I try to produce Latex documentation for my VHDL project.
It is alright for the most part except there are "Namespace Documentation" instead of "Package Documentation" and "Class Documentation" instead of "Entity Documentation".
I turned on optimize for VHDL.
Is it a bug or I am doing something wrong?
Edit: output of doxygen -x
# Difference with default Doxyfile 1.8.16 (cfd73d5c4d1a66c620a3b7c08b72a3f3c3f94
PROJECT_NAME = "2D DFT and Filtering"
PROJECT_BRIEF = "VHDL implementation of 2D DFT and Filtering"
INPUT = ../Vivado/Processing_System/Processing_System.srcs/sources_1/new
EXCLUDE = ../Vivado/Processing_System/Processing_System.srcs/sources_1/new/twiddle_factor_15x15.vhd
I am using doxygen + breathe + Sphinx to document C source code.
In my conf.py I have set:
breathe_show_define_initializer = True
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
In my C source code I have defines such as:
#define FOO 12U //!< example #define
In the xml generated from doxygen, I see:
<para>example #define </para>
So far so good!
The problem is the output from Sphinx is missing white space between the name and the initializer. i.e. as shown, no space between FOO and 12U:
example #define
I tried using both:
.. doxygendefine:: FOO
and I tried the group which has a number of defines:
.. doxygengroup:: MY_DEFINES_GROUP
If I change html_theme = 'alabaster'
Then there is a space between FOO and 12U
Any thoughts - am I missing a configuration?
I found this question via Google since I ran into the same issue. I'm posting my solution here which I hacked up and it seems to work for my case in the hopes of saving someone else time. My solution was to insert a "no break space" after each name of the define (but before the value).
Create a custom css: under _static/custom-signame.css (which is where I store my other custom css files)
The contents of the file are:
/* add a space to fix Breathe+Sphinx rtd_theme with
breathe_show_define_initializer */
.sig-name::after {
content: "\00a0";
Make sure that conf.py is updated to include the new custom css created in step 2:
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = [
I don't know how to accomplish this in general, but I'll ask about one instance in particular for clarity:
Sexplib looks interesting to me. I want to play around with it. I've downloaded it, installed it just fine (I'm pretty sure, anyway), etc. I want to use the "with sexp" syntax extension in a toplevel. How would I go about doing this? All the examples I've found of its use assume you already know how to make the toplevel and/or compile with the syntax extensions.
My best shot at it was something like this:
ocamlmktop -I +site-lib/sexplib -pp "camlp4 -I +site-lib/sexplib pa_sexp_conv.cma" -o sexplib-top
When I run this toplevel, I can open Sexplib just fine, but when I try using the with sexp syntax extension, I get a syntax error.
It is XXI century already - use ocamlfind :
Objective Caml version 3.11.2
# #use "topfind";;
- : unit = ()
# #camlp4o;;
/usr/lib/ocaml/dynlink.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/camlp4: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/camlp4/camlp4o.cma: loaded
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.11.2
# #require "sexplib.syntax";;
/usr/lib/ocaml/unix.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/bigarray.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/nums.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/num-top: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/num-top/num_top.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/sexplib: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/sexplib/sexplib.cma: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/type-conv: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/type-conv/pa_type_conv.cmo: loaded
/usr/lib/ocaml/sexplib/pa_sexp_conv.cmo: loaded
# type t = { x : int; y : float; } with sexp;;
type t = { x : int; y : float; }
val t_of_sexp__ : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t = <fun>
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t = <fun>
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t = <fun>
libxml2 (for C) is not preserving empty elements in their original form on a save. It replaces <tag></tag> with <tag/> which is technically correct but causes problems for us.
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile("myfile.xml");
xmlNodePtr root = xmlSaveFile("mynewfile.xml", doc);
I've tried playing with the various options (using xlmReadFile) but none seem to affect the output. One post here mentioned disabling tag compression but the example was for PERL and I've found no analog for C.
Is there an option to disable this behavior?
Just found this enum in the xmlsave module documentation:
Enum xmlSaveOption {
XML_SAVE_FORMAT = 1 : format save output
XML_SAVE_NO_DECL = 2 : drop the xml declaration
XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY = 4 : no empty tags
XML_SAVE_NO_XHTML = 8 : disable XHTML1 specific rules
XML_SAVE_XHTML = 16 : force XHTML1 specific rules
XML_SAVE_AS_XML = 32 : force XML serialization on HTML doc
XML_SAVE_AS_HTML = 64 : force HTML serialization on XML doc
XML_SAVE_WSNONSIG = 128 : format with non-significant whitespace
Maybe you can refactor your application to use this module for serialization, and play a little with these options. Specially with XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY.
Your code may look like this:
xmlSaveCtxt *ctxt = xmlSaveToFilename("mynewfile.xml", "UTF-8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT | XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY);
if (!ctxt || xmlSaveDoc(ctxt, doc) < 0 || xmlSaveClose(ctxt) < 0)
//...deal with the error
Like the title says,I would like to develop vala with vim.My productivity is badly affected due to the lack Taglist plugin support for vala.
I found a ctags implementation in valide,
Can anyone guide me how to make this ctag implemention work with Taglist or some other vim plugin which works for vala
Found the answer,
set this is .vimrc
let tlist_vala_settings='c#;d:macro;t:typedef;n:namespace;c:class;'.
\ 'E:event;g:enum;s:struct;i:interface;'.
\ 'p:properties;m:method'
I did have the same needs, and I found this site :
The guy uses Tagbar in Vim, and anjuta-ctags which implement ctags for Vala.
I give you also my Vim configuration for Vala:
set efm=%f:%l.%c-%[%^:]%#:\ %t%[%^:]%#:\ %m
map <leader><F2> :lvimgrep! <cword> /usr/share/vala-0.16/vapi/*<CR> :lopen <CR>
set complete+=k/home/marc/.vim/syntax/vala.vim
set isk+=(
" Disable valadoc syntax highlight
"let vala_ignore_valadoc = 1
" Enable comment strings
let vala_comment_strings = 1
" Highlight space errors
let vala_space_errors = 1
" Disable trailing space errors
"let vala_no_trail_space_error = 1
" Disable space-tab-space errors
let vala_no_tab_space_error = 1
" Minimum lines used for comment syncing (default 50)
"let vala_minlines = 120
let g:tagbar_ctags_bin="anjuta-tags"
set iskeyword+=.
I have problem with compiling cpp that include another cpp files
so I have Main.cpp Numbers.h and Numbers.cpp and it seems that TextMate only compile my Main.cpp and doesn't include the rest. I tried using xcode and it was working fine..
Here is the error from TextMate cmd+R:
Undefined symbols:
"Numbers::Numbers(int)", referenced from:
_main in ccMrD1Eq.o
"Numbers::print()", referenced from:
_main in ccMrD1Eq.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Any suggestion?
Btw, here is the invoked command:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/executor"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/save_current_document"
mode = ENV["TM_SCOPE"].slice(/.*?\bsource\.((?:obj)?c(\+\+)?)/, 1)
case mode
when "c"
g = "GCC"
env = "C"
ext = "c"
lang = "c"
when "c++"
g = "GXX"
env = "CXX"
ext = "cc"
lang = "c++"
when "objc"
g = "GCC"
env = "OBJC"
ext = "m"
lang = "objective-c"
when "objc++"
g = "GXX"
env = "OBJCXX"
ext = "mm"
lang = "objective-c++"
flags = ENV["TM_#{env}_FLAGS"] || "-Wall -include stdio.h #{"-include iostream" unless mode[/c\+\+$/].nil?} #{"-framework Cocoa" unless mode[/^obj/].nil?}"
args = [ENV["TM_#{g}"] || g.downcase.gsub("x", "+"), flags + " -x #{lang}", ENV["TM_FILEPATH"]]
TextMate::Executor.run(args, :version_args => ["--version"], :version_regex => /\A([^\n]*) \(GCC\).*/m)
TextMate only does a simple compile of the .cpp file you're currently editing. Unlike Xcode or other full development environments it won't compile other source files in the project or perform linking.
(In TextMate click Bundles > Bundle Editor > Show Bundle Editor, then choose Run in the C section and you'll see exactly what TextMate is doing when you "Run" a .cpp file.)
You probably need to add additional command line parameters...
You can add additional command line parameters to g++ by altering the variable TM_CXX_FLAGS.
The best way to do this is probably to add a per project variable:
If the change is meant to be global you can add it to TextMate's static vars section
i don't have enough info to be certain of the command you're invoking.
if it's Xcode.tmbundle Build and Run, then it's invoking xcodebuild -- you should be able to reproduce and fix the error in Xcode.