to call it on xamarin.form(yours is hceSample) project.
If you call it on xamarin.form(yours is hceSample) project, you also need to find the the corresponding function or interface in iOS.
Nativescript Angular is well known for its code sharing properties. I am trying to simplify my design by using only 1 typescript file instead of splitting into the .ts and the .tns.ts file.
I was trying to import { Page } from "tns-core-modules/ui/page"; in the .ts. When running on Android, the code works flawlessly, but if I ng serve for the web app, it says Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tns-core-modules/ui/page'.
The reason why I wanted to import the page module is because of setting the action bar properties
constructor(private page: Page) {
if (isAndroid) {
console.log("This is Android");
this.page.actionBarHidden = true;
I was hoping to import the tns-core-modules/ui/page and some other tns-core-modules in the same file as the angular web app. Is it possible to do so? Or is it a must to split into the .ts and the .tns.ts files?
You have to go with platform specific ts files, one for web and one for tns, Page won't be valid while running inside a browser (ng serve).
If you prefer to reuse most of your code, try writting a common / base ts component, extend platform specific ts files from the common / base ts component, inject Page only within the tns specific ts file.
I just want to log to console and to a log file, using a standard TraceSource, in my Xamarin app that will run on UWP, Mac OS X, iOS and Android. I'm developing/debugging on UWP.
TraceSource, TraceListener, and TextWriterTraceListener are indeed all available in .Net Standard library, so perhaps I'm setting it up incorrectly? Most places on the Internet insist on setting up trace listeners in an app.config file, but this is not applicable nor possible for Xamarin apps. So here is my logging initialization code, mostly based on an example in Microsoft docs:
private void SetupLogging()
Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out, "consoleTraceListener"));
string logFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "Application.log");
if (!File.Exists(logFilePath)) File.Create(logFilePath);
var logFileTraceListener = new TextWriterTraceListener(logFilePath, "logFileTraceListener");
Trace.TraceInformation("Logging Initialized. Log file location: " + logFilePath);
When I run this in a Xamarin UWP app, a file is created but nothing is written to it, nor can I find anything in the Output of the program (there is no ConsoleTraceListener so I'm trying to write a TextWriterTraceListener to Console.Out). Can someone provide a working example for Xamarin? (I haven't tried the Android or iOS apps yet; want to get UWP on the local machine working first.)
The problem is that you passed wrong string parameter to TextWriterTraceListener method. Please try to pass Stream parameter. You could use following code directly. by the way, you'd better use LocalApplicationData SpecialFolder that could be accessed successfully within uwp.
private void SetupLogging()
Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out, "consoleTraceListener"));
string logFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Application.log");
if (!File.Exists(logFilePath))
var logFileTraceListener = new TextWriterTraceListener(File.Open(logFilePath,FileMode.Open), "logFileTraceListener");
Trace.TraceInformation("Logging Initialized. Log file location: " + logFilePath);
I'm new to NativeScript. I have created a new project using the Angular Blank template. The navigation is done using page-router-outlet. I want to include a xmlns attribute on the page level. As far as i can see and understand the entire code is rendered inside a global page attribute. I've seen that I can modify the page properties by injecting the Page in a component and changing it's properties, but how can I do this for xmlns?
Best regards,
To register a UI component in Angular based application you should use registerElement and not XML namespaces (which is a concept used in NativeScript Core). Nowadays most plugin authors are doing this job for you, but still, some of the plugins are not migrated to use the latest techniques so in some cases, we should manually register the UI element.
I've created this test applicaiton which demonstrates how to use nativescript-stripe in Angular. Here are the steps to enable and use the plugin.
npm i nativescript-stripe --save
Register the UI element in app.module.ts as done here
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("CreditCardView", () => require("nativescript-stripe").CreditCardView);
Add the following in main.ts as required in the plugin README
import * as app from "tns-core-modules/application";
import * as platform from "tns-core-modules/platform";
declare const STPPaymentConfiguration;
app.on(app.launchEvent, (args) => {
if (platform.isIOS) {
STPPaymentConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().publishableKey = "yourApiKey";
Use the plugin in your HTML (example)
<CreditCardView id="card"></CreditCardView>
We are implementing a server for app distribution and we need restrict the access to the apps by:
mac address
At the moment I have not found any module that can obtain this data from the device in nativescript, so i don't know if there's a plugin or how else can I achieve this.
In nativescript you can access native apis of device
so if there isn't any module/plugin for it you can use this option for accessing native apis.
for example there is solution for mac adress here
in JAVA:
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo wInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
String mac = wInfo.getMacAddress();
we can write it in javascript like this:
first we should fine where is this getSystemService:
after searching in documentation of android we found:
getSystemService is in android.content.Context
for accessing context in nativescript http://docs.nativescript.org/cookbook/application
we can do:
import app = require("application");
so let's write it in javascript:
we don't have types in javascript so we use var instead;
var context = android.content.Context;
var wifiManager = app.android.context.getSystemService(context.WIFI_SERVICE);
var wInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
var mac = wInfo.getMacAddress();
NOTE1 : as mentioned in above java solution link you should add this permision <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission> to app/App_Resources/AndroidManifest
NOTE2 : the above solution was for android,for ios you should find the solution with objective_c and convert to javascript with help of nativescript documentation.
NOTE3:In android 6 you might need request permision
You can also use this method to create a plugin for nativescript.