use glsl modulo with uint - opengl-es

In my compute shader i try to calculate the texel coordinate of each local invocation based on the gl_GlobalInvocation variable inside a rectangle of my image.
For large values of gl_GlobalInvocation.x up to 262144 i get strange results. (gl_WorkGroupSize=1024 (1024,1,1), gl_NumWorkGroups=256 (256,1,1), width <= 512, height <= 512)
Maybe its because glsl modulo cannot handle uint datatypes in OpenGL ES 3.1.
Is there alternative way to calc coordinates for uint range?
ivec2 coords;
uint width = uint(rectPos.z-rectPos.x);
uint height = uint(rectPos.w-rectPos.y);
coords.x = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x % width) + rectPos.x;
coords.y = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x / height) + rectPos.y;
vec4 color = imageLoad(texture, coords)


Creating gyroid pattern in 2D image algorithm

I'm trying to fill an image with gyroid lines with certain thickness at certain spacing, but math is not my area. I was able to create a sine wave and shift a bit in the X direction to make it looks like a gyroid but it's not the same.
The idea behind is to stack some images with the same resolution and replicate gyroid into 2D images, so we still have XYZ, where Z can be 0.01mm to 0.1mm per layer
What i've tried:
int sineHeight = 100;
int sineWidth = 100;
int spacing = 100;
int radius = 10;
for (int y1 = 0; y1 < mat.Height; y1 += sineHeight+spacing)
for (int x = 0; x < mat.Width; x++)
// Simulating first image
int y2 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)x / sineWidth) * sineHeight / 2.0 + sineHeight / 2.0 + radius);
Circle(mat, new System.Drawing.Point(x, y1+y2), radius, EmguExtensions.WhiteColor, -1, LineType.AntiAlias);
// Simulating second image, shift by x to make it look a bit more with gyroid
y2 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)x / sineWidth + sineWidth) * sineHeight / 2.0 + sineHeight / 2.0 + radius);
Circle(mat, new System.Drawing.Point(x, y1 + y2), radius, EmguExtensions.GreyColor, -1, LineType.AntiAlias);
Resulting in: (White represents layer 1 while grey layer 2)
Still, this looks nothing like real gyroid, how can I replicate the formula to work in this space?
You have just single ugly slice because I do not see any z in your code (its correct the surface has horizontal and vertical sin waves like this every 0.5*pi in z).
To see the 3D surface you have to raycast z ...
I would expect some conditional testing of actually iterated x,y,z result of gyroid equation against some small non zero number like if (result<= 1e-6) and draw the stuff only then or compute color from the result instead. This is ideal to do in GLSL.
In case you are not familiar with GLSL and shaders the Fragment shader is executed for each pixel (called fragment) of the rendered QUAD so you just put the code inside your nested x,y for loops and use your x,y instead of pos (you can ignore the Vertex shader its not important).
You got 2 basic options to render this:
Blending the ray casted surface pixels together creating X-Ray like image. It can be combined with SSS techniques to get the impression of glass or semitransparent material. Here simple GLSL example for the blending:
#version 400 core
in vec2 position;
out vec2 pos;
void main(void)
gl_Position = vec4(position.xy,0.0,1.0);
#version 400 core
in vec2 pos;
out vec3 out_col;
void main(void)
float n,x,y,z,dz,d,i,di;
const float scale=2.0*3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
n=100.0; // layers
x=pos.x*scale; // x postion of pixel
y=pos.y*scale; // y postion of pixel
dz=2.0*scale/n; // z step
di=1.0/n; // color increment
i=0.0; // color intensity
for (z=-scale;z<=scale;z+=dz) // do all layers
d =sin(x)*cos(y); // compute gyroid equation
if (d<=1e-6) i+=di; // if near surface add to color
Usage is simple just render 2D quad covering screen without any matrices with corner pos points in range <-1,+1>. Here result:
Another technique is to render first hit to surface creating mesh like image. In order to see the details we need to add basic (double sided) directional lighting for which surface normal is needed. The normal can be computed by simply partialy derivate the equation by x,y,z. As now the surface is opaque then we can stop on first hit and also ray cast just single period in z as anything after that is hidden anyway. Here simple example:
#version 400 core
in vec2 pos; // input fragmen (pixel) position <-1,+1>
out vec3 col; // output fragment (pixel) RGB color <0,1>
void main(void)
bool _discard=true;
float N,x,y,z,dz,d,i;
vec3 n,l;
const float pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
const float scale =3.0*pi; // 3.0 periods in x,y
const float scalez=2.0*pi; // 1.0 period in z
N=200.0; // layers per z (quality)
x=pos.x*scale; // <-1,+1> -> [rad]
y=pos.y*scale; // <-1,+1> -> [rad]
dz=2.0*scalez/N; // z step
l=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); // light unit direction
i=0.0; // starting color intensity
n=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); // starting normal only to get rid o warning
for (z=0.0;z>=-scalez;z-=dz) // raycast z through all layers in view direction
// gyroid equation
d =sin(x)*cos(y); // compute gyroid equation
// surface hit test
if (d>1e-6) continue; // skip if too far from surface
_discard=false; // remember that surface was hit
// compute normal
n.x =+cos(x)*cos(y); // partial derivate by x
n.y =-sin(x)*sin(y); // partial derivate by y
n.z =+sin(x)*cos(y); // partial derivate by z
break; // stop raycasting
// skip rendering if no hit with surface (hole)
if (_discard) discard;
// directional lighting
// ambient + directional lighting
// output fragment (render pixel)
gl_FragDepth=z; // depth (optional)
col=vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0)*i; // color
I hope I did not make error in partial derivates. Here result:
Based on your code I see it like this (X-Ray like Blending)
var mat = EmguExtensions.InitMat(new System.Drawing.Size(2000, 1080));
double zz, dz, d, i, di = 0;
const double scalex = 2.0 * Math.PI / mat.Width;
const double scaley = 2.0 * Math.PI / mat.Height;
const double scalez = 2.0 * Math.PI;
uint layerCount = 100; // layers
for (int y = 0; y < mat.Height; y++)
double yy = y * scaley; // y position of pixel
for (int x = 0; x < mat.Width; x++)
double xx = x * scalex; // x position of pixel
dz = 2.0 * scalez / layerCount; // z step
di = 1.0 / layerCount; // color increment
i = 0.0; // color intensity
for (zz = -scalez; zz <= scalez; zz += dz) // do all layers
d = Math.Sin(xx) * Math.Cos(yy); // compute gyroid equation
d += Math.Sin(yy) * Math.Cos(zz);
d += Math.Sin(zz) * Math.Cos(xx);
if (d > 1e-6) continue;
i += di; // if near surface add to color
mat.SetByte(x, y, (byte)(i));

GLSL uv lookup and precision with FBO / RenderTarget in Three.js

My application is coded in Javascript + Three.js / WebGL + GLSL. I have 200 curves, each one made of 85 points. To animate the curves I add a new point and remove the last.
So I made a positions shader that stores the new positions onto a texture (1) and the lines shader that writes the positions for all curves on another texture (2).
The goal is to use textures as arrays: I know the first and last index of a line, so I need to convert those indices to uv coordinates.
I use FBOHelper to debug FBOs.
1) This 1D texture contains the new points for each curve (200 in total): positionTexture
2) And these are the 200 curves, with all their points, one after the other: linesTexture
The black parts are the BUG here. Those texels shouldn't be black.
How does it work: at each frame the shader looks up the new point for each line in the positionTexture and updates the linesTextures accordingly, with a for loop like this:
#define LINES_COUNT = 200
#define LINE_POINTS = 85 // with 100 it works!!!
// Then in main()
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
for (float i = 0.0; i < LINES_COUNT; i += 1.0) {
float startIdx = i * LINE_POINTS; // line start index
float endIdx = beginIdx + LINE_POINTS - 1.0; // line end index
vec2 lastCell = getUVfromIndex(endIdx); // last uv coordinate reserved for current line
if (match(lastCell, uv)) {
pos = texture2D( positionTexture, vec2((i / LINES_COUNT) + minFloat, 0.0)).xyz;
} else if (index >= startIdx && index < endIdx) {
pos = texture2D( lineTexture, getNextUV(uv) ).xyz;
This works, but it's slightly buggy when I have many lines (150+): likely a precision problem. I'm not sure if the functions I wrote to look up the textures are right. I wrote functions like getNextUV(uv) to get the value from the next index (converted to uv coordinates) and copy to the previous. Or match(xy, uv) to know if the current fragment is the texel I want.
I though I could simply use the classic formula:
index = uv.y * width + uv.x
But it's more complicated than that. For example match():
// Wether a point XY is within a UV coordinate
float size = 132.0; // width and height of texture
float unit = 1.0 / size;
float minFloat = unit / size;
bool match(vec2 point, vec2 uv) {
vec2 p = point;
float x = floor(p.x / unit) * unit;
float y = floor(p.y / unit) * unit;
return x <= uv.x && x + unit > uv.x && y <= uv.y && y + unit > uv.y;
Or getUVfromIndex():
vec2 getUVfromIndex(float index) {
float row = floor(index / size); // Example: 83.56 / 10 = 8
float col = index - (row * size); // Example: 83.56 - (8 * 10) = 3.56
col = col / size + minFloat; // u = 0.357
row = row / size + minFloat; // v = 0.81
return vec2(col, row);
Can someone explain what's the most efficient way to lookup values in a texture, by getting a uv coordinate from index value?
Texture coordinates go from the edge of pixels not the centers so your formula to compute a UV coordinates needs to be
u = (xPixelCoord + .5) / widthOfTextureInPixels;
v = (yPixelCoord + .5) / heightOfTextureInPixels;
So I'm guessing you want getUVfromIndex to be
uniform vec2 sizeOfTexture; // allow texture to be any size
vec2 getUVfromIndex(float index) {
float widthOfTexture = sizeOfTexture.x;
float col = mod(index, widthOfTexture);
float row = floor(index / widthOfTexture);
return (vec2(col, row) + .5) / sizeOfTexture;
Or, based on some other experience with math issues in shaders you might need to fudge index
uniform vec2 sizeOfTexture; // allow texture to be any size
vec2 getUVfromIndex(float index) {
float fudgedIndex = index + 0.1;
float widthOfTexture = sizeOfTexture.x;
float col = mod(fudgedIndex, widthOfTexture);
float row = floor(fudgedIndex / widthOfTexture);
return (vec2(col, row) + .5) / sizeOfTexture;
If you're in WebGL2 you can use texelFetch which takes integer pixel coordinates to get a value from a texture

GLSL for loop for grid neighbor calculation bug

For a little background this is for doing particle collisions with lookup textures on the GPU. I read the position texture with javascript and create a grid texture that contains the particles that are in the corresponding grid cell. The working example that is mentioned in the post can be viewed here:
The reason I want the buckets system is that it will allow me to do much fewer checks and the number of checks wouldn't increase with the number of particles.
For the actual problem description:
I am attempting to read from a lookup texture centered around a pixel (lets say i have a texture that is 10x10, and I want to read the pixels around (4,2), i would read
The loop is a little more complicated but that is the general idea. If I make the loop look like the following
float xcenter = 5.0;
float ycenter = 5.0;
for(float i = -5.0; i < 5.0; i++){
for(float j = -5.0; j < 5.0; j++){
It works (however it goes over all of the particles which defeats the purpose), however if I calculate the value dynamically (which is what I need), then I get really bizarre behavior. Is this a problem with GLSL or a problem with my code? I output the values to an image and read the pixel values and they all appear to be within the right range. The problem is coming from using the for loop variables (i,j) to change a bucket index that is calculated outside of the loop, and use that variable to index a texture.
The entire shader code can be seen here:
(if I remove the hard coded 70, and remove the comments it breaks, but all of those values are between 0 and 144. This is where I am confused. I feel like this code should still work fine.).
uniform sampler2D pos;
uniform sampler2D buckets;
uniform vec2 res;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform float size;
uniform float bounce;
const float width = &WIDTH;
const float height = &HEIGHT;
const float cellSize = &CELLSIZE;
const float particlesPerCell = &PPC;
const float bucketsWidth = &BW;
const float bucketsHeight = &BH;
void main(){
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / res;
vec4 posi = texture2D( pos , uv );
float x = posi.x;
float y = posi.y;
float z = posi.z;
float target = 1.0 * size;
float x_bkt = floor( (x + (screenSize.x/2.0) )/cellSize);
float y_bkt = floor( (y + (screenSize.y/2.0) )/cellSize);
float x_bkt_ind_start = 70.0; //x_bkt * particlesPerCell;
float y_bkt_ind_start =70.0; //y_bkt * particlesPerCell;
//this is the code that is acting weirdly
for(float j = -144.0 ; j < 144.0; j++){
for(float i = -144.0 ; i < 144.0; i++){
float x_bkt_ind = (x_bkt_ind_start + i)/bucketsWidth;
float y_bkt_ind = (y_bkt_ind_start + j)/bucketsHeight;
vec4 ind2 = texture2D( buckets , vec2(x_bkt_ind,y_bkt_ind) );
if( abs(ind2.z - 1.0) > 0.00001 || x_bkt_ind < 0.0 || x_bkt_ind > 1.0 || y_bkt_ind < 0.0 || y_bkt_ind > 1.0 ){
vec4 pos2 = texture2D( pos , vec2(ind2.xy)/res );
vec2 diff = posi.xy - pos2.xy;
float dist = length(diff);
vec2 uvDiff = ind2.xy - gl_FragCoord.xy ;
float uvDist = abs(length(uvDiff));
if(dist <= target && uvDist >= 0.5){
float factor = (dist-target)/dist;
x = x - diff.x * factor * 0.5;
y = y - diff.y * factor * 0.5;
gl_FragColor = vec4( x, y, x_bkt_ind_start , y_bkt_ind_start);
To make my problem clear, what is happening is that when I do the first texture lookup, I get the position of the particle:
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / res;
vec4 posi = texture2D( pos , uv );
After, I calculate the bucket that the particle is in:
float x_bkt = floor( (x + (screenSize.x/2.0) )/cellSize);
float y_bkt = floor( (y + (screenSize.y/2.0) )/cellSize);
float x_bkt_ind_start = x_bkt * particlesPerCell;
float y_bkt_ind_start = y_bkt * particlesPerCell;
All of this is correct. Like I am getting the correct values and if I set these as the output values of the shader and read the pixels they are the correct values. I also changed my implementation a little and this code works fine.
In order to text the for loop, I replaced the pixel lookup coordinates in the grid bucket by the pixel positions. I adapted the code and it works fine, however I have to recalculate the buckets multiple times per frame so the code is not very efficient. If instead of storing the pixel positions I store the uv coordinates of the pixels and then do a lookup using those uv positions:
//get the texture coordinate that is offset by the for loop
float x_bkt_ind = (x_bkt_ind_start + i)/bucketsWidth;
float y_bkt_ind = (y_bkt_ind_start + j)/bucketsHeight;
//use the texture coordinates to get the stored texture coordinate in the actual position table from the bucket table
vec4 ind2 = texture2D( buckets , vec2(x_bkt_ind,y_bkt_ind) );
and then I actually get the position
vec4 pos2 = texture2D( pos , vec2(ind2.xy)/res );
this pos2 value will be wrong. I am pretty sure that the ind2 value is correct because if instead of storing a pixel coordinate in that bucket table I store position values and remove the second texture lookup, the code runs fine. But using the second lookup causes the code to break.
In the original post if I set the bucket to be any value, lets say the middle of the texture, and iterate over every possible bucket coordinate around the pixel, it works fine. However if I calculate the bucket position and iterate over every pixel it does not. I wonder if it has to do with the say glsl compiles the shaders and that some sort of optimization it is making is causing the double texture lookups to break in the for look. Or it is just a mistake in my code. I was able to get the single texture lookup in a for loop working when I just stored position values in the bucket texture.

What's the most efficient way in WebGL to find the min and max values of an RGBA float texture?

I'm storing floating-point gpgpu values in a webgl RGBA render texture, using only the r channel to store my data (I know I should be using a more efficient texture format but that's a separate concern).
Is there any efficient way / trick / hack to find the global min and max floating-point values without resorting to gl.readPixels? Note that just exporting the floating-point data is a hassle in webgl since readPixels doesn't yet support reading gl.FLOAT values.
This is the gist of how I'm currently doing things:
if (!gl) {
gl = renderer.getContext();
fb = gl.createFramebuffer();
pixels = new Uint8Array(SIZE * SIZE * 4);
if (!!gl) {
// TODO: there has to be a more efficient way of doing this than via readPixels...
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, data.rtTemp2.__webglTexture, 0);
if (gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER) == gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
// HACK: we're pickling a single float value in every 4 bytes
// because webgl currently doesn't support reading gl.FLOAT
// textures.
gl.readPixels(0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
var max = -100, min = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j) {
var o = 4 * (i * SIZE + j);
var x = pixels[o + 0];
var y = pixels[o + 1] / 255.0;
var z = pixels[o + 2] / 255.0;
var v = (x <= 1 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * y;
if (z > 0.0) { v /= z; }
max = Math.max(max, v);
min = Math.min(min, v);
// ...
(using a fragment shader that ouputs floating-point data in the following format suitable for UNSIGNED_BYTE parsing...
<script id="fragmentShaderCompX" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
uniform sampler2D source1;
uniform sampler2D source2;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main() {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
float v = texture2D(source1, uv).r + texture2D(source2, uv).r;
vec4 oo = vec4(1.0, abs(v), 1.0, 1.0);
if (v < 0.0) {
oo.x = 0.0;
v = abs(v);
if (v > 1.0) {
oo.y = 1.0;
oo.z = 1.0 / v;
gl_FragColor = oo;
Without compute shaders, the only thing that comes to mind is using a fragment shader to do that. For a 100x100 texture you could try rendering to a 20x20 grid texture, have the fragment shader do 5x5 lookups (with GL_NEAREST) to determine min and max, then download the 20x20 texture and do the rest on the CPU. Or do another pass to reduce it again. I don't know for which grid sizes it's more efficient though, you'll have to experiment. Maybe this helps, or googling "reduction gpu".
Render 1 vertex on 1x1 framebuffer and within shader sample whole previously rendered texture. That way you are testing texture on GPU which should be fast enough for real-time (or not?), however it is definitely faster than doing it on CPU, and the output would be min/max value.
I also ran across solution to try mipmap-ing texture and going through different levels.
These links might be helpful:
Hope this helps.

How do I find a dimension of aspect ratio 4:3 which fits within a predetermined size?

The problem here is I have a display window of size x by y, and I need to display an image inside the window without any scrolling, and to maintain the aspect ratio of 4:3. I have the following snippet of code:
// Lock the current height, calculate new width of the canvas and scale the viewport.
// get width of the movie canvas
qreal width = canvas_->width();
// Find the height of the video
qreal height = (width/4.0) * 3;
// find original width and height for video to calculate scaling factor
qreal videoWidth = movieData_->GetWidth();
qreal videoHeight = movieData_->GetHeight();
// calculate scaling factor
qreal scaleFactorWidth = width/videoWidth;
qreal scaleFactorHeight = height/videoHeight;
Of course, by using either the height, or the width as the 'anchor', one way or other the new image will cause scrolling (assuming the original image is larger than the window in the first place). How do I find a dimension of aspect ratio 4:3 which fits within a predetermined size?
I would need to pass in a scale factor for both x and y to do the scaling
canvas_->scale(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight);
Just take the minimum of the both calculated values:
scale = min(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight)
or (if you want outer-fit)
scale = max(scaleFactorWidth, scaleFactorHeight)
struct dimensions resize_to_fit_in(struct dimensions a, struct dimensions b) {
double wf, hf, f;
struct dimensions out;
wf = (double) b.w / a.w;
hf = (double) b.h / a.h;
if (wf > hf)
f = hf;
f = wf;
out.w = a.w * f;
out.h = a.h * f;
return out;
An here is a C version where the returned dimension will be a dimension 'a' fitted in dimension 'b' without loosing aspect ratio.
Find the largest of the two values width, w and height h. Say your maximum width x height is 100 x 80. Note that 100/80 = 1.25.
Case 1: If w/h > 1.25, then divide w by 100 to get the ratio of your original size to the new size. Then multiply h by that ratio.
Case 2: Otherwise, then divide h by 80 to get the ratio of your original size to the new size. Then multiply w by that ratio.
Here's an ActionScript version of what you ask (resize while maintaining aspect ratio)... shouldn't be too hard to port to whatever:
private static function resizeTo(dispObj:DisplayObject, width:Number, height:Number) : void
var ar:Number = width / height;
var dispObjAr:Number = dispObj.width/dispObj.height;
if (ar < dispObjAr)
dispObj.width = width;
dispObj.height = width / dispObjAr;
dispObj.height = height;
dispObj.width = height * dispObjAr;
EDIT: In order to maintain 4:3 the source images would need to be 4:3
