How to change signing on completed Xcode project - xcode

I recently completed a project on Xcode 10 using my name and apple developer account. Now that it is done I began the process of transferring it to appstoreconnect so I could beta test with TestFlight. I found that you must be 18 to upload an app so I bought a developers account with my Mom's apple ID so I could publish my work through her. The problem I'm having now is I cannot change the signing on the account from my "Team" to hers. When I switch it to her's, I get a error saying "No profiles for 'com.xxxxx.xxxxx' were found". I guess my question then is how do I create a new provisional profile and link it to this project. Thanks for any help!
I've tried changing the bundle ID to one that exists in the appstoreconnect linked to an app I created for this project.


Xcode 13 - Cannot Submit Archive - Errors occurred while locating signing assets

This issue only started after updating to Xcode 13. Never had it under 12.x and no other changes. I am tying to send an Archive to Appstore Connect for a client. I have the "App Manager" role which has always been enough for this activity. However, when trying to send or even validate in Xcode, I receive an error related to "locating signing assets" with the log indicating the following:
2021-10-02 18:18:38 +0000 [MT] Failed to locate signing assets with
errors: (
"Error Domain=DeveloperAPIServiceErrorDomain Code=5 "Communication with Apple failed."
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You are not allowed to perform this
operation. Please check with one of your Team Admins, or, if you need
further assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support.,
NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed.}",
"Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 "No profiles for '' were found"
UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No
profiles for '' were found,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store
provisioning profiles matching ''.}" )
I have tried to remove my account from Xcode and re-add, but to no effect. Again, I have had the App Manager role forever and never had a problem until upgrading to Xcode 13. I was thinking of having him elevate me to "Administrator" but that really should not be necessary. I also created a new distribution cert through Xcode (no errors there) but that didn't help either.
As an update. I went the manual route and created a profile and chose to select it manually rather than having Xcode handle it automatically. That worked. However, of course it should not have to work that way and I still don't understand why the automatic method is failing.
Anything else I can try?
It seems an Apple issue with the automatic sign-in process with Xcode 13. But maybe it's a wanted behavior for Xcode 13 using cloud base certs instead of the local ones.
Here's my story looking for a solutions for this.
I can confirm that downgrade back to Xcode 12 or switch to the manual signing way all works fine
Someone says that doing that:
Switch "automatically manage signing" in the project or re-select
Team. Make sure the changes appear in the project file:
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development"; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
May solve the issue, but it didn't work for me.
It seems that Xcode 13
In Xcode 13 or later, Xcode will cloud sign any apps or software for
distribution when you’re using the Xcode Organizer archive and
distribution workflow. Additional permissions are available in App
Store Connect to enable Admins and Developers to sign apps and
software with these certificates.
So I ended up enabling Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate in App Store Connect -> Users and Access for my account, as Jane Doe said in this thread.
And that did solve the issue.
Here are all my references:

How to list provisioning profiles and installed iOS signing identities?

Visual Studio 2015 on PC
Visual Studio (Xamarin) on Mac
iPad is connected to Mac
My setup used to work fine. From PC, I would be able to debug iOS apps running on the iPad.
Yesterday, I updated the Mac OS as well as my iPad iOS. I may have updated a few other things too. However, now I am running into problems deploying Xamarin iOS apps on the iPad.
I can create an iOS app in xcode and deploy it successfully. However, when I try to build my Xamarin app, I get the error "No installed profiles match the installed iOS signing identities."
There are a few posts on the forum that talk about a similar problem. I have gone through all these posts. I have also downloaded (once again) my iOS certificate from Apple developer portal and added it to my keychain store.
I still don't understand why I get the error. Would appreciate if someone can tell me how I can get the list of installed iOS signing identities and compare them against the list of provisioning profiles.
Also, when I look at my file, I see that, for key CfBundleIdentifier, the value is replace_bundle_id. I am wondering how I can tie this bundle id back to my provisioning profile. On Apple's portal, I see a bunch of provisioning profiles (I am part of an enterprise team). There is no field called bundle-id on these profiles. All each of them have is an app-id. Where do I related the bundle-id to the provisioning profile? Regards.
Provisioning profiles are all inside the directory: /Users/m.piccotti/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Usually when I have these kind of problems and no time to understand what's wrong, I simply delete everything inside that directory and I download again all the profiles from Xcode. Naturally you can try this only if you are sure that you'll be able again to download all the provisioning profiles you need.
Or it could be that you have to set the right provisioning profile for the project:
This info is saved into iOS.csproj, the element CodesignProvision.
When you go to Apple Developer portal and check App IDs, you see the Name and ID of your app. The ID is your bundle ID. That you need to enter in your plist.
Based on that Xamarin will find your profiles.
Here is what I did to make it work. This is based on the feedback I received from the other two replies.
From the Apple developer portal, I looked at the ID of my app. This was in the form com.mycompany.myproduct. In my Xamarin iOS app's, the id was replace_bundle_id. I changed it to match the one from the portal.
Next, I cleaned the "Provisioning Profiles" directory on Mac and used xcode to create a test project and change the bundle id (from project options) to match the one on the portal. xcode automatically created a new profile.
This made the whole thing work. Now I am able to deploy and debug from my PC to iPad via Mac.
Our project was generated by Xamarin wizard a long time ago and used to work just fine until recently. I still do not know why replace_bundle_id worked in the past and stopped working all of a sudden. The only change I had made was that I upgraded the OSes on the Mac as well as my iPad.

How to delete app id created by Xcode 8 automatically managed signing?

I got an issue today while submitting the app to app store. While developing the application using automatic signing it created development certificates and profiles but when i opened the developer account i can't find the certificates and developer profiles and the id was created in wildcard app id but i need it in explicit app id.
And when i try to create an app id with the bundle identifier it shows an alert
There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit.
An App ID with Identifier 'com.ngagroupinc.dealsweb' is not available. Please enter a different string.
It shows this message how to create an app id with identifier 'com.ngagroupinc.dealsweb' .
Can anyone please help me out with this problem.
To delete the App ID created by xcode we have to contact the apple support team to delete the app id. Because they were created in free account virtually. They won't appear in the developers account.So in order to delete the virtually created App id's only apple technical team can do it.
Links that i got answer from:
1. Cannot create an App ID with matching Bundle ID in Xcode project for first release using Xcode 8.0
2.How to manage Personal Team info on Apple Developer website?

Xcode error when uploading to App Store: "No suitable application records were found"

I'm using Ionic to build an html app for iOS. I've registered an app on iTunes Connect.
All goes well in Xcode until I upload to the App Store. I get the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'com.iconicframework.app315125' is correct.
I suspect you should not be calling your app "com.ionicframework.app315125". That looks like a leftover name from an example project.
You need to create a new Bundle Identifier in the Developer portal:
Then choose it when you "Create New App" in iTunesConnect:
For me, I'd pick com.maniac-games.lowdown.
Maybe you need to review this document.
In other words:
You must go to and create a provisioning profile and bundle id.
Assign devices to provisioning
Then ... enter itunesconnect and create app and assign your bundle id.
Enter to Xcode and reload provisioning files.
Enter to Targets files and select provisioning.
Product -> Archive and go on :)
For those who are seeing this answer after June 2020, I'm running XCode 11, and I got this error because I forgot to make an app in App Store Connect:
If you have XCode 11, under "Signing & Capabilities" -> "Automatically manage signing", it'll solve 90% of the problem for you, but the other 10% is just logging into your developer account, going to App Store Connect -> Apps -> (Blue "+" icon), then select a Bundle ID that matches your Bundle Identifier back in XCode.
I was also facing same issue..I fixed it by creating an app on itunesConnect before uploading app.
once you created app on itunesconnect. you should not get this error anymore.
there should be some authentication and a place to store your build. and if you don't have an app on itunesconnect with same bundle id it will not let you upload your app.
I received the same error on multiple attempts.
Follow below step:
1) Create AppID inside developer site Identifiers -> IDS.
2) Create Provisioning Profiles Certificate Provisioning Profiles - > Distribution.
3) Create App inside iTunes and Give name of app, select Bundle identifier of app and just click on Create app.
4) Inside xcode select Product -> Archive wait few minute then open Organizer(Windows -> Organizer) and show app in Organizer, Click on Upload to App store
5) Successfully you have upload app in app store.
For me the problem was that the user used for uploading was set to Limited Access instead of Full Access. Fixed that via App Information > Additional Information > Edit User Access. Took me several hours to track down! It would of course have been helpful to get a slightly more detailed error message.
Set the Same name.this way is success.
I had the same issue, after a while checking I added my app's details into AppstoreConnect then it was fixed!
Don't forget that at first you need to define a new bundle identifier and provisioning profile.
For the ones who get this error on an app which was sumbitable previously, please log in to iTunesConnect / AppStoreConnect and accept the latest Terms of Services or whatever legal message you have to approve.
Note that if you are working with an external publisher you need someone whose account has the highest permission to have the message appearing.
Well what soloved the issue for me was changing the bundleID when the pop up (while validating) comes up to the actual bundleID which was not right at that time but is now fixed and my app is one the way to the Appstore!
You need to create a new Bundle Identifier in the Developer portal( like create your app in myapps with same Bundle Identifier

How to change the App ID associated with my (Xcode managed) Team Provisioning Profile

I constantly struggle to get my codesigning to work. I'm trying to get a good generic provisioning profile that will work for all my apps during development. They're always failing codesign, but they also always install on my phone. Go figure.
I've created an App ID called ##########.mydomainname.* and associated it with my development certificate, but when the Team Provisioning Profile: * is generated, it uses an App ID that I made when I first signed up over a year ago. I don't know if this is a problem, but I want to try associating the Team Provisioning Profile: * with my ##########.mydomainname.* App ID. I'm so sick of constantly fiddling with provisioning - eventually I get it to work, but it's never the same recipe.
Can I somehow edit the App ID used in a profile?
UPDATE: Marking question as answered, but it looks like the answer is that you can't do what I'm asking.
You can't edit exisiting AppID's, but you can associate existing provisioning profile with new AppID or create new one.
According to Apple
In Apr 2013, it is possible to delete App IDs.
But In Sep 2013,
Now again they changed so from now impossible to delete App IDs .
update 19th sept:
But now again you can delete
After Apple recently added the ability to delete App Ids, I have managed to change the App Id associated with the Xcode Team Provisioning Profile.
In my case I had two wildcard App Ids, the one Xcode always used was the first one that I had created in error when I first registered. To switch to my second preferred wild card id I did the following:
In iTunes Connect -> App Ids: Delete the offending App Id.
In iTunes Connect -> Provisioning profiles: The Xcode profile is now marked invalid, delete it.
In Xcode -> Organiser -> Devices -> Provisioning Profiles: Delete the profile and click refresh.
The new profile was regenerated in iTunes Connect however it wasn't downloaded into the list in Xcode so I downloaded manually from iTunes Connect and dragged it in.
Apparently iTunes connect has some rules about which App Ids can be deleted and Xcode has some default behaviour as to which App Id it chooses so YMMV.
It seems that you can only delete App IDs which are not associated with Apps registered with iTunesConnnect.
i am using xcode 6.3.2 and the bundle identifier start with yourcompany.yourapp not com.yourcompany.yourapp but when i was creating a certificate it in it says it should be com.yourcompany.yourapp so that was the reason it was not working.
Then i changed bundle identifier to com.yourcompany.yourapp in xcode 6 to match the provisioning profile and it worked for me.
Hope this helps for some one.
