I have a problem. I created a Master Detail Page with Shell. But now I want to add an Image to the Navigation bar, so just to be clear: An Image... Not an Icon
Here is my code now:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Shell xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
x:Class="MyApp.SideMenuItems" BackgroundColor="#212121"
<local:SideMenuHeader />
<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand" Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="30, 15, 0, 15">
<Image Source="{Binding Icon}" HeightRequest="35" />
<Label Text="{Binding Title}" TextColor="White" FontSize="Large" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Start" />
<FlyoutItem Title="SideNav"
<ShellContent Title="Home" Icon="Home_Dark.png" IsTabStop="true" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:HomePage}"/>
<ShellContent Title="Search" Icon="Search_Dark.png" IsTabStop="true" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:HomePage}" />
<ShellContent Title="Messages" Icon="Chats_Dark.png" IsTabStop="true" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:HomePage}" />
<ShellContent Title="Favorites" Icon="Favorites_Dark.png" IsTabStop="true" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:HomePage}" />
<ShellContent Title="Settings" Icon="Settings_Dark.png" IsTabStop="true" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:HomePage}" />
How can I add an image to the top navigation bar in the center?
I tried this:
<Image Source="Title_Dark.png" HeightRequest="30" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
But no image on screen?
If you display view in navigation bar for shell, you add the following code to the HomePage ComtentPage.
<ContentPage ...>
<Image Source="xamarin_logo.png"
VerticalOptions="Center" />
The Shell class defines the TitleView attached property, of type View, that enables any Xamarin.Forms View to be displayed in the navigation bar.
While this property can be set on a subclassed Shell object, it can also be set on any pages that want to display a view in the navigation bar.
For more detailed info, you can take a look:
If you want to change navigation bar height size, you can called android:actionBarSize with your height in your style.xml file in Android project.
<style name="MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base">
<!-- Base theme applied no matter what API -->
<style name="MainTheme.Base" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<!--If you are using revision 22.1 please use just windowNoTitle. Without android:-->
<item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
<!--We will be using the toolbar so no need to show ActionBar-->
<item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
<!-- Set theme colors from https://aka.ms/material-colors -->
<!-- colorPrimary is used for the default action bar background -->
<item name="colorPrimary">#2196F3</item>
<!-- colorPrimaryDark is used for the status bar -->
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#1976D2</item>
<!-- colorAccent is used as the default value for colorControlActivated
which is used to tint widgets -->
<item name="colorAccent">#FF4081</item>
<!-- You can also set colorControlNormal, colorControlActivated
colorControlHighlight and colorSwitchThumbNormal. -->
<item name="windowActionModeOverlay">true</item>
<item name="android:datePickerDialogTheme">#style/AppCompatDialogStyle</item>
<item name="android:actionBarSize">250dp</item>
<style name="AppCompatDialogStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog">
<item name="colorAccent">#FF4081</item>
I haven't tested, but you should have the ability to use TitleView in XAML with Shell, so add it there.
Generally, I set navbar display to false, and create my own navbar view as contentview. So you can customize it whatever you want
Total newbie Xamarin user.
I'm trying to add a background image to all the pages in the mobile app.
This was a great resource: Xamarin.Forms How to add Backgroud Image on all pages in App
However, I'd like to adjust the Aspect property of the image to AspectFill, so it's not so scrunched up. This is where I'm having trouble.
<Application xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<Style TargetType="ContentPage" ApplyToDerivedTypes="True" >
<Setter Property="BackgroundImageSource" Value="background_image.png" />
This sets the background image. How do I adjust the Aspect property for all pages? I've tried nesting an <Image Aspect="AspectFill" /> tag within the Setter property tag, but VS gives a warning that the "property 'Value' is set more than once". Could someone help me out? I'm sure I'm making some dumb error or I've misunderstood something about Xamarin.
Yes, we can use the following method to set the BackgroundImageSource for all ContentPage in your app:
<Style TargetType="ContentPage" ApplyToDerivedTypes="True" >
<Setter Property="BackgroundImageSource" Value="background_image.png" />
But we couldn't set the AspectFill property for it while Aspect is specifically a property of the Image control as jason said.
Of course,if you need a solution that allows you to change the AspectRatio and adjust the image you can use this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="Pages.PhotoPage">
<Grid >
<Image Source="background.png" Aspect="AspectFit" />
<!-- Place here the rest of the layout for the page. -->
</Grid >
Or use the solution j-petty said:
<AbsoluteLayout VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Image AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0, 0, 1, 1" Source="sample.jpg" Aspect="AspectFill"/>
<StackLayout AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="1,1,1,1">
<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" >
<Label x:Name="KategoriePicker" Text="Was möchtest du essen?" BackgroundColor="White" />
<Label x:Name="OrtTextBox" Text="Dein Lieferort" BackgroundColor="White" />
I am working on designing some user interfaces for my project, and am noticing that the title bar that is displayed when I run my app is not present in the XAML Design Previewer. Not only that, the title bar apparently is throwing off the size of my elements. Is there any way to get the title bar to display in the preview so I can accurately design my UI? I am using Visual Studio 2019. Here is some code. I am also attaching screenshots of the preview vs the emulator.
I've tried explicitly setting the NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar property to true in the content page header of MainScreen.
I initiate AppShell and make it the MainPage of the app:
public App()
MainPage = new AppShell();
This is the XAML of AppShell:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Shell xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
Styles and Resources
<Color x:Key="NavigationPrimary">#2196F3</Color>
<Style x:Key="BaseStyle" TargetType="Element">
<Setter Property="Shell.BackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource NavigationPrimary}" />
<Setter Property="Shell.ForegroundColor" Value="White" />
<Setter Property="Shell.TitleColor" Value="White" />
<Setter Property="Shell.DisabledColor" Value="#B4FFFFFF" />
<Setter Property="Shell.UnselectedColor" Value="#95FFFFFF" />
<Setter Property="Shell.TabBarBackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource NavigationPrimary}" />
<Setter Property="Shell.TabBarForegroundColor" Value="White"/>
<Setter Property="Shell.TabBarUnselectedColor" Value="#95FFFFFF"/>
<Setter Property="Shell.TabBarTitleColor" Value="White"/>
<Style TargetType="ShellItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" />
<!-- Your Pages -->
<FlyoutItem Title="Home Page" x:Name="MainScreenFlyout">
<ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:MainScreen }"/>
<FlyoutItem Title="Second Page" x:Name="SecondPage">
<ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:LoadingScreen}"/>
This is the XAML of the MainScreen view.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<Color x:Key="Primary">#2196F3</Color>
<Color x:Key="Accent">#96d1ff</Color>
<Color x:Key="LightTextColor">#999999</Color>
<Grid Padding="0,25,0,25">
<RowDefinition Height="5*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="3*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="10*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="10*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="10*"></RowDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
Edit: My ultimate goal was to get the preview to show the same way that the emulator ultimately would, and I did find a work around to accomplish it. I will have to manually adjust for each new device, but that's a headache for when I am making it response.
The solution is to set a top margin in the ignorable http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms/design namespace. I tried to find the heights and got some numbers but they didn't work for me so I fooled around with it until it matched up. 87 appears to be the magic number for my device.
<!--Title bars are 48 and 56 for android devices, 44 for iphone, but apparently that isn't right?-->
<Grid Padding="0,25,0,25" d:Margin="0,87,0,0" x:Name="MainScreenGrid">
Because the "Title bar" called also navigation bar is generated by Shell, while the previewer renders only MainPage.xaml file (not Application.MainPage which is Shell).
I believe Shell is still not handled properly in the previewer, as well as in emulator hot reload, future versions of VS will probably bring some enhancements. For example if you open AppShell.xaml in the previewer nothing interesting will be rendered only a blank page.
xaml previewer has been completely removed in VS 16.9.0 Preview 4.0, it will be replaced with an enhanced Hot Reload.
When a Xamarin.Forms Frame is selected, the default Android color is orange. For example:
WidthRequest="150" />
How do I change this default color for my entire app?
Override the android:colorActivatedHighlight value in the Resources/values/styles.xml file in your Android project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<style name="MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base">
<!-- Sets Frame element border when selected -->
<item name="android:colorActivatedHighlight">#android:color/transparent</item>
Whenever I tap on a entry component while debugging the color when selected is red. I have not set this anywhere so I don't understand why this is happening.
My resource file has this for the color of "TextColor"
<Color x:Key="TextColor">#FFFFFF</Color>
My Xaml for page :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
BackgroundColor="{StaticResource PrimaryColor}">
<FlexLayout Direction="Column" Margin="30"
JustifyContent="Center" >
<StackLayout Margin ="0,0,0,15">
<Entry PlaceholderColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" Placeholder="First Name"/>
<Entry PlaceholderColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" Placeholder="Last Name " />
<Entry PlaceholderColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" Placeholder="E-Mail " />
<Entry PlaceholderColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" Placeholder="Password" />
<Entry PlaceholderColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" Placeholder="Retype Password" />
<StackLayout Margin ="0,30,0,0">
<Button TextColor="{StaticResource TextColor}" BackgroundColor="{StaticResource AccentColor}" Padding="20" Text="Register"/>
How it looks
That particular color in android represents the Accent Color. You can override android styles for accent color to define that color.
<style name="MyTheme" parent="MyTheme.Base">
<style name="MyTheme.Base" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">#color/primary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#color/primaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#your-color-here </item>
You should be able to find Styles.xml file in your Xamarin Android Specific project inside resources folder. Hope this helps.
Note : This will change the accent color of other controls as well. If you only want to change such color for Entry only. You have to write the Custom Renderer for that. Let me know If you want to go that way.
I have a Frame with a StackLayout inside of it:
<Frame CornerRadius="1" HasShadow="false" Margin="10"
BackgroundColor="White" BorderColor="Silver" Padding="0" >
<StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="0" Padding="0" >
<xaml:PtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:AtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:StiXaml />
Can I create a new object called NewFrame that is the same as the Frame with the StackLayout inside?
<xaml:PtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:AtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:StiXaml />
<xaml:ABCXaml />
<Label Text="X" />
It was suggested I use a Custom View but I have looked and can not find an example of this where it contains other elements inside.
Right-Click at the desired position in your Shared Project (or PCL) in your Solution Explorer (I would recommend adding a folder named "Views" or "CustomViews" and creating the item inside that folder), select "Add new item" and choose "Content View" (without (C#) behind it. The filename should be something like "View1.xaml", you can change that due to your liking, however the important thing is that the xaml extension is there.
This will create a new ContentView with a xaml and xaml.cs file.
Inside the xaml file you can declare your xaml code posted above and write any code necessary into the xaml.cs file.
Now you can add a namespace declaration to the page you want to put your view into:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
and declare the element in that Page's or any layout's content:
<customs:CustomViewName ... />
If you want to be able to control the element's behaviour you can add BindableProperties in the codebehind.
For more in-depth information on that, you might want to take a look into this article: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2017/10/01/add-custom-controls.aspx
Use a ContentView along with a ControlTemplate to create a Custom Control. This way you can create a new control called NewFrame, write the XAML for your control and then use the <ContentPresenter> tag inside your <ControlTemplate> to assign where you'd like your content to be.
Like so:
└── NewFrame
├── NewFrame.cs
└── NewFrame.xaml -> Is a ResourceDictionary
namespace TestApp.Controls
public partial class NewFrame : ContentView
<Style TargetType="newFrame:NewFrame">
<Setter Property="ControlTemplate">
<ContentView BackgroundColor="Transparent">
<Frame CornerRadius="1" HasShadow="false" Margin="10" BackgroundColor="White" BorderColor="Silver" Padding="0" >
<StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="0" Padding="0">
<xaml:PtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:AtiXaml />
<template:LineTemplate />
<xaml:StiXaml />
<xaml:ABCXaml />
<Label Text=""/>