Missing checksum files when using Gradle maven-publish and signing plugins - maven

I have a Java project that makes use of Gradle to build and package. My purpose is to create artifacts that are published to Maven Central.
As a first step, I configured my Gradle project as shown in the following example from the documentation:
When I run gradle publishToMavenLocal, I get the following files installed in my local repository:
The files are all OK. The only issue I have is that checksum files (md5 and sha1) are not generated. However, checksum files are a requirement to have artifacts deployed on Maven Central via OSS Sonatype.
How can I generate the missing checksum files? It seems the maven-publish or signing plugins do not have an option for this purpose? what is wrong?

The solution I found was to use shadow along with ant.checksum:
tasks.withType(Jar) { task ->
task.doLast {
ant.checksum algorithm: 'md5', file: it.archivePath
ant.checksum algorithm: 'sha1', file: it.archivePath
ant.checksum algorithm: 'sha-256', file: it.archivePath, fileext: '.sha256'
ant.checksum algorithm: 'sha-512', file: it.archivePath, fileext: '.sha512'
Invoking gradle publishShadowPublicationToMavenLocal will generate the signatures as needed, although won't publish them to ~/.m2.
At first I thought those signatures should have been automatic, so I opened https://github.com/johnrengelman/shadow/issues/718 to discuss.

I thought this was a bug in Gradle and I opened an issue, but as described here this actually mimics mvn install behavior. It sounds like Maven Local works a little different than a Maven Repository.
The proper way to test this locally is to use a file based repository. Since you're only using it to test (and not to actually share things with other projects) I think putting that into the build directory is best. Add the repositories section from below to the publishing block. Then when you ./gradlew publish it will publish to your build directory.
repositories {
maven {
// change URLs to point to your repos, e.g. http://my.org/repo
val releasesRepoUrl = uri(layout.buildDirectory.dir("repos/releases"))
val snapshotsRepoUrl = uri(layout.buildDirectory.dir("repos/snapshots"))
url = if (version.toString().endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) snapshotsRepoUrl else releasesRepoUrl
repositories {
maven {
// change URLs to point to your repos, e.g. http://my.org/repo
def releasesRepoUrl = layout.buildDirectory.dir('repos/releases')
def snapshotsRepoUrl = layout.buildDirectory.dir('repos/snapshots')
url = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') ? snapshotsRepoUrl : releasesRepoUrl
These two samples are actually from the link you shared. It's possible they were added later or you (like me) thought that publishToMavenLocal should behave the same as publish (apart from where the files actually go).


How can I use a maven dependency package that has been published to GitLab with Gradle Kotlin?

(for reference I am using: IntelliJ as my IDE, Kotlin as the language, and Gradle Kotlin for build)
The package is successfully published to the GitLab Project's Package Registry, it is listed as a Maven. I can download and access the .pom/.jar/.module file in the GitLab Package Registry, additionally the link to the gitlab repo .pom file (as in the error message below) when clicked will download the .pom for the package (this has me super confused). However when I want to use it as a dependency in a different project it cannot be resolved. I am using an Access Token for authentication of this project. This is the error I am getting when I attempt to build / sync my gradle project:
Execution failed for task ':compileKotlin'.
> Error while evaluating property 'filteredArgumentsMap' of task ':compileKotlin'
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
> Could not find <group>:<projectName>:<version>.
Searched in the following locations:
- https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/example/<projectName>/<version>/<projectName>-<version>.pom
- https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<packageID>/packages/maven/com/example/<projectName>/<version>/<projectName>-<version>.pom
Required by:
project :
Possible solution:
- Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html
(The group, projectName and version are all filled in with the those things for the project)
I did read the documentation provided as a possible solution as well as a large number of other sources with potential fixes or ways of setting it up, however I cannot seem to find how to solve or correctly import and use my maven repo. Other sources that I have already checked out / tried to use are:
This is what I have in my gradle.build.kts of the package which is attempting to import / use the dependency (again of course packageName, group, version etc are filled in)
val gitLabAccessToken: String by project
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<projectID>/packages/maven")
name = "GitLab"
credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials::class) {
name = "Deploy Token"
value = gitLabAccessToken
authentication {
I'm certain I am missing something silly and small, if there is anything more that is needed to get this working so that I can import and use it I will be happy to provide.
I knew it was something stupid, thank you #aSemy, It was that I had missed the dash between Deploy and Token (Deploy Token -> Deploy-Token) and that fixed it. I cannot believe I wasted hours over a dash.
The Solution to this Problem is adding the dash between Deploy and Token.
User #aSemy noticed this when I did not.

How to create multi project fat jar as bundle of some libraries with buildSrc

First of all, sorry for my poor english.
I want create multi project containing some custom libraries as subproject with gradle.
For centralized dependency version control, using buildSrc and setting versions (spring-boot, detekt, ktlint etc.)
buildSrc contains common tasks for libraries(integration test, detekt, etc.)
library-A and library-B are custom libraries based on spring boot.
There is no application module or any main method.
my goal is using method of library-A and/or library-B with another separated project with adding my-core-project to dependency.
./gradlew build created 3 jar files
copied 3 jar files to libs directory under project which actually using these library,
tried adding dependency created jar
with implementation(files("libs/library-A.jar")), class and methods are resolved well.
but with implementation(files("libs/my-core-project.jar")),
class and methods are not unresolved.
when check my-core-project.jar, recognized that any information of sub projects contained.
Here is my setting.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts of root directory.
# setting.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
repositories {
rootProject.name = "my-core-project"
# build.gradle.kts
plugins {
group = "com.demo"
version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
dependencies {
repositories {
Tried things
In my opinion, my-core-project.jar should be fatJar(uberJar),
so i added FatJar task like this
val fatJar = task("fatJar", type = Jar::class) {
from(configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().map { if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })
with(tasks.jar.get() as CopySpec)
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
tasks {
"build" {
but cannot resolve class and method,
additionally occurs version conflict with other dependency of projects using this package, due to library-A created as fatJar too.
Is there a simple way packaging/bundling sub-modules into one jar file?
if there are tasks like this already in gradle, prefer to use that.
Modifying fatJar task like "add jar of submodules, not contained dependencies" can solve this problem?(even couldn't try completely newbie to gradle and kts.)
if so, can you show me how to modify task?
tried shadowJar already. that solved version-conflict problem with relocate option. but still couldn't resolve package in library-A
If structure has problem, is there a good practice/example for "bundle of library"?
thanks for reading.
If someone faced this problem, try set archive name shorter than current one.
For someone who faced same problem, sharing some informations.
as result, resolved this problem.(maybe even not problem)
current shadowJar configure is as following
tasks.named<ShadowJar>("shadowJar").configure {
exclude kotlin_metadata, kotlin_builtins
set shorten name(original project name was 30 long characters)
I have no idea but shorten jar file name has no problem.
Interesting one is, upload in artifactory package with original(long) name worked well.
I don't know Gradle declaring dependency with files has length constraints.
And now it works well with original name with local jar package file.

Naming deployed jar file with gradle publish?

We're looking at ditching artifactory and are intending to move to reposilite, because artifactory is just too big and maintenance-heavy for our small team.
However, when using gradle publish to deploy to reposilite, I am unable to get control of the name of the actual jar. The pushed jar is always named project-x.x.x-{build-number}.jar.
I would like to do it the way the artifactory plugin did it, which deployed a properly named snapshot jar (just project-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.jar), letting subsequent snapshots of the same version overwrite each other, which is a more convenient arrangement for us for several reasons that I won't go into right now.
Long story short, is there any way I can tell gradle publish how to name the deployed jar exactly? Our usual setup currently looks like this:
configure<PublishingExtension> {
publications {
create<MavenPublication>("myproject") {
groupId = "our.company.myproject"
artifactId = "myproject"
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username = $mavenUser
password = $mavenPassword
url = uri("http://localhost:8080/snapshots") # while testing
authentication {
There isn't really a problem with that configuration. It works. All I want to do is control the exact name of the jar file being deployed in addition to what I'm doing here, and I can't find a way to do it. The jar that is put to the build/libs directory is named properly, it's just the publication throwing me a curve ball.

How to manually download file from Maven repository in Gradle

We have a huge monolith application which is build by multiple tools (shell scripts, Ant and Maven). The build process is quite complex:
a lot of manually steps
hidden dependencies between Ant targets
different steps must be executed depending on the used Operating System
We decided to simplify it by creating Gradle scripts which wraps all this logic (it is quite impossible to fix it, so we create a wrapper which standardize the way of executing all the logic). We have to download some files from the Maven repository, but we cannot use the dependencies syntax:
we don't need to always download all files
the versions of the downloaded artifacts are dynamic (depends on configuration located in completely different place)
we need a path to the downloaded files (e.g. we have to unpack an artifact distributed as zip)
How we can achieve it?
The easiest way to achieve it is to create a dynamic configuration with dependencies, and next resolve it. The resolve method returns paths to the dependencies on the local disk. It is important to use a unique name for every configuration. If not, executing the logic twice would fail (cannot overwrite the configuration with XYZ name).
Here is an example method which returns a path to an artifact. If the artifact is already available in the Gradle cache it won't be downloaded for the second time, but of course the path will be returned. In this example all artifacts are downloaded from Maven Central.
ext.resolveArtifact = { CharSequence identifier ->
def configurationName = "resolveArtifact-${UUID.randomUUID()}"
return rootProject.with {
dependencies.add(configurationName, identifier)
return configurations.getByName(configurationName, {
repositories {
def jaCoCoZip = resolveArtifact('org.jacoco:jacoco:0.8.6')
def jaCoCoAgent = resolveArtifact('org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:0.8.6')

Git repository with Maven project as a Gradle source dependency

This article describes an interesting feature of Gradle 4.10+ called a source dependency:
It allows to use a Git (for example a GitHub) source code repository to build a dependency from it. However it seems like it supports only Gradle projects as source dependencies. Is it possible to use a Maven project as well and if it's possible, please show an example.
When I try to use this feature with Maven project Gradle tries to find the build.gradle file there anyway (I see it when run Gradle with the --info option) and fails with an error message like:
Git repository at https://github.com/something/something.git did not contain a project publishing the specified dependency.
The short answer
... is: "no".
Under the hood, source dependencies are composite builds. These needs to be Gradle projects as the external projects are sort of merged with the main project.
The long answer
... is: "yes but it is hard".
It is actually mentioned in the same blog post you linked to (emphasis mine):
Source dependencies make these use cases simpler to implement. Gradle takes care of automatically checking out the correct versions of dependencies, making sure the binaries are built when required. It does this everywhere that the build is run. The checked out project doesn’t even need to have an existing Gradle build. This example shows a Gradle build consuming two source dependencies that have no build system by injecting a Gradle build via plugins. The injected configuration could do anything a regular Gradle plugin can do, such as wrapping an existing CMake or Maven build.
Because it sounded like it wasn't the biggest thing in the world to create bridge between a Maven and a Gradle project in source dependencies, I gave it a shot. And I have it working except for transitive dependencies. You will basically need to do what is shown in the examples linked to above, but instead of building native libraries, you make a call-out to Maven (e.g. using a Maven plugin for Gradle).
However, the scripts I ended up with are complex enough that I would suggest you instead build the Maven project yourself, deploy it to a local Maven repository and then add that repository to the Gradle project.
The loooooooong answer
Alright, so here is how to actually do it. The feature is poorly documented, and appears to be mostly targeted towards native projects (like C++ or Swift).
Root project setup
Take a normal Gradle project with the Java plugin applied. I did a "gradle init" in an empty folder. Assume that in this project, you are depending on a library called `` that you later want to include as a source dependency:
// [root]/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'org.example:my-maven-project:1.1'
Note that the version number defined here must match a Git tag in the repository. This is the code revision that will be checkout out.
Then in the settings file, we define a source dependency mapping for it:
// [root]/settings.gradle
rootProject.name = 'my-project'
includeBuild('plugins') // [1]
sourceControl {
gitRepository("https://github.com/jitpack/maven-simple") { // [2]
producesModule("org.example:my-maven-project") // [3]
plugins {
id "external-maven-build" // [4]
[1]: This includes a Gradle project called plugins that will be explained later.
[2]: This is just an arbitrary Maven project that I found, which was relatively simple. Substitute with the actual repository you have.
[3]: This is the name of the Maven module (the same as in the dependency block) that we are defining a source build for
[4]: This defines a custom settings plugin called external-maven-build that is defined in the plugins project, which will be explained later.
Plugins project structure
Inside the root project, we define a new Gradle project. Again, you can use gradle init to initialize it as a Groovy (or whatever you like) project. Delete all generated sources and tests.
// [root]/plugins/settings.gradle
// Empty, but used to mark this as a stand-alone project (and not part of a multi-build)
// [root]/plugins/build.gradle
plugins {
id 'groovy'
id 'java-gradle-plugin' // [1]
repositories {
gradlePluginPortal() // [2]
dependencies {
implementation "gradle.plugin.com.github.dkorotych.gradle.maven.exec:gradle-maven-exec-plugin:2.2.1" // [3]
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
"external-maven-build" { // [4]
id = "external-maven-build"
implementationClass = "org.example.ExternalMavenBuilder"
[1]: In this project, we are defining a new Gradle plugin. This is a standard way to do that.
[2]: To invoke Maven, I am using another 3rd party plugin, so we need to add the Gradle plugin portal as a repository.
[3]: This is the plugin used to invoke Maven. I am not too familiar with it, and I don't know how production ready it is. One thing I noticed is that it does not model inputs and outputs, so there are no built-in support for up-to-date checking. But this can be added retrospectively.
[4]: This defines the custom plugin. Notice that it has the same ID as used in the settings file in the root project.
Plugin implementation class
Now comes the fun stuff. I chose to do it in Groovy, but it can be done in any supported JVM languages of cause.
The plugin structure is just like any other Gradle plugin. One thing to note is that it is a Settings plugin, whereas you normally do Project plugins. This is needed as it we are basically defining a Gradle project at run-time, which needs to be done as part of the initialization phase.
// [root]/plugins/src/main/groovy/org/example/ExternalMavenBuilder.groovy
package org.example
import com.github.dkorotych.gradle.maven.exec.MavenExec
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ConfigurablePublishArtifact
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
class ExternalMavenBuilder implements Plugin<Settings> {
void apply(Settings settings) {
settings.with {
rootProject.name = 'my-maven-project' // [1]
gradle.rootProject {
group = "org.example" //[2]
pluginManager.apply("base") // [3]
pluginManager.apply("com.github.dkorotych.gradle-maven-exec") // [4]
def mavenBuild = tasks.register("mavenBuild", MavenExec) {
goals('clean', 'package') // [5]
artifacts.add("default", file("$projectDir/target/maven-simple-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar")) { ConfigurablePublishArtifact a ->
a.builtBy(mavenBuild) // [6]
[1]: Must match the Maven module name
[2]: Must match the Maven module group
[3]: Defines tasks like "build" and "clean"
[4]: The 3rd party plugin that makes it more easy to invoke Maven
[5]: For options, see https://github.com/dkorotych/gradle-maven-exec-plugin
[6]: Adds the Maven output as an artifact in the "default" configuration
Be aware that it does not model transitive dependencies, and it is never up-to-date due to missing inputs and outputs.
This is as far as I got with a few hours of playing around with it. I think it can be generalized into a generic plugin published to the Gradle portal. But I think I have too much on my plate as it is already. If anyone would like to continue on from here, you have my blessing :)
