How to use multi-match query to get half search terms? - elasticsearch

I want to find names that start or have the phrase man in them. But I also want to query on different indexes.
So it should return all fields that have the term man in them such as hoffman last name, or anything that has the term in it.
How can I achieve this?
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "man",
"fields": [
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "man",
"fields": [

If you want to search across multiple indexes, then you can use _index field, and for searching across multiple fields you can use query_String instead of a multi-match query.
GET /_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms": {
"_index": [
"query_string": {
"query": "*man*"


Elasic search: find doc by id and highlight words based on query string

I like to find an document in elastic search an highlight terms based on an query string.
Is this possible?
I tried to run an query-string elastic search and filter the result based on ID. But those sounds not very efficient, because elastic first generates an huge list of all document matched the querystring (which could by millions) an pic only one document based on the filter.
Is there a way or query-contstruct to combine querystring and "search for term in _id field" in one boolean search?
Something like this (which is not working):
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"query_string": {
"query": "red*",
"fields": [
"term": {
"highlight": {
"fields": {
I made a small example that can be a starting point.
Use filter to perform your query and retrieve the doc by id.
Then I used match and highlight to highlight the term I want.
POST test/_doc/fda72434fa172
"text": "I like to find an document in elastic search an highlight terms based on an query string. Is this possible?"
GET test/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"_id": "fda72434fa172"
"must": [
"match": {
"text": {
"query": "elastic search"
"highlight": {
"fields": {
"text": {}

ElasticSeach combine multi_match and match_phrase

I use ES 7, I want to search over multi fields, but on this field (title) must be shown firstly if it matches exactly. For now I tried :
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match_phrase": {
"titre": {
"query": "test",
"boost": "20"
"multi_match": {
"fields": ["titre", "description^4", "subtitle^3"],
"query": "test",
"type": "most_fields"
It works, but I would like to order the match_phrase before other results.
The idea is the user type the exact phrase of a title, this result will appear before other based on multi_match.
Is it possible ?

elasticsearch fuzzy search space sensitive

I have elasticsearch query like ;
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"match": {
"text": {
"query": "yayla kent sitesi",
"fuzziness": "2"
"match": {
"type": {
"query": "2"
and there is records
"text":"yaylakent sitesi"
but I can't get results using fuzzy search its return many unrelated documents. Can someone help me to have a query which have one or few space sensitive search in field.
"query": "yayla kent sitesi"
should not combine to,
"query": "yaylakent sitesi"

ElasticSearch Multi Match with Multiple Query Parameters

We have the following multi match query in Elastic Search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "90803",
"type": "cross_fields",
"fields": [
"operator": "and"
How can we pass multiple query parameters. For e.g. we want to pass multiple ID in the query to match against the field Postal Code.
First, is POSTAL_CODE an analyzed field? If it's not the case you could use a Terms Query:
"query": {
"terms" : {
"POSTAL_CODE" : ["90803", "90809"]
If you want to use Match for some reason, there is not a Match Query that matches several values, you have to use a Bool Query with should or must depending on your use case.
Example with must:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"match": { "POSTAL_CODE": "90803" }
}, {
"match": { "POSTAL_CODE": "90809" }

Relevance by type on same field in elasticsearch

Is there any way to boost search results on same field depending on type?
My basic boosting is something like:
GET _search
"query": {
"simple_query_string": {
"query": "mangan",
"fields":["_all", "title^6"]
But for some other documents I want title to be less important, so I tried to prefix it with type:
GET _search
"query": {
"simple_query_string": {
"query": "mangan",
But then it does not boost at all. As a last resort I could use Funcsion/Script Score bu would like to avoid it.
For sake of example, assume that document contains just title field.
A simple way to achieve this is re-writing the query in the OP as a dis-max query.
Example for elasticsearch 5.x:
"query": {
"dis_max": {
"queries": [
"simple_query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "mangan"
"bool": {
"filter": {
"type": {
"value": "DocumentationPage"
"must": [
"simple_query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "mangan"
