I am trying to create a function that outputs the key and value for all entries of that JSON as described below so I can use it to send information similar to this:
key = "id", value = 1
key = "mem/stat1", value = 10
key = "more_stats/extra_stats/stat7", value = 5
Example JSON :
my_json =
"id": 1,
"system_name": "System_1",
"mem" : {
"stat1" : 10,
"stat2" : 1056,
"stat3" : 10563,
"other_stats" : {
"stat4" : 1,
"stat5" : 2,
"stat6" : 3,
"more_stats" : {
"name" : "jdlfjsdlfjs",
"os" : "fjsalfjsl",
"error_count": 3
"extra_stats" : {
"stat7" : 5,
"stat8" : 6,
I found an answer from this question (need help in getting nested ruby hash hierarchy) that was helpful but even with some alterations it isn't working how I would like it:
def hashkeys(json, keys = [], result = [])
if json.is_a?(Hash)
json.each do |key, value|
hashkeys(value, keys + [key], result)
result << keys
It returns all the keys together as one string and doesn't include any of the respective values correctly as I would like.
Unwanted output of hashkeys currently:
Ideally I want something that takes in my_json:
some logic loop involving key and value:
if more logic needed
send_info(final_key, final_value)
So if final_key = "mem/stat1" then the final_value = 10, then the next iteration would be final_key = "mem/stat2" and final_value = 1056 and so on
How do I achieve this? and is using a function like hashkeys the best way to achieve this
This is a recursive method that will create a "flattened hash", a hash without nesting and where the keys are the nested keys separated by slashes.
def flatten_hash(hash, result = {}, prefix = nil)
hash.each do |k,v|
if v.is_a? Hash
flatten_hash(v, result, [prefix, k].compact.join('/'))
result[[prefix, k].compact.join('/')] = v
my_hash = {'id': 1, 'system_name': 'Sysem_1', 'mem': {'stat1': 10, 'stat2': 1056, 'stat3': 10563}}
=> {"id"=>1, "system_name"=>"Sysem_1", "mem/stat1"=>10, "mem/stat2"=>1056, "mem/stat3"=>10563}
def key_path_value(key_string, my_json)
value = nil
key_array = key_string.split("/")
return value if key_array.empty?
return my_json[key_array.last] if key_array.length == 1
value = my_json[key_array.first.to_sym]
key_array = key_array.drop(1)
key_array.each do |key|
break unless value.is_a? Hash
value = value[key.to_sym]
return value
I do have this kind of params
params = { "people" =>
"fname" => ['john', 'megan'],
"lname" => ['doe', 'fox']
Wherein I loop through using this code
result = []
params["people"].each do |key, values|
values.each_with_index do |value, i|
result[i] = {}
result[i][key.to_sym] = value
The problem on my code is that it always gets the last key and value.
{ lname: 'doe' },
{ lname: 'fox' }
i want to convert it into
{fname: 'john', lname: 'doe'},
{fname: 'megan', lname: 'fox'}
so that i can loop through of them and save to database.
Your question has been answered but I'd like to mention an alternative calculation that does not employ indices:
keys, values = params["people"].to_a.transpose
#=> [["fname", "lname"], [["john", "megan"], ["doe", "fox"]]]
keys = keys.map(&:to_sym)
#=> [:fname, :lname]
values.transpose.map { |val| keys.zip(val).to_h }
#=> [{:fname=>"john", :lname=>"doe"},
# {:fname=>"megan", :lname=>"fox"}]
result[i] = {}
The problem is that you're doing this each loop iteration, which resets the value and deletes any existing keys you already put there. Instead, only set the value to {} if it doesn't already exist.
result[i] ||= {}
In your inner loop, you're resetting the i-th element to an empty hash:
result[i] = {}
So you only end up with the data from the last key-value-pair, i.e. lname.
Instead you can use this to only set it to an empty hash if it doesn't already exist:
result[i] ||= {}
So the first loop through, it gets set to {}, but after that, it just gets set to itself.
Alternatively, you can also use
result[i] = {} if !result[i]
which may or may not be more performant. I don't know.
I'm working on this problem:
Write a method retrieve_values that takes in two hashes and a key. The method should return an array containing the values from the two hashes that correspond with the given key.
def retrieve_values(hash1, hash2, key)
dog1 = {"name"=>"Fido", "color"=>"brown"}
dog2 = {"name"=>"Spot", "color"=> "white"}
print retrieve_values(dog1, dog2, "name") #=> ["Fido", "Spot"]
print retrieve_values(dog1, dog2, "color") #=> ["brown", "white"]
I came up with a working solution:
def retrieve_values(hash1, hash2, key)
arr = []
hash1.each { |key| } && hash2.each { |key| }
if key == "name"
arr << hash1["name"] && arr << hash2["name"]
elsif key == "color"
arr << hash1["color"] && arr << hash2["color"]
return arr
I then looked at the 'official' solution:
def retrieve_values(hash1, hash2, key)
val1 = hash1[key]
val2 = hash2[key]
return [val1, val2]
What is wrong with my code? Or is it an acceptable "different" approach?
Line with hash1.each { |key| } && hash2.each { |key| } just does nothing it is not needed even in your solution.
This part a bit difficult to read arr << hash1["name"] && arr << hash2["name"]. It mutates the array two times in one line, this kind of style could lead to bugs.
Also, your code sticks only to two keys name and color:
dog1 = {"name"=>"Fido", "color"=>"brown", "age" => 1}
dog2 = {"name"=>"Spot", "color"=> "white", "age" => 2}
> retrieve_values(dog1, dog2, "age")
=> []
The official solution will return [1, 2].
You don't need here to explicitly use return keyword, any block of code returns the last evaluated expression. But it is a matter of style guide.
It is possible to simplify even the official solution:
def retrieve_values(hash1, hash2, key)
[hash1[key], hash2[key]]
Active Support's deep_transform_values recursively transforms all values of a hash. However, is there a similar method that would allow to access the keys of values while transforming?
I'd like to be able to do the following:
keys_not_to_transform = ['id', 'count']
response = { result: 'ok', errors: [], data: { id: '123', price: '100.0', quotes: ['1.0', '2.0'] }, count: 10 }
response.deep_transform_values! do |key, value|
# Use value's key to help decide what to do
return value if keys_not_to_transform.any? key.to_s
s = value.to_s
if s.present? && /\A[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?\z/.match?(s)
return BigDecimal(s)
#Expected result
# =>{:result=>"ok", :errors=>[], :data=>{:id=>"123", :price=>0.1e3, :quotes=>[0.1e1, 0.2e1]}, :count=>10}
Note that we are not interested in transforming the key itself, just having it on hand while transforming the corresponding values.
You could use Hash#deep_merge! (provided by ActiveSupport) like so:
keys_not_to_transform = ['id', 'count']
transform_value = lambda do |value|
s = value.to_s
if s.present? && /\A[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?\z/.match?(s)
transform = Proc.new do |key,value|
if keys_not_to_transform.include? key.to_s
elsif value.is_a?(Array)
value.map! do |v|
v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.deep_merge!(v,&transform) : transform_value.(v)
response = { result: 'ok', errors: [], data: { id: '123', price: '100.0', quotes: ['1.0', '2.0'], other: [{id: '124', price: '17.0'}] }, count: 10 }
response.deep_merge!(response, &transform)
This outputs:
#=>{:result=>"ok", :errors=>[], :data=>{:id=>"123", :price=>0.1e3, :quotes=>[0.1e1, 0.2e1], :other=>[{:id=>"124", :price=>0.17e2}]}, :count=>10}
I'd just implement the necessary transformation logic with plain old Ruby and a bit of recursion, no external dependencies needed. For example:
def transform(hash, ignore_keys: [])
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), result|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
result[key] = transform(value, ignore_keys: ignore_keys)
elsif ignore_keys.include?(key.to_s)
result[key] = value
elsif value.to_s =~ /\A[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?\z/
result[key] = BigDecimal(value)
result[key] = value
keys_not_to_transform = %w[id count]
response = { result: 'ok', errors: [], data: { id: '123', price: '100.0' }, count: 10 }
transform(response, ignore_keys: keys_not_to_transform)
# => {:result=>"ok", :errors=>[], :data=>{:id=>"123", :price=>#<BigDecimal:5566613bb128,'0.1E3',9(18)>}, :count=>10}
I'm learning coding, and one of the assignments is to return keys is return the names of people who like the same TV show.
I have managed to get it working and to pass TDD, but I'm wondering if I've taken the 'long way around' and that maybe there is a simpler solution?
Here is the setup and test:
class TestFriends < MiniTest::Test
def setup
#person1 = {
name: "Rick",
age: 12,
monies: 1,
friends: ["Jay","Keith","Dave", "Val"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Friends",
things_to_eat: ["charcuterie"]
#person2 = {
name: "Jay",
age: 15,
monies: 2,
friends: ["Keith"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Friends",
things_to_eat: ["soup","bread"]
#person3 = {
name: "Val",
age: 18,
monies: 20,
friends: ["Rick", "Jay"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Pokemon",
things_to_eat: ["ratatouille", "stew"]
#people = [#person1, #person2, #person3]
def test_shared_tv_shows
expected = ["Rick", "Jay"]
actual = tv_show(#people)
assert_equal(expected, actual)
And here is the solution that I found:
def tv_show(people_list)
tv_friends = {}
for person in people_list
if tv_friends.key?(person[:favourites][:tv_show]) == false
tv_friends[person[:favourites][:tv_show]] = [person[:name]]
tv_friends[person[:favourites][:tv_show]] << person[:name]
for array in tv_friends.values()
if array.length() > 1
return array
It passes, but is there a better way of doing this?
I think you could replace those for loops with the Array#each. But in your case, as you're creating a hash with the values in people_list, then you could use the Enumerable#each_with_object assigning a new Hash as its object argument, this way you have your own person hash from the people_list and also a new "empty" hash to start filling as you need.
To check if your inner hash has a key with the value person[:favourites][:tv_show] you can check for its value just as a boolean one, the comparison with false can be skipped, the value will be evaluated as false or true by your if statement.
You can create the variables tv_show and name to reduce a little bit the code, and then over your tv_friends hash to select among its values the one that has a length greater than 1. As this will give you an array inside an array you can get from this the first element with first (or [0]).
def tv_show(people_list)
tv_friends = people_list.each_with_object(Hash.new({})) do |person, hash|
tv_show = person[:favourites][:tv_show]
name = person[:name]
hash.key?(tv_show) ? hash[tv_show] << name : hash[tv_show] = [name]
tv_friends.values.select { |value| value.length > 1 }.first
Also you can omit parentheses when the method call doesn't have arguments.
I'm creating a nested hash in ruby rexml and want to update the hash when i enter a loop.
My code is like:
hash = {}
doc.elements.each(//address) do |n|
a = # ...
b = # ...
hash = { "NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } }
When I execute the above code the hash gets overwritten and I get only the info in the last iteration of the loop.
I don't want to use the following way as it makes my code verbose
hash["NAME"] = {}
hash["NAME"][a] = {}
and so on...
So could someone help me out on how to make this work...
Assuming the names are unique:
hash.merge!({"NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } })
You always create a new hash in each iteration, which gets saved in hash.
Just assign the key directly in the existing hash:
hash["NAME"] = { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } }
hash = {"NAME" => {}}
doc.elements.each('//address') do |n|
a = ...
b = ...
hash['NAME'][a] = {'ADDRESS' => b, 'PLACE' => ...}
blk = proc { |hash, key| hash[key] = Hash.new(&blk) }
hash = Hash.new(&blk)
doc.elements.each('//address').each do |n|
a = # ...
b = # ...
hash["NAME"][a]["ADDRESS"] = b
Basically creates a lazily instantiated infinitely recurring hash of hashes.
EDIT: Just thought of something that could work, this is only tested with a couple of very simple hashes so may have some problems.
class Hash
def can_recursively_merge? other
Hash === other
def recursive_merge! other
other.each do |key, value|
if self.include? key and self[key].can_recursively_merge? value
self[key].recursive_merge! value
self[key] = value
Then use hash.recursive_merge! { "NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } } in your code block.
This simply recursively merges a heirachy of hashes, and any other types if you define the recursive_merge! and can_recusively_merge? methods on them.