multiple entries of the same transaction in developer menu - Genexus 16 - genexus

Everytime I delete and then add the transaction COUNTRY, it adds a new entry on the developer menu:
How do I delete or change the way Genexus behave in order to stop creating new items country in the menu?

The developermenu.html file is generated from the DeveloperMenu.xml, and this one gets generated based on the following files:
- GXHPRO15.<Model#> for WebPanels
- GXTPRO15.<Model#> for Transactions
- GXPPRO15.<Model#> for Procedures
In your case you should delete the GXTPRO15.<Model#> file and Rebuild your environment.

Wich version of GeneXus?
Did you try with Rebuild ALL


Deploying solution from Dev to Production fails because column with same schema name data type was changed. Object dependencies won't get deleted

So the column in question was a lookup column, which i deleted in the unmanaged solution, and mistakenly created a new column with the same name. Dynamics by default will use the same auto-generated schema name based on the display name. So when I go to import the unmanaged solution in my dev environment into the production environment as managed, obviously it throws an error because of the mismatched of data types per column schema name.
Error returned by Azure Pipeline
So I did the sensible next thing, and went to delete this column in my dev environment. But oh no! There are object dependencies which prevent me from deleting it, okay I look at which objects depend on this column, it is a form, i remove the column from the form, go to delete and oh no again! There is still a dependency on the form I just deleted the column from.
So what do I do? I can't change the column schema name, I can't change the data type back to the data type that's currently in the managed solution. Is this when I open up a microsoft support ticket? Hopefully someone here has some insight. Thanks!
The attribute can be associated with a custom control. Try removing this custom control using the classic form designer. It should be visible on one of the field property tabs.
If the attribute cannot be found anywhere on the form using the classic or modern form designer, try this:
Create a solution with this form only. Export the solution as unmanaged. Extract the customization.xml from the zip. Edit the xml and remove all references to your attribute. Paste the customization.xml into the zip and import and publish the solution.
The only way to delete a managed component is to upgrade the solution. In your case, you can delete the field and dependency in solution and apply the upgrade to target environment. Please noticed that all data in this field would get deleted when you apply the upgrade. You may check this link for more detail

Oracle Apex: Is it possible to change the default schema at runtime?

We have an Apex application (version 20.1) and our users must be able to change the database schema at runtime via button click (preferably without logging in again).
Currently we are solving this by installing our application multiple times, once per schema.
We recently discovered the function apex_export.get_application. We intend to use this function to bring our frontend under version control (finally!). We would like to deploy our application directly from the exported files. Having a single application, we would not have to mess with the internal component ids from the exported files.
Is it possible to install the application once and change the default schema via Pl/SQL code? Thank you!
I don't think this can be done, but perhaps the following is a reasonable compromise
add all the schemas you need to support to the workspace schema list
Any SQL (and I do mean any) in your app would be prefixed with an application item, eg
Before: select * from my_table
After: select * from &my_schema..my_table
At login time (or when a user selects it) you modify the MY_SCHEMA application item
(I've not tried test/tread carefully)

How to add new parameter to existing SSRS Report

I'm trying to add a new Parameter called CorporateIdentity to the SalesInvoice report in dynamics. I've added the parm***() method to SalesInvoiceContract and compiled the Contract, the Controller and the DataProvider forward.
But I can't get the parameter to show up in Visual Studio. I've tried refreshing the DataSources. I've tried deleting and recreating one of the DataSources. I've tried to create the Parameter manually.
How can I get this parameter to show up?
The answer was to perform an incremental CIL. Some other things to try are listed below.
Have you performed an incremental CIL?
Did you try refreshing your caches (Tools>Caches, just do all of them)?
Try restarting the AOS service and the SSRS service.
Is your WCF data up to date in your AXC file?
Try clearing your usage data and AUC/KTI files.
There are all sorts of weird things to try, but I listed them in order of what I would try ... no need to do them all if one step works.

How to create a Stacked Bar Chart with my data set created?

I have just now deployed a SpagoBI server and after setting up my data source: MS SQL Server.
I am able to successfully create a data set. Now using my data set I want to create a stacked bar chart. So I select Charts->Stacked but to my surprise that perhaps a default stackbar of "Sales, costs and revenues over the year Monthly detail - Year: 2012" always comes up. I was not able to see charts for my data set.
However I still see my data set there. I tried many ways to use the output of my data set for stack bar but un-fortunately always the default chart comes up?
How can I create a Stacked Bar Chart with my data set created?
1.First, write xml related to your query in database.
2.then , log in to SpagoBI server then create datasource-> dataset-> choose document.
3.Fill all the informaion, and there is an Template option browse the xml file in it.
4.And create Analytical driver management and lov management related to your query columns thatyou wants to choose.
5.And run the report document.
If you creating dashboard in SpagoBI Studio 5.1 then
1.Click on project and Create under SpagoBI.
2.Click on window - others perspective - choose - report design.
3.In report design - create Report - under Business Analysis folder finish.
4.Right Click on data source create - new data source and choose your db as per your requirement.
5.then , data set.
6.then create your dashboard as you want to create.
7.When you deploy your report in SpagoBI server again click on windows - other perspective - choose SpagoBI
8.Expand your project and you see a Server name folder then right click on server provide SpagoBI url and password
9.Right click on report provide name all the credential. and deploy.
Try this Prakash.

MagicalRecord delete core data store when rebooting the application

I don't know why but MagicalRecord delete my store every time I reboot the application, I saw in the documentation :
When using the default sqlite data store with the DEBUG flag set, if you change your model without creating a new model version, Magical Record will delete the old store and create a new one automatically. No more uninstall/reinstall every time you make a change! (see magicalRecord github page
Removed the DEBUG flag,Tried to create a new model version, MR is still deleting my store...
Help me please :-)
This may be a bug. Please add an issue to the github repo. Or, if you need to get going faster, you can peek into the code, and comment out the line that checks to see if your model is compatible with your persistent store.
