Flutter web visual studio - visual-studio

I've been using flutter web in visual studio code.
Today I tried upgrading to flutter 1.9.
After that, the option new flutter web project in visual studio is gone.
I tried installing it again, but it doesn't come back.
Are there other options?

Checkout the latest dartcode release. "New Web Project command has been removed. To create web projects, you should now use the standard Flutter: New Project command."


Unable to run a Blazor Server App on Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0

I have a Blazor Server project created with Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Version 17.2.0 Preview 1 and it was debugging and starting without any problems.
When I upgraded to Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0, I am unable to build the project, run the project or even close the IDE. Popup UIs are showing up each time I try to do any of these actions.
I am now closing the IDE using the Task Manager. I have attached screenshots with descriptions and if anyone has ever solved this please assist me to get over this.
I have tried the following:
Created a new project but the problem remains.
Repaired Visual Studio IDE but the problem remains.
I am using:
Blazor Server and .NET 6.
The IDE is Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Community Edition Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0
I will appreciate any help I can get.
The above error shows up when I try to debug the project:
The above error shows up when I try to close the IDE:
I created a Blazor project in Visual Studio 2022 17.2.0 Preview 5.0, built the project and ran without encountering this issue.
Please try closing Visual Studio, deleting the project's .vs and bin/obj folders, and reloading the project.
If the issue still exists, please run /safemode at the development command prompt, it will check if third-party packages and extensions are causing the issue.

Visual Studio Doesn't Show Hololens Emulator

I'm trying to deploy my project to Hololens Emulator using Visual Studio 2017.
My Solution Explorer looks like this:
My Solution Explorer looks like this
When I try to deploy to my Emulator it shows this
To ensure that the Emulators are working I created a new Blank App (Universal Windows) in Visual Studio, that showed this Solution Explorer and Deploy options:
The Emulator opened the Blank App as it's supposed to.
My Build Settings in Unity are the following.
I've tried to reinstall everything, and even creating new Projects in Unity following Microsoft's official tutorial (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/learn-mrtk-tutorials/1-3-exercise-configure-unity-for-windows-mixed-reality?tabs=openxr).
My current Unity version is the 2021.3.21f1 LTS.
Best regards!
Unity 2021.3.21f1 LTS is not the recommended version. As Choosing a Unity version and XR plugin said,
For new projects, we recommend using Unity 2020.3.31f1 with the latest Mixed Reality OpenXR plugin to avoid this issue.
Besides, as per Install the tools, Visual Studio 2019 (16.8 or higher) is needed for Hololens 2 development.

Visual studio and Xamarin studio unable to stop building Xamarin crossplatform project

I'm trying to create a Xamarin crossplatform project on visual studio 2015 but it stuck in showing "creating project..." dialog have to force close Visual studio to stop it, so I tried to create a crossplatform project on Xamarin studio instead and my project created successfully but when i try to build the project it get stuck in "building project( debug)" and also can stop it only by force close Xamarin studio.
Any help?
You must have a very slow network connection to the Xamarin servers, so you have to find a way to fix the Android SDK installation. I have some details and you need to carefully change the version numbers based on Xamarin latest release,

Open .NETCore Yeoman generated projects in Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio Preview (Mac)

I've generated a .NETCore project using the Yeoman CLI tool on my Mac. I'm able to run the project using Visual Studio Code. However I want to be able to open and run the project with either Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio Preview. Is this possible? Both IDEs seem to require an .sln file, however the Yeoman generated project doesn't provide one.
To be correct, both IDEs supports .csproj file, not project.json, that was announced with latest .NET Core Tools. What you may try to do is to migrate your project.json using the dotnet migrate command:
dotnet-migrate -- Migrates a Preview 2 .NET Core project to Preview 3 .NET Core project

Visual Studio crashes when trying to associate Cordova app with store

I'm on the latest version of Visual Studio 2015 Community (14.0.24720.00 Update 1) on Windows 10. I'm currently developing a Cordova App for Windows 10, iOS and Android using the Visual Studio Tools.
When I right click on the Project, then go Store > Associate App with the Store, I can successfully log in, see my existing apps and select the one I want, but when I try to actually associate that app with my VS project, VS just crashes.
I've already tried repairing Visual Studio through Add or Remove Programs and also cleaning out my project/solution, but none of this worked.
Any advice?
I had the same issue. Apparently, this is a known problem with VS2015 Update 1 (with the latest Cordova tools support).
The current workaround is to choose "Create App Packages" instead of "Associate App with the store." When you do this, the proper association will be generated and you can test as usual. I was successful using this approach.
The fix in Visual Studio 2015 for this crash is now available in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Here's a link to the installer: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691129
