I am writing a searchable table which includes the area and population. Here is the basic query:
public function getCountryData()
$co = DB::table('countries')->leftJoin('country_detail','country_detail.country_id','=','countries.id')->addSelect(['countries.id','countries.name','country_detail.capital','country_detail.area','country_detail.iso3','country_detail.population','country_detail.currencyName','country_detail.phone','country_detail.continent'])->get();
return Datatables::of($co)
->addColumn('action', function($co){
$btn = '<div style="float:right">
return $btn;
}) ->rawColumns(['action'])
All this works fine in my view except that the population field, for example, returns something like 29121286 and of course I want to format it so it is 29,121,286.
Can this be done in the query or something in Datatables itself?
Instead of formatting the number on client side using javascript, I suggest using php's number_format function to format your number.
return Datatables::editColumn('population', function($item) {
return number_format($item->population);
For more help on formatting numbers, see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
Thanks to Navok on Laracasts here is the answer.
Firstly you need a javascript function to convert the string to a number, properly formatted.
function formatNumber(num) {
return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')
I have added this in a file called misc.js (so I can have other things) which I call from the layouts.app so it is available system wide.
This can be found at https://blog.abelotech.com/posts/number-currency-formatting-javascript/.
Then within the datatables declaration on your page add
createdRow: function (row, data, dataIndex) {
if (data.population !== undefined) {
// 4 here is the cell number, it starts from 0 where this number should appear
I hope this is of value.
I have a simple Nova integration like this :
I want somehow to make the Name field to be an anchor. So, to make it a link the same way that view button does. Any ideas? (Nothing on docs)
->displayUsing(function ($name) {
return {{$name}}
Text::make('Name', function () {
return ''.$this->name.'';
I'm struggling with the render() method in Laravel 5.
When $whatever->render() is runned, it takes the controller method name as the route by default.
When i run this command in DelasController#updateFilter, the pagination route is set to whatever.com/marketplace/updateFiler?page=2, which does not make a sense to me.
I want to keep the route as simple as whatever.com/marketplace?page=2.
Can anybody gives me a hint on how to solve this?
Thank you for your time and a discussion.
Looking forward for a reply.
I have an application in which various paginated lists are displayed in "windows" on the page and are updated via AJAX calls to the server. Here's how I did it:
Set up a route to render the whole page, something like this:
Route::get('/marketplace', function ($arguments) {
Set up a route which will return the current page of the list. For example, it might be something like this:
Route::get('/marketplace/updateFiler', function ($arguments) {
In your Javascript code for the page, you need to change the pagination links so that, instead of loading the new page with the URL for the link, it makes the AJAX request to the second route. The Javascript could look something like this:
$('ul.pagination a').on('click', function (event) {
// stop the default action
// get the URL from the link
var url = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
// get the page number from the URL
var page = getURLParameterByName(url, 'page');
$.get('marketplace/updateFiler', { page: page }, function (data){
// do something with the response from the server
The getURLParameterByName function is simply a helper that extracts the named parameter from a URL:
var getURLParameterByName = function (url, name, defaultValue) {
// is defaultValue undefined? if so, set it to false
if (typeof defaultValue === "undefined") {
defaultValue = false;
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
return results === null ?
defaultValue :
decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
I adapted this code from an answer I found here on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/901144/2008384.
I want to make a simple url validator for some custom fields. I tried the default ones (adding the class validate-url or validate-clean-url to the input) - but these don't work quite as I would like them to, so I want to write some of my own javascript, but integrated with the prototype validation.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?
I didn't find anything helpful in my searches, and I am not very Prototype-savy (worked mostly with jQuery).
You can create your own custom validation function using
<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = new VarienForm('theForm', true);
Validation.add('validate-must-be-baz','You failed to enter baz!',function(the_field_value){
if(the_field_value == 'baz')
return true;
return false;
See http://magento-quickies.tumblr.com/post/6579512188/magento-custom-form-validation
if(Validation) {
'Please insert proper word',
function(v,r){ return v.indexOf('valid')==-1?false:true }
[ ]
see http://blog.baobaz.com/en/blog/custom-javascript-form-validators
In /js/prototype/validation.js (or the files for this kind of thing you have). You have a section with an array of :
classname :message on fail : function(v){your check return true/false;} to check if v is valid or not
This section is around line 420.
You can add your validation to this array or modify validate-url here is what it looks like :
['validate-url', 'Please enter a valid URL. Protocol is required (http://, https:// or ftp://)', function (v) {
v = (v || '').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^(http|https|ftp):\/\/(([A-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9_-]*[A-Z0-9]|))(\.[A-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9_-]*[A-Z0-9]|))*)(:(\d+))?(\/[A-Z0-9~](([A-Z0-9_~-]|\.)*[A-Z0-9~]|))*\/?(.*)?$/i.test(v)
Edit : R.S answered maybe better by showing how to do without changing the js file. More convenient ;)
I need help to show the data (from controller) in tooltip (using qTip script) on MouseOVer event.
User mouserover on link (Multiple links like in foreach)
id send to a js function like function getData(id){}
Call the PHP function from the controller & using the variable return the data to tooltip.
Show return data into tooltip.
foreach ($rows as $row) {
<a href="#" onmouseover="getData(<?php echo $row->id; ?>)" >Name</a>
JS function :
function getData(id)
var url='index.php?option=com_test&controller=test&task=getDetails&format=raw';
var data = 'item_id=' + id ;
var request = new Request({
url: url,
data: data,
async: true,
onSuccess: function(responseText)
// How i show the "responseText" data here in tooltip using qTip
Controller function:
function getDetails()
echo $return = JRequest::getVar('item_id');
Would it not be easier to preload the tip in a content item view override (add it to the title= attribute), and adding the call to qTip (one per page) would do the trick.
Also, ajax would make the tooltip not very quick.
Just make sure you properly escape " or ' characters in the title attribute or you will break your markup.
edit: added code. i'm writing this here so there may be typos, but it should give you the idea:
foreach ($rows as $row) {
// let's assume $tip contains the right tip for each row:
This first part will show the default browser tooltip.
Now you have to inject the qTip script:
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
Now how to put the value in $tip? I see you have a com_test component, you don't need to go through the controller, but can instantiate directly the model that will provide the tooltip; if it's called "tip":
$tipmodel=JModel::getInstance('tip', 'ComtestModel'); // get the model (once!)
$tip = $tipmodel->getTip($row->id);
All the variable, model, controller names in this story are fictional.
I've been googling for hours but surprisingly I didn't find any topic on that subject.
I have the following Form
class propertyType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
->add('district', 'entity', array('class'=>'FlatShanghaidefaultBundle:district',
'query_builder' => function ($repository) {
$qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('district');
$qb->add('where', 'city = :city');
$qb->setParameter('city', 1);
return $qb;
public function getName()
return 'property';
When the user choose a City in the form, I want the options of district to be dynamically updated and limited to that city. With Ajax or JS?
What would be the best practice? Do you know a tutorial on that topic?
If someone can put me on the right tracks, that would help a lot..
The query builder will not solve your problem, you can remove it altogether.
That query is run when the form gets built, once you have it on your browser you need to use javascript to populate the options.
You can have the options stored in a javascript variable, or pull them from the server as needed with ajax (you will need a controller to handle these ajax requests).
You will probably want to use some jquery plugin to handle the cascading logic between the select elements, there are a couple available:
I use this one, but it seems to be offline: http://devlicio.us/blogs/mike_nichols/archive/2008/05/25/jquery-cascade-cascading-values-from-forms.aspx
And there is this one, which I never used really: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-cascade/
There is also at least this Bundle I know of: https://github.com/genemu/GenemuFormBundle, which has ajax field types available for several jquery plugins. This may save you writing the ajax part to handle the data, as it comes built in (it's probably easier to implement the controller your self anyway). I haven't tried this one, and I don't know if it has cascading support.
Jbm is right about the query builder. And his approach is perfecly valid.
Another option could be to dispense the cascade select in favor of an autocomplete field.
Assuming that you save the countries, cities and districts as entities and have a relation between them, you do not even need to save what city/country has been selected because you can just call:
I have implemented a similar thing for country/city selection and will link here to the the main involved files.
First, create a custom form type to encapsulate all form stuff, it contains a hidden field to store the selected id and a text field to serve as input for the autocomplete logic:
Then theme the form type:
The url of the autocomplete source is passed as data attribute so no JS will be smutching the html code.
Last but not least, the JS functions have to be implemented:
The result can be seen in the image below, see that for clarity the country name will be displayed in braces behind the city name:
I favor this solution much more that using cascade selects because the actual value can be selected in one step.
I'm doing this myself on a form.
I change a field (a product) and the units in which the quantity can be measured are updated.
I am using a macro with parameters to adapt it more easily.
The macro :
{% macro javascript_filter_unit(event, selector) %}
.on('{{ event }}', '{{ selector }}', function(e){
if (!$(this).val()) return;
$parent: $(this).closest('.child_collection'),
url: $(this).attr('data-url'),
type: "get",
dataType: "json",
data: {'id' : $(this).val(), 'repo': $(this).attr('data-repo'), parameter: $(this).attr('data-parameter')},
success: function (result) {
if (result['success'])
var units = result['units'];
{% endmacro %}
The ajax returns an array : array('success' => $value, 'units' => $html). You use the $html code and put it in place of the select you want to change.
Of course the javascript code of the ajax call need to be modfied to match your fields.
You call the macro like you would normally do:
{% import ':Model/Macros:_macros.html.twig' as macros %}
{{ macros.javascript_filter_unit('change', '.unitTrigger') }}
So I have two arguments : the event, often a change of a select. and a selector, the one whose change triggers the ajax call.
I hope that helps.