const mounted = useRef(false)
is used in my functional component to check if the component is mounted or not. Here is the detail:
export default MyCom = () => {
const mounted = useRef(false)
useEffect(() => { //for one useEffect,
mounted.current = true;
//do something about states update
return () => mounted.current = false;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {. //here is 2nd useEffect which loads when [state1,state2] changes
mounted.current = true: //do the same thing about mounted here???
//do states update
return () => mounted.current = false; //clean up before return???
}, [state1, state2])
If there are multiple useEffect in the component, shall mounted.current=true be placed in every useEffect after the first one?
I have a simple issue where a state value updates in my code but is not using the new value. Any ideas what I can do to adjust this?
const [max, setMax] = useState<number>(10);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('max', max); //This outputs correct updated value.
ws.onmessage = (message: string => {
console.log('max', max); //This is always 10.
if (max > 100) {
function onChange() {
<Select onChange={onChange}></Select> //this is abbrev for simplicity
Your useEffect is running only once, on the initial render, using the values from initial render, so max variable is closure captured and not updated in any way. But the solution will be pretty simple, using useRef and one more useEffect to update the ref variable when max variable updates.
const maxRef = useRef(10); // same value
const [max, setMax] = useState(10);
// Only used to update ref variable
useEffect(() => {
maxRef.current = max;
}, [max]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("max", maxRef.current);
ws.onmessage = (message) => {
console.log("max", maxRef.current);
if (maxRef.current > 100) {
}, []);
As we all know that we need to make a subscription in useeffect and unsubscribe it when the component will unmount. But this kind of code will be triggered once the component is mounted. I'm now want to trigger the subscription after a specific action.Look at the code below.
const [timing, setTiming] = useState<number>(60)
const interval$ = interval(1000)
useEffect(() => {
const sendCodeOnceSubmit = async (phone: number) => {
const res = await sendCode(phone)
if (res.code !== 200) {
} else {
interval$.pipe(take(60)).subscribe(() => setTiming(timing - 1))
I have a form in the dom,and once I click submit,the sendCodeOnceSubmit function will be triggered which will then send a request through sendCode function to the server. Once the server return a success code, I want to make a countdown with rxjs, but how can I unsubscribe it cause the normal way to do it is to subscribe a observable in useeffect. Thanks for anyone who can help.
Just wrap interval$ with useState and write a useEffect for it.
// Moved const out of component.
const defaultTiming = 60;
/* ... */
export default function App() {
const [timing, setTiming] = useState<number>(defaultTiming);
const [interval$, setInterval$] = useState<Observable<number> | undefined>();
useEffect(() => {
if (!interval$) return;
const subscription = interval$.pipe(take(defaultTiming)).subscribe(() => {
setTiming((prev) => prev - 1);
return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
}, [interval$]);
const sendCodeOnceSubmit = async (phone: number) => {
const res = await sendCode(phone);
if (res.code !== 200) {
// message.error(`${res.message}`);
} else {
return (
<div className="App">
<button type="button" onClick={() => sendCodeOnceSubmit(123)}>
My reducer removeMovie is not working. Every time I get all initial data from state without one element. I need to update state on every call.
import { createSlice } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import movies from '../../services/movies.json';
export const movieSlice = createSlice({
name: 'movie',
initialState: movies,
reducers: {
addMovie: (state, action) => {
removeMovie: (state, action) => {
state = state.filter(movie => movie.title !== action.payload);
// Action creators are generated for each case reducer function
export const { addMovie, removeMovie } = movieSlice.actions;
export default movieSlice.reducer;
What you are doing in removeMovie reducer is not tracked by Immer library. With this line state = state.filter(movie => movie.title !== action.payload); you are assigning local state variable, and that is not actually change of state. You can try this:
removeMovie: (state, action) => {
const newState = state.filter(movie => movie.title !== action.payload);
return newState;
You can find more about this on the following link: immer usage patterns
My react app uses a redux connected component to render data from backend for a project page, so I called a GET dispatch inside a React Hook useEffect to make sure data is always rendered when the project page first open, and whenever there is a change in state project, the component will be updated accordingly using connect redux function. However, the component doesn't update after I reduce the new state using a DELETE API request, only if I dispatch another GET request then the state will be updated. So I have to call 2 dispatches, one for DELETE and one for GET to get the page updated synchronously (as you can see in handleDeleteUpdate function), and the same thing happened when I dispatch a POST request to add an update (in handleProjectUpdate). Only when I reload the page, the newly changed data will show up otherwise it doesn't happen synchronously, anyone knows what's wrong with the state update in my code? and how can I fix this so the page can be loaded faster with only one request?
I've changed the reducer to make sure the state is not mutated and is updated correctly.
I have also tried using async function in handleDeleteUpdate to make sure the action dispatch is finished
I have tried
to print out the updates list after calling props.deleteUpdate but it seems the updates list in the state have never been changed, but when I reload the page, the new updates list is shown up
Here is the code I have for the main connected redux component, actions, and reducers file for the component
function Project(props) {
let options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}
const {projectID} = useParams();
const history = useHistory();
console.log( : null);
// const [updates, setUpdates] = useState( : null)
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// Add an update to project is handled here
const handleProjectUpdate = async (updateInfo) => {
await props.postProjectUpdate(projectID, updateInfo)
await props.getProject(projectID);
const handleDeleteUpdate = async (updateID) => {
await props.deleteUpdate(projectID, updateID);
await props.getProject(projectID);
return (
<Navbar selected='projects'/>
<div className = "project-info-layout">
updates = {}
handleProjectUpdate = {handleProjectUpdate}
handleDeleteUpdate = {handleDeleteUpdate}
options = {options}
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
project: state.project.project,
export default connect(
{getProject, postProjectUpdate, deleteUpdate}
import axios from 'axios';
let token = localStorage.getItem("token");
const config = {
headers: {
Authorization: `Token ${token}`,
export const getProject = (slug) => dispatch => {
axios.get(`${backend}/api/projects/` + slug, config)
res => {
).catch(err => console.log(err));
export const postProjectUpdate = (slug, updateData) => dispatch => {`${backend}/api/projects/`+slug+ `/updates`,updateData, config)
res => {
).catch(err => console.log(err));
export const deleteUpdate = (slug, updateID) => dispatch => {
axios.delete(`${backend}/api/projects/`+ slug + `/updates/`+ updateID, config)
res => {
payload: updateID,
).catch(err => console.log(err));
const initialState = {
project: {},
export default function ProjectReducer(state = initialState, action) {
const { type, payload } = action;
switch (type) {
return {
...state, // return all initial state
project: payload
return {
project: {
updates: [,]
let newUpdatesArray = [...state.project.updates]
newUpdatesArray.filter(update => update.uuid !== payload)
return {
project: {
members: newUpdatesArray
return state;
updateCard in the Project component is showing a list of all updates
My countdown timer won’t stop after 0 and it went to negative even after I clear the interval. I seem not able to see where it went wrong.
Also after the timer goes to 0, I want the page automatically go to the next page without giving specific route, so I’m thinking using useHistory and goForward() but don’t know where I add the hook in this function. Can I return clearInterval and history.goForward() both?
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
const Timer = () => {
const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(10);
const history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(
() => setSeconds((prevTimer) => prevTimer - 1),
if (seconds === 0) {
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
return <div className="countdown">{seconds}</div>;
export default Timer;
Your useEffect function is only called once on first render and never again. So you don't actually clear the interval. clearInterval needs to sit outside of that function so that it can be called when the seconds reach zero. I would write your code like so:
export default function App() {
const [seconds, setSeconds] = React.useState(10);
const interval = React.useRef();
React.useEffect(() => {
interval.current = setInterval(
() => setSeconds((prevTimer) => prevTimer - 1),
}, []);
if (seconds === 0) {
return <div className="countdown">{seconds}</div>;
useRef is like a “box” that can hold a mutable value in its .current property.
So here you assign the interval to it and can clear it any time you want.
when you set timer inside useEffect it's not aware of changes. I have updated your code. codepen
export default function App() {
let [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(15),
[timer, setTimer] = useState(null); // IN YOU NEED TO STOP TIMER
useEffect(() => {
if (seconds > 0) updateSeconds();
else {
// go to next page
// set timer
// setSeconds(15);
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, [seconds]);
/* Timer Logic */
function updateSeconds() {
let timeOut = setTimeout(() => {
setSeconds(seconds - 1);
}, 1000);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello Timer</h1>