I want to check the logged-in user and the user_id column in Session table and also count the result. So I tried to use this
$login = Session::where('user_id', Auth::id())->count();
But it returned this error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Session\Store::where()
You have 2 options:
Use DB facade:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
$login = DB::table('sessions')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->count();
define a new Session model and use it to count logins:
php artisan make:model Session
$login = \App\Session::where('user_id', Auth::id())->count();
By this way, you can also define a sessions relationship
on user model:
class User extends Authenticatable
* Get the sessions of the user.
public function sessions()
return $this->hasMany('App\Session');
and call it like this:
$login = Auth::user()->sessions()->count();
I want to manually login a user in laravel 8. The problem is that authentication succeeds, but the authenticated user is not stored in the session(or the session is not updated). I use the method given in de docs.
My loginController has two methods: 1) showing the login form and 2) performing the login
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\LoginRequest;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class LoginController extends Controller
public function login(){
return view('auth/login');
public function validateLogin(LoginRequest $request){
if (Auth::attempt(['email'=>$request->email, 'password'=>$request->password])) {
return redirect()->to('/');
return back()->withErrors(['credentials' => 'Deze gegevens zijn niet bekend!']);
The controller redirects indeed to / , so the user is authenticated but after the redirect the autenticated users is unavailable, so somehow it is not stored in the session.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I removed the id from the User model as I wanted to use the e-mailadress as the primary key. This violated the Authenticable trait so the session was not updated.
The usermodel needed the following function to replace the id with the email:
public function getKeyName(){
return 'email';
The same can be accomplished with:
protected $primaryKey = 'email';
public $incrementing = false;
I used laravel like 4 years ago. Had to work on a project on laravel and tried using my own authentication methods but mybad forgot there was already inbuilt better security authentication. I understand if my question seem to be basic.
As you can see the commented line "$userID = Auth::user()->userID;" the auth() is null therefore, userID cannot get its id from null. I am unable to get user session data in any other controllers as well.
Any kind of help or suggestions is appreciated.
P.S. i have used the default login and registration inbuilt function only required function like login is override code. I am using laravel v 4.2.3. I tried passing the userid as url parameter but then discarded it as inbuilt session data makes it more secure and easier
the login function of my controller looks like this
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class LoginController extends Controller
use AuthenticatesUsers;
protected $redirectTo = RouteServiceProvider::HOME;
public function __construct()
protected function login(Request $request){
$user = new User(); //my model User
$result=$user->login($request); //result has the id of the user
if ($result) {
//$userID = Auth::user()->userID;
return redirect()->route('homepage');
return redirect()->route('login');
model for user login()
//Auth user then let them login
public function login($request){
$email = $request->input('email');
$password = $request->input('password');
->where('email', $email)
->where('password', $password)
return $result;
My Routes.. its default route of "Auth::routes();"
Route::get('/homepage/{userID?}', function($userID = null){
return view('index', ['userID' => $userID]);
Route::get('/evaluate/{userID?}', function ($userID = null) {
return view('evaluate', ['userID' => $userID]);
I installed a fresh new laravel and tried my code again and somehow it worked. Must have made some errors when trying to override the codes. Thank you
I'm trying to create 1 Session Per User in Laravel 5.4. How to configure 1 Session user in my laravel. this is my login controller.
I mean, If I login in Chrome. I can't login in Mozilla. So, I logout first in Chrome or Swap.
Login Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Auth;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Validator;
use DB;
use App\d_mem;
use Redirect;
use Session;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;
use Adldap;
class LoginController extends Controller
protected $exceptionUsers = ['admin', 'user1', 'user2','bhandoko','ksoleh'];
public function index()
return view('auth.login');
public function welcome()
return view('welcome');
// use AuthenticatesUsers;
public function login(Request $req)
$user = d_mem::where('m_username',$req->username)->first();
if ($user && $user->m_password == sha1(md5('لا إله إلاّ الله') . $req->password)) {
$response = true;
if ($response) {
$usernm = $req->username;
$ses = DB::select("SELECT d.m_id,
d.m_name as nama,
d.m_email as email,
(SELECT dm.m_name from d_mem dm where dm.m_id=d.m_manager LIMIT 1) as manager ,
u2.m_name as lead,
u3.m_name as coor,
u7.m_name as spec,
u4.u_name as role,
u5.u_name as unit,
u5.u_id as unit_id,
u5.u_role as unit_role,
u5.u_flag as unit_flag,
u6.s_id as site_id,
u6.s_name as site_name
from d_mem d
LEFT JOIN d_mem u2 ON u2.m_id=d.m_lead
LEFT JOIN d_mem u3 ON u3.m_id=d.m_coordinator
LEFT JOIN d_mem u7 ON u7.m_id=d.m_specialist
LEFT JOIN d_unit u4 ON u4.u_id=d.m_access
LEFT JOIN d_unit u5 ON u5.u_id=d.m_unit
LEFT JOIN d_site u6 ON u6.s_id=d.m_site
where d.m_username = '$usernm'
// return json_encode($ses);
$data = DB::table('d_mem')->where('m_username',$req->username)->update(['m_lastlogin'=>date('Y-m-d h:i:s')]);
return redirect(url('/home'));
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['Wrong Username / Password !']);
use AuthenticatesUsers;
public function logout(Request $request)
$data = DB::table('d_mem')->where('m_username',Session::get('username'))->update(['m_lastlogout'=>date('Y-m-d h:i:s')]);
return redirect('/login')->with('info', 'You have successfully logged out');
Tell me step by step to implement One Session One login in Laravel 5.4.
The solution I use for allowing one session per login is I use database for my sessions driver and on each login request I first remove all existing user sessions from the database table (using user_id column) and then create a new session for the user. In short user will be logged out of all other devices whenever he login from a new device.
To create sessions table use the following command
php artisan session:table
And in your login() method add the following line after authenticating user
Note: Since my application does not have many users so this solution works for me but if your application depends on a lot of users I would suggest using in-memory storage like memcache or redis as your session drivers.
User model:
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
use Zizaco\Entrust\HasRole;
class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
use HasRole;
Role Model:
use Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustRole;
class Role extends EntrustRole
Permission Model:
use Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustPermission;
class Permission extends EntrustPermission
User controller:
public function postSignin(){
if (Auth::attempt(array('email'=>Input::get('email'),
'password'=>Input::get('password')))) {
$id = Auth::user()->id;
$user = User::where('id','=',$id);
$firstname = Auth::user()->firstname;
if ($user->hasRole("User_Not_Approved")) {
return Redirect::intended('/users/dashboard');
Error message:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::hasRole()
The error message is presented when the IF statement is running, whilst the user is logging in. I have followed Entrust's instructions, but I am at a loss as to why it isn't picking up the method.
Any help would be hugely appreciated!
Try changing: $user = User::where('id','=',$id); to $user = User::find($id);
User::where would need ->get to return what you want, and even then it would return a collection; you would want something like User::where(etc)->first(); to ensure you got a single instance of User. In reality though, since you are retrieving by id, that is what ->find($id) is designed for, and what you should do.
I have a basic laravel 4 app that allows someone to register and then login. I am trying to make it so that when a user completes their registration successfully they are logged in automatically. I get an error exception 'Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\Guard::login() must be an instance of Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface, instance of User given'. I understand that this means that the first argument being passed to the login method is not correct but I don't understand why it is not correct when the laravel documentation says to use
$user = User::find(1);
Here is my controller
Class UsersController extends BaseController {
public $restful = 'true';
protected $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function post_create()
$validation = User::validate(Input::all());
if ($validation->passes()) {
$user = User::where('username', '=', Input::get('username'))->first();
return Redirect::Route('home')->with('message', 'Thanks for registering! You are now logged in!');
else {
return Redirect::Route('register')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
There's a few scenarios I can think of:
You're not using the User model which comes with a fresh Laravel install (sounds unlikely, but that one implements UserInterface, it's possible yours does not if you've edited it or created a new one).
User::create() isn't successfully being called (isn't created a user successfully)
$user = User::where()->... isn't resulting in a result
$user = User::create(array(
If you still get errors, it's likely that $user isn't a User object because the user wasn't created successfully.
make sure your User.php begins like..
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {