Get all available locales, Strapi - strapi

I've gone through the docs, but cannot find an API-endpoint where all the available locales is available. I.e. the locales that is setup under Internationalization.
I can get all translations for a specific content type with
But I would like to get a response with all available locales from the API. Is there a way?

You can expose an API and then return the values from the internationalization plugin service.
async function getLocales(){
const locales = await;
return locales;

You can use baseAddress/i18n/locales to get a JSON of all defined locales.
Tested on Strapi 3.6.8


Destroy image from cloudinary

when I delete the image from my graphql server and using uploader.upload.destroy(public_id), it deletes from media library of cloudinary (
but image is still available If I access it via cloudinary endpoint (
I want to destroy those endpoints as well when the image is deleted.
here, screen.basePath means public_Id of the image
const screen = await ctx.prisma
id: args.screenId
if (scrn.basePath.length === 5) {
cloudinary.uploader.destroy(screen.basePath, function(error, result) {
console.log(result, error);
return screen;
The short answer is that this is caused by a combination of not using the 'invalidate' parameter in your destroy API call and a difference between which URL format (i.e. with a version number (v123456789), 'v1' or no version number) the resource is accessed using versus what format your account is configured to send for invalidation.
The first thing to do is ensure that all destroy API calls include the 'invalidate' parameter set to 'true' if you'd like CDN invalidation.
Regarding the URL formats;
The 'v1576054005' that is part of delivery URLs is a version number that is essentially the UNIX timestamp of the upload time of the asset. Its main purpose is to always return the latest image and avoid CDN caching (upload API responses return the URL with the latest upload version). A bit more information on this topic can be found in this article -
Please note that there are three possible URL formats Cloudinary can send for invalidation at the CDN, and these are outlined here:
Invalidation requests are sent when you delete or overwrite an image using the Media Library UI, or when you use the SDK/API, and also provide the 'invalidate' parameter, set to 'true'.
By default, all accounts send invalidations for the default format of URL which the SDKs produces, which uses no version number for assets in the root of your account, and a 'v1' placeholder for assets in folders (option 1 from the URL above).
If you were accessing the image with the full version component then that isn't sent for invalidation by default and why you are likely getting a cached copy returned.
In your case, the URL that would've been sent for invalidation would be without a version component (as the resource is in the root folder) i.e.
Depending on how you are building your URLs, i.e., if you're using the SDK helper methods, taking the URL from the url or secure_url fields of the Upload API response (which use the full version number), will determine the format and thus how your account should be configured to invalidate.
I suggest you to email Cloudinary support ( and share a link to this thread as well as some details on how the URLs you're using are generated so that your account can be configured accordingly.

Where do I get the value for `shopOrigin` when using Shopify app bridge?

Throughout the documentation for the new App Bridge, Shopify refers to the shopOrigin value and how it's used to configure the Provider from app-bridge-react but they never specify how to get this value?
The react app is loaded inside of an iframe and the src includes the shopOrigin value as a query string param called shop, but when I try the following code I get the error window is not defined:
const params = queryString.parse(;
const config = {
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
1) Why would I be getting window is not defined in javascript code running in a browser?! This makes no sense to me
2) If this value can be read from of the provided libraries such as #shopufy/app-bridge-react please tell me how
Unless you're using a library tailored specifically to Shopify, you have to manually save the shop origin during OAuth authorization.
Hopefully this Shopify tutorial is of some assistance
The shopOrigin is available within your browser cookies.
If you followed the Shopify development for react and Node.js, you should already saved this after the Shopify authentification.
I am not sure what exactly is the need for shopOrigin, if you just wanted to go to admin section of the shop from client side you can use Redirect in app bridge. otherwise you can store the shop detail on server during auth process and create a get api to retrive the details on client side as needed.

Unsure how to retrieve data from a custom endpoint?

Context to this post is I'm a java developer attempting to teach myself Ember. It isn't going well. I realize this question is pretty vague so I apologize, I'm not even sure what I should be asking...
I need to pull data into a model, i.e. via some sort of query, from a heroku json endpoint. In the application.js file, I have the following:
import DS from ‘ember-data’;
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: ''
Ideally I would like to pull this data into a user model, then display that data on a page as a sort of proof of concept. This unfortunately gets me nothing. Nor am I even sure I'm going about this correctly. Should I be doing something different than attempting to use Host Customization? Any guidance would be much appreciated!
There are different things involved for retrieving records via ember-data.
First of all you should define your models:
// app/models/post.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string')
You should retrieve records in a model hook of a route.
// app\routes\posts.js
import Route from '#ember/routing/route';
export default Route.extend({
model() {
return this.get('store').findAll('post');
Then you should configure your api host and maybe a namespace. You included that step in your question:
// app/adapters/application.js
import DS from ‘ember-data’;
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
host: ''
If your api does not implement JSON Api specification you need to customize your serializer and adapter. Ember-data ships with a RESTAdapter/RestSerializer additionally to the default adapter and serializer which implements JSON Api spec. There is also one abstract adapter and serializer If you need to start from scratch. Before that I would definitely have a look if there is any community adapter/serializer fitting your needs.
To decouple api and client development and to speed up tests I would recommend ember-cli-mirage which allows you to mock your api.

Public URL of a document version with versioning S3

I am trying to use the amazon S3 versioning.
So I manage to create a object and display versions and select the version of a well Preci.
But I block or it is for public display url of a document versioning
s3 =
prefix = "path/file"
obj = s3.list_object_versions(bucket: 'bucket', prefix: prefix)
I get the version and I want are public url
I can not find the method that allows me to have the public URL
Thank you
Per the docs, the version object (ie, what you get upon obj.versions.first) has a version_id key.
You can use that ID to get that version using REST - you just add a versionId=<THE_ID> to your query string.
But I'm not really sure that counts as a public URL. It probably needs you to be authenticated - I don't think it's a good idea to have every version of an object publicly accessible, so probably you just can't.
Thank you for your answer,
Actually my url is not secure, so I used a test url public but that does not work because it says access denied, and yet I added him:
#bucket =
url = #bucket.object(name)
url.public_url(acl: 'public-read')
So adding a new permission I manage to not have the access denied but now he told me that the file is not yet well I use the public_url,
I have forgotten something?
#bucket =
url = #bucket.object(#name)

Web API 2 OData = $format not working: the request is always ignored

I have a Web API OData project and everything is working great. I'm now trying to return xml instead of JSON using the $format parameter, as opposed to specifying a header request, and it is not working. I've tried these approaches:
All without success. This article says that it is possible:
I have updated all of my NuGet packages, but it seems that the request is always ignored, and instead I get JSON every time.
Since the ATOM format (XML) is only a technical committee specification instead of an OASIS standard for the OData V4 protocol, the ATOM format is disabled in the ODataLib from the version 6.3.0.
The correct way to ask the OData V4 service to respond in XML is as follows:
GET http://localhost:3845/api/Customer?$format=application/atom+xml
or set the header Accept to application/atom+xml. But due to the reason mentioned above, it doesn't work for Web API OData V4.
To support $format=xml and $format=json, add the following configuration:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.AddQueryStringMapping("$format", "json", "application/json");
config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.AddQueryStringMapping("$format", "xml", "application/xml");
