CodeIgniter .. Video upload problem using crud - codeigniter

I am facing a strange problem in video upload field, when I upload it after the upload progress percentage is completed, then it disappears without any error message, and if I save it the field is saved empty, thus the file is not uploaded. I have tried .mp4 files and the file size was under 100 MB that I have configured in grocery_crud.php.
I've used:
I've tried to upload image without any problem, is it using to upload just images ? so how could I upload a video using it?

Thanks a lot to Vickel
I've just added :
php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
php_value post_max_size 128M
php_value max_input_time 3600
php_value max_execution_time 3600
to my .htaccess and the problem Solved :)


magento: some values for an attribute are not being saved

I have a color attribute with a lot of colors in it.
If I update a value AFTER a specific row(red arrow in image) the value won't save but if I update a value before that specific row then the value gets updated and saves correctly.
I've been trying to figure this out but can't get anywhere.
What might be causing this issue?
I'm using Magento
Check PHP configuration (php.ini) and increase max_input_vars. Default value is 1000 which does not seem enough.
You can easily check your PHP configuration with phpinfo();.
Make sure you also check post_max_size setting since so many input fields will increase request size.
Best of luck.

Magento Import cause Image missing

We simply export and amend several "item description" , import csv back
all Base/ thumbnail / small image linking are gone
in item page all photos still exist but the"key picture" show nothing
tried force save CSV on excel to UTF8 format, not a solution.
Most likely, you need to reindex and clean the cache.
Go to System -> Cache management, flush the image cache and Magento cache. Refresh all caches. Then reindex in System -> Index Management.
We have had a lot of success with Magmi: in terms of first time importing and updating product images.

Serve Scaled Images

So I'm trying to resolve my sites bad "served scaled image" grade - see here:
I'm using a responsive site powered by Wordpress. I'm using one image on my homepage full width slider (so the image needs to be large). How can I fix this score?
You need to use the GZip compression technique and browser caching to resolve this problem. The below is the code for simple GZip compression but you can check it out in detail here
<FilesMatch "\.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf|svg|pdf|flv|mp3)$">
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month 2 days 3 hours" //example you can change it
Header set Cache-Control "public"
Go for adaptive images if this still doesn't work.

.htacces cache control for AJAX requests

I have a page on my website that makes AJAX GET requests when a user clicks a button, for example the url to be gotten will look like:
The value returned by getData.php with these two values will not change (at least for a few months) so how can I implement cache control in my .htaccess file to tell the browser to cache the result for a certain amount of time?
For example, I tell the browser to cache js and css file in the following way:
<FilesMatch "\.(css|js)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=3024000, must-revalidate"
^ this sets the cache-control header for 30 days.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Unfortunately, there is no directive in Apache to match against a query-string. Just filenames and directories.

Magento: Change default product image with PNG

In order to replace default product image in Magento, we have to replace images in this folder:
There are 3 files:
I need to replace those files with PNG. Where is the code that I can change the .jpg part?
In the admin, under System > Configuration > Catalog > Product Image Placeholders, you can upload any file you want.
Just do add information to the reply - the images are stored originally in the path: bdebela/skin/frontend/base/default/images/catalog/product/placeholder.
Names and sizes:
image.jpg (262 x 262)
small_image.jpg (125 x 135)
thumbnail.jpg (50 x 50)
I have uploaded placeholder images from admin but still not showing. I have cleared cache from backend, deleted /media/catalog/product/cache folder with no luck.
Finally, I fixed it by copying my new placeholders at skin/frontend/default/MY_THEME/images/catalog/product/placeholder.
where MY_THEME is my currently active theme.
