How do I perform Monte Carlo sampling in NetLogo? - random

I'd like to conduct a sensitivity analysis and calibrate my ABM using the Monte Carlo method. I found an R package called RNetlogo that could do it but is outdated. Since I need to obtain the data of the parameters (input) and their corresponding output, setting the parameters in random values in NetLogo wouldn't help.


Machine learning algorithm for correlation between indicators

I have a dataset with several indicators related to some geographical entities ,I want to study factors that influence an indicator A (among the other indicator) .I need to determine which indicators affect it the most (correlation)
which ML algo should I use
I want to have a kind of scoring function for my indicator A to allow its prediction
enter image description here
What you are looking for are correlation coefficients, you have multiple choices for that, the most commons are:
Pearson's coefficient which only measure linear relationship between two variables, see [Scipy's implementation]
Spearman's coefficient which can show non-linear relationship , see Scipy's implementation
You can also normalize your data using z-normalization and then do a simple Linear regression. The regression coefficient can give you an idea of the influence of each variable on the outcome. However this method is highly sensible to multi-collinearity which might be present, especially if your variables are geographical.
Could you provide an example of the dataset? Discrete or continuous variables? Which software are you using?
Anyway an easy way to test correlation (without going into ML algorithms in the very sense) is to simply perform Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficient on selected features or on the whole dataset by creating a matrix of the data. You can do that in Python with NumPy (see this) or in R (see this).
You can also use simple linear regression or logistic/multinomial logistic regression (depending on the nature of your data) to quantify the influence of the other features on your target variables. Just keep in mind that "correlation is not causation. Look here to see some models.
Then it depends on the object of your analysis whether to aggregate all the features of all the geographical points or create covariance matrices for each "subset" of observation related to the geographical points.

How to implement Breusch-Godfrey test for a regression with ARIMA errors in R

I’m fitting a regression with ARIMA errors with the fable package and as mentioned im my previous question the Breusch-Godfrey test is not available there.
The regression part of the model has two pairs of Fourier terms to account for yearly seasonality and several exogenous regressors. The residuals are modeled with a seasonal ARIMA(2,0,0)(1,0,0)[7] model. My goal is to check for autocorrelation in residuals.
I can use the Ljung-Box test but according to this thread and textbook sources there it will not be valid in presence of lags of the dependent variable.
And I’m afraid i will loose my model specification using different packages/libraries. An alternative might be to use Arima from the forecast package and retain model specification. Then use bgtest from lmtest package. But I can’t figure out how to do this.
According to this R forum the Breusch-Godfrey test for an ARIMA model can be done by fitting a simple regression of the residuals from the fitted model on a constant and then perform a bgtest. But it only concerns a simple AR(1) model with no exogenous regressors.
Is this the right way to do it? I’m concerned that for the BG test you have to perform an auxiliary regression on the regressors and lagged resuduals up to order p. How in this case the bgtest knows the X variables since they are not stored in the residuals object - this should be a simple vector.

How to make a simulation from a dataset?

I have a relatively big dataset for which I want to make a simulation like what are the consequences of some scenario.
I can make a monte carlo simulation but there are lots of variables so it would be impossible for the user to specify a probability distribution function for each variable.
What other ways you suggest to define scenarios which would be possible (user can't specify input for each variable ) and to make the simulation.
I am thinking about a way for example to generate a new dataset from the previous one based on some scenario and which will be scientifically correct.
Notes :
- all of this is going to be inside an application.
- the dataset variables are dependent on time

Binary classification of sensor data

My problem is the following: I need to classify a data stream coming from an sensor. I have managed to get a baseline using the
median of a window and I subtract the values from that baseline (I want to avoid negative peaks, so I only use the absolute value of the difference).
Now I need to distinguish an event (= something triggered the sensor) from the noise near the baseline:
The problem is that I don't know which method to use.
There are several approaches of which I thought of:
sum up the values in a window, if the sum is above a threshold the class should be EVENT ('Integrate and dump')
sum up the differences of the values in a window and get the mean value (which gives something like the first derivative), if the value is positive and above a threshold set class EVENT, set class NO-EVENT otherwise
combination of both
(unfortunately these approaches have the drawback that I need to guess the threshold values and set the window size)
using SVM that learns from manually classified data (but I don't know how to set up this algorithm properly: which features should I look at, like median/mean of a window?, integral?, first derivative?...)
What would you suggest? Are there better/simpler methods to get this task done?
I know there exist a lot of sophisticated algorithms but I'm confused about what could be the best way - please have a litte patience with a newbie who has no machine learning/DSP background :)
Thank you a lot and best regards.
The key to evaluating your heuristic is to develop a model of the behaviour of the system.
For example, what is the model of the physical process you are monitoring? Do you expect your samples, for example, to be correlated in time?
What is the model for the sensor output? Can it be modelled as, for example, a discretized linear function of the voltage? Is there a noise component? Is the magnitude of the noise known or unknown but constant?
Once you've listed your knowledge of the system that you're monitoring, you can then use that to evaluate and decide upon a good classification system. You may then also get an estimate of its accuracy, which is useful for consumers of the output of your classifier.
Given the more detailed description, I'd suggest trying some simple models of behaviour that can be tackled using classical techniques before moving to a generic supervised learning heuristic.
For example, suppose:
The baseline, event threshold and noise magnitude are all known a priori.
The underlying process can be modelled as a Markov chain: it has two states (off and on) and the transition times between them are exponentially distributed.
You could then use a hidden Markov Model approach to determine the most likely underlying state at any given time. Even when the noise parameters and thresholds are unknown, you can use the HMM forward-backward training method to train the parameters (e.g. mean, variance of a Gaussian) associated with the output for each state.
If you know even more about the events, you can get by with simpler approaches: for example, if you knew that the event signal always reached a level above the baseline + noise, and that events were always separated in time by an interval larger than the width of the event itself, you could just do a simple threshold test.
The classic intro to HMMs is Rabiner's tutorial (a copy can be found here). Relevant also are these errata.
from your description a correctly parameterized moving average might be sufficient
Try to understand the Sensor and its output. Make a model and do a Simulator that provides mock-data that covers expected data with noise and all that stuff
Get lots of real sensor data recorded
visualize the data and verify your assuptions and model
annotate your sensor data i. e. generate ground truth (your simulator shall do that for the mock data)
from what you learned till now propose one or more algorithms
make a test system that can verify your algorithms against ground truth and do regression against previous runs
implement your proposed algorithms and run them against ground truth
try to understand the false positives and false negatives from the recorded data (and try to adapt your simulator to reproduce them)
adapt your algotithm(s)
some other tips
you may implement hysteresis on thresholds to avoid bouncing
you may implement delays to avoid bouncing
beware of delays if implementing debouncers or low pass filters
you may implement multiple algorithms and voting
for testing relative improvements you may do regression tests on large amounts data not annotated. then you check the flipping detections only to find performance increase/decrease

Automatic probability densities

I have found automatic differentiation to be extremely useful when writing mathematical software. I now have to work with random variables and functions of the random variables, and it seems to me that an approach similar to automatic differentiation could be used for this, too.
The idea is to start with a basic random vector with given multivariate distribution and then you want to work with the implied probability distributions of functions of components of the random vector. The idea is to define operators that automatically combine two probability distributions appropriately when you add, multiply, divide two random variables and transform the distribution appropriately when you apply scalar functions such as exponentiation. You could then combine these to build any function you need of the original random variables and automatically have the corresponding probability distribution available.
Does this sound feasible? If not, why not? If so and since it's not a particularly original thought, could someone point me to an existing implementation, preferably in C
There has been a lot of work on probabilistic programming. One issue is that as your distribution gets more complicated you start needing more complex techniques to sample from it.
There are a number of ways this is done. Probabilistic graphical models gives one vocabulary for expressing these models, and you can then sample from them using various Metropolis-Hastings-style methods. Here is a crash course.
Another model is Probabilistic Programming, which can be done through an embedded domain specific language, directly. Oleg Kiselyov's HANSEI is an example of this approach. Once they have the program they can inspect the tree of decisions and expand them out by a form of importance sampling to gain the most information possible at each step.
You may also want to read "Nonstandard Interpretations of Probabilistic
Programs for Efficient Inference" by Wingate et al. which describes one way to use extra information about the derivative of your distribution to accelerate Metropolis-Hastings-style sampling techniques. I personally use automatic differentiation to calculate those derivatives and this brings the topic back to automatic-differentiation. ;)
