Since version 3.5.2 the Stanford Parser and Stanford CoreNLP output grammatical relations in the Universal Dependencies v1 representation by default.
I wonder if Stanford still improving the English_SD parser model or it's concentrated on improving English_UD instead. What was the last time English_SD got updated?
Mailing list archive tells me there are new neural dependency parsing models for English released in 3.7.0, but I'm not sure if it's SD and/or UD models.
We are not updating SD any more, that description is a reference to a new UD model.
Very helpfully Stanford NLP core 3.9.2 used to split rolled together Spanish verbs and pronouns
This is the 4.0.0 output:
The previous version had more .tagger files. These have not been included with the 4.0.0 distribution.
Is that the cause. Will be they added back?
There are some documentation updates that still need to be made for Stanford CoreNLP 4.0.0.
A major change is that a new multi-word-token annotator has been added, that makes tokenization conform with the UD standard. So the new default Spanish pipeline should run tokenize,ssplit,mwt,pos,depparse,ner. It may not be possible to run such a pipeline from the server demo at this time, as some modifications will need to be made. I can try to send you what such modifications would be soon. We will try to make a new release in early summer to handle issues like this that we missed.
It won't split the word in your example unfortunately, but I think in many cases it will do the correct thing. The Spanish mwt model is just based off of a large dictionary of terms, and was tuned to optimize performance on the Spanish training data.
Given the name "David" presented in three different ways ("DAVID david David"), CoreNLP is only able to mark #1 and #2 as MALE despite the fact that #3 is the only one marked as a PERSON. I'm using the standard model provided originally and I attempted to implement the suggestions listed here but 'gender' is not allowed before NER anymore. My test is below with the same results in both Java and Jython (Word, Gender, NER Tag):
david, MALE, O
David, None, PERSON
This is a bug in Stanford CoreNLP 3.8.0.
I have made some modifications to the GenderAnnotator and submitted them. They are available now on GitHub. I am still working on this, so probably over the next day or so there will be further changes, but I think this bug is fixed now. You will also need the latest version of the models jar which was just updated that contains the name lists. I believe shortly I will build another models jar with larger name lists.
The new version of GenderAnnotator requires the entitymentions annotator to be used. Also, the new version logs the gender of both the CoreMap for the entity mention and for each token of the entity mention.
You can learn how to work with the latest version of Stanford CoreNLP off of GitHub here:
I am using stanford corenlp for a task. There are two models "stanford-corenlp-3.6.0-models" and "stanford-english-corenlp-2016-01-10-models" on stanford's website. I want to know what is the difference between these two models.
According to the "Human languages supported" section of CoreNLP Overview , the basic distribution provides model files for the analysis of well-edited English,which is the stanford-corenlp-3.6.0-models you mentioned.
But,CoreNLP member also provides a jar that contains all of their English models, which includes various variant models, and in particular has one optimized for working with uncased English (e.g., mostly or all either uppercase or lowercase).The newest one is stanford-english-corenlp-2016-10-31-models and the previous one is stanford-english-corenlp-2016-01-10-models you mentioned.
(the Stanford CoreNLP Overview page)
I am making my own model of Stanford NER which is CRF based, by following conventions given at this link.I want to add Gazettes and following this from same link. I am mentioning all of my Gazettes using this property, gazette=file1.txt;file2.txt and also mentioning useGazettes=true in austen.prop. After making model when I am testing data from my Gazettes then it is not TAGGING correctly. The tag which I mentioned in files in not coming correctly. These are little bit surprising results for me as Stanford NER is not giving them same tag as mentioned in those files.
Is there some limitations of Stanford NER with Gazettes or I am still missing something? If somebody can help me I will be thankful to you.
I would like to use the Stanford CoreNLP library to do co-referencing in Dutch.
My question is, how do I train the CoreNLP to handle Dutch co-referencing resolution?
We've already created a Dutch NER model based on the 'conll2002' set (, but we would also like to use the co-referencing module in the same way.
Look at the class edu.stanford.nlp.scoref.StatisticalCorefTrainer.
The appropriate properties file for English is in:
You may have to get the latest code base from GitHub:
While we are not currently supporting training of the statistical coreference models in the toolkit, I do believe the code for training them is included and it is certainly possible it works right now. I have yet to verify if it is functioning properly.
Please let me know if you need any more assistance. If you encounter bugs I can try to fix them...we would definitely like to get the statistical coreference training operational for future releases!