Github Actions CI never find my spec files - cypress

error be like:
Can't run because no spec files were found.
We searched for specs inside of this folder:
> /__w/Cypress-test/Cypress-test/cypress/integration/3-GA/*
error infomation
And my spec file path in github :
path in github


Maven tests run locally but fail in github action

I'm trying to run the basic maven java action listed here on my repo here:
The mvn -B package --file pom.xml cmd runs correctly in my local repo, but the tests fails in the github action with the following error (full log here):
Exception: Cannot load dictionary at rita_dict.js /home/runner/work/rita2/rita2
So its clear that the dictionary resource is not being found when run via the github action. But why would the file (src/main/java/rita_dict.js) be found by maven locally, but not when run in the action ?
Switched to specifying the resource in /src/main/resources as suggested by P3trur0 (not sure why it wasn't working when specified as a resource in maven) after which builds work as expected

GitHub Pages failed to build your site: File to import not found or unreadable: variables

I am trying to build a simple blog with Github Pages and I have tested my changes locally with jekyll serve bundler. The problem is when I push my changes to GitHub, I see the following error:
Your SCSS file blog/styles.scss has an error on line 15: File to import not found or unreadable: variables. Load path: /hoosegow/.bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.5.4/_sass.
I looked at _sass/_variables.scss file and I don't see any obvious issues.
Any pointers? Appreciate any help (FYI - I new to ruby and jekyll ecosystem)
I was able to find the cause of this issue. The problem was that all my blog files were under the blog/ directory in the repository and GitHub Pages does not use that as the source to publish the blog. It expects the source to be at the root of the repository. Once I moved all the files to the root of the repository, everything worked fine.

How to use modules replace functionality in cloud functions

I have a google cloud function that is a subdirectory in a repository. It uses the "Directory with source code" option in the settings menu. I keep getting this error on deploy:
Deployment failure:
Build failed: go: parsing /utils/pubsub/go.mod: open /utils/pubsub/go.mod: no such file or directory
go: error loading module requirements
I'm assuming that GCF does not upload the entire directory to the instance, but instead only the folder? This breaks the replace functionality of Go modules. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Link to the repo:
I work at Google and on this product.
Only the directory where you run gcloud is uploaded. There is no staging step beyond zipping the current directory and uploading it.
Notably, modules are preferred by the builder over vendor. If there is a go.mod, modules will be used. When you upload your function, it only includes the directory with your function at the root, not any directories one level up. So, when there is a go.mod and you have a replace directive pointing one level up, it will not work.
The solution for now with this layout is to vendor and not upload the go.mod/go.sum files. When using gcloud, you can create a .gcloudignore file to do this for you. See for more detail. Alternatively, modify your project to include any necessary helper packages in subdirectories.
I had the same issue today.
When reading thru the documentation for the 8th time i came across a warning box bellow the "Vendor directory" headline.
Warning: If your project has both a go.mod file and a vendor directory
at the root of your project, the vendor directory will be ignored
during deployment. You must use a .gcloudignore file to ignore the
go.mod file in order to ensure that your vendor directory is used
during deployment.
So basically once i added a .gcloudignore file with go.mod (will add go.sum as well) everything worked. So i guess if you have a go.mod file the cloud function will try to fetch dependencies instead of using the ones uploaded in the vendor folder.
I'm just guessing here tough.

Error: Property "" was not specified Sonarqube

I'm configuring my sonarqube to run on my project, following the instructions given to run from the cloud I have my file like this:
sonar.exclusions=node_modules, migrations, models_old, seeders, .gitignore
I downloaded sonarqube CLI, copied the bin file to %path% on windows but for some reason, after running the test, I get the following error:
Property "" was not specified
As you can see, my project is in javascript(nodejs specifically) and not C++, and even then, for some reason it's scanning my node_modules folder while I explicitly state in my properties file to exclude scanning there.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Here is the command I run:
sonar-scanner.bat -Dsonar.projectKey=yisera_aaswtest -Dsonar.organization=yisera-bitbucket -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.login=cc10c0f538a6b50c876c2c53ed479eadd3e60988

Rspec: Allure command line tool

After installing allure-rspec gem and adding require 'allure-rspec' in spec_helper.rb file. I am able to generate results in .xml format.
Now I want to convert this .xml to actual html report for this tutorial navigates us to here
I don't understand how this would help in generating html reports.
I am using this line to generate .xml in results directory
bundle exec rspec spec/create_post/post_creation_spec.rb
From that github link clone(download zip) the allure-ci repo in your local machine.
Then go to project and create a directory a root level directory-with-results
copy the .xml you have in this directory.
Open terminal at root directory of this maven project
And run these commands one by one
allure generate directory-with-results
allure report open
if JAVA_HOME maven_home is configured properly,you will see the report generated in your default browser.
