Hashing quality not constant over bits - random

I am attempting to derive a pseudo-random 32bit value from a 32bit input.
For this, I am using this murmur hash:
uint32_t murmur(uint32_t key, uint32_t seed)
uint32_t k = ( key ^ seed ) * 0x5bd1e995;
k = k ^ (k>>24);
return k;
To my surprise, there is a large delta in the quality of randomness in the lower 16 bits compared to the higher 16 bits.
If I use the lowest 16 bits to generate random unit vectors, I get a clear pattern on the sphere, with poles and meridians visible.
If I use the highest 16 bits to generate random unit vectors, I get a much better distribution of points.
Is this a fundamental issue with MURMUR, or am I using it wrong?
The key that I feed it, is the value [ 0,1,.. N ] multiplied with the large prime 2521008887.
For the x/y/z coordinates of the 3D vector, I use randomly chosen seeds 0xb7295179, 0x18732214, 0x9531f133.
Randomness of 0xffff0000 bits visually checks out. Randomness of 0x0000ffff bits does not.


Generate random numbers without repetition (or vanishing probability of repetition) without storing full list of past generated numbers?

I need to generate random numbers in a very large range, 128 bits integers, and I will generate a many many of them. I'll generate so many of them, that I cannot fit into memory a list of the numbers generated.
I also have the requirement that the generated numbers do not repeat, or at least that the probability of repetition is vanishingly small.
Is there an algorithm that does this?
Build a 128 bit linear congruential generator or linear feedback shift register generator. With properly chosen coefficients either of those will achieve full cycle, meaning no repeats until you've exhausted all outcomes.
Any full-period PRNG with a 128-bit state will do what you need in principle. Unfortunately many of these generators tend to produce only 32 or 64 bits per iteration while the rest of the state goes through a predictable permutation (LFSRs being the worst case, producing only 1 bit per iteration). Each 128-bit state is unique, but many of its bits would show a trivial relation to the previous state.
This can be overcome with tempering -- taking your questionable-quality PRNG state with a known-good period, and permuting it through a 1:1 transform to hide the not-so-random factors.
For example, borrowing from the example xorshift+ shown on Wikipedia:
static uint64_t s[2] = { 1, 0 };
void random128(uint64_t result[]) {
uint64_t x = s[0];
uint64_t y = s[1];
x ^= x << 23;
x ^= y ^ (x >> 17) ^ (y >> 26);
s[0] = y;
s[1] = x;
At this point we know that s[0] is just the old value of s[1], which would be a terrible PRNG if all 128 bits were exposed (normally only s[1] is exposed). To overcome this we permute the result to disguise that relationship (following the same principle as a feistel network to ensure that the transform is 1:1).
y += x * 1630144151483159999;
x ^= y >> 3;
result[0] = x;
result[1] = y;
This seems to be sufficient to pass diehard. So long as the original generator has full(ish) period, the whole generator should be full period too.
The logical conclusion to tempering a low-quality generator is to use AES-128 in counter mode. Simply run a counter from 0 to 2**128-1 (an extremely low-quality generator), and encrypt each value using AES-128 and a consistent key (an ideal temper) for your final output.
If you do this, don't get distracted by full cryptographic RNG requirements. Those involve re-seeding and consequently can produce the same number more than once (which is more random, but it's what you want to avoid).

Should a Float or Int be used in this RNG?

I am using a simple Linear Congruential Generator to generate random numbers. The problem is, the result is behaving inconsistently depending on if I use Floats (known as Numbers in some languages) or Ints
// Variable definitions
var _seed:int = 1;
const MULTIPLIER:int = 48271;
const MODULUS:int = 2147483647; // 0x7FFFFFFF (31 bit integer)
// Inside the function
return _seed = ((_seed * MULTIPLIER) % MODULUS) & MODULUS;
The part I'm having difficulties with is the (_seed * MULTIPLIER) part. If _seed and MULTIPLIER are Ints, the int*int multiplication ensues, and most languages give an int as a result. The problem is, if that int is too large, the resulting value is truncated down.
Is this integer overflow behavior "supposed to be done" in RNGs, or should I cast _seed and MULTIPLIER to Floats before the multiplication in order to allow for larger variables?
LCG's are implemented with integer arithmetic because floating point arithmetic is only approximate - a floating point implementation will diverge from the integer implementation and won't yield full cycle for the generator. Even a double only has 52 mantissa bits, which is fewer than required to store the product of two 32 bit ints with guaranteed precision. With modulo arithmetic it's the low bits that are significant, and they're the ones at risk of getting lopped off.
You should be doing the intermediate arithmetic using 64 bit integers, then
cast/convert the result back to 32 bit ints after the modulo operation.
Explicitly break up the multiplication into low bits/high bits
components, and then recombine them after the modulo operation.
This is what Schrage did to achieve this portable FORTRAN
implementation of a relatively popular (at the time) LCG.

Efficiently Get Random Numbers in Range on GPU

Given a uniformly distributed random number generator in the range [0, 2^64), is there any efficient way (on a GPU) to build a random number generator for the range [0, k) for some k < 2^64?
Some solutions that don't work:
// not uniformly distributed in [0, k)
myRand(rng, k) = rng() % k;
// way too much branching to run efficiently on a gpu
myRand(rng, k) =
uint64_t ret;
while((ret = rng() & (nextPow2(k)-1)) >= k);
return ret;
// only 53 bits of random data, not 64. Also I
// have no idea how to reason about how "uniform"
// this distribution is.
myRand(doubleRng, k) =
double r = doubleRng(); // generates a random number in [0, 1)
return (uint64_t)floor(r*k);
I'd be willing to compromise non-uniformity if the difference is sufficiently small (say, within 1/2^64).
There are only two options: do the modulus (or the floating point) and settle for non-uniformity, or do rejection sampling with a loop. There really isn't a third option. Which one is better depends on your application.
If your k is typically very small (say, you're shuffling cards so k is on the order of 100), then the non-uniformity is so small that it's probably OK, even at 32 bits. At 64 bits, a k on the order of millions is still going to give you a non-uniformity vanishingly small. No, it won't be on the order of 1/2^64, but I can't imagine a real-world application where a non-uniformity on the order of 1/2^20 is noticeable. When I wrote the test suite for my RNG library, I deliberately ran it against a known bad mod implementation and it had a really hard time detecting the error even at 32 bits.
If you really have to be perfectly uniform, then you're just going to have to sample and reject. This can be done pretty fast, and you can even get rid of the division (calculate that nextPow2() outside the rejection loop--that's how I do it in ojrandlib). FYI, the fastest way to do the next-power-of-two mask is this:
mask = k - 1;
mask |= mask >> 1;
mask |= mask >> 2;
mask |= mask >> 4;
mask |= mask >> 8;
mask |= mask >> 16;
mask |= mask >> 32;
If you have a function that returns 53 bits of random data, but you need 64, call it twice, use the bottom 32 bits of the first call for the top 32 bits of your result, and the bottom 32 bits of the second call for the bottom 32 bits of your result. If your original function was uniform, this one is too.

compression algorithm for sorted integers

I have a large sequence of random integers sorted from the lowest to the highest. The numbers start from 1 bit and end near 45 bits. In the beginning of the list I have numbers very close to each other: 4, 20, 23, 40, 66. But when the numbers start to get higher the distance between them is a bit higher too (actually the distance between them is aleatory). There are no duplicated numbers.
I'm using bit packing to save some space. Nonetheless, this file can get really big.
I would like to know what kind of compression algorithm can be used in this situation, or any other technique to save as much space as possible.
Thank you.
You can compress optimally if you know the true distribution of the data. If you can provide a probability distribution for each integer you can use arithmetic coding or other entropy coding techniques to compress to theoretical minimal size.
The trick is in predicting accurately.
First, you should probably compress the distances between the numbers because that allows you to make statistical statements. If you were to compress the numbers directly you'd have a hard time modelling them because they occur only once.
Next, you could try to build a very simple model to predict the next distance. Keep a histogram of all previously seen distances and calculate the probabilities from the frequencies.
You probably need to account for missing values (you clearly can't assign them 0 probability because that is not expressible) but you can use heuristics for that, like encoding the next distance bit-by-bit and predicting each bit individually. You will pay almost nothing for the high-order bits because they are almost always 0 and entropy encoding optimizes them away.
All of this is much simpler if you know the distribution. Example: You you are compressing a list of all prime numbers you know the theoretical distribution of distances because there are formulae for that. So you already have a perfect model.
There's a very simple and fairly effective compression technique which can be used for sorted integers in a known range. Like most compression schemes, it is optimized for serial access, although you can build an index to speed up random access if needed.
It's a type of delta encoding (i.e. each number is represented by the distance from the previous one), consisting of a vector of codes which are either
a single 1-bit, representing a delta of 2k which is added to the delta in the following code, or
a 0-bit followed by a k-bit delta, indicating that the next number is the specified delta from the previous one.
For example, if k is 4, the sequence:
00011 1 1 00000 1 00001
codes three numbers. The first four-bit encoding (3) is the first delta, taken from an initial value of 0, so the first number is 3. The next two solitary 1's accumulate to a delta of 2&centerdot;24, or 32, which is added to the following delta of 0000, for a total of 32. So the second number is 3+32=35. Finally, the last delta is a single 24 plus 1, total 17, and the third number is 35+17=52.
The 1-bit indicates that the next delta should be incremented by 2k (or, more generally, each delta is incremented by 2k times the number of immediately preceding 1-bits.)
Another, possibly better, way of thinking of this is that each delta is coded as a variable length bit sequence: 1i0(1|0)k, representing a delta of i&centerdot;2k+[the k-bit suffix]. But the first presentation aligns better with the optimality proof.
Since each "1" code represents an increment of 2k, there cannot be more than m/2k of them, where m is the largest number in the set to be compressed. The remaining codes all correspond to numbers, and have a total length of n&centerdot;(k + 1) where n is the size of the set. The optimal value of k is roughly log2 m/n, which in your case would be 7 or 8.
I did a quick proof of concept of the algorithm, without worrying about optimizations. It's still plenty fast; sorting the random sample takes a lot longer than compressing/decompressing it. I tried it with a few different seeds and vector sizes from 16,400,000 to 31,000,000 with a value range of [0, 4,000,000,000). The bits used per data value ranged from 8.59 (n=31000000) to 9.45 (n=16400000). All of the tests were done with 7-bit suffixes; log2 m/n varies from 7.01 (n=31000000) to 7.93 (n=16400000). I tried with 6-bit and 8-bit suffixes; except in the case of n=31000000 where the 6-bit suffixes were slightly smaller, the 7-bit suffix was always the best. So I guess that the optimal k is not exactly floor(log2 m/n) but it's not far off.
Compression code:
void Compress(std::ostream& os,
const std::vector<unsigned long>& v,
unsigned long k = 0) {
BitOut out(os);
out.put(v.size(), 64);
if (v.size()) {
unsigned long twok;
if (k == 0) {
unsigned long ratio = v.back() / v.size();
for (twok = 1; twok <= ratio / 2; ++k, twok *= 2) { }
} else {
twok = 1 << k;
out.put(k, 32);
unsigned long prev = 0;
for (unsigned long val : v) {
while (val - prev >= twok) { out.put(1); prev += twok; }
out.put(val - prev, k);
prev = val;
std::vector<unsigned long> Decompress(std::istream& is) {
BitIn in(is);
unsigned long size = in.get(64);
if (size) {
unsigned long k = in.get(32);
unsigned long twok = 1 << k;
std::vector<unsigned long> v;
unsigned long prev = 0;
for (; size; --size) {
while (in.get()) prev += twok;
prev += in.get(k);
return v;
It can be a bit awkward to use variable-length encodings; an alternative is to store the first bit of each code (1 or 0) in a bit vector, and the k-bit suffixes in a separate vector. This would be particularly convenient if k is 8.
A variant, which results in slight longer files but is a bit easier to build indexes for, is to only use the 1-bits as deltas. Then the deltas are always a&centerdot;2k for some a, possibly 0, where a is the number of consecutive 1 bits preceding the suffix code. The index then consists of the locations of every Nth 1-bit in the bit vector, and the corresponding index into the suffix vector (i.e. the index of the suffix corresponding with the next 0 in the bit vector).
One option that worked well for me in the past was to store a list of 64-bit integers as 8 different lists of 8-bit values. You store the high 8 bits of the numbers, then the next 8 bits, etc. For example, say you have the following 32-bit numbers:
The data stored would be (in hex):
I then ran that through the deflate compressor.
I don't recall what compression ratios I was able to achieve with this, but it was significantly better than compressing the numbers themselves.
I want to add another answer with the simplest possible solution:
Convert the numbers to deltas as discussed previously
Run it through the 7-zip LZMA2 algorithm. It is even multi-core ready
I think this will give almost perfect results in your case because the distances have a simple distribution. 7-zip will be able to pick it up.
You can use Delta Encoding and Protocol Buffers simply.
Like your example: 4, 20, 23, 40, 66.
Delta Encoding compressed: 4, 16, 3, 17, 26.
Then you store all numbers as varint in Protocol Buffers directly. Only need 1 byte for number between 0-127. And 2 bytes for number between 128-16384... This is enough for most scenes.
Further more you can use entropy coding(huffman) to achieve more effective compression rate than varint. Even less than 8bits per number.
Divide a number to 2 part. Like 17=...0001 0001(binary)=(5)0001. The first part (5) is valid bit count. The suffix part (0001) is without the leading 1.
Like the example: 4, 16, 3, 17, 26 = (3)00 (5)0000 (2)1 (5)0001 (5)1010
The first part will be between 0-45 even there are a lot of numbers. So they can be compressed by entropy coding like huffman effectively.
If your sequence is made up of pseudo-random numbers, such as might be generated by a typical digital computer, then I don't think that any compression scheme will beat, for brevity of representation, simply storing the code for the generator and whatever parameters you need to define its initial state.
If your sequence is made up of truly random numbers generated in some non-deterministic way then the other answers already posted offer a variety of good advice.

hashing a small number to a random looking 64 bit integer

I am looking for a hash-function which operates on a small integer (say in the range 0...1000) and outputs a 64 bit int.
The result-set should look like a random distribution of 64 bit ints: a uniform distribution with no linear correlation between the results.
I was hoping for a function that only takes a few CPU-cycles to execute. (the code will be in C++).
I considered multiplying the input by a big prime number and taking the modulo 2**64 (something like a linear congruent generator), but there are obvious dependencies between the outputs (in the lower bits).
Googling did not show up anything, but I am probably using wrong search terms.
Does such a function exist?
Some Background-info:
I want to avoid using a big persistent table with pseudo random numbers in an algorithm, and calculate random-looking numbers on the fly.
Security is not an issue.
I tested the 64-bit finalizer of MurmurHash3 (suggested by #aix and this SO post). This gives zero if the input is zero, so I increased the input parameter by 1 first:
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
inline uint64 fasthash(uint64 i)
i += 1ULL;
i ^= i >> 33ULL;
i *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccdULL;
i ^= i >> 33ULL;
i *= 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53ULL;
i ^= i >> 33ULL;
return i;
Here the input argument i is a small integer, for example an element of {0, 1, ..., 1000}. The output looks random:
i fasthash(i) decimal: fasthash(i) hex:
0 12994781566227106604 0xB456BCFC34C2CB2C
1 4233148493373801447 0x3ABF2A20650683E7
2 815575690806614222 0x0B5181C509F8D8CE
3 5156626420896634997 0x47900468A8F01875
... ... ...
There is no linear correlation between subsequent elements of the series:
The range of both axes is 0..2^64-1
Why not use an existing hash function, such as MurmurHash3 with a 64-bit finalizer? According to the author, the function takes tens of CPU cycles per key on current Intel hardware.
Given: input i in the range of 0 to 1,000.
const MaxInt which is the maximum value that cna be contained in a 64 bit int. (you did not say if it is signed or unsigned; 2^64 = 18446744073709551616 )
and a function rand() that returns a value between 0 and 1 (most languages have such a function)
compute hashvalue = i * rand() * ( MaxInt / 1000 )
1,000 * 1,000 = 1,000,000. That fits well within an Int32.
Subtract the low bound of your range, from the number.
Square it, and use it as a direct subscript into some sort of bitmap.
